Chapter 40 | Meta Tags & Doctype Explained | HTML Tutorial

Chapter 40 | Meta Tags & Doctype Explained | HTML Tutorial

Abbyshek Sharma

55 лет назад

154 Просмотров

🌟 Welcome to 'Say Hello to HTML' with Abbyshek Sharma!

In this video, we're going to explore Meta Tags and Doctype, two foundational elements for setting up and optimizing your HTML documents for the web.

What you'll learn in this video:

Meta Tags:
Learn about meta tags and how they provide metadata such as page description, author, keywords, and viewport settings.
Understand the role of meta tags in improving SEO, setting the character encoding (meta charset="UTF-8"), and enhancing web performance for better mobile responsiveness.
Doctype Declaration:
Discover what DOCTYPE is and why it's important for telling the browser which version of HTML you are using.
Learn how to use the !DOCTYPE declaration to ensure consistent rendering across browsers.
By the end of this video, you'll understand how meta tags contribute to better SEO and how setting the correct Doctype ensures your web page is rendered properly.


#HTML_meta_tags #HTML_doctype #HTML_meta_tag_attributes #meta_tag_for_SEO #HTML_document_type_declaration #HTML_page_setup #HTML_tutorial #Abbyshek_Sharma #HTML_for_beginners #web_development #HTML_document_structure #improve_SEO_with_meta_tags #HTML_best_practices #web_optimization #SEO_meta_tags #mobile_responsiveness #HTML_tips_and_tricks #front-end_development #beginner_HTML_lessons #HTML_for_websites #Abbyshek_Sharma_channel
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