Why Nazarin believes the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe | Unvaccinated

Why Nazarin believes the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe | Unvaccinated


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@Gamertrix117 - 17.12.2023 15:28

The vaccine killed my dad, it’s lethal end of story.

@Hoody - 16.12.2023 20:41

You don't vaccinate healthy people, especially children, when 99% survives covid.

@alexdeonversaagde - 16.12.2023 20:11

It has been released for emergency use only.

@TheJohnCooperShow - 15.12.2023 23:16

People like Naz are the hero’s of society , whilst the BBC are the enemy of the people

@markjoachen - 15.12.2023 17:06

An its still happening...saine flu vaccine killed my father took 4 years to totally take him out mnd cuased by the 1979 new swine flu vaccine which was brought back in the 2009 scare which my father took I found out a year after he died and once again when I forgot in time ...I saw again the same video during the lockdowns.. disgusting that the media lie and people don't actully do there own research...oh and research is not watching TV its reading 1000s of papers

@jimcree6869 - 15.12.2023 12:35

I know 6 people that died in the last 3 years 2 were only 39 years old . One had a brain bleed the other had unexplained growths in his lungs. Also 1 guy 64 who died also had a brain bleed . And three had cancers that were diagnosed and within a few months they were gone. You can argue all you like about things like this do happen and yes they do but ALL had the vaccine. 2 of the victims had private health care and had yearly check ups that screened for cancers . Are you saying both were missed. Or is it more likely that a completely forign chemical injected numourus times into their bodies triggered these diseases. I know which one sounds more plausible

@jimcree6869 - 15.12.2023 12:28

Serious question. How many people suffering from long COVID have not received the vaccine.

@jimcree6869 - 15.12.2023 12:23

How can you be sure it's the vaccine. YOU ARE KIDDING RITE myocarditis and pericarditis cases have skyrocketed since the introduction of the vaccine.also Brain bleeds stomach bleeds . DVTs . Turbo cancers . Every single person in this country knows people that have died way before their time in the last almost 4 years and no doubt non of them from COVID and even if COVID was blamed it was a secondary cause . These vaccines never stopped one infection. Even the people that had it caught COVID numerous times . I'm glad myself and my children didn't have it . There's no time bomb ticking in our arms

@cblegacy4600 - 15.12.2023 11:30

"...evidence is accumulating that IgG4 also has a pathogenic role in a range of diseases. Research in the past decade has shown that IgG4 can have detrimental roles in IgG4 autoimmune diseases (IgG4-AIDs), in tumour immunology and in IgG4-related diseases (IgG4-RDs).

...individuals repeatedly vaccinated with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA were shown, in some cases, to have increased proportions of IgG4 after a third vaccination, requiring at least 6 months to develop. IgG4 is not commonly part of the antibody response to bacterial or viral infection."

Extract from Nature publication

@tracklambo - 15.12.2023 03:12

My wife is being pressured by USCIS to be vaccinated against her will. We have been married for 3 years and she is going through the legal immigration process to USA. The doctors have not been helpful to listening to her medical history and our genuine concern about the vaccines. I am in tears, and we are so stressed and torn that the reality we live in is able to get away with this. It pains us genuinely that we may have to part ways with someone I thought I would spend my life with because of this, I just don’t want to be the reason she experiences any harm. I love her too much.

@Burbandudez - 14.12.2023 20:21

It is unsafe similar to other medicines from side effects to outcome depending on individuals medical health/. Not everyone can get vaccinated versus medical and health/.

@bobwa399 - 14.12.2023 17:40

My relative 50yrs with no disease recently died of asthma. He got asthma after vaccinated for covid. He suffered asthma for 2 yrs which resolved after nebulizing till he got asthma attack so severe that he fainted and was hospitalised, was put on ventilator for 3 days till his death. He didn't have asthma or any disease whatsoever. We strongly believe that his death is due to covid vaccination.

