The REAL Reason I switched from Filmora to DaVinci Resolve

The REAL Reason I switched from Filmora to DaVinci Resolve

Daniel Batal

1 год назад

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skander oueslati
skander oueslati - 24.09.2023 10:45

And it supports linux, i just love it for that.

Ray Pointer
Ray Pointer - 03.09.2023 15:22

My continued dissatisfaction with Filmora include many your your issues in addition of others. With each new version, something was either taken away, or illogical. Most frustrating was making inserts. In my experience, the latest version forces the user to assemble in a linear fashion and creates sync problems when going back to make inserts. This pushes all other cuts forward out of line of the time line. This affects all separate soundtracks that have to be re-aligned.

I have had issues with the Transitional Effects, which I mentioned to Filmora. FIrst, the Transitional Effects are not organized in an easy to find fashion. Alphabetical would be the most sensible way to organize, but this is not the case. Second, many of the effects have been established in film and video production under established names. As an example, and Iris In or Out is that and not a Circle or Round Zoom. A Zoom is an enlargement or reduction of an entire image. So that description is not only incorrect, but it is an incorrect application of the term. My next issue with Transitional Effects is the limitations of direction on certain Wipes. Some offer two directions, while others do not. Also related effects are not placed next to each other, and the user has to spend time searching through the list to find an alternative to the same effect. Instead of concentrating of the most common and useful Transitional Effects, Filmora offers a lot of tacky, over the top Transitional Effects that would be appropriate for more custom projects. These should be separated into a different category to allow more room for the Traditional Effects.

Lastly, there is a problem with image degradation of images that are clear and sharp in their original form. This happens when compositing in Chroma Key, or overlaying without Chroma Key. Line work breaks up horribly. No amount if image size adjustment or dpi manipulation corrects this problem. I have sent Filmora examples of this and have yet to receive an explanation of what is causing this problem.

Aside from the articulate position already made above, I am curious about the Masterminds who designed the Filmora program. My question is, just exactly what are their qualifications beyond a limited scope of computer engineering do they have to design a video editing system that has usage contradictions for those with experience?

MISSION RIDER MOTOVLOG - 02.09.2023 11:30

You are an influential person in regards to video editing tricks. When you mentioned Da Vinci, I immediately looked for its system requirements. that's how influential you are.

Graham Swanepoel
Graham Swanepoel - 19.08.2023 15:37

Thank you Daniel. You could have really bashed Filmora but you didn't. You're such an honest good-hearted man. Love your videos. A very good man to follow.

Fantastic Mario
Fantastic Mario - 10.08.2023 22:19

I'm not sure what to do, I like filmora and I've been fine with it for years. Lately filmora has been lagging for me and running slow whenever I edit. I tried so many fixes and it seems like it still lags. It runs slow in a way of adding custom subtitles, moving video and audio clips. Whenever I add more subtitles, it just stops for a couple seconds and then it would come back and I can click on stuff again. Basically almost crashing and I can't find a solution for it, I have a gaming pc and its only 2 years old and everything else runs fine. Just filmora takes a while to edit lately. So it just slows down my editing process where I want to make a gaming video thats longer than 10 minutes. Im not sure if it's my recordings because they can go over 2 hours sometimes. I just want a software where i can edit smoothly without any interruptions.

Project Nerdvana
Project Nerdvana - 09.08.2023 23:03

forgot to subscribe to you a long time ago. Your a good solid source of information when it comes to these things.

MTG Guiltfeeder
MTG Guiltfeeder - 08.08.2023 21:16

Got back to my editing project after a break and “upgraded” from version X. I am so mad that I can’t export anything I had been working on now. I didn’t have a “lifetime” purchase but I still feel bamboozled because it really wasn’t clear I was “upgrading” away my account basically. I’m about to buy Davinci just out of spite…

Federico Calderon
Federico Calderon - 01.08.2023 22:18

Filmora is bad

ولد عين الشق
ولد عين الشق - 16.07.2023 23:39

hi Daniel what do you think of kdenlive, it is interesting to me

ImWatching YourChannel
ImWatching YourChannel - 16.07.2023 11:36

i like davinci studio but its very expensive due to double taxes here in philippines 😢

SCLeon - 04.07.2023 09:19

I think it's time for me to learn new thing. I may try to use DaVinci Resolve from zero after this. Thanks for this video.

