How a Crookes radiometer works

How a Crookes radiometer works

Applied Science

9 лет назад

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@Khwartz - 22.06.2021 20:07

What a Pedagogical Quality Video! Thanks for your Obvious Application to make them, and if we make a Donation to Support You, I will :) 🙏

@thejll - 23.06.2021 16:52

Why does it not rotate at higher pressures? Air friction is near zero at near zero rotation speeds.

@datsmad - 29.07.2021 10:29

Can I ask, why are there Spark Plugs in your vacuum chamber?

@namthainam - 06.08.2021 17:36

What does the cold gas do to make it spin?

@jasonbishop2164 - 14.09.2021 02:44

Fu! Worlds fair!

@nate6692 - 09.02.2022 01:23

I was today years old when I discovered it wasn't light pressure.

@All7Miles - 11.02.2022 07:03

Well done. Operation clearly explained. Very engaging by using a vacuum chamber and oscilloscope to collect data from sensor.

@donoimdono2702 - 20.02.2022 20:09

more force on the black vanes than on the white vanes

@robertshrewsbury4241 - 11.03.2022 20:09

Any element that has a dominate Nuclear Right Hand Spin is dominantly North-Polarity and any element that has a dominantly Left-Hand Spin is a South Polarity. When freezing a Right -Hand Spin Element, it will change the directional Nuclear spin and become a South-Polarity, as will a left-Hand Spin Element, will go from a South-Polarity to a North-Polarity when very cold. This is why the Crookes Radiometer changes the direction of its Spin, when made to be cold. Robert Shrewsbury March 11/2022

@rshollos - 23.03.2022 02:02

Hi Ben, Really nice video. Do you have the data on rotation rate vs pressure?

@thomask9680 - 31.03.2022 05:35

Very 'enlightening' 😆 I get a feeling there's important undiscovered science with these things...

@Jkauppa - 21.04.2022 01:45

make the faces, one mirror, one pass-through, one-way mirror

@clientesinformacoes6364 - 04.05.2022 23:00

I think you should switch the colors so we can have more data. It cold be related to the vibration of the atoms that can absorb kinetic energy from one place and releases to another, just like a sound levitation but in a form of radiation. The energy travels through the gas molecule in certain frequency, if there's no gas,the eneryt can not be transferred, if there are to much gas, it cancels each other out. Try with magnetic sheets, cover with black and white and see if works in a vacuum.

@FunnyCircuit - 28.06.2022 01:15

if it measures radiant heat,why does it depends on air molecules.

@theecstatic9686 - 06.07.2022 13:44

Nothing about black body radiation? Derp...

@TravisLee33 - 31.07.2022 20:24

Very cool and interesting video, really enjoyed your explanation.

@fractalnomics - 09.08.2022 18:22

What is the type of gas? Air?

@bendirval3612 - 17.08.2022 03:29

Why does the temperature recoil effect only happen at the edge? Does that mean a radiometer with a more complex shape with more edge would work better?

@prowokator - 19.08.2022 02:03

Did you ever build a larger scale version to test your hypothesis?

@donaldasayers - 01.09.2022 01:26

Please demonstrate a Hettner Radiometer, which has horizontal vanes with black and white zones.

@Erik_Swiger - 14.12.2022 16:18

It would be great to see you make vanes of all different shapes, and sizes, and compare the performance. If you could make them light enough, you could even 3D-print some designs and test them, too.

@Roerco - 31.12.2022 10:49

ok buh bye

@SodiumInteresting - 04.01.2023 07:28

Did you make one with larger vanes?

@Xmaster1990 - 07.01.2023 04:23

very interesting experiment, thx for sharing with us

@NormReitzel - 01.02.2023 13:07

Very nice! Something I've always wanted to try.

@bubblezovlove7213 - 02.03.2023 23:37

I'd like to make one of these but was put off by thinking about the vacuum being dangerous . Is it doable as a home project to make one vacuum wise? Like using heat to make a partial vacuum in a jar type thing?

@johndedwards111 - 07.07.2023 02:19

I’ve just watched this and practically jumped up when you said you might try to make a radiometer with larger blades. I’ll be looking for that right now, but if you haven’t please do!

Loved this! Subscribed.

@captoshuragnarok7444 - 24.07.2023 16:54

Very interesting! This is the best example of describing what's going on I've found yet. Thank you for deep diving into it!

