DESTROY YOUR VOICE in 5 easy steps! | Singing habits to AVOID | #DrDan

DESTROY YOUR VOICE in 5 easy steps! | Singing habits to AVOID | #DrDan

Dr Dan's Voice Essentials

9 лет назад

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Nancy Sublett
Nancy Sublett - 18.10.2023 08:19

Good information. How can we avoid straining our voices?

Arctic Canyon
Arctic Canyon - 05.06.2023 16:46

I made the mistake of singing while I was very sick for an extended period of time, and ended up having to spend quite some time retraining myself afterwards. I did eventually get it back to about where it was before, although the timbre has still changed a little bit (likely a combination of physiological and technique changes, but I am very glad my range was at least eventually able to recover completely).

Take care of your voice. It's okay to push yourself, but know your limits. If you sing in any such way that your voice still feels or sounds a little tired after 24 hours, you've probably done something wrong.

Yvyashhh Music
Yvyashhh Music - 26.04.2023 14:37

Hello sir... greetings to you...
Hope u r doing well...
I am a contemporary singer too and I wish to join / contact you.
I don't have a contemporary music teacher in my area (I'm frm Bhopal , India).
I wish to join ur classes via some sort of online mode...
How should I contact you..???

Peeet - 07.04.2023 00:55

How does yodelling rank?
I recall a singer opposing yodelling and I wondered what the view is now?
This video is great advice.

Saish - 11.02.2023 10:32

Can anyone explain this in Hindi to me 🥺??

Alessandro - 13.01.2023 10:34

I know this video is a little older but I have a dilemma.....So back in 2021 I was assaulted and in the struggle I was injured in the throat. Eventually I healed physically but for the first couple of weeks I noticed an Iron taste in my throat. Not a lot but it was there. This whole situation was ridiculously handled in my opinion because I tried immediately once I noticed my injury to make an appointment with my doctor! But "because of Covid" they couldnt see me to PROPERLY diagnose me til 3months later?! So I had no other choice but to wait the 3 months. Once in the FIRST ENT I kept alerting the doctor of this weird tickle crumb feeling I felt on my vocal cords when I would project and sing. She immediately stated that it was allergies and possible sleep Epnia!? Which I didn't believe because I know my body and know what I was feeling this was not either. So she kept encouraging me to do vocal exercises and "keep singing"! I told her but what if I damage my vocals more...she stated based on larynoscopy there was nothing on my main vocal cords. Fast forward Feb 22 days away from a followup appointment with that same doctor....I was singing a song I normally sing when I all of a sudden felt that tickle sensation just pop like a rubber band!? All the ENT gave me was an Allergy nasal spray cus she stated my vocals would get moist. I ended up dropping this ENT and getting a 2nd opinion with a vocal coach/ENT from USC here in LA and he stated that my vocal cords where fine......despite him hearing the "horse phonotrauma" symptoms I was showing. His last words to me after I kept debating with him was "there is nothing holding you back from singing and some times we have to get use to the pains" this was in reference to waking up with a terrible raw sore pain around where my issue is. It's been 3 months sense I ended therapy cus he stated I didn't need it anymore despite me insisting. I still have this "phonotrauma muffled" almost thick on one side (right side vocal) that when I attempt my falsetto harmonies the note doesn't deliver properly cus it doesn't close like before. Also when I go high in my register when my vocals switch on specific notes the transition projects a growl. I am conscious that vocals take time to heal but it's been 1 year in February and I don't have a proper diagnosis BOTH ENTs stated different things. I don't smoke, I work out, don't have pets and have been singing sense I've been a kid 7yrs old. I am a Tenor Latin singer but sense this happened I've been just trying to exercise my vocals in hopes this goes away but so far when I breathe in I feel an obstruction in my throat and when I attempt to project its not as easy as before the incident idk what to do.

Roy Stiner
Roy Stiner - 30.12.2022 15:07

Take care of you ears....
Me: turning my headphones down 1 notch

Betsy Anne
Betsy Anne - 10.11.2022 22:57

Humming damaged my voice. I think I started humming when I noticed tinnitus and didn’t even notice it.

Vikas Kumar Vocalist
Vikas Kumar Vocalist - 08.10.2022 05:35

Tutorial on how to Sing flageolet

Jonathan Glenz
Jonathan Glenz - 22.08.2022 02:37

the zoom is horrible but thx for the advice

ZX Ninja Animations
ZX Ninja Animations - 25.06.2022 04:35

What about forcing yourself to screech our a high note and then when you finally get it you can no longer sing ANY high note (definitely asking for a friend I definitely did not do that)

- 30.05.2022 18:29

Thank you this was very helpful

ShaKiera - 13.05.2022 11:08

I never knew how to clear my throat. I always tried but failed. I’m glad I saw this video before learningho

Arvind Bhave
Arvind Bhave - 04.04.2022 11:44

What's IEM (or is it IEN)?

Sailing You me and Josapea
Sailing You me and Josapea - 29.03.2022 13:21

Great 👍

Tanvir Lalon
Tanvir Lalon - 23.01.2022 21:36


klonopin for my breakfast
klonopin for my breakfast - 03.01.2022 03:26

I like singing but I smoke a lot... That's a problem right?

