Wavesy Gets Good

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@trevorphillips2250 - 19.09.2022 22:12

When inside the chopper is rigged to fly around in a circle of 450 yards :( and maybe could fly above you so all zombies will come in

@Leopard-tx5wj - 30.01.2024 17:14

It's flying over my safehouse right now, I knew it was bad because it would attract them but I didn't think it deliberately did this

@wongplayz9055 - 28.01.2024 15:30

It happend to me on day 14 of the 7th month which i think is the 5th day

@kingofcash20 - 26.01.2024 08:35

Thanks for making this one, I was confused on what the helicopter would even do

@loganvillamor2202 - 18.01.2024 10:26

i havent play without the deaf trait since the my first couple runs and i had no idea this existed holy shit

@icecoldfrosty3492 - 15.01.2024 03:14

literally used to just get into my car and drive to the massive gunstore nearest to Rosewood, works everytime.

@allahakbar1251 - 05.01.2024 04:50

I prefer to get shotgun and 200-300 shells

@danielwilman3615 - 26.12.2023 20:18

I was in my base on the 2th floor in Rosewood when the helicopter event happened. I turn off TV and lights and barricade myself in bedroom and guess what? He after all hang over my house and lure the horde. I hear the breaking glass downstairs but they didn't go to 2th floor. I didn't have the sledgehammer by the way because it was my 6 day and I play only couple of hours. So I wait and wait, wait and finally I decided to try my luck and run outside and I died.
PS: I did not have the escape ropes because I didn't know that you had to open the window to put them on xD And my biggest mistake was keeping all the food downstairs so I can't wait forever for zombies to spread out.

@zoltanhanzel9661 - 20.12.2023 00:08

the helicopter event is currently happening to me for the first time and i did not expect it cause i was busy getting my base cleaned from taking it over. i do have food and a pot of fresh water so i hope i survive.

@JV-un7qw - 14.12.2023 21:15

I am in warehouse... choper is so annoing...

@psusac - 14.12.2023 03:48

I found that If I go into a windowless room and just wait, it will generally pass.

@mahuba2553 - 10.11.2023 22:04

actually in my first time playing i survived without any issue, i ran towards a forest and tried to lose it, it just made sense to me, its hard to spot someone running through a forest, and besides it seemed to also get rid of any zombie that would have seen me, i actually died because i had no water with me when i did it becaues i left it all at the base i was staying at, which lead me into trying to find the closest place where there could be water, i think i went to the lumber yard, dont know if there is more than one, went there and entered a small checkpoint thingy and there was a sneaky zombie inside that bit me right as i opened the door. is quite hilarious considering i survived the hardest part but died the dumbest way lmao

@SCP--ki9sc - 04.11.2023 18:13

Bro this is my first actual playthrough (meaning without cheats etc.) and as I was building barricades around my base (the fire station) I suddenly heard the helicopter. I knew that this was an dangerous event, but I didn’t know what to do, so I panicked and just barricaded myself in a room until I couldn’t hear it anymore. Istg it was so scary

@ABlueThing - 28.10.2023 16:34

"Oh crap helicopter, get the car we're leaving"
My friend who just crashed the car:"lol no"

@Prynix64 - 23.10.2023 19:35

i was really lucky.. i was in a neighborhood but i was in a house with all windows covered up with sheets and when i heard the helicopter i just went to sleep because i was already tired

(this is my first time playing, i bought the game 2 days ago)

@mikkelnpetersen - 22.10.2023 11:45

"Lets look for survivors"
"Hey found one, lets hover over them"
"Strange, all the zombies are gathering under us, oh well, i'm sure it won't affect the survivor we're hovering over"
"Yeah, they'll be fine"

@MightyT-je9df - 18.09.2023 00:45

currently on a playthrough day 10 on survivor difficulty either the helicopter happened while i was doing my reading in my fortified shelter or i was doing my excessive workout routine for hours i only just now noticed

@TowMater603 - 15.09.2023 12:56

i play with frequent Chopper events to keep the game interesting.
I am the fighter , and i tend to seek and destroy Zombies. so for me , it's not the big of a deal. in my 800 hours played , i fear nothing really.
except runners...screw those ninja-zeds !

@uglyclownface9216 - 08.09.2023 17:10

I live on a farm , I could sit blasting the horn and turn on 3 cars with sirens at different points of the farm and I still would be untouched , I have a well a lot of food and a big smile :)

@Doctor_Ks - 02.09.2023 17:09

im so used to memed sun tzu quotes that its weird to see the real ones

@philiphockenbury6563 - 18.08.2023 07:58

I like to play with a lot of bonuses and things to make the game easier because I don’t have the time to dedicate to real hard runs. I will still however have the helicopter event happening multiple times because getting maximum stats with funny multipliers makes killing lots of fun.

@the_og_hox - 17.08.2023 00:53

ah, i see Techno teached you well, brother... 07

@CAARMENai - 06.08.2023 08:56

the helicopter event just started and im oustide, in the open, already surrounded by zombies then i hear the fricking helicopter sound. i have no car and there is a horde between me and my base. + just to add im not very experiensed or good in the game. im officially fucked :(

@deathflow9667 - 29.07.2023 15:23

hahhaha in my playthrough i made the helicopter event to often cuz i was thinking that the helicopter would give me resources
and im still alive

@denisslapurinsunholy9981 - 24.07.2023 17:07

What I love to do is just sit on 2nd floor of some house and read books, journals and just casually move around 2nd floor doing chores xD.

