why most self-taught devs choose full-stack over front-end

why most self-taught devs choose full-stack over front-end

James Cross

1 год назад

63,674 Просмотров

Some good places to start learning:

Awesome Frontend Dev Course → http://imp.i384100.net/5gv519
Cheaper Frontend Dev Course → https://click.linksynergy.com/deeplink?id=lbIq50Sjgm4&mid=39197&murl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.udemy.com%2Fcourse%2Fthe-complete-web-development-bootcamp%2F

*Disclosure: Please assume that most links I share are affiliate links. I may receive a commission for qualifying purchases.


Python Course → http://imp.i384100.net/LXMKoZ
Data Structures Course → https://imp.i384100.net/anMOYZ
Code Interview Prep → https://imp.i384100.net/MmMAjK

Why I chose front-end software engineering when other self-taught devs chose full-stack development over front-end development. Is that even a true ? Why do new devs prefer full-stack? Let's talk about it.

4 Reasons NOT to become a Full Stack Developer: https://youtu.be/--fZ_5qspEU

Affiliate Links

📖 How to crush code interviews → https://amzn.to/3JGRHWZ
📖 Learn React.js → https://amzn.to/3mSA6lV

⌨️ Favorite keyboard for programming → https://amzn.to/3mIGHzd
💻 Favorite laptop for frontend development → https://amzn.to/3YP0iuY

🖥 Other stuff I use as a programmer → https://jamescrossjr.com/programming/gear

📷 Gear I use for making YouTube Videos: https://jamescrossjr.com/youtube/gear

💰 VidIQ → Tool I used to grow my channel faster: https://vidiq.com/jamescross

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Stefania Ogun
Stefania Ogun - 22.09.2023 21:16

my plane is to do full stack but just because i like doing things by myself and then maybe apply SEPARETLY as front or back end when needed

Aika Aika
Aika Aika - 16.09.2023 17:41

Hi sir, i am Highschool student and working as a fullstack engineer for 1 year in my country. But my parents and relatives told me that i have to go University to get lot of knowledge. Should i go to university? Can you explain why or why not 😊 oh thank you for this excellent video ❤

Justin - 09.09.2023 15:54

First 10 seconds....convinced! xD

Oleksandr Borysenko
Oleksandr Borysenko - 03.08.2023 14:47

I'm a frontend developer now, but when I have some free time I learn something from the backend side - Node.js, databases, ORM. I believe an approach like that gives me a chance to become a full-stack in the future.

thembisile mathibela
thembisile mathibela - 22.07.2023 21:09

Hi, James

About to start my full stack web developer boot camp in a week, any advise for me.

TimeTimeTime - 09.05.2023 16:12

Because most of us are entrepreneurs hoping that our app will become the next unicorn

Chris Daykin
Chris Daykin - 05.05.2023 11:25

I'm currently learning through The Odin Project so they cover Full Stack - and I have a personal project that involves a database. But I do want to dig deeper into front end. I also hope to learn Python and/or new variations of that language.

BBSara01 - 04.03.2023 04:36

This happened to me too at every company I went to.. Literally all the frontend tasks went to me because nobody else knew how to do frontend.

Brother J.J.
Brother J.J. - 17.02.2023 23:33

I am looking at Front end development

Wandel Rand128
Wandel Rand128 - 29.12.2022 11:50

Iam going to become forntend developer

VIKTOR - 06.12.2022 23:06

And then there are people like me who are designers who got into front end, you could say that I am Full-front end, I'm a visual person so maybe even if I wanted the back end life it's not my thing

Jig kura
Jig kura - 06.12.2022 19:36

Do you recommend going into either frontend or backend first as junior developer and then transitioning into fullstack later? Fullstack would be ideal, but realistically I think frontend(especially React) would be better strategy. I would think companies would prefer more experience developers to handle fullstack related tasks.

robin vermillion
robin vermillion - 21.11.2022 18:34

i have been learning python for the past couple of years. recently i started learning front end stuff html, css ,javascript. threw the zero to mastery course. my current occupation is electronics tech. during interviews i get the distinct feeling interviewers feel threatened that an electronics tech like my self know how to code. That and lately my motivation to keep learning hasnt been that high.

Tech Adventures
Tech Adventures - 11.11.2022 04:53

I cant find a fullstack mission on a 1.3 million citizens city.
yet I've cloned facebook all back & front-end, but in my country only diplomas matters and not skills.

