Wordpress or Laravel. When should you be using each?

Wordpress or Laravel. When should you be using each?

Lionel The Tech Lead

2 года назад

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@Polyfable - 21.09.2023 09:11

100% Agreed. I have just about finished my custom WordPress site. Fully custom PHP, HTML plugins... you name it. I did this because I started off not knowing much about web development. But now coming out of the end of it. I feel comfortable using NodeJS frameworks - FrontEnd Frame works and - As is mentioned here Laravel. I think for my next project - if it was more than a simple blog (As this was - An LMS ) I would 100% recommend going with Laravel or some other Framework (Like Nest.js) if you have the budget or skills.

If not - I do think wordpress still has a place for being a resource rich ecosystem to get up and started. Wordpress isn't bad. Not by a long shot. But it does things in a very "Wordpress" way sometimes. And for some problems it is like banging a nail with a wrench. It will work. But might not be the best.

Thanks for a great video.

@JanataComputer - 16.09.2023 09:50

Thank you

@galleon8129 - 12.08.2023 03:22

I think it’s better to build a custom WordPress from scratch if you want more flexibility and it’s supported so you don’t have to worry too much about updates and upgrades

@galleon8129 - 12.08.2023 03:20

But why don’t AWS & Azure support Laravel but WordPress?

@joecater894 - 03.07.2023 15:09

this is important question. right tools for the right job

@chuckallen8378 - 13.03.2023 05:11

Laravel is a PHP framework. So is Wordpress. Why load up custom frameworks/more code to do what you can already do in WP? WP has all the Database methods you need, all the override functionality you need in child themes, all the hooks/filters, etc. The only time you really have to write any code to make a custom utility function or something is for something custom like an addition to a child theme or custom plugin. So, the question is, why would I load a framework on top of an already developed framework? With performance in mind, of course.

@wpcoder783 - 13.09.2022 19:14

Sorry dude but I think you don't understand how WordPress core works.

@wpcoder783 - 13.09.2022 19:11

I understand how Laravel works. But I prefer WordPress because it saves a lot of time. WordPress is also a framework not just a CMS.
By the way I'm a WordPress Developer.

@jfordgaming9615 - 12.08.2022 12:50

as a wordpress and laravel developer, base on my experience wordpress for website laravel for webapp, that's it.

@MrSirmay1 - 27.07.2022 08:43

Hi Lionel, I know what I am asking has nothing to do with WordPress but in some way it does. On the news today it was mentioned that Shopify will fire or has fired 10% of their staff. Do you have an opinion on the possibility on this event effecting the WordPress environment and PHP? Just a curiosity and concern since I just started learning PHP and WordPress for freelancing.

@juanpina7083 - 17.01.2022 21:29

5000usd for a full wordpress ? como crees!

@ddmozz - 22.12.2021 08:34

Great breakdown man. I love your videos. I agree with all of your points, WordPress is great for an MVP, but if it's hard to "fit" your business logic and there are no plugins for it, it's time to go custom.

@alexlytle089 - 20.12.2021 06:08

Your dead wrong. I use WordPress for my job and you can code super custom solutions just like Laravel. Laravel is a little easier to code in some ways. Both can achieve the same results.

@vodacbao - 27.11.2021 14:45

@firejelly - 02.10.2021 04:49

One way WordPress does help is for people who can't afford custom and don't know a lot of programming. You can learn some hooks, some basic PHP, dig through online forums, and hack together a pretty powerful web app with a CMS that is way more secure and functional than if you tried to do the same with a framework. It might not be streamlined, but if you take the time to do it the best you can and optimize and debug it, it's pretty wild what you can achieve. The one caveat being, not everyone can grasp the programming, but those same people would have no chance dealing with a framework IMO.

As you said, you can't get rid of the bloat though, but that's the tradeoff. You can remove some of it with functions and hooks at least, and by using caching, proper enqueueing and preloading, and responsive images, you can still have a pretty fast website if you aren't being bogged down by tons of users.

My favorite thing was stopping the WordPress heartbeat :P

@deniss.3661 - 14.08.2021 16:38

Hi, what email can I send you a business offer?

@kestonsmith1354 - 14.08.2021 03:23

I suggest persons learn PHP first before they go to Laravel

@RyanHuang - 13.08.2021 21:06

@Lionel - Awesome content as usual! Having a bunch of Wordpress websites, even without customizing the code base, a huge issue I ran into was when certain plug-ins require one version of PHP (eg. OxygenBuilder breaks in PHP 8) and another plugin requires another. What ended up happening was the website just broke since I needed both plugins.

@tchaggbruin3805 - 13.08.2021 19:47

surprised you didn't mention you could use both - wp for frontend cms with laravel backend and db, there are such hybrids and basically - the more data heavy site the more wp will f* up on you as it gets slower and slower. But you wouldnt imagine how far people can go with wp customization. Besides, if you follow the plugin and widgets writing methodology it works just fine.

@virgiliustancu9293 - 13.08.2021 15:39

If you want a free CMS I think Joomla is better and easier to customize.

@mrswolls - 13.08.2021 11:34

Sorry this might be a dumb question but do you have to pay to use WordPress since it isn't your own code?

@ShambhuKumar-hh2ht - 13.08.2021 11:12

Are you promoting only Laravel, please check Symfony ecosystem
