ChatGPT in Google Sheets: a beginner's guide (101)

ChatGPT in Google Sheets: a beginner's guide (101)

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Dima Batan
Dima Batan - 20.10.2023 14:57

Hi Stan! Thank you for the great tutorials! I have 1 question. Maybe you know why I can't generate a result with more than 150 words using GPT for Sheets? I tried to add word count to my prompt but it doesn't work.

Joseph DeAngelis
Joseph DeAngelis - 16.10.2023 21:12

Hi Stan, are you able to use mailchimp for this instead of mail merge? My business google accounts keeps getting disabled from spam even though I’m sending hyper personalized emails per prospect. Would mailchimp work or would you recommend outlook?

Ari Guinsberg
Ari Guinsberg - 11.10.2023 12:35

I have specifications of multiple products in a table and the header row explaining what the specification is is at the top of the sheet (weight / height / power output) in the rows below that the actial specification is listed (22cm / 40cm / 700w) now i want to make a prompt that will write an ecommerce description for each row that i can drag down. how can i do this in a way where the column headers in the top row will be referenced so that gpt knows what each specification is for?

Kristian Sørbrøden
Kristian Sørbrøden - 02.10.2023 10:15

Is it possible for GPT Sheets to visit websites so you can mass personalize?

billard benjamin
billard benjamin - 18.09.2023 21:09

I get errors when i use it! Do i need chat gpt 4?

Robert Ivanov
Robert Ivanov - 06.09.2023 16:13

Guys I'm trying to just grab information from my excell columens and present it with CHat GPT can someone save me seems like a simple task but I'm struggling so hard to find that functionality and I'm missing something?

S D - 25.08.2023 18:46

bonjour Est-ce que tu veux dire que tu es le développeur de ce module ?
est-ce que ça pourrait me permettre de faire de la description d'image ? je peux dire des images que j'ai mise dans mon Google sheet

en tout cas merci de la vidéo

Vinayak Bhardwaj
Vinayak Bhardwaj - 15.08.2023 02:47

Hi, this is amazing, can you help me figure out how to integrate it better in things like cost sheets and revenue streams to analyze data based on the provided information ??

Diego Sandoval
Diego Sandoval - 06.08.2023 23:59

Hi Stan, thanks a lot! I'd appreciate a video on how this could be used as a matchmaker. I want to sort attendees into compatible tables for a networking event based on their submitted data. Thanks!

Nate G
Nate G - 22.07.2023 03:50

Stan This is pretty sweet but can you provide some examples or functionality with creating charts or analyzing numbers? I have a hotel and I want AI to find day of week trends for Occupancy, Average daily rate, Revenue per available room, etc. Thats What I was really hoping for...numbers. It is sheets after all. :)

AI Driven Designers
AI Driven Designers - 13.07.2023 06:06

You are an absolute legend brother!

Philip Kehela
Philip Kehela - 28.06.2023 13:38

Hi Stan, thats an amazing tool. thanks a lot. one question: I´d like to basically achieve the following: I want to use the sheet to create Content for product descriptions and we have different kind of content pieces listed in the google sheets per row (e.g. Bullet Point 1 / Bullet Point 2 / Care Instructions etc.). per column we then have the respective product we´d like to write content for in each cell of the row. We´d like to prompt GPT to fill in the content for each respective content piece in each row using a general product briefing for the product we want to create content for (this could also be placed in another cell). is it possible to work with the intregation in a way that we could prompt "=GPT("create output based on the content piece described in Column B1 for a product that i´m briefing you in column A1)?

Daniel Dyboski-Bryant
Daniel Dyboski-Bryant - 27.06.2023 17:04

Hi Stan,
Great tool. I have a spreadsheet with data from a Google Form survey. Can I uses this tool to analyse and evaluate the data from that Google Sheet?

Nick Page
Nick Page - 24.06.2023 05:44

I wish I knew about this plugin yesterday! I was using a Shopify plugin to embed our product collections into listicles/blog post, using the HTML div tags it generated. I had to select options and get each html tag per collection 1 by one, to use in a GPT prompt (if that makes sense!) I was using Excel and pasting the raw HTML into it. But I wanted to extract just the collection IDs for reference and alter the formats to experiment with the layours, and to edit and test different embed options etc.
Sighs long story long (sorry), your plugin would have saved me hours of time! Wow it really achieves everything I wished was possible.
This is such a useful plugin it's gonna be a game changer, so thank you for the future countless hours that it is going to save.

Ali Syed
Ali Syed - 18.06.2023 11:35

Hey Stan, thank you this looks really good. I just wanted to ask how I can copy the content from the cell when I just shows a formula.

Law Valerie
Law Valerie - 30.05.2023 06:44

Hi, I do not get the 'value' in my =GPT(prompt, model, temperature, maxTokens, cache) as seen in your demo. Is it because i don have access to chatGPT 4?

Salma Ishaque
Salma Ishaque - 07.05.2023 13:14

Hi Stan, thank you so much for sharing this ,

RudPet - 01.05.2023 07:50


Eleize Silva Ferreira
Eleize Silva Ferreira - 30.04.2023 00:24

Amazing! ❤❤❤ can use to creates posts on Instagram?

Me ak
Me ak - 22.04.2023 14:07

I'm having an issue when I install the GPT? Bad Request. Please help
Error 400

JustMe - 18.04.2023 03:17

❤ Thanks so much for sharing. This is amazing!