Danil Miroshnikov
Danil Miroshnikov - 30.10.2022 16:13

In company I work now I mostly do frontend tasks, but I actually love backend much-much more, cause fronend is kinda boring for me, especially of this html\ccs stuff, like positioning, etc. I couldn't find any backend Java job, especially in Ukraine, hopefully there was small company in Germany that hired me.

William Castro
William Castro - 27.10.2022 06:51

Quick question? You said you were working on UI? That is user interface? Could you elaborate on this? I am guessing it has more to do with the creation of the look and style of the client side? I am guessing you work a lot with css and tools like tailwind? I have a feeling I am completely wrong.

William Castro
William Castro - 27.10.2022 06:44

Hi Devsmak, I guess in my case I am focused on full stack to make myself more marketable. I recently started to seriously apply for jobs despite the fact my knowledge is really front end development. At the moment I am learning React and I actually got pretty good with JavaScript especially with functions and OOP. With the recession, and the qualifications seem to be going up in comparison to last year or even the year before. I feel it maybe a good idea to go full stack. I am focused on the MERN stack. Figured it is a good idea to be full stack because in a sense your 2 sides of a coin capable of at least creating a CRUD application. For me personally my goal is to be more front end with some back end skills because I noticed so far I enjoy what I see what I can create. Eventually I heard you can specialize in something with the back end. I was considering maybe to get really good with APIs so maybe employers will see this as a strength. Not sure if this would be the case. Excellent videos as usual.

Ryan - 27.10.2022 04:04

I hopped around learning many different technologies, low level languages, then web based back end, then I fell into the 'full stack' rabbit hole after a couple of bootcamps.
To your point, the bootcamps definitely made me feel like it's the norm/ required to be an expert in the FULL stack.

It wasn't until I found front end to be a perfect fit for my creative personality, and specialized my skill set to frontend that I started actually getting callbacks on my résumé applications.

Yan - 25.10.2022 21:17

Thank you sir

Thejasilie Metha
Thejasilie Metha - 25.10.2022 19:44

Two words: why not?

CodewithGuillaume - 25.10.2022 17:14

Hello Devsmak,
I focused on Front-End 7 years ago.
However it doesn't mean I don't do full-stack development (actually I do a lot of back-end and more and more back-end as a service with Supabase for instance).
With years, I saw the market changing. There's a lot of demand on Front-End that's true: but there's even more demands for Senior that know how to do stuff. Simply.
Finally, we can say that the best choice is not between Full-Stack or Front-End, it's more a question to be patient and get as much experience as we can.

BTW I like your channel my friend. Congratulations for your setup, your content editorial length, your voice... You are really made to make good videos, please continue.

Wyzrd - 25.10.2022 16:23

God I wish I could find one of these completely and totally mythical “mostly styling” jobs

Wyzrd - 25.10.2022 16:19

I’m over here turning job after job away because it always involves serious back end work and all I really wanna do is design and implement the design

on edge
on edge - 24.10.2022 14:12

A lot of full-stack developers are not super strong in each of the area..

on edge
on edge - 24.10.2022 14:07

Feel so fail to be self-taught front end only here...

Alicia Taylor
Alicia Taylor - 24.10.2022 13:19

I am full stack simply because i am a one-woman business lol. If i still had dreams of slaving for a corporation i would consider specializing, but i left corporate life over 20 years ago and have no plans of going back. If i ever get successful enough to hire someone i might change, but at this point full stack serves my goals where front-end only is unrealistic.

zzxp - 24.10.2022 01:37

I feel that is because most free resources are focused into a full stack profile. So I feel it is better to start that way and later focus on one rather than just limp your way into your first job with half a clue about what is needed to develop an app.

John McWay
John McWay - 23.10.2022 15:05

No such thing as a full stack developer.

Blizzpoint - 22.10.2022 13:53


Michael Childers
Michael Childers - 22.10.2022 03:51

I would like to learn full stack! I want to really learn both to have more skills

chae - 20.10.2022 20:53

I'm self-taught. I chose to be FE because I rather crack my head building things than crack my head fixing bugs. Before I got a job I also could fire up json-server and create a CRUD app without ever touching the BE for my projects. In my company, BE is wayy easier but dealing with bugs is like staring at a black hole sometimes. I also would rather problem-solve than deal with css. But it also could be that my company has many reusable components already created to ensure consistent design language so I don't have to deal with css most of the time.

Juan Francisco Jesús Hernández López
Juan Francisco Jesús Hernández López - 20.10.2022 19:55

I am currently preparing myself to become a front end developer, though I am also studying backnend because I'm curious.

LoweTech - 20.10.2022 16:45

Great video!

