Excel Video 506 Filtering in 3D Maps

Excel Video 506 Filtering in 3D Maps


6 лет назад

1,720 Просмотров

Excel Video 506 introduces filtering in 3D Maps. I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the variety and flexibility of the filtering options available. You can manually filter items as you’d expect, but filtering in 3D Maps also has advanced and/or functionality as well as the ability to aggregate filtered items. Watch how I use the aggregation feature to filter by the distinct count of items in my dataset. To get distinct counts in a Pivot Table you have to use PowerPivot. Distinct count is available now in 3D Maps, making your filters even more powerful.

Note how I can filter by items in the map as well as items that are not displayed on the map. Also watch how I can click to add fields to filter by. I can also drag items from the field list to the filter area to create new filters.

We’re just scratching the surface of what 3D Maps can do. Stay tuned and we’ll continue exploring 3D Maps. I look forward to seeing you then.


#Excel_2016 #Microsoft_Excel #Moore_Solutions_Inc #Nate_Moore #3D_Maps
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