@quirinoguy8665 - 22.07.2023 07:15

Meanwhile Helicopter event happened while me and my friends were raiding the prison, it was not a good time, but we did kill a lot and survived, somehow.

@theacidnutria8874 - 17.07.2023 02:16

i just started playing, currently paused in a court house in rosewood on DAY 5 locked in a supply closet hearing the helicopter

@LawlessNate - 13.07.2023 07:19

I've never died to the helicopter event, and the very first time I went through it I went in completely blind not knowing what it was. I was inside, heard a helicopter, and I ran outside to try and find it. I didn't connect the dots between the swarm of zombies and the helicopter, but I ditched the hoard regardless.

@mr.badluck354 - 10.07.2023 16:23

I still remember one time the chopper came while I was in the parking lot outside the mall in Valley Station. It was like you disturbed a hornet nest.
I ran early so the main horde didn't spot me. I managed to escaped to the house nearby and hide in 2nd floor. After clearing a few stragglers I was safe.
When the heli event ended I waited for 20 minutes for the horde to clear but no. The zombies were still marching in one direction like a river.
That was the most terrifying moment in my gameplay.

@davidelin7680 - 10.07.2023 12:44

A good tip is hiding inside a big structure like an already cleared school, zombies yes will come inside but they will walk aimlessly inside the school while you can hide inside a classroom, this is how i dealt with it once

@tricipital - 09.07.2023 13:12

Good video!

@Drie_Kleuren - 09.07.2023 02:38

I was chilling in my fire station base in roswood, reading the damn skillbooks with slow reader, eating my canned beans and the helicopter came. I didnt notice it right away so I jumped in my car and drove off. I only drove a little to fast and hordes were all coming towards the station. I was gone for like 3 ingame days because I just went on a big supply run. I came back and every zombie in town was at or near the firestation😂😂😂 it took me 1 day honking my car and driving circles and not trying to crash to lure away around 200 zombies. I lured them away near the prison and drove back. I killed the last few and now the town is pretty clear. Only downside was that the zombies broke some door and one of the garage doors, it sucks becaus you cant repair it. So now I just have a wooden wall and some doors are replaced with wooden doors. It sucks but at least I had a car ready and I was somewhat prepared hahaha

@Taskinrules - 06.07.2023 03:59

got the game in the summer sale. I sat out the helicopter event and cleared out the zomboids it brought close to my home and i decided to sit down on the sidewalk since my character was tired and there werent any zomboids nearby. Well there was one and he snuck up behind me and got my man a neck laceration, thankfully i had bandages.

@henriqueandrulis9859 - 05.07.2023 22:36

-sun tzu

@idgaf9636 - 24.06.2023 07:06

the helicopter event is already easy, just sit on your ass

@dexterweathernews6304 - 18.06.2023 12:15

Im terified, i have my game paused i just heard the helicopter, its my first playthrough but im in the rosewood fore sation

@S4LTY55 - 15.06.2023 20:10

When it happened for the first time me and my friend were just exploring down a road, but we ended up getting excessive exertion and died anyways, im just glad we weren't at base

@YourLocalJackFromDoors - 15.06.2023 15:04

I thought the helicopter helps you not kill ;-;

@mushroomsrcool1449 - 14.06.2023 18:35

I just experienced the heli event for the first time about 30 mins ago. I'm not dead, probably because I cleared most of the zombies in my area looking for food and supplies to keep my house windows hidden.

@lil_jim905 - 14.06.2023 03:54

I just went to the bedroom and put a metal file cabinet on the door till they left

@captainsupermaket8003 - 07.06.2023 23:11

I usually have a car by day 2 so I just drive around town for a while drawing all the zombies to one spot so I can clear out the town the helicopter even can really help you clear a town

@idiot-yw5oq - 07.06.2023 05:18

i've never really died to the helicopter even when I first experienced it, thats because i go around blaring ambulance alarms all over town then setting the horde that is behind me on fire, at most theres maybe a dozen or 2 zombies that come to my base when it happens but i can easily clear them with a crowbar

@Darkklng - 04.06.2023 04:09

i never died because of the chopper, but maybe because the first thing i do is always search a car i can use

@totallynoteverything1. - 31.05.2023 02:38

I slept through the helicopter event after stealthily going into a house the moment I heard it, I was on low zombie count though, but I had a hunch that it's going to attract a "normal" sized horde, so I slept it off, and hunkered down for another day to make sure that the news crew doesn't find me.

@akusen9 - 30.05.2023 21:45

build a stairway to the helicopter and tell them to go eat dookie paste

@DonNick. - 29.05.2023 18:44

yeeaaa so here I am, found place after 2 hours where I want to settle down, starts slowly clearing zombies in that area, annddd out of nowhere this dip shit comes around... So my game is paused and I'm out here seeking help :D

@somegenericscpnu-7soldier270 - 09.05.2023 18:55

Personally I feel like it is a news team possibly broadcasting to millions so I like to go outside for three reasons. 1. In case they see me in my base I don’t want a horde swarming my base from all sides. 2. “And those who tasted the bite of his [local PD weaponry] called him… The Doomslayer.” 3. Roleplay. Imagine watching the news and just seeing streets full of corpses, then suddenly the camera jerks over to a convenience store door, showing two blood-covered people, one a walking corpse, the other a survivor. The survivor smashes the head of the zombie, then looks into the camera. A ray of hope for humanity. A reminder that some are immune. A reminder that, if you are smart, you can survive.