El revisor
El revisor - 29.06.2023 23:30

Now also some AI tools require a subscription:( like the sound extension is gone now. Even with the basic subscription gone and I used a lot. So still using fillmora but going to migrate to FCP

Exotic - 22.06.2023 13:46

Hello Daniel 🥳

Prince Westerburg
Prince Westerburg - 20.06.2023 22:07

I just discovered Filmora and watched a few demos and the features wheren't very mature. It claims a lot but its not polished. I've used Resolve a lot and its shockingly good compared to Premiere. The only thing I hate in Resolve is the stupid database - this makes sense for a news organisation or film edit house but for the average user, not being able to save the edit with the footage to back it all up together like on every other NLE is a serious pain.

dem0n - 14.06.2023 00:18

I've watched all this fiasco with Filmora but at the end of the day, Da Vinci's price kind of puts me off. After taxes the full version comes at a whopping 335€ for me... I mean. Is the free version really that interesting? Because there's no way I'm giving away 335€ and if there's one thing this Filmora fiasco has told me is that this could very well happen again with another company.

Tyson Larson
Tyson Larson - 08.06.2023 01:39

I think filmora is more intuitive than resolve. I am getting frustated with Resolve right now.

Evans Recording Studio
Evans Recording Studio - 07.06.2023 14:26

Thanks Daniel

Drifttt1 - 04.06.2023 05:06

why were you ever one filmora ???

ZielonyBob - 04.06.2023 01:45

Now after lifetime filmoragate u can add removing ''customize'' button from image -->animation tab. 1 year before it was free, later u must pay to use it and now its nonexist

Pagan Ministry of Magick Church & School
Pagan Ministry of Magick Church & School - 30.05.2023 22:04

DaVinci Resolve is better anyway! Filmora can um Bite Me!

Chopper Cam Bike Repairs 🇬🇧
Chopper Cam Bike Repairs 🇬🇧 - 28.05.2023 23:17

I've just fixed my pc and downloaded filmora, however as the free feature has a whole screen watermark banner is annoying as hell, that's put me off. I'm now going over to davici resolve.

Grey The Cat
Grey The Cat - 18.05.2023 15:04

I use FIlmora but am not upgrading to 12. I'm pretty ok without the AI features and I'm efficient with my workflow using it. It's annoying though that the upgrade screen will frequently pop up even if you're a paid user. Wish there was a "don't show this screen again" option.

SkaiXmask - 13.05.2023 22:51

I'm gonna get DaVinci Resolve. I'm so sick of Filmora consistently not responding every time I click on something on the software. 2 hours video editing projects end up taking 4 hours because of the stutters and lag. DO NOT GET FILMORA THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR THEIR PRODUCT!

Jandy Elijah Entertainment
Jandy Elijah Entertainment - 11.05.2023 16:55

Rest in peace Filmora for being free licenses

osiris - 10.05.2023 19:53

I stopped using filmora pro 2 years ago, for the same reasons, once you learn to use dr, it's another level, gilmora pro is at a very low level compared to dr, the best for color grading

David Haviland
David Haviland - 07.05.2023 16:04

No... after years with the Corel product, I moved over to DaVinci, and your beginner vid was the only one that gave me a clue to what I wanted to do. I just needed to get a vid out without a lot of extras. But you are also spot on - many of the vids out there show you what to do, but get caught up showing you all the bells n whistles the software has, and one gets lost in the weeds of what to do. Thank you Sir!!

Kingkam Ent TV
Kingkam Ent TV - 07.05.2023 08:04

i really like Filmora 12 and its very useful and easy to use for a beginner.. as a newbie it made me feel like i wasn't that bad. But i think im ready to try a more intermediate/advanced program like after effects and adobe Premiere

FLASHAHOLIC - 04.05.2023 13:36

I'm still using DR, it's all making more sense after a couple of months now. I do miss the Filmora effects though. Only DR issue is the green screen can be hit and miss, half the time it just inverts for no reason when you select to remove green.

theMekanik - 04.05.2023 12:27

I Kould Totally Make a Ferrari Haul Bags of Konkrete. 🤘🏻😎🤘🏻

TheUncleshady - 30.04.2023 03:15

Lmao the LTT joke hoodie. Linus is bleeding into other channels.

