What Earth in 2050 could look like - Shannon Odell

What Earth in 2050 could look like - Shannon Odell


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@Jeremy-WC - 25.05.2024 10:33

This horrific 2050 scenario is the best outcome but is hitting 2042 in all likelihood and possibly in the 2030s. Theoretically it is not to late but we need to reduce emissions in every sector by 50-90% in every sector in 7 years to hold 1.5C.

@central3425 - 25.05.2024 06:43

I remember watching this same type of video 50 years ago and we were told we were headed for a new ice age.

@thesjkexperience - 24.05.2024 01:37

Governments will continue to do nothing. Move north.

@kevinjensen2071 - 23.05.2024 09:28

The problem is NOT doing nothing. If everyone stopped all the doing all the damn time that would alleviate the problem or at least a huge portion of it. Instead we have ~8 billion+ & growing DOING SOMETHING all the damn time!

@speedymccreedy8785 - 23.05.2024 05:00

Hilarious, doom mongering from the narcissists with messiah complexes.
Do nothing we'll be fine, but you go right ahead and 'save the planet', just make sure you pay for it.

@Kededian - 23.05.2024 01:10

Lol this video is full of nonsense. People really believe this? 😂😂😂😂

@JorgeRicardo540 - 22.05.2024 16:45

Wars, diseases, famines, natural disasters. Millions of people suffering and dying. Before the First World War there was a lot of optimism. The only true hope is that Jesus will return and restore creation

@DeniseCoelhoEnglishForLife - 21.05.2024 22:07

Optimidm is poison and a dictatorship of capitalism. It is part of what has been killing us. We need realism

@mandiebox7945 - 21.05.2024 17:22

What a joyful video, man I just feel so much better after watching.

@nefsurvival - 21.05.2024 13:54

What if we had a laser that is powered by all the excess heat and shoot it out of Earth?

@red..riding..hood.. - 21.05.2024 11:34

This is one of the main reasons I’m not having kids, there’s no way I’m bringing kids into a world like this

@siptea282 - 21.05.2024 10:57

The UN needs to do something now!!

@user-ko5jc7pl4h - 21.05.2024 05:26

The earth has went in and out of several ice ages and heating up it's absolutely lunacy to think we as humans can somehow alter the world's climate.
I love laughing at people who believe in this because you pour money into the nonsense programs and studies still knowing that you all are 100% useless against the looming next ice age and warming .
The way one way to alter it would be removing humans all of us because we're the worst living thing on the planet.

@TheCommanderFluffy - 20.05.2024 23:44

I'm strongly convinced that marine life extinctions are overblown. We recently discovered that the "vanishing" coral reefs are migrating deeper instead. Everything else in the video I see no problem with in it's predictions. I hope we can prevent this bleak future.

@sahidhussein9606 - 20.05.2024 20:46

Rather wasting time manafacturing why don't we urge industries to produce grow more food

@arthurfoyt6727 - 20.05.2024 20:43

Remember that ALL climate catastrophe predictions have been WRONG.
Remember Al Gore saying that the Arctic would be free of ice by 2017?
Remember Bill Nye faking an experiment to "demonstrate" co2 causing heat rise?

@bobwhite9670 - 20.05.2024 18:21

It will look just like it does now. If you believe anything else then you should probably not have kids and maybe just Kevorkian yourself and eliminate the real problem.

@georgetarbutton2141 - 20.05.2024 17:40


@danielcaceres9971 - 20.05.2024 07:11

This doesn’t even take into account the coming epidemics we’ll face and endure

@Jmatad21 - 20.05.2024 03:21

Its 47.1 in new delhi in 2023

@danieljordan9083 - 20.05.2024 01:16

“Way to go guys, let’s shoot for 40”

@JSJS-vi5fs - 19.05.2024 20:30

What absolute BS!!

The sea levels have barely risen in the last 100yrs!

THIS BS is why TED is utterly defunct!

WEF funded propaganda, nothing more!! 🙄🔫

@eldengod9655 - 19.05.2024 19:55

45 c already in Delhi what are you talking about

@Anhay84 - 19.05.2024 19:48

Why no mention about the biggest and easiest thing we can all do to make a change according to Oxford University study: change to Plant Based Diet!!!

@anshumansingh5379 - 19.05.2024 19:18

Earth is not dying .
Earth is just adjusting itself to eliminate human beings.

@chrisharrimanwireworxllc7425 - 19.05.2024 18:27

how many billions will it take to change the temperature of planet earth?

