The BIG PROBLEM with historical wargames

The BIG PROBLEM with historical wargames

Midwinter Minis

1 год назад

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Morhgoz - 19.09.2023 02:24

What's the problem playing nazis? They have beter looking models and also they are usually bit OP by the rules, at least if it accurate rules... Like 40k Imperium is like 10k worse than nazis ever were and you paint their stuff all the time?

Andrew Pyrah
Andrew Pyrah - 18.09.2023 20:32

What about playing 40k armies with bolt action rules?

Hedonite - 18.09.2023 00:59

Yea i agree here. If people are into bolt action thats great. I just prefer warhammer and such because escapism

Sebastian O
Sebastian O - 18.09.2023 00:15

Imagine making this video while you promote World of Warships. Crazy, man. Hope the money was worth it, I’m unsubbing.

zxvxzx - 17.09.2023 13:01

Thanks for the blu tac trick - it's pretty useful!

Robert Goodfellow
Robert Goodfellow - 17.09.2023 00:21

What a load of crap they're talking in this video! Complete ignorance

margaret Wood
margaret Wood - 16.09.2023 08:06

🤔I couldn't Disagree more.(& I hate to tell you but there were Atrocities on BOTH sides, not just the Axis Powers...ever heard of the DRESDEN BOMBING ?? 35-250K Civilian Casualtiês)

And by your rational: then You (or anyone) shouldn't play ANY of the Baddies in 30K/40K/AoS/WHFB either.....should you (?) It's all Fantasy/Wargaming, is it not?

IAN MAJOR - 13.09.2023 16:11

Bolt action is not a Historical wargame, it's Warhammer in Khaki

Deadwarrior00 - 13.09.2023 06:09

I will say this, for Star Wars Legion my favorite and most played army is the Empire, so space nazis. I HATE actual Nazi's with a passion, like a bullet is worth more than a Nazi life, level hatred for them.

The_Uniform_Guy - 12.09.2023 23:21

2 of my grandfather's brothers served in WW2. One in the RAF and the other in the British army. My father's stepfather served in the 12th SS. I collect German tanks for tanks and German armies for bolt action

J - 12.09.2023 22:17

You should stick to things you understand, like abandoning your kids

Pontius Porcius
Pontius Porcius - 11.09.2023 23:12

Guy, you know you can choose to play as factions that arent germany? Also, if you cant discern between who you are really and a character you play as suggests, problems with you in a medical sense.

Eldritchseer - 10.09.2023 21:53

It baffles me that they put out this video and it is sponsored by World of Warships, which allows you to play as the Kriegsmarine. That makes even less sense than the complaints aired in the video.

Ducktape500 - 10.09.2023 09:22

You are seriously dehumanizing a war here. You describe the German military as a force filled with violent hateful subhumans when they were soldiers trying to protect their families and country just like any other country. This is just a game for fun, and it’s not meant to spread nazi ideologies, that’s insane. Let people have their fun with realistic war games that you have with Warhammer.

Karomiooo !
Karomiooo ! - 10.09.2023 00:28

I love to play germany, as they were the good guys

Karomiooo !
Karomiooo ! - 10.09.2023 00:27

TJD 😂😂😂

robert lis
robert lis - 09.09.2023 22:39

well if you want to paint track faster and easier just leave them in frames and then paint before asembling

Kyle Macfarlane
Kyle Macfarlane - 07.09.2023 09:48

Alright, first off, Germans. They're Germans. Germans and being a Nazi is completely seperate. Learn some basic level WW2 history.

Richard Manintveld
Richard Manintveld - 07.09.2023 06:41

As a fond Axis & Allies player, being the Nazis is great. Especially considering that I have proven to be a better tactician than the original Nazis. My win ratio is high. So much even that some of my opponents suddenly chose the Axis side.. And lost..
It has little to do with what you are.
And when it comes to playing it, what you are REALLY playing is alternate universe stuff, especially when the Axis suddenly wins.
Much like the movie Inglourious Basterds. In which little makes sense compared to historical facts.

WhaleMilker45 - 06.09.2023 22:53

Imagine spending 11 whole minutes giving stupid arguments over a board game, then doing an 180 to promote a game with ships from that era.

That Guy
That Guy - 05.09.2023 02:57

I’m left wing or center left and play N@zis for bolt action happily

Kevin Elam
Kevin Elam - 03.09.2023 18:20

I used to play a ww2 mini game. I can't recall what one. But my one friend was A 50 something German Jew. He played the Germans. He lost a lot of family in camps. But he thought the tanks were cooler. You might be over thinking it.

David Cashin
David Cashin - 02.09.2023 21:52

Of course now I want to build more tanks for Bolt Action. I already have two. :-)

David Cashin
David Cashin - 02.09.2023 21:46

War gaming began as traininig and a planning aid for military staffs then expanded into gaming pretty quickly. So, originally "historical or military" gaming was originally about accurately recreating the various military orders of battle and testing operational plans, teaching tactics, etc and not about ideology. WWII armor games became popular as the US, UK and USSR militaries tried to learn lessons and debrief why things happened. They were never about idealizing enemies, though as Western militaries examined the German equipment there was a certain admiration. In addition there is also always the David and Goliath effect a tendancy to make one's opponent seem better than they are to emphasize how wonderful our side was to be able to defeat them. So, with a few exceptions, no one steps into historical games to glorify the Nazis or the Southern Confederates. But there are a few folks out there. .......

BlitzPlayUK - 02.09.2023 11:49 the big problem with historical the history part 😂😂😂

Bit hipocritical to then in next breath yell everyone to play histotical game in "world or warships" (in which you activley show you playing as....pause.....a nazi warship

What is happening to this world ffs

Red - 30.08.2023 23:25

This is why I don't play historical in fact. Don't wanna be part of something like that.