@jenniferknight8139 - 14.12.2023 07:35

Many of my friends who have taken this have died and haven't even hit 50. My last friend Johnny all his organs shut down. Rest in peace ✌️ Johnny. I had metal sticking to my entire body after getting this shot. Three years ago and it doesn't do it anymore. It will do it the first 6 months after taking it. Also my cell phone responded to me without barely touching it. Touch free. I been catching this. And for along time thought it was me. It isn't my cell is responding touch free sometimes. This vaccine nearly killed me. Has caused me brain fog to. My memory isn't the same. Some say my dad passed away. I have no memory if it. And still looking for dad. No death records. I've looked. The lady at a restaurant I've known many years says we went to says I had him in there before he died. I have no memory of it. So yeah this vaccine isn't one I recommend. All my friends were in there 30s and 40s. Many are dead now. It could make a person magnetic 🧲. That's no hoax. The people that were showing that were telling the truth.

@xhongxina6699 - 14.12.2023 06:28

She’s right

@maclectic - 13.12.2023 06:50

People getting injuries that are the same as the listed side effects. But how do you KNOW thats what it was?

@Chris-eu4fr - 13.12.2023 06:09

Comments section on point 😊

@SugarsugarFruity-hz6lz - 13.12.2023 05:57

I still regret ever taking it though because i work from home so i should've never been vaccinated in the first place but don't know why i let peer pressure get the best of me. Even my family now are regretting it lol because they were pro vaccine for quite a while and they finally woken up😂my dad even now calls the vaccine "poison" and he also said that he will not be getting any of those "new boosters" 😊good for him for not getting it 👍 😊

@SugarsugarFruity-hz6lz - 13.12.2023 05:54

I was pro vaccine back when this whole pandemic felt brand new because at the time i thought that a vaccine would "save us" but i would say that I'm more enlightened now than ever before. I got vaccinated and regretted it as soon as i took it because i wasn't the same ever since.

Like most people i got brain fog, vision issues, head pressures and hallucinations with it and before i got the vaccine i was perfectly healthy. The vaccine also gave me my first ever panic attack too. I am not even kidding. The week i got the vaccine a lot of bad things happened to me and i wasnt the same human ever again. Still dealing with the side effects even to this VERY day. 🙄 😢

@albanonymous6006 - 12.12.2023 00:12

So guys I did only one because the government force if you don't do you get fired from job. I did pfizef. I am to worry now. Did anyone of you know what will happen with us that get a shoot.

@marijusmail - 11.12.2023 19:12

So the medical field 'professionals' in the NHS said the things that happened to her friend few days after taking it wasn't actually caused by the jab? 😂

I'm done.

@gelvisblue - 11.12.2023 13:16

BBC on Bill Gates payroll.

@ScorpionSuerte - 10.12.2023 04:19

The interviewer is so brainwashed in the video. I hope she's wised up by now. Will the BBC do a follow up, documenting all the vaxxx injuries?

@ScorpionSuerte - 10.12.2023 04:17

One year later and muppet Piers Morgan got covid after being vaxxxed 6 times, and says he only got it "again" because he never took it 7 times. Meanwhile, me: unvaxxxed, uninfected, whilst those around me with multiple vaxxxes keep getting infected.

@trust_in_God - 09.12.2023 14:06

Let's assume for a minute statistics and resesrch data have been corrupted. The only other true objective piece of evidence is excess mortality after 2021. Is it staying withing its normal range as recorded for years or is it on the rise now?!

@sucofnisucofni8935 - 09.12.2023 12:10

Studying vaccine development prior to the COVID outbreak gave me all the information I needed to refuse the new vaccines.
Best decision I ever made

@carossetti - 09.12.2023 09:44

Trust the Science, just not with defining male or female, or C19 💉😂 🤡

@peterdixon7734 - 08.12.2023 09:17

Hannah Fry has the likeness of three Fly Agaric magic mushrooms displayed prominently on her jacket. Did she consume some before this hit piece? Epic gaslighting.

@meskgiggs8616 - 08.12.2023 03:12

I have lost three people to the vaccine

@az1758 - 07.12.2023 23:17

My friend developed myocarditis after her second jab. She is thirty nine!

@kimberlyfinke386 - 07.12.2023 19:56

I did not want the shots but was forced as a nurse. Got the first two Pfizer and got horribly ill. Refused the boosters and have been harassed over it. It’s been two years and I’m living with side effects from it. Extreme fatigue, vision issues, and heart palpitations. I applaud this girl standing up for what is right. The way people are treated who said no to the vaccines is disgusting, their concerns are real and should be listened to.

