Encephalitis (“Brain Inflammation”) Signs and Symptoms (& Why They Occur)

Encephalitis (“Brain Inflammation”) Signs and Symptoms (& Why They Occur)

JJ Medicine

2 года назад

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Laura Lyon
Laura Lyon - 08.08.2023 04:50

I have been forgetting how to write letters sometimes (and i have never been dyslexic, in fact, I am more hyperlexic).

FatherBe WithMe
FatherBe WithMe - 22.07.2023 09:17

I wonder if a person could have encephalitis with only severe head pain & sensitivity to lights? Very strange how the day before yesterday I had an unusual surge of energy & cleaned up my apt for a few hours even hand washed some clothes & sheets but then I showered fell asleep then the next day? BOOM, I wake up with a terrible migraine with pain mostly on the left side & upper middle portion of my brain & mild thyroid pain its so bad not even otc pain meds are working for it, the brain pain gets a lot worse when I walk anywhere

bLaKeFN - 13.06.2023 10:50

I had autoimmune encephalitis I’m learning to walk again 😢😢😢

Zenitsu - 15.05.2023 22:08

I accidentaly popped a pimple on my nose and i am feeling quite sick.

Real Mexican Food Shouldn't Give You Diarrhea
Real Mexican Food Shouldn't Give You Diarrhea - 03.05.2023 00:17

I’ve been struggling with allergies and cold like symptoms. It’s not Covid. I’m prone to headaches but this one is definitely different. I’m gonna schedule an appointment just in case

Pagliacci's ghost
Pagliacci's ghost - 25.04.2023 03:25

About a week and a half ago, I had an allergic reaction to mosquito bites on my fingers while I was asleep. This was unusual to me because I live in Florida, and am very used to getting bit, like all the time. Since that night, I've had a headache, my neck is stiff, and I feel VERY spacy. I'm thinking that I need to go see my doctor this week.

Fribit LoveLoad
Fribit LoveLoad - 07.04.2023 23:20

Can herpes effect the spine causing cramped muscles and nerve pain? every time my partner has a cold sore she also has painful full body spasm seizures and needs hospital treatment, but they just say it’s FND but not doing the lumbar puncture tests

Elvira Songalla
Elvira Songalla - 01.04.2023 20:01

I learned this morning about Encephalitis. thanks

Sofia Fantin
Sofia Fantin - 05.03.2023 00:32

Can brain inflammation cause heavy and BURNING headaches.. that find relief when I tilt my head.. basically when my head is lower than my shoulders?? I need to lay down in a “bat position “ in order to find relief … Is there a connection?

Corey Mann
Corey Mann - 03.03.2023 02:40

Sue the va .

Kate Weese-Ulsh
Kate Weese-Ulsh - 01.03.2023 23:05

As a nursing student I found this information really helpful, just felt like the delivery could be given a bit slower. Felt rushed. Thanks!

David - 08.02.2023 00:36

My daughter had Anti NMDA encephalitis last year. she went through all these symptoms and some more. Scariest days of my life.

aili natanael
aili natanael - 29.01.2023 17:39

Can encephalitis be treated and able to cure?

XLOGIC LLC - 09.01.2023 08:00

Please help me, I have had issues for over 6 years now, can you please refer me to a dr in Las Vegas or souther CA

S Toms
S Toms - 08.01.2023 07:06

How do you treat it?

Christy Walker
Christy Walker - 19.12.2022 05:47

At one time I had thought I had Brain inflammation.. However, I have blood circulation... which is poor. So I walk and try to be proactive....

Aubie18 - 03.12.2022 07:51

I had it 2.5 weeks ago following major spinal/pelvic surgery. I cannot remember almost two whole days. They think something came through my incision on my back and spread to brain. I’m also on Cosyntex for PsA.

Dr_underGround - 03.12.2022 01:40

Ah! Sir brain tissue have no pain receptors as u said in video while explaining headache!. I thought i should let u know this.