Kristyn - 29.12.2021 22:29

I love his accent it's so calming

Angee Griffin Official
Angee Griffin Official - 30.11.2021 05:47

Thank you so much you were on point with everything you said and what I suspected was going on with my voice I will continue to listen and learn from you I sing in a very high range mostly and as I get older my vocal cords are giving me some discomfort so, I’m learning how to better take care of my vocal cords…

my memorable
my memorable - 20.11.2021 19:22

What about use tabaco product- smoking, chewing paan,.?

Alejandro Cano
Alejandro Cano - 01.10.2021 08:13

Is the gym workout bad for the voice and for singing???? Thanks a lot ✨✨✨✨

a boy
a boy - 02.09.2021 09:21

Don't try rap God 🤐

Matthew Saul
Matthew Saul - 31.08.2021 08:38

So I’m 39. I’ve smoked for years. A couple years ago I switched to vaping which I still do. I never really noticed a huge effect on my voice until the last couple years. Now my range, agility and resonance have all decreased. At this point I’m going to quit vaping, like tomorrow literally. Think I’ve been in denial for a bit. My question is, can my voice heal at all or have I done irreparable damage?

Zeeblud - 08.08.2021 20:37

How bad is coffee for your voice, and is chewing bad for your voice. Anyone?

I MP - 29.06.2021 23:28

Actually proper classical training is the best even for rock singers. Unless you want to sound overly nasal and thin.

will koestner
will koestner - 14.06.2021 02:36

Me, lightning a cigarette before playing the video so I can pretend I didn't know better

Firebrand VOCALS
Firebrand VOCALS - 21.05.2021 21:10

Beer 🍺 dries me out for days 😩

Ankith S
Ankith S - 15.05.2021 07:55

Sir, I am untrained singer [boy][17 years] , just sung up high note of male [ A4] and sung female high note in female voice [C5] for a month and at the sudden I can hear my voice air rushing or a scratchy sound in communicating voice . Just took a break of 3 weeks but in 3 weeks I suffered from constant throat clearing and the scratchy voice. ? Sir, what to do sir? Did I damage my vocal cord ?

UnRendered U.R.
UnRendered U.R. - 22.04.2021 21:09

Hh im trying to be a voice actor, or at least voice act for fun, this should still help

Coconut pixie!
Coconut pixie! - 19.04.2021 00:17

Question can I sing while I’ll have pollen allergies cause the pollen messes up how my throat feels

snooz - 12.04.2021 09:15

I suddenly need to clear my throat...

the_snoo_muffin - 23.03.2021 03:46

Step 1. Sing Nirvana.

Winchurch Guitar
Winchurch Guitar - 23.03.2021 00:39

Really great tips Dan! Thank you so much for this video and I can say from my own experience that smoking is never great for the bodies' ability to respire as efficiently as what it is when placed under a smoke-free workout routine that replaces nicotine addiction with mindfulness, having enough sleep, and other factors such as maintaining a good diet. I'm going to watch your video on what singers should eat and drink as this is an area that I would like to learn more about. Why do you think that singers from the past such as well as singers in the present day like to smoke cigarettes, for example? Is there a misconception about vocal raspiness or voice depth for men which can falsely lead singers to picking up the habit? Would love to know what you think!

Light Alchemist
Light Alchemist - 27.02.2021 20:43

I chose the wrong teacher. My voice has been raspy and breathy for 6 months. I worked so hard... Doctors say that everything is ok. But it’s not. I’m doing the recovery exercises, but very little changed. I’m afraid it will never return to how it was. It was my everything. It has affected my mental health too. Don’t know what to do...

marvin droid
marvin droid - 26.02.2021 23:30

Layne Staley is too good I dont care if I destroy my voice I want to sing like him

MisfitPanda - 20.02.2021 06:20

Is it possible to lose your voice if you stop singing for about a year?

Corey - 16.02.2021 15:40

Do I have to watch 9 mins of ur video can't u just type it plz

Seb Seb
Seb Seb - 04.02.2021 22:18

Really appreciated your bonus tip of not clearing your throat. One of the best ever tips as it turns out. By my reckoning at least. Cheers amigo!

Noel Ofembe
Noel Ofembe - 23.01.2021 22:34

🎤Is there any upcoming singer from cameroon here, please indicate so we can hook up bro/sis🔉💪

Xquavius - 19.01.2021 16:40

Does toothpaste effect your vocal cords? If so, does it ruin them or improve them?

leakee - 17.01.2021 20:51

Me trying to sing Linkin park

Someone - 03.01.2021 02:57

6. Be me and not sing for four years then come back

local music lover
local music lover - 28.12.2020 03:10

Nice! Now I can do all these so I can never sing again! I'm really thankful!

Challenger - 14.12.2020 06:25

Okay, and now tell me how to permanently damage my voice? I want it to be harsh, hoarse. That kind of voice that you get goosebumps when heard at night in the dark alley. Definitely opposite to your voice. :/

Marvin Timke
Marvin Timke - 29.11.2020 04:24

Just try to sing painkiller by Judas Priest, easy

Peter - 17.11.2020 18:57

When I was 20 years old in 2006 I would frequently sing along to some of the first Metallica songs while I was driving (usually things like "Hit The Lights" and "Seek And Destroy"), and I often did a kind of shriek in order to reach those high notes. I think I might have more difficulties doing that nowadays, but maybe that's just an age thing.

Saul Contreras
Saul Contreras - 14.11.2020 17:53

Can you train your voice in a classical and a contemporary way?

Anaesthetic bish
Anaesthetic bish - 12.11.2020 15:47

Sir I am having a cold and my voice is really becoming bad and bad what should I do