EnglishGrammarMechanics101 - 29.04.2023 18:48

Now, I'm beginning to understand why people is ditching Filmora, I just found out they removed the option to make audio tracks longer, :( That was one of my favorite features there! damn! 👎....any other suggestions? or maybe this is a different feature, I looked and looked, tested different things and found nothing similar🙏...

TheCyberQuake - 29.04.2023 01:40

I recently moved from premiere pro to Resolve. No regrets.

Animal Facts
Animal Facts - 28.04.2023 06:57

Fusion gets me too. 😂

Best Audiovisual Tricks
Best Audiovisual Tricks - 28.04.2023 06:07

Fusion is truly the easiest thing in Resolve. All you have to do is watch the beginner videos from Casey Faris. That’s it, trust me.

Glenn Ford Solinap
Glenn Ford Solinap - 27.04.2023 12:51

man, the legend switching to davinci!!!! always good stuff!
also, the fact that resolve has a free version despit its very hard learing curve, there really is no reason to just use it and learn at least the basics (it's just worth it, i will say it...Davinci Resolve is really worth it)!!!

Tom Irwin
Tom Irwin - 27.04.2023 02:22

QUESTION: Your thoughts on editing Sony (a7IV) S-Log 3 with my Filmora 12 software. Am I better off biting the bullet and diving into Davinci Resolve? Thanks! I'm an enthusiast, do some paid photography and would like to be more proficient with video.

Eric M Campbell
Eric M Campbell - 26.04.2023 12:42

Daniel "Slayer" Batal

Eric M Campbell
Eric M Campbell - 26.04.2023 12:39

you should have switched to Movavi

rainbowgaming - 26.04.2023 05:53

this happen to my friend and others
the company eon vue a 3d program you seen the film avatar this is the same program use
what they did was one summer they said they got hacked and they said dont worry there manybe a deal when we come back everything would be there
they lied when they came back with a new site and they soild the company they like and not only that all software you did own we gone and you could not use it any more and they did this
a fee of $ 199 every 30 day many worryed and emailed them and they where over seas and you cant take them to court
and many lost alot , and we all when to blender 3d

Unbridled Mayo
Unbridled Mayo - 26.04.2023 03:18

I feel ya! I've been using Prem pro for the past year and I can't justify the monthly subscription now that I've been testing the free version of resolve. I'll be getting the paid version in the next month or so and it will be paying for itself for the monthly bill I no longer have. That said the fusion page is like the clutch on a stick shift car.... scary! 😂

Eric Campbell
Eric Campbell - 26.04.2023 01:58

the real reason he switched is that they paid him…

Tom Mendenhall
Tom Mendenhall - 25.04.2023 17:17

I have both paid versions. I find Filmora has features that DR does not. Many more export options. Very fast AV1 export. Webm with alpha channel for animated titles. My color grading is very basic so I don't need DR. Which one is the pickup truck? For me it's Filmora. I can drive to the grocery store and the lumberyard.

musicalblades - 25.04.2023 14:12

Thanks for the channel, I'll be referring to it a lot! I bought DRS about a week ago (noob) and worked with it a lot over the weekend. Coming from PowerDirector I'm finding it super tedious to line up several tracks. I'm editing a 90 minute concert with six cameras and using the audio from the best camera (muting the rest once tracks are lined up). With all the crowd noise, natural reverb, and just different sounds from each camera placed all over the hall (and one roaming) I found that audio sync in Resolve doesn't work. I finally ended up reverting back to PowerDirector to finish editing. Do you have any specific episodes on working with this many tracks/this kind of scenario? Can't wait to dive into Resolve, I just probably shouldn't have been so ambitious on my first attempt, lol.

Samuel Stow
Samuel Stow - 25.04.2023 10:50

I am excited to see your videos on DaVinci Resolve!
