Top 10 Raid Bosses You Feel Bad About Killing (World of Warcraft)

Top 10 Raid Bosses You Feel Bad About Killing (World of Warcraft)


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Becca Maroney
Becca Maroney - 09.09.2023 15:15

Although this is five years later, I personally feel bad for Scalecommander Sarkareth, despite being harsh to begin with. The way he spoke and his facial expressions as he died really tugged at my heartstrings. He didn't realise that Neltharion's so called legacy is nothing but doom and destruction. He realised far too late and was very sure he was right until the very end. He had problems with letting go of the past. Poor Sarky felt as if he were owed something from his "father". Sark seemed to suffer from abandonment issues. All dracthyr were the result of Neltharion experimenting on drakonids until he got his ideal soldiers. I don't think Sarky was a bad person, but rather he was misguided, and may of had little shreds of kindness, despite being programmed to be aggressive. He still committed crimes though.

Ilja Sidlun
Ilja Sidlun - 08.06.2023 02:26

Why people feel bad for the Lich King though? Arthas was established in warcraft, we followed his story, and we saw that he was a man obsessed, even before getting frostmourne, he committed crimes on many occasions, not only in stratholme, we saw the downfall, we saw how much of a dick he was and what a-hole he became, he was instrumental in genocide of elves that a handful was left, he murdered Sylvanas and then he tortured her for fun and then forced her to kill her own, he wasn't souless as some people think he was vengeful, coy and sarcastic after the frostmourne, he enjoyed murdering of weak and innocent, and was afraid of dying when he fought Uther, because he was a threat, he was high and mighty only against those who were weaker, so Arthas was nothing more than a garden variety bully , killing him was the most satisfying thing I even felt, he deserved all he got and more.

M. B.
M. B. - 03.06.2023 19:50

I played with. Fuck Illinois, hypocritical idiot

SeriousHex - 03.06.2023 17:52

what about thaddeus?

Udo Zöcklein
Udo Zöcklein - 28.05.2023 16:08

why should we feel bad about killing those guys? in most of the cases we basically free them from torment; especially the undead and crazed dragons
edit: back when valestrasz was fresh content i actually nearly cried cuz he made me so sad xD but in the end, we free him from torment still, so..

Vixey ™
Vixey ™ - 27.05.2023 05:18

Saurfang was my favorite orc of all. I felt sad for him due to his son, and even felt sympathy cause of what all he has been through, what hes seen, what hes even had to do. Lok'tar Ogar!

Mr.Heller [#485]
Mr.Heller [#485] - 06.05.2023 00:51

Not sure for Illidan, he's an ultimate edgelord, so kicking his ass was more satisfying than anything.

The Smilyguy Guy
The Smilyguy Guy - 02.05.2023 20:25


Meat Clown
Meat Clown - 21.03.2023 07:27

I know this is an old video, but the boss Umbrelskul from Azure Vaults in Dragonflight just makes me squirm. He’s essentially a giant baby that calls out for his mother and wails in pain from how messed up he is.

Sure enough, he’s Sindragosa’s baby, kind of. I’m not sure the specifics, but he’s definitely her fault.

Winston Dinkleberry
Winston Dinkleberry - 12.03.2023 20:43

I found the story of Artramedes pretty sad 😩

Kröd Mändoon
Kröd Mändoon - 22.02.2023 00:42

I'm just glad Saurfang's story came to a satisfying and totally not stupid and pointless conclusion after everything he went through.

Razul - 21.02.2023 00:32

I feel bad every time I need to kill Rastakhan for a BoD run

Bryant H.D. Waulkner
Bryant H.D. Waulkner - 04.01.2023 17:31

Bruh, I killed Archavon every single week during WotLK and had no idea.. 🥺

dinos daniel
dinos daniel - 23.11.2022 14:42

I hate that players never get a choice as to who to kill. I get this is an MMO but so much story is wasted potential sacrificed in the altar of raid content. I could only imagine a Warcraft RPG the likes of mass effect. Maybe siding with Kael'Thas as a blood elf. Maybe joining the Paragons on the side of the old gods, maybe even sparing Archavon.

Ариунболд Цагаандорж
Ариунболд Цагаандорж - 04.11.2022 20:37

Why u all dont think about Vorus'Arak , he was the only living nerubian spiderlord we ever seen in the game (well peoples just killed him for like no reason od something)

Brownee - 30.10.2022 15:31

Oh absolutely not for Kael'thas, he's the biggest idiot in the franchise and is actively responsible for at least 60% of the Warcraft story playing out as it has.
I didn't have much sympathy for him in WC3 and it only got worse in TBC.

Funnily enough, enjoyed him in Shadowlands when he's forced to acknowledge his idiot actions (even if they aren't quite the same as my reasons, but close enough).

Jonah Eh
Jonah Eh - 12.08.2022 15:18

I miss Van Cleef tbh and Arthas too, even througj a lot would disagree

Levferno - 06.08.2022 02:34

The poor Saurfang family. I hope they are all living prosperous afterlives.

