3 tips to immediately reinvent yourself for 2023 - for women in their 40s!

3 tips to immediately reinvent yourself for 2023 - for women in their 40s!

Planning with Chloe

1 год назад

945 Просмотров

Reinventing yourself doesn’t have to be a lengthy or expensive process that unfolds over many weeks or months, but I think many women in the their 40s (YES, I'm in my mid 40s!) buy into that limiting belief.

So if you’re feeling like you’re stuck in rut, or you experienced a train wreck of a year in 2022, or perhaps you’re simply just ready to reset yourself for 2023 but are feeling like it’s going to be an uphill struggle - I’m here to share with you my plan for 3 things I’m doing now to immediately reinvent myself for 2023 because my 2022 turned into a train wreck.

Go grab your journal, your best pen and get cosy with your favourite cuppa because we’re about to start planning our reinvention for 2023!

Get the printable pdf mini journal here, this will guide you through the entire process with additional journaling prompts designed to help you get clarity!
(no longer available)

Until next time, keeping becoming #effortlesslyorganised
Chloe x


#journaling #reinvention_journey #self_mastery #personal_development #tips_for_women_in_their_40s #2023_reset
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