@656hookemhorns - 19.05.2024 07:50

This is all BS.

@joeltell8484 - 19.05.2024 03:02

The world is fine

@pritchardaracef7020 - 19.05.2024 02:58

use low displacement engines

@pm6613 - 18.05.2024 23:27

'could'. Just another alarmist.

@jeffs9850 - 18.05.2024 21:57

Those who are making the most money from polluting will still make out like bandits.

@loszhor - 18.05.2024 19:37

Anyone else old enough to remember Al Gore telling us what the 2010's were gonna look like?

@tylerlevingston2771 - 18.05.2024 19:04

The climate change agenda a way to make us stop reproducing and give up. It’s doom do not buy into it. We could solve carbon emissions in 5 years if we went to nuclear. Why don’t we??? SCAM!!!!!

@marialourainebanosia26 - 18.05.2024 18:51

Guys ignore a dude named rick yk5qb hes a climate change denier and spreads misinformation

@michaelcap9550 - 18.05.2024 15:39

YT video paid by Soros.

@romulofarias3913 - 18.05.2024 13:22

For Porto Alegre (Brazil), my city of birth, it is now too late 😢

@LairdKenneth - 18.05.2024 09:23

A couple of years ago they said we only have 12 years before the world ends if we do nothing, so that means about 10 years now., giving us until about 2034. Are they pushing the date further out now? Listen, I'm old enough to have seen this nonsense go through several cycles, and we're still alive and doing fine. Do y'all remember when we were fixing to go into a new ice age? Yep, we should all be under 100 feet of ice by now, but no, we're not. This stuff makes great careers for folks doing sound bites on TV, but just remember that climate is continuously in a state of change. Who knows, we might finally get that ice age by 2050. Those experts don't really know.

@michaelmanfred4008 - 18.05.2024 07:03

But, what about the profits? The important part is not who suffers, but who can afford not to. So sayeth Capitalism.

@SajedaNallawar - 18.05.2024 04:56

Just to inform you, Delhi is already facing 45°+ temperatures

@robertstowe2003 - 18.05.2024 03:45


@user-gw6ib8xw4d - 17.05.2024 15:43

Woke dribble

@hungxoanA - 17.05.2024 05:24

too late for do something 🥲🥲

@ouimetco - 17.05.2024 03:17

Most of the young people I know do not want kids and have almost zero hope for a future, home, family. They are largely fatalistic about the future.

@plantjunkie69 - 17.05.2024 00:33

This makes me want to cry. We are so helpless and powerless.

@davidhunternyc1 - 16.05.2024 21:45

Governments are going to pass draconian laws restricting energy usage for the masses. The problem is that the reason why they'll pass these laws isn't to prevent global warming but to monopolize energy. For instance, municipalities across the country are outlawing gas stoves and the federal government is forcing car companies to pivot to EVs. The federal government isn't, however, passing legislation restricting the sale of private jets. Worldwide, no government is passing legislation against the building, purchasing, and use of superyachts, which dump an average of 500 gallons of gasoline into our oceans every hour. We will always have oil and gas. What's happening is that the elites are consolidating the use of this energy source. Let's play this game theory out further. All vehicles will soon monitor your distance travelled. You will then be allotted a fixed number of miles per day, week, and year. When you travel beyond your allotment you will be taxed, meanwhile elites on private jets and superyachts will have no restrictions. "Global warming" will be the excuse that elites use to monopolize energy and control the masses.

@saddingus7850 - 16.05.2024 10:19

too many people, living unsustainably. the math just doesnt work when it comes to fixing any of our current problems. i have land, ive grown a large garden, but it wouldnt be enough to feed my family sustainably. id have to grow much more, and its ridiculously miserable hard work that takes more than one person, and is going to get even harder as the planet continues to warm. now, lets also add, that all my time growing the food to sustainably support my family, is also taking up the time i would need to earn money to pay taxes, other bills, because the price of vegetables doesnt pay the bills. ive sold excess produce an a stand at my home, and while it gets bought, the prices people are willing to pay never ever make up the actual costs. this isnt going to work for most in our current system. most people dont even have land or water access to farm for themselves. me thinks, we be f-cked.

@bergenwhitney - 16.05.2024 08:50

Artificial photosynthesis will change everything. Then oxygen becomes a serious problem and insects get massive. You can surprisingly produce more oxygen in the long run, unless you burn forests.