Chicago Mike
Chicago Mike - 15.04.2023 12:00

Sorry why do this in sheets, it can be done outside.

keysi nuñez
keysi nuñez - 13.04.2023 07:59

very good explanation, it is incredible what can be done in google sheets.

ti wale
ti wale - 11.04.2023 19:41

Great tool, is there a fix on your side for the "too many exceed maximum errors" on longer content? Not sure if it is coming from OpenAI or your extension, but I do not get that many errors using python doing the same task.

bhanuji naidu
bhanuji naidu - 09.04.2023 15:14

Good job, excellent video. Thanks

Michelle Pizzurro
Michelle Pizzurro - 03.04.2023 01:47

Hello Stan, I am having trouble using the FILL function. I am trying to automate product descriptions on a sheet that has several columns of attributes and tagging information (which is essential for mapping to fields website product detail pages). Questions: How do I select/indicate just certain columns to feed the prompt and what is "temperature"? I would also like to include a tone. Thank you.

Ответить Basketball & Vertical Jump Training Basketball & Vertical Jump Training - 31.03.2023 23:52

How could you have GPT rewrite the existing text in a range of cells?

Ricardo Barbosa
Ricardo Barbosa - 31.03.2023 22:33

I went to use the GPT FILL function, to standardize email or create email from names, but it is limited to only 25 lines, you can do it with more lines like 1000?

Ricardo Barbosa
Ricardo Barbosa - 31.03.2023 15:52

show de bola

Damian Perna
Damian Perna - 30.03.2023 20:23

Hi, how could I import data from a another worksheet.
Thank you

Gandsdiamondsonline - 23.03.2023 20:48

Many thanks very useful!

Sheila Forde
Sheila Forde - 23.03.2023 12:06

Thank you - this is cool!

Southbay Creations
Southbay Creations - 22.03.2023 08:33

Thank you very much! It's absolutely amazing! I do have one question will it work with GPT 4.0? Thank you again I greatly appreciate all your time and effort! Jason.

Bartosz SEO
Bartosz SEO - 21.03.2023 21:18

Hi, i've some problem. When i was trying to generate a new texts for next rows a i received an error "Exceeded maximum execution time (line 0)." Can U help me?

Kyle Hessling
Kyle Hessling - 21.03.2023 00:29

This is really effing cool... Thanks so much for this incredible tool! You've certainly got my Sub and like!

AO 0210
AO 0210 - 17.03.2023 19:32

Por favor que poco ritmo, gracias por la info pero me he dormido dos veces en 17 minutos y eso que lo he puesto a 1.5

Muslum Yildiz
Muslum Yildiz - 17.03.2023 15:12

thanks a bunch

Jun Quintana
Jun Quintana - 17.03.2023 09:13

I just got the GPT for Sheets and Docs. Amazing!! Can't wait to learn more. Thanks for the videos!

101-Business Reviews
101-Business Reviews - 17.03.2023 07:37

Amazing STAN Absolutely Great JOB and thanks for the FREE Plugin 🙏🏼, Will definitely Try it out and let you know. Could you create a more beginers video as to how to use it for day to day tasks in work and home, THANK Once Again 🙏🏼

Robert Lindsley
Robert Lindsley - 16.03.2023 20:56

Thank you for creating this! I'm having an issue however. When I enter the API key I get the error message "ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action." Any help would be much appreciated!

royaconferrx conferrxllc
royaconferrx conferrxllc - 15.03.2023 23:22

Hi Stan thanks for video-My question is can you use GTP for Website Scrapping? or apply it for frontend-backend App?

Yu gi Oh unboxing by barbagiannirossosus
Yu gi Oh unboxing by barbagiannirossosus - 14.03.2023 21:47

Hello. Nice add on. Is it possible to “fine tune” a davinci model?
I need to instruct the model with a preset of language translation

Darrel Lau
Darrel Lau - 14.03.2023 18:58

hello Stan, you are genius!! you do a great job. Stan, can I ask the question on your dirty name from sheet that can this be filled in Column A Surname, B Given name? How to do it? Thanks again.👍

Steve Pirie-Nally
Steve Pirie-Nally - 13.03.2023 21:30

This is incredible thanks, How might we able to use this to fill in LinkedIn links to contacts and add description to contacts?

Tubetech - 13.03.2023 15:09

Can’t wait till the next time I angrily receive flowers.

David Fischer
David Fischer - 12.03.2023 13:42

Great stuff, especially that piece. My question is focused on whether machine learning (-> AI should learn the style of my texts and generate a new text from it) is also possible with ChatGPT/Google Sheets.

After learning the basics, I want to go to the next level. The artificial intelligence should learn from existing texts with the help of machine learning and generate texts in a similar way.

That this works has been proven by the "normal" ChatGPT (she answers: "If you provide me with one or more speeches, I can try to generate a similarly worded speech").

That means in the chat corresponding texts can be fed iteratively (Ex: "I provide you with several speeches, so that you can generate a formulated speech in a similar way. Here is text 1! [Content] (...) Here is text 2 [Content] (...)! Here is text 3! [Content] (...)").

It is theoretically only a technical question to implement this in Google Sheets as well (Task: "Write a speech". Tone: "In terms of style, it should be as similar as possible to [line speech 1] and [line speech 2] in comprehensibility, precision, and eloquence.")

Is this the right approach or do I have a thinking error? Can Google Sheets do this (synchronicity of this command in Sheets vs. the step-by-step approach in ChatGPT.

Thanks a million for your assessment!


Penelope Nuk'em
Penelope Nuk'em - 11.03.2023 02:35

Been playing around with this and with the temperature set to 1 - ChatGPT becomes SassyGPT

eldean0 - 11.03.2023 00:25

would there be anyway to integrate aiprm into your sheets, in a quick way so it set the prompt and tasks as a nice template?

Kilian Schmelmer
Kilian Schmelmer - 10.03.2023 14:59

Hi, can I add a Cell inside the prompt like : "Write 5 Variations of Cell: A1"?
