Iraq War Veterans, 20 Years Later: ‘I Don’t Know How to Explain the War to Myself’ | Op-Docs

Iraq War Veterans, 20 Years Later: ‘I Don’t Know How to Explain the War to Myself’ | Op-Docs

The New York Times

1 год назад

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@Dirifosoe - 24.10.2024 10:41

America destroying the world and abusing young man to do so this is pure evil

@walrusmcgee - 24.10.2024 06:22

Obama and Bush are guilty of war crimes

@VadimNYC - 24.10.2024 05:48

I give my highest respect to people who served in the military because I myself have never walked in their shoes and can not even begin to comprehend the nightmares most soldiers lived thru. You are all brave men & women, god bless you all. In my younger years I worked with men who fought in Nam or Korea, none ever wanted to talk about that time and if I ever asked, they got really sad faced. I also have two school friends who enlisted, years later they ended up in Iraq. Glad to say both are home & safe, although one of them is a bit off after coming home from Iraq. 😞

@RandomPeasant123 - 24.10.2024 05:21

I was just barely too young to sign up when the towers got hit. But I figured something wasn't right about going to iraq.

I had always been a huge history lover.

I had spent thousands of hours studying many wars as a kid.

I decided I couldn't go fight in this war so I didn't join the military because I didn't understand what the war was about and I thought maybe we were wrong to be there. Looking back I can see I made the right choice 20 years later

@50macks94 - 24.10.2024 04:34

Poor guys 🧠 washed and to fight war for oil resources, inside bombing job done by us government

@bit7561 - 24.10.2024 03:05

God Bless our Military

@WorldsFastestFatman - 24.10.2024 02:31

I never had any idea what folks were talking about when they talked about the burden that folks would carry after going to war or dealing with some really messed up stuff. Now a few years after working the hot zones of Covid, loading people into refrigerator trucks, after spending weeks in NYC and months in Texas.. Now I know why folks went back when they didn't have to. I understand too much of it. And I don't really want to.

@maverick744 - 24.10.2024 01:13

Intresting.. I saw streets, schools electricity and water brought to areas that never had it so to say nothing good came of it? The man and his sons are no longer so ima gonna have to disagree with these vets

@privateuser77 - 23.10.2024 21:42

Extremely well done.

@ryancarlile5830 - 23.10.2024 20:47

Wow, This is incredible. I don't agree with the war but I support the troops. May all those lost rest in peace.

@tiktoktroops9267 - 23.10.2024 17:31

dear America , i hope all of your kids see the same stuff that we saw when we were kids .

@michelleg4346 - 23.10.2024 16:04

President Trump made sure the Military had all new state-of-the-art Artillery & equipment. Biden and Harris left all the Artillery behind in Afghanistan!

@crunk62 - 23.10.2024 10:19

How can you call yourself defending your country when you treat your own people here in the USA LIKE 💩? Huh Huh Huh ?

@Kosovar_Chicken - 23.10.2024 06:52

Rip Sadam 1937-2006

@Bond-qd2er - 23.10.2024 05:14

Poor kids brain washed and lied to. I graduated in 2004 and half of my friends joined, it seemed like the thing to do if you weren’t going to college. So glad I didn’t join.

@maximoskoukos - 23.10.2024 04:15

Ah yes, the time-tested false flag triggering emotional responses to justify invasion. Then death, lots of death, and propaganda, lots of propaganda, and who benefits? Cui bono?

@AmericafromthegrindWolfe - 23.10.2024 04:14

No different than world war two

@sani3322 - 23.10.2024 03:06

🫡 to all these soldiers you will never be forgotten❤

@houmihm - 22.10.2024 19:04

The US itself never ever has been a democracy, you have the illusion of choice but deep down the US is as much a dictatorship as North Korea, with the important difference being that we will never see the actual dictator since that would break the illusion

@fabulous21206 - 22.10.2024 16:14

Thank you every man that served our country, ridiculous war or not you were strong to stand for what you believed it. I am proud of you men❤

@mattruffner2463 - 22.10.2024 14:30


@angelakuru3914 - 22.10.2024 13:43

No wonder Israel doesn't take advice from the USA

@drc9378 - 22.10.2024 06:26

And here we are in 2024. Getting ready to potentially face MULTIPLE wars.... WWIII.

Another multi-generational war in the Middle East? UNBELIEVABLE. Hopefully not. ❤🙏🇺🇸

Thank you to the many who have served. We appreciate you. 🙏 ❤

@mili9518 - 22.10.2024 04:32

Dopri viece

@bewareofsasquatch - 22.10.2024 04:12

What sucks is that they’re not the only ones hurting. They left a bunch of people in Iraq scared. A bunch of children’s childhood ruined and have a hate for the US cause of it. Nobody won

@bewareofsasquatch - 22.10.2024 03:53

Bro saying being in a war is awesome… that’s just sad. That’s what American propaganda does to children. They act like they need to join to be the ultimate American and to make our country proud. They think they’re the heroes. Sometimes they are but they’re just being used by corps and politicians. Nothing against majority of them cause they were tricked from a young age. But there is some psychos that do war crimes.