@TheIronRepublic - 07.12.2023 17:43

Gangstalking , nanotech , remote control humans 🎮🤳🧟👾, a i , chemtrails , de3p st8 , demontech .

@Luke_Stoltenberg - 07.12.2023 08:11

Good on this lass

@spaceworm6706 - 07.12.2023 01:57

both had brain fog

@SteamyBagels - 06.12.2023 14:19

Nazarin is a national hero. The BBC is a disgrace.

@keithbrown6014 - 06.12.2023 00:15

It's up to them to prove the experimental gene therapy is safe. The burden of proof is on them.
They never have and it's not.

@stephaniekowalchuk2614 - 05.12.2023 22:00

Wow the gaslighting by the red head is disgusting.

@johncc16 - 05.12.2023 20:44

Looks like the BBC are just trying to shut up this girl and others,when these people have genuine and valid concerns about friends and other who were almost certainly damaged by the COVID 19 vaccination. The BBC has, become, just a mouthpiece of the Governing party in power, along with their corrupt and lying members in Parliament and Government Ministeries. I hope the truth will all come out in the next year or two. It is a massive cover up by Government and the pharmaceutical companies, which needs to be exposed and put right for the future. The BBC has become very similar Russia Today. It can no longer be trusted as a source of truth.

@elyastoohey6621 - 05.12.2023 11:29

ABsolute bad faith on the "professors" part. SHe would know, if she wa a professor in medicine or an MD, that given the temporal distance, that is within a WEEK, (incredibly short time scale) that the new therapeutic, that is the experimental jab, MUST be assumed to be the factor at play for the sudden onset of symptoms (Heart attack, brain fog, stroke), unless proven otherwise.

She also would know based on the small time lapse, that the odds of such an event not being related are very small. In all of probability, there is always margins of doubt. Old label for this is Cartesian doubt. We can never know ANYTHING for certain. But Cartesian doubt cannot govern science, as it merely states that there is always a tiny amount of area for doubt.

yet she is, in bad faith, using Cartesian doubt to say to this young lady "you don't know"
Absolute bad faith.

@dwmoore1234 - 05.12.2023 03:13

Covid-19 was and continues to be a risk to health and even life. However the risk varies significantly with age and other factors. All of the currently developed vaccines, although effective carry some risk and are experimental, hence provided on an emergency licence. There are vaccine unknowns and therefore unknown risks. This is not the message given to the public, weighing up the benefits was not advised, we were simply told the vaccines are safe. Does every age group benefit from vaccination?

@MrRaybrown007 - 04.12.2023 14:38

How you feeling now "Hannah Fry" Stupid..... Your science is good, but the people peddling it are crooked.

@spaghettijoe2249 - 03.12.2023 21:26

The BBC are not only a disgrace to the united kingdom but a disgrace to humanity !

@desmar7945 - 03.12.2023 19:14

because you would have to be a total idiot to not understand that your health got destroyed immediately after you took the gojo juice. when is everyone gonna wake up and smell the corruption?

@jackd6372 - 03.12.2023 15:54

This hasn’t aged well 😊

@VergilTheLegendaryDarkSlayer - 03.12.2023 03:54

"How can you be sure it was the vax and not something that would've happened anyway"
There has been athletes who have had heart attacks and mortician who have said they have never seen so many heart attacks since the coof vax

@devonb7709 - 02.12.2023 22:40

They vaccinated all these young people they’re supposed to be a follow up for after effect

@fraseredk7433 - 02.12.2023 17:01

Eat your words Prof. Evidence in new Zealand

@spudwesth - 01.12.2023 23:29

Science is totally corrupt.

@adrianh332 - 01.12.2023 00:50

Shes not wrong my mum got a DVT which coincided with getting the vaccine. Could be coincidence i guess but still it makes you think.

@AP-82-nejust-bailes - 30.11.2023 14:21

Could not agree more. No chance will I take this non preventative substance. Not a chance!

@rumaisakhan3492 - 30.11.2023 07:27

❤ Bismillah hirrehmanir Raheem