Alexis F
Alexis F - 19.10.2022 21:30

I wanted to start fullstack because apparently it was more in demand where I live, but I gotta say, after doing Frontend work, I am completely IN LOVE with it, backend is okay but if I had to pick, I'd stick with Frontend for quite a while! Really glad I decided to go into frontend from data analysis with python, it feels much more rewarding and it doesn't make me feel as bad that I don't have deep mathematical knowledge.

Juozas Masiliūnas
Juozas Masiliūnas - 19.10.2022 16:02

I am focusing on Frontend, but also want to be full stack, because I want to be able to work as one man army and build things from top to bottom. And if needed to be able develop some startup if I wanted. Also full stack teaches you more computer science, how everything works

Learn With Bahman
Learn With Bahman - 19.10.2022 15:24

CSS is too hard for me. Backend is easier.

BigManBedda - 19.10.2022 09:31

For me at least while learning front end I just had this feeling when building projects that it was incomplete just doing front end, my brain wants to see it complete on Botha sides

Travis - 19.10.2022 07:39

I started with Rails and was on my way to being a Ruby backend dev. Then I landed a job learning AngularJS and 10 years later, still front end.

Tino Da Silva
Tino Da Silva - 18.10.2022 21:30

Great video as always!

Anthony Asagade
Anthony Asagade - 17.10.2022 21:34

Am just starting on a self taught journey on frontend. Am currently doing HTML and CSS, hope am on track?

Joseph P
Joseph P - 17.10.2022 13:59

Quite Interesting topic. Kudos to you for giving real world perspective.

Harry - 17.10.2022 08:22

I don’t know. When I look for jobs online, there are only full stack jobs available. Don’t think there are many front end jobs available.

ZeryusXD - 16.10.2022 23:55

I choose full stack cause I have an interest in both and want to broaden my skills for the entire stack. I don't mind working on FT on one project and working on BE on the next

Coderjay1919 - 16.10.2022 22:06

I can build nice websites with HTML5, CSS3, and some Javascript. I can also build static websites with React. I'm stuck on what I should do next because I feel like jobs expect too much. Any advice?

StudioStig - 16.10.2022 17:46

I want to become a front end developer. I’ve been an artist my whole life and went to school for art. I still paint and take photos and front end development feels like something I could engage with and really enjoy. Both for the puzzle as well as well as the visual design aspect. I’ve worked through the JS course on codecademy and the html course on freecodecamp. I’ve got some exciting ideas for web apps, but I’m slowly fleshing those out and trying out more bite sized projects until I build up my skills to tackle building those more complex applications. I expect I will probably have to work with someone more versed in the back end on some of them, though.

Gary.FullStack - 16.10.2022 14:39

I'm a late bloomer so to speak, starting my deep learning in my 50's. Full stack is my route mainly because, as you mention, many of the resources are geared toward providing that training/knowledge. Also, I'm not really a "social person" and while I AM able to work with a team its not something that I look forward to. It just feels more comfortable to me to learn Front and Back end so I don't feel trapped in a totally collaborative environment.

I realize I'm likely setting myself up for disappointment seeing myself as a 'developer in a closet away from humanity'. :)

TechJourney - 16.10.2022 13:57

I graduate in December with a 2-year degree which is an associate of applied science in Software Development from my Accredited Community College. I have a deep understanding of (OOP) and programming, but I am stressed because most jobs are asking bachelor's degrees. My final semester im taking an Advanced web development course with responsive design techniques and xml, but I am stressed because I feel like employers are asking arms and legs for their qualifications. Most Jobs are asking 2 Years exp as a junior Dev.. I really do want to be a front-end developer is the goal, but I'm also going To learn the full stack just to create my own side projects. I'm also stressed out because I feel like I have terrible graphic design skills. Are these super essential when getting your first job? It's overall just stressful because my life depends on landing a job as a web dev. With hard work and goals comes STRESS, so i get it hahaha. Anyways, I love your videos man, been following for a while! Keep up the great work!!

Mohammed Shamil
Mohammed Shamil - 16.10.2022 07:59

It's me, I started my self taught journey focusing on front end, now I'm six months in and these days I'm reading through the pro-git book so that I could be job ready to work in a team, But I'm that kinda logical fellow, spending too much time to position divs kinda bores me while I enjoy the javascript stuff, Thinking of exploring the back-end stuff after I get a good grasp of this Git

Kyle A
Kyle A - 15.10.2022 17:07

What kind of laptops would you recommend for beginners? Also RAM and SSD? I personally just don’t have space for a full desktop setup.. I hope you could point me in the right direction.