@yajawstin - 04.08.2023 15:46

I'm trying to get pressure right with my vacuum pump it would be nice if pressure was described in inches of mercury

@AureliusR - 26.08.2023 15:03

Ben, is that spreadsheet data available anywhere? Would like to see the exact numbers if possible :)

@roncooper5602 - 19.10.2023 02:09

so why can't we use huge ones like this to generate electricity instead of solar panels or wind mills?

@horrorhotel1999 - 19.10.2023 19:17

How can one resist such temptations?

You truly are a man of iron will

@victorbruce5772 - 21.10.2023 07:58

What happens with variation of brightness of narrow beams of light, sprctrum and temperature of light, and different color laser light on the vanes?

Does moon light run it, how about a larger outdoor solar version?

@PaulSmith-ju3cv - 07.11.2023 19:20

Seeing that it was invented by Crookes, an early paranormal investigator, he might have called up ghosts to push it around.

@menguinponkey8965 - 13.11.2023 14:51

what's going on with the sparkplugs in the vacuum chamber? 🤔

@furetosan - 25.11.2023 23:45

Rockin that 2014 eeePC

@migueloritz5136 - 02.12.2023 17:55

It seems like we are in a universe size radiometer, with almost perfect vacuum, background radiation energy, expansion in all directions.

@jozsab1 - 07.12.2023 12:27

Was there ever a continuation to this video ? I can't seem to find it. I'm really curious about the details how the effect can be amplified and what are the parameters that influence the rotation effect.

@VitorFThome - 09.12.2023 10:14

Any updates?

@AdamBechtol - 23.12.2023 12:20

Been watcing a few videos on this, glad to see you made one as I trust you on such matters the most.