GRV91 VR - 18.11.2022 00:51

Antidepressants (SSRI’s) can cause this hell

Hala Jaber
Hala Jaber - 11.11.2022 14:16


rohidas Jogdand
rohidas Jogdand - 04.11.2022 19:53

Can patient cure from this disease

Jp 🚀
Jp 🚀 - 30.10.2022 06:49

I'm pretty sure it's either my eye's or this . That's pretty humbling 🤕

L&earner - 22.10.2022 16:15

I am 20 years old suffering from CPPS , epididymitis ,arthritis, tendonitis in hand and patella with all suffering daily from 5 years eating lot of medicine to cure didn't cured but now resulted in swelling of brain , not able to live without pain a single second heal me my vital energy who has created all of us , I have strong desire to live many have insulted me for my diseases , I have seen my parents crying , I will sure heal and become a great person 🙏❤️

Delti Becker
Delti Becker - 16.10.2022 17:15

My left ear feels full, my left cheek, near my cheek bone area feels odd too... mild headaches. I had a fairly bad cold that lasted 2 weeks; productive cough, very congested and ears were very full feeling, sore throat etc..mild fever for 1 day (37.5 to 38.1 - for like a few hours basically).

Why after 3 weeks does my one ear still occasionally feel affected and my cheek bone area on left side of face feels odd along with minor headache? Is this muscular/tension headache?

David Paul
David Paul - 21.09.2022 18:55

After suffering for 10 years , Dr imenherbal helped me cure my Encephalitis with herbs remedy and make me happy again

Alyse Hernandez
Alyse Hernandez - 07.09.2022 01:22

I got covid 3 weeks ago and thank you for this video I been having a lot headache and I not have fever yet

Birendra Batala
Birendra Batala - 28.08.2022 12:00

Thank you god and God bless you

Anoa Baper
Anoa Baper - 21.08.2022 16:01

My son toddler with age 1,8 years old he is currently on the PICU room already 14 days.
My son had stopped breathing and heart about 30 minutes. Then after 15 minutes of resuscitation his pulse returned.
Currently the breathing saturation is 90-100.
The leukocytes is still 15000 and still get antibiotic from the doctor.
He is under controlled by Pediatric Doctor and Neurology Pediatric Doctor.
His condition right now is unconcious due to inflammation of measles in the lungs and the MRI test shows there is no abnormal condition on his brain.
Currently his eyes are open but can't respond when we talk.
I don't know If my son got encephalitis or not.
Please advice how the treatment for my son?
Thank you

diamondinthedirt - 16.08.2022 07:32

Experiencing lightheadedness rapid heart rate migraines hallucinations high anxiety fainting vision issues brain fog. Could this be it?? I cannot get a Dr to listen

Aaron Kordizadeh
Aaron Kordizadeh - 03.08.2022 14:39

When I have tumour can some archie battersbee doctor

Karen Mcardle
Karen Mcardle - 02.08.2022 15:45

Wow thank you , over this past couple of years, I keep getting HIB=Haemophilus influenza strain b. My hole character has changed, I've shrunk , and trying to remember things just doesn't happen , I've been to hospital in numerous occasions and the drs for loads of different symptoms. I had to go looking at what could be wrong , I feel like a hypochondriac with all the symptoms and felt like I was wasting the drs time, just reading the comments section answered loads of questions, I get headaches all throughout the day and being woken up. + loads of other symptoms. Now my brain /ears have a swooshing noise that goes on forever, I thought it was tinnitus. Then when I go to the drs I seem fine , my oxygen levels are fine , my heart is up and down like a yoyo. The blood tests will come back fineish. The cognitive issues seem to be the worst , even my dog runs when I'm waking up in the morning. My dog,s actions told me, I had something on my right lung and finally after another CT scan but with contrast and revealed the white mass. I can read but I don't retain the information. When I went for an ultrasound the nurse couldn't find my spleen. Then when report went to The doctor who said everything is ok . I am less than half the person I once was. Now I'm gonna talk to my dr again , everytime I'm diagnosed with something I will research and try fix it . Thank you for this video.

Aramazing03 - 25.07.2022 12:21

Yay! Thankyou so much for this info. I'm currently doing my report for encephalitis and it really help. 😊

Divergent Mind
Divergent Mind - 23.07.2022 15:18

omg i had it because untreated allergies... it was damaging my heart and memory... i also was allergic to everything... since taking anti allergic meds my functions are going back to normal. thank you for this.