Barson187 - 08.07.2022 19:26


Tbay Vic
Tbay Vic - 08.07.2022 09:24

Hate to say it but I found your channel by the Mythical Bald One who shall not be named. I now have ALOT of catching up to do!!! Great content 👌

Denzelyeess - 17.06.2022 17:35

i think arthas should be on this list i mean he was evil but he wasnt really evil it was more that he wanted to make good things so much that he became evil

ViewTube Emperor of Mankind
ViewTube Emperor of Mankind - 11.06.2022 05:56

*Killing Children Regularly* check
*killing disabled torture victims* check
*killing blackmailed people instead of the blackmailer* check
*killing generally innocent people thrown in a bad situation* check
*killing pheromone controlled sentient bugs instead of developing a pheromone to heal them*
*killing a peaceful watcher who enjoys nature just to literally rob them*
The wow hero is a thief, a killer, a murderer, war criminal and committed genocide...
The writing in the game really sucks.

It really was a pace of change when I started playing Final Fantasy 14 and could actually save bosses, forgive them.. make them a better person.. Like legit save more people than killing them.

Timothy Munoz
Timothy Munoz - 09.06.2022 02:16

Nazgrim's death hit me hard since I've always enjoyed the quests he'd given in the past and loved the fact that this NPC was with me for years across multiple alts. His resurrection as one of the four horsemen in Legion made me beam from ear to ear since I saw it as me getting to pal around with my old (dead) buddy again.

Nebuhalanezar - 23.05.2022 01:25

Yup, totally on your rating regarding place 1 and 2.
Ysera when she gets corrupted by Xavius is also one who got me into tears.

Habib - 21.05.2022 20:20

im sorry :(

Patrick B
Patrick B - 14.05.2022 18:41

Ha! I’ve always been so pissed they make you kill Korvix after you raise him. It’s bullshit and I’m glad someone else noticed that. I’m sorry my giant bug child.

cure klutch
cure klutch - 14.05.2022 09:31

Time to add Saurfang to the list :(

Poeticphyre - 12.05.2022 03:22

Maybe it's because I'm Horde but those last two got me.

Beargrin - 29.04.2022 13:15

Zero sympathy for Rotgut and Festerface. Their voices annoy the fuck out of me

CaMypau - 26.04.2022 19:34

Garrosh did nothing wrong.

draekion - 18.04.2022 23:10

I don't see Thaddius from naxxramas on your list.

Chaldo One
Chaldo One - 17.04.2022 07:31

Not valuable baubles you donkey

RJ - 09.04.2022 13:21

I cried when my guild first killed Nazgrim. We all did. We had to take a ten.

Lily & Mikaila Orchard
Lily & Mikaila Orchard - 03.04.2022 23:46

"My boy died at the Wrathgate."
Actually Saurfang, we could break him free.
"I am here only to collect his body."|
We have an ally who is good at doing this.
"We named him Dranosh. It means Heart of Draenor."
Literally Sylvanas is just downstairs.
"I would not let the warlocks take him."
You could have your son back.
"I made a promise-"
Okay you know what, go fuck yourself.

Hydroxoid - 03.04.2022 06:34

Archavon was probably the saddest one for me

The Green Reaper
The Green Reaper - 12.03.2022 21:34

Kinda missing Forgemaster Garfrost? When you kill him, his last words are "Garfrost hopes giant-underpants clean. Save boss great shame, for later!" :P

Shadonicus - 02.03.2022 00:20

Its sad the saurfang family is dead

Mr.Jay_TheProphet - 21.02.2022 11:36

We named him draenosh it means heart of draenor I promised his mother I would bring him home untainted

kiss me
kiss me - 10.02.2022 09:35

Nazgrim the only true Patriot

Eimsbush - 26.01.2022 07:29

Nazgrim was Like my Orcish father, i Played my Orc Warrior since Vanilla WoW and he was allways Part of my journey. I feel so Bad for him :(

Matt Wroe
Matt Wroe - 23.01.2022 15:04

Didn't saurfang due in the 4th war

Aaron McGowan
Aaron McGowan - 02.01.2022 04:55

It's entertaining that the creator of this doesn't understand the word "baubles".

Noel Németh
Noel Németh - 01.01.2022 17:24

To be honest I hate sylvanas windruner as she always meddles and bullies the lich king in cutscenes (btw the lich king is my favourite character)

Luciphurr - 29.12.2021 23:13

Nefarian also says: "now that was unnecessary" right after you kill atramedes

Ghost - 16.12.2021 16:11

Malygos 💔

Kazzit Chang
Kazzit Chang - 10.12.2021 18:49

It's not hard if u have 15 of dagger rogues.

Marin Merten
Marin Merten - 10.12.2021 03:35

Music at Nazgrim death please ???

Joseph Williams
Joseph Williams - 04.12.2021 14:11

Ursoc is my number one

Korick Armstrong
Korick Armstrong - 21.11.2021 03:37

As an Alliance main and someone that primarily played during Wrath, I wish you had shown the Alliance version of the Saurfang story because it was pretty good for us too.
