Install Vuejs, vue-router, dependencies, connect Vuejs to Laravel 10 & show how to use router-link

Install Vuejs, vue-router, dependencies, connect Vuejs to Laravel 10 & show how to use router-link

Devs Train

1 год назад

15,093 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Al Mohands Mohammed
Al Mohands Mohammed - 25.09.2023 00:56

designed and built the pages in this video clip, but when I open the server, a white screen appears for some reason, and what is the error?

Nguyên Nhật
Nguyên Nhật - 22.09.2023 09:41

hi , pls , my error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach') , file index error : createRouter

ProgramadorWeb - 04.09.2023 01:04

You do not need to install vue-loader when working with Vite. vue-loader is a tool primarily used with Webpack to load Vue files (.vue files) and perform the necessary compilation and transformation for Vue.js to work in an application.
Vite, on the other hand, uses a different strategy for loading Vue files. Instead of using vue-loader, Vite relies on the native capability of modern browsers to import ES6 modules directly. This means that Vue files are loaded and compiled efficiently without the need for vue-loader.
So, when working with Vite, you don't need to worry about installing vue-loader. You can start working with Vue files directly without additional configurations, as Vite will handle the compilation of these files seamlessly. This is one of the advantages of using Vite, as it simplifies the front-end development process and provides a faster and more efficient development experience.

Richeri Swertress Lotto
Richeri Swertress Lotto - 28.08.2023 17:01

Love it! anyway can you make video for installation laravel 10, vue.js 3, and vuetify 3 in one laravel project?

Jeferson Pereira Nascimento
Jeferson Pereira Nascimento - 26.08.2023 16:38

I've done exactly as you but when i get in that part to test the PAGE NOT FOUND it don’t shows me..shows me the standard page 404

Littery - 21.08.2023 21:19

finally... after a few useless tutorials finally some that is good

Nguyen Tien Truong
Nguyen Tien Truong - 22.07.2023 07:49

where are you :<

Akmaljon Tuychiyev
Akmaljon Tuychiyev - 13.07.2023 08:33

good tutorial

Benard Koech
Benard Koech - 10.07.2023 19:56

good tutorial. I think explaining further on the things and why ant they do will also be good

Nguyen Tien Truong
Nguyen Tien Truong - 29.06.2023 17:20

Can u make more videos pls

eltiopacote - 12.06.2023 12:10

Hello friend, if I wanted to compile `npm run prod`, how would I do it? Or to compile a development version without the embedded server, how would I do it? Kind regards

Muhammadjon SHaripov
Muhammadjon SHaripov - 28.04.2023 14:55

Great, tank you!

abul hasnat tanvir
abul hasnat tanvir - 22.03.2023 15:13

next video plz
