Not possible without an actual mac. With windows, you're limited to developing for windows phone and android - as far as mobile platforms go.
ОтветитьCheck out live documented proof video How YOU Can Create an iPhone or iPad App or Game in 4 week And Hit Pay Dirt With It In The App Store With No Programming Skills IPHONEENDIPADDEVELOPERS.WEB44.NET
ОтветитьPricing is too high no one wold buy this same with appcelerator
Ответитьthanks man
ОтветитьVery good.. Subscribed
Ответитьi have xamarin on a mac yet i dont see IOS in my solution dropdown. Any suggestions?
Ответитьi have an error "No valid iPhone code signing keys found in keychain" on every programm run, even in official examples.
Ответитьhello i have no experience with c# but i have an existing code that work with windows and i wanna be able to run the app from my mac and ios devices, can i do it without the help of a developer?
ОтветитьThanks a lot
Ответитьhi can you please create an IOS xamarin playlist?