@HFRG-zq1qm - 28.12.2023 08:30

You are forgetting something very basic and very essential, the force on the white face is being split into momentum opposite the direction of that upon the black face, and reflected photons in the same direction as the pressure being exerted upon the black face. Therefore the pressure on the black face is greater than that of the white face, and the white face simple offers resistance, as well drag pulling it back with the reflected photons. Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is usually the best. And if it was heat, light focused on the edge wouldn't cause it to move faster than light focused on the whole fin, because there is less heat being generated over a smaller space than if the whole thing were lit. But light concentrated at the edge and passing does create photon drag. Light is the result of energy and photons, which are matter and do have mass, Heat is the result of energy and friction. Neither one is actually part of the electromagnetic spectrum. You can light energy-level wavelengths with no photons agitated or excited, and not get light. You can have an energy that isn't even near the perceivable light wavelengths and have present photons become agitated enough to emit light. 60Hz AC is what a majority of the world's lights work on, meanwhile visible light is in the hundreds of terahertz. The energy level exciting the photons is far inferior to the energy of the light emitted. And light and heat aren't codependent either. And the shade of black is merely the resistance to photon reflection or passing. Black objects don't get hotter than white object if left in a dark room equidistant from the same source of heat, only when there is light involved, and light requires photons. The glass bulb it's encased in, like many lenses, excites photons with heat, transforming heat into light by exciting photons. Photon Pressure is not only the simplest explanation, it's the only one that isn't easily disproven by overlooked factors of the experiments that try to prove it. If you remove the lens by removing the bulb and putting it in a vacuum chamber at near vacuum, a light from inside the vacuum chamber can still cause it to spin, but a heating element won't. Because there is nothing to turn that heat energy into sufficient photon pressure. And the fact that when the bulb itself is heated creates infrared level photon agitation is NOT aside from the point, that is something ALMOSY EVERY video claiming to explain it actually claims at one point or another. If you remove that lens that allows heat to agitate photons, heat doesn't make it spin. And heating the base doesn't make it spin until the glass gets hot either. But let's ignore that because it disproves our supposed big brain theory that it's the heat and not the light. Glass and crystal emits a lot of light, both visible and not, as it heats up, the ceramic base doesn't. And a theory that disproves itself is not a sound theory and definitely not the right one. Heat is the closest theory to how it actually works, but there are so many ways that you can prove heat doesn't make it spin without heating up a piece of glass surrounding the fins. Also, it spins one way taking heat in, and the opposite when putting heat out. And when heat is output through glass, it created photon pressure on the side of the glass where the heat is escaping the glass. Reverse the direction the glass transfers heat and the spin reverses, sure. But we also know that glass transforms heat into photon pressure, emitting light. And the light is travelling the path of least resistance, out away. Light travels away from the van, the vane spins opposite the way it does with coming at it. Y'all should watch each other's videos for all the things that prove it isn't heat that are ignored. In any of them you can spot at least 1-3 reasons it isn't heat. Literally. Some of them as much as at least one proof per minute of video. Just because proof is overlooked doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This is why peer reviews are a thing. But even that fails when every peer reviewing the research has their own bias or interests that that proof could lay to waste, and it will often be refuted for that reason alone. It's like saying unicorns can't exist because that might mean god exists too, despite the fact that we just dug up a perfectly preserved unicorn from a glacier, horse body with fur intact, helical horn and all coming right from it's forehead, and I can't believe god might be real because I take the lack of current proof that god is real as proof that god isn't. And nobody likes to admit to being wrong, so they will discount your facts that are proven and known that contradicts their belief. When somebody BELIEVES something is wrong, it doesn't mean they know that it is wrong, but rather that they refuse to accept it as right. You can't know and believe the same thing, for the two are contradictory. Belief is something you take on faith and/or bias and not on fact, knowledge is something you take on proof and not bias and/or faith. And the search for scientific proof is often obscured by personal bias and belief. You can believe the world is flat and that the sun rises in the north and sets in the south all you want, but it is known that the earth is round and that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west because that's how the globe earth spins. If the earth was flat, you wouldn't see different stars and different seasons based on how far you are north or south of the equator, and we definitely wouldn't have night and day both present around half the world at the same time, it would either be all light or all dark, perhaps even all of the time based orientation of the planet. You can't portionaly light the surface of a disk regardless of angle of light source, either the whole surface is lit or none of it. But you can only ever light half of a sphere from a single angle. Stop looking at the experiments with the idea that your theory is right and has to be the only possible option, that is called an impractical bias, instead look at it as it's either right or it isn't and you intend to prove which. Because again, I see more proof that it isn't heat than that it isn't anything to do with light itself. Light is the reaction of energy and photons, heat is the result of energy and friction/resistance. We use thousand of devices every day that were made from KNOWING this, shy do we suddenly forget it when it comes to something like this? Light makes it spin with or with the glass in between the source and the vanes, heat only makes it spin with the glass in between the source and the vanes. Clearly it's not heat, or heat would make it spin even without the glass in between the fins and source. You can believe it is heat all you want, but the thing that has the most influence on regardless of variables is more likely to be the cause than the one that fails to have the same influence across as many variables, not the one that loses influence from the most variables. Again, Occam's Razor. The simple solution is often the best. Light continues to have influence on it with most of the variables that cause heat to lose influence, and thus far the only variable that prevents light from having an influence is full vacuum, and heat loses influence before light as it gets closer to full vacuum. Meanwhile, there are dozens of variables besides the glass bulb around it that effect heat's influence on. The sun pulls white objects and pushes black objects off course, and in the vacuum of space, we use solar sails successfully on that very concept, and even in a full vacuum it works where heat based thrust fails. And applying heat to solar sails has no impact unless done so through a lens that manipulates and excites photons, it is very much how we direct satellites and space telescopes, as well as probes sent off to the depths of space. More efficiently than either mass displacement or heat displacement thrust at that. In a vacuum on the earth's surface, there is still one factor that is not present in space, and that is mass gravitational pull, the greatest factor of resistance being ignored in all of these experiments. The more effect gravity has on the vane, the less impact any other external force can have on it.

@husenjomaa7643 - 04.01.2024 13:03

Can you write to us the full name of the:
1. Tool of measuring the pressure
2. Vacom ( the air pump)

@LEARN-UNITY3D - 17.02.2024 00:25

this can be the reason earth rotates on its axis😢

@jasongooden917 - 25.02.2024 07:06

why am i only hearing of this device now?

@kris-kk5nj - 26.02.2024 07:25

This is cool!
I am trying to recreate the experiment for my school project.

@Applied Science, What is the name of the equipment at the bottom? Did you buy or assemble it?

How did you have the turbo machinery pump connected to the bell jar with electronic controlled valve?

Also, how did you seal the tachometer wires inside the bell jar and connected it to the oscilloscope?

I am trying to rebuild it but these things are a puzzle in my mind.

It would great if someone could answer it.

@user-hp3ss3qd9j - 28.04.2024 09:39

thank you bro. very interesring

@dalenassar9152 - 07.05.2024 16:33

Did you know that at the first part of the video, many people can't tell which way the fins are turning?? I am one of even appears to reverse directions at this straight-on view! I had to watch it 'start' turning to be sure.
Since I was a kid, a radiometer is one thing that I wanted...decades later, I finally put one in a microwave oven (with a water load).. It turned very fast at first,then there was a spark at the tip of the needle (blunting it due to the high EF build-up)...never worked again...gotta get another one one of these days!

@marklacy5011 - 18.06.2024 20:09

Clever! Good information