@ezze7540 - 22.10.2024 01:35

False flags equals fake wars.
Sad, just a bunch of kids trusting a system that will do nothing but destroy them.

@BingWrosby - 22.10.2024 00:35

In hindsight, I’m glad I didn’t sign up back then. Graduated in 2003 from a continuation high school with no hopes of college. I have no PTSD from bussing tables and washing dishes for $6/hour.

@Funvtv666 - 22.10.2024 00:16

You fought an illegal Zionist war 🧨

@josephklem1997 - 21.10.2024 21:50

I don’t think it was fun to look back on

@sharonrobledo136 - 21.10.2024 21:24

First thank you and I am truly sorry

@EnergyWRLD - 21.10.2024 19:04

People should understand that joining in the national guard is the only way to truly defend your country.

@surgeryonthesidehustle - 21.10.2024 16:54

Just cried like a baby.

@iforgot890 - 21.10.2024 16:09

There’s no draft. They all choose to go to these peoples and terrorist them. Each one of them chose this for themselves. Some were naive, ignorant, brainwashed. All fit and green enough to know how to make choices for themselves. This is who they chose to be

@joshuathomas8909 - 21.10.2024 15:13

Drummond looks like he is doing well

@bcgoldminer - 21.10.2024 14:21

Be free and RIP Jason…

@Pales6een - 21.10.2024 10:32

Can’t imagine how the real victims in Iraq and Afghanistan must have felt 😢

@erikbiller1 - 21.10.2024 07:07

Had to slip some black lives matters in there, huh?

@scottcampbell96 - 21.10.2024 06:41

I can’t comprehend what these boys went through and are going through. My ANG unit was relatively safe in “an undisclosed location”, but I carry a ton of guilt for my own involvement in “the wrong war”. The politicians lied to us when we left and half my family won’t speak to me because I had a break down when my brother-in-law joked about right wing conspiracies. Conspiracies got a lot of young Americans and Iraqis killed. I don’t know how to get them to understand it isn’t a joke to me.

@mushroomhehe370 - 21.10.2024 02:23

knowing about the torture in Abu Ghraib, my heart dropped when he said that the journalist was sent there

@leftlanegermany - 21.10.2024 00:52

"Imagine there is a war and nobody goes."

@S_S-WHYT - 21.10.2024 00:00

It’s sad that the people that sent these people to war, probably don’t lose any sleep at night. And what was the war over really? Oil. Tore people apart for greed

@nicolascanale4877 - 20.10.2024 23:33

Drain the swamp.

@warrenforeigns4898 - 20.10.2024 22:12

We put great pride in our military. The military will accept just about anybody. McDonald’s turns down more people than the United States military. Most people wouldn’t volunteer without pay to join the military. The amount of casualties in the military post Vietnam has been extremely low compared to pre Vietnam. There are more cases of PTSD in the military post Vietnam compared to the Vietnam war and all wars before that. Our military post Vietnam has had a much higher high school drop out rate and a GED level acceptance. The non Caucasian military population is the majority today. Making it in the real world pre and post military has been much harder for military members post Vietnam than it was for the military members from Vietnam and before. There are much more incentives, money, rights, opportunities, charities, medical help, and praise for military members now than ever before. The military members of wars from Vietnam and prior had seen the most amount of in battle death and trauma. There was no choice. A lot of them were successful in the real world and volunteered without pay to fight for America. They came back from war and raised families, had jobs, and normal lives. Today they join for pay and know exactly what they are signing up for. They don’t have to face anywhere near the loss of previous soldiers yet have the most amount of PTSD. They tend to pick up where they left off before joining after they get out. The real war is making it on your own and being successful in the real world . The tragedy is the amount of modern day military members that get out and seem to not have learned anything about skill or discipline. And these are the people that our tax dollars went to paying to protect us just in case. You might as well protect yourself if a war breaks out, half these guys will get PTSD just by looking at a gun. Thanks to the troops, also the taxpayers that fund the operation and pay the expenses. Thank everybody for their service, including those putting the tax dollars into the bank account that pays the troops checks, travel, food, housing, college tuition, and so much more. Truly, thank you! 🙏 also thanks taxpayers for the advertising dollars paid to places the NFL to promote the military. Better spend in that then put into your own pocket?

@vahiphopandnews - 20.10.2024 21:26

God Bless our Soldiers

@Doai55 - 20.10.2024 21:02

التعليقات مخيفه اغلب اللي راح العراق ربي انتقم منهم

@Themheals - 20.10.2024 17:38

The worst part about being a vet of that war was that they werent fighting for freedom, they were fighting for rich white politicians.