Robert Snook
Robert Snook - 30.08.2023 18:36

I mean the Americans still had segregation etc during the war years. Whilst that was not as evil as the Nazis it was still bad. Playing with any army does not mean you endorse their beliefs. Black Templars players do not all want to kill religious heretics and people with mutations. Tyranid players don’t want to eat people. How is world of warships different to war gaming also?

LeonKevlar - 29.08.2023 06:55

I just learned about your channel recently and have been binging and enjoying a lot of your Warhammer content but man, this video is such a bad take. Very disappointing Guy.

Philip D'Angelo
Philip D'Angelo - 29.08.2023 01:45

Ppl just like the way the tanks planes and uniforms look its really not that deep.

Mad Dog
Mad Dog - 28.08.2023 17:01

Weird that you would criticize bolt action for having nazis, then go on to plug a sponsor for World of Warships where you can play as the nazis...

S - 28.08.2023 14:34

Maybe you are over thinking this. It's just a game.

bowlingballjak - 27.08.2023 22:17

the hypocrisy here is so fucking great!

the guy gets sponsored my a historical video game that has the reich in it and primarily takes place in the 1942-45 setting!!!!!!

Derek - 27.08.2023 01:12

This really paints history as black and white and not 100 different shades of gray. A 19-year-old German drafted into the Wehrmacht may not have been the horrible evil Nazi you think he was. Someone has to play the Soviets right? Were they the "good guys"? Despite siding with Hitler, invading Poland with Germany 16 days after they invaded and committing their own atrocities as the war went on. I mean history is gray and things aren't black and white like we want to believe because we want to believe in absolutes, but remember... only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Nick Yo
Nick Yo - 27.08.2023 00:48

This is click bait and you are part of the world’s the most dire problem of passing judgment on facile and emotional grounds.

BigDuke6ixx - 26.08.2023 10:12

Overthinking tabletop miniature gaming. Someone had to play the guards in Escape from Colditz. There's no 'big problem' here.

Tim Horton
Tim Horton - 26.08.2023 06:07

The virgin virtue signaler vs the chad bad guy player

Definitely NOT Cainan
Definitely NOT Cainan - 25.08.2023 21:35

You knew damned well you were gonna stir up a hornets nest with this video and the utterly stupid shit you said here, but hey, controversy generates views! You're a good painter mate, can't take away from that but I will not sit here and let a dude that shagged and ran away with the hired help after his missus had his twins sit here and lecture me on bloody morals!

Grayfox988 - 25.08.2023 16:22

I'm a static scale modeler. I tend to build mostly Russian and PRC vehicles for some reason, even though I'm well aware these countries are pretty much "baddies". I don't feel like I'm supporting Putin or Xi when I build a T-14 or a ZTZ-99.

Jake Cook
Jake Cook - 22.08.2023 23:03

Awful take.

andrew boos
andrew boos - 22.08.2023 16:27

I've been to some deep places in Afghanistan. I'd love to play against the Taliban or as them even. sounds like there's some Karen's out there who haven't even been to's a board game for crying out loud

Michael Embree
Michael Embree - 20.08.2023 00:35

What a stupid video. Nice click bait title aswell should be "My" problem with historical wargaming. Historical wargames may seem less "popular" only because of the the saturation of Warhammer content on social media. Every wargaming club I have been to has about a 50/50 spilt between fantasy/sci-fi and histortical. Alluding to far r!ght people playing WW2 wargames is an odd take especially when looking at 40k. Because its fictional its ok?? Your last take on reasons why peolple might play such armies is also ridiculous, have you ever played Bolt Action or interacted with other Bolt Action players (especially German ones)? Oh and you do realise World of Warships has Axis ships but I guess as someone who plays the game you would know that? I guess sponsorship money matters more than your opinions you are voicing in the video

Brock Venator
Brock Venator - 18.08.2023 17:02

40K and fantasy gaming is based on history, and historical content. Historical gaming isn't popular, purely because of aesthetics, plus people have to learn history, and that's "like soooo booorringg doooood!" . If you're uncomfortable about ideas expounded in what is one tiny bit of real history represented by moulded bits of plastic, how in the hell do you cope with the ideas in 40K then? Slaanesh for one, that OK with you? Because that's always irked me, selling that stuff to kids, and i'm a keen 40k player.

Neither of us have experienced these things in reality, thankfully, yet one is simply represented more realistically than the other. Or is this simply a matter of you painting a red cross on your enemies door so you are passed over by any potential problems or loss of income so you don't actually have to get a job?

Joshua Sturgill
Joshua Sturgill - 18.08.2023 08:32

The things said in this video are ridiculous and honestly, quite childish.

Cisco Martinez
Cisco Martinez - 16.08.2023 03:55

As much as I hate fascism boy do I love painting Germans

Crazy for models
Crazy for models - 14.08.2023 23:51

If I'm fare I play axis Germany in bolt action as it is a good army in not a nazi

Friedrich - 13.08.2023 20:03

Hey, if you guys don't want that Panzer IV I'd be more than happy to take it of your hands. It deserves a better home

Mai Hand
Mai Hand - 13.08.2023 05:07

I am so confused, how is the historical wargames such as bolt action potentially an issue because real history can hurt feelings and ptsd from smoll plastic figure
and then meanwhile ur playing Nassau a german battleship in the sponsorship?
U know the world of warships ships are based on real historical ships right? <-<

Goblin Twink
Goblin Twink - 12.08.2023 11:18

I don’t like this take either but y’all don’t have to be A-holes about it, if he doesn’t like historical war games then that’s his choice. Lord forbid for having an opinion on the internet.

Tony king
Tony king - 10.08.2023 17:20

Lighten up pls
