VCLT from Hanna @ The Omaha Introvert

VCLT from Hanna @ The Omaha Introvert

Eight Vinyl Low

4 года назад

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@TheDigitalGramophone - 25.05.2020 03:53

Hi Emma. Imperial Bedroom is a classic EC album. Super sophisticated pop rock. Very cool Fifth Dimension giftage, and perfect connection with Eight Miles High. Very cool of Hanna! ✌🏻

@elvisfan6475 - 25.05.2020 03:53

Hi Emma. When someone sends you records its so awesome to watch your face with so much excitement. Your eyes never leave the camera. I always thought that was so cool.

@brotherbrian5625 - 25.05.2020 04:11

good lord..

@tainted_lord87 - 25.05.2020 04:18

Awesome VCLT package from Hanna, Emma!

@spinsandneedles35 - 25.05.2020 04:27

Dang that is one amazing VCLT!! LOVE Elvis Costello and that album is full of bangers!! Classic birds album, love it all!!

@michaelpdawson - 25.05.2020 04:28

Hi Emma--That Eric Clapton item is actually a playable record--a flexidisc. Great LPs--that Elvis Costello was something I played constantly in the summer of 1982. Great package from Hanna!

@davidellis5141 - 25.05.2020 04:50

Hi Emma , That is a great Elvis Costello album. Check out Roxy Music covering " 8 Miles High " on their excellent " Flesh & Blood " LP. My favorite Elvis LP is " This Years Model " Happy Memorial Day !

@cristianosorio2517 - 25.05.2020 05:20

awesome vclt from Hanna, i'm sure you will enjoy them very nuch. cheers and take care

@MikeGuitarPlayer07 - 25.05.2020 05:23

I think that Clapton Christmas is a playable flexi disc! The Byrds...nice! Very nice VCLT!! All the best!

@HighnoonsVinyl - 25.05.2020 05:39

Once again Hanna delivers the goods! She has such a kind heart and is such a wonderful person, so awesome of her to send you two awesome albums! Enjoy those Emma, but I know you will!!! High 5 🤚

@BriansVinylRecords - 25.05.2020 05:45

Awesome VCLT from Hanna. I'm just learning about Elvis Costello myself, but the Byrds are one of my Dad's favorites. Rock on!

@TheVinylverse - 25.05.2020 06:02

Awesome gifts from Hanna! Funny about the Flexidisc! Enjoy giving those a spin!

@TheRecordSpinner - 25.05.2020 06:08

Hey Emma! Awesome album to receive from Hanna! I know MoFi has done several Costello titles and I really want to check them out, my dad is a huge fan is his and has a bunch of CDs so it’s just a matter of time before they find their way in my car stereo until they are engrained in me. Byrds are also amazingly cool as well. Enjoy your new finds Emma! Stay safe!

@yourvicarofvinylvov2013 - 25.05.2020 06:39

Nice! Imperial Bedroom has found a home! I sent Hanna a package a little while ago and Imperial Bedroom was one of them. I had a feeling she may have already owned it but I wasn't 100% sure. Turns out she had 2 copies already. Anyway I'm super glad it has ended up in your hands cause I know you've turned into a Costello fan. I gotta hunt down a copy of that Byrds record myself. Well done by Hanna! Enjoy Emma!

@twofromthetrunk9932 - 25.05.2020 06:41

That’s some awesome vclt. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

@happyhippythevinylguy - 25.05.2020 07:00

Really cool how you got your channel name! Great VCLT!!! stay safe

@haroldsmith1213 - 25.05.2020 07:29

the byrds 5D is a stunning album with the really great gene clark doing vocals, very kind of her to send it.Bytds went on to do nice work but when gene was with them you couldnt touch them.check out genes solo work his first with the gosdin brothers and the record simply titled Gene Clark, stay safe,enjoy your weekend

@vinylrichie007 - 25.05.2020 07:52

I stil think you should change the channel name to Eight Vinyls Low.

@robwalkerletthemusicplay - 25.05.2020 08:18

Hi Emma. Very generous of hanna .. . I’m a elvis fan but that album takes a few plays to get into .. man out of time is a classic though .. nice byrds album .. thanks for sharing 👍

@mikezags0816 - 25.05.2020 13:56

Awesome stuff!!!!!

@davidchristensen2916 - 25.05.2020 14:21

Great presentation. You are sooo lucky to get eight miles high by the byrds. I have a song in mind that is less than 2 minutes long for your contest, but I only have it on CD. I was wondering if that would count or not ? Please advise...

@BarakaPDub - 25.05.2020 15:44

I didn’t know Cheap Trick followed the Byrds. Nor did I know the story about the song. Very cool gift from Hanna.

@TheOmahaIntrovert - 25.05.2020 18:12

Glad it arrived safely, Emma! Knew you are a Clapton fan and I just had that flexidisc sitting around, so I needed to give that to a good home! I know you’ll dig those 2 classic albums! 🎶🎶✌️

@jeffkempin2784 - 25.05.2020 19:40

Very cool vclt from Hanna! The Byrds is a classic and IB is regarded as one of ECs best. Cool Clapton flexi disk too. Hanna is the best. Enjoy!

@MattHayesVinyl - 25.05.2020 22:07

Very nice VCLT, Emma. Very generous of Hanna and thank you for sharing.

@marichenlc - 26.05.2020 05:16

Really cool VCLT Emma!

@mamabearvinyl - 26.05.2020 14:07

Wonderful VCLT from an amazing lady. Take it easy!

@loughtonfolkclub827 - 26.05.2020 16:36

Hi Emma
What a classic LP to get from Hanna. Fifth Dimension is a must have. Nice Costello LP as well. I think the Clapton thing might be playable. Gary

@jmfloyd23 - 27.05.2020 07:31

I have several Elvis Costello Mofi Lp’s Imperial Bedroom is one of them. I may have the CBS Mastersound pressing as well. Wonder if the Byrds lp is a Columbia 2 eyed pressing? Enjoyed the video
