Remapping the Most Useless Key on Linux (Caps Lock)

Remapping the Most Useless Key on Linux (Caps Lock)

Eric Murphy

1 год назад

10,528 Просмотров

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Divital - 20.10.2023 19:39

I literalyl spent a week understanding evremap from the ground up and remapped my context menu / compose key to my backspace key, since my backspace key was having issues .
also I use arch with hyprland btw ! :) (the typing experience on hyprland on any kind of browser based application based on electron is horrible!)

Argletrough - 26.09.2023 11:43

I see quite a few people (presumably Emacs users) with caps lock replaced with control here; you might like this:
setxkbmap -option ctrl:hyper_capscontrol
This makes caps lock act as control, and replaces left control with hyper (H-), which provides an extra layer of keybindings that aren't already used by Emacs or window managers.
On my Arch system (but not Ubuntu), hyper was treated the same as super by default, because they were both recognised as mod4. The following Xmodmap commands fixed that:

remove mod4 = Hyper_L
add mod3 = Hyper_L

John Massaglia
John Massaglia - 14.06.2023 23:55

I've been using a combination of xmodmap and xcape so if I hold down caps lock it's my control key and if I hit it momentarily it's my escape key.

Bob Wareham
Bob Wareham - 29.05.2023 17:56

Perhaps you can help me, I have installed Linux Mint XFCE but when I use caps lock I don't know if it's on or off is there a way to see it on screen say in the Panel?

Alex Stone
Alex Stone - 15.05.2023 08:15

This can also be donr on windows using powertoys although not a modifier but any key or f24 which can then be usrd in AHK

Eran Boodnero
Eran Boodnero - 12.03.2023 15:12

i set mine to be esc when pressed and super when held down

Pete Bryan
Pete Bryan - 01.03.2023 01:20

man, vscode does not see this unfortunaly. and as of right now i know that it is all apps install through .deb.

Jim Lorbetski
Jim Lorbetski - 26.02.2023 07:12

Hey Eric, using 'localectl' didn't work for me that way you demonstrated. When I put in the quotes I kept getting the message " Failed to set keymap: Specified keymap cannot be compiled, refusing as invalid..........However, I did figure it out!......<localectl set-x11-keymap us ctrl:nocaps> Running on Arcolinux with i3wm. Great tip! I hated the ctrl key where it was....I use <ctrl-[> for my Neovim 'ESC".

K Smith
K Smith - 17.02.2023 01:04

I'm using latest Arch and Openbox on a Thinkpad T430
I have the same options shown as you when I enter
grep caps /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst
so I then enter
setxkbmap -option "caps:escape"
and this sets caps lock to be locked to lower case all the time
No escape in nvim, which I use all the time
Does not set this to escape key for me
Any ideas?

Fitful Panda
Fitful Panda - 17.01.2023 11:41

Far easier than using Xmodmap.

HWstar - 14.01.2023 08:26

I get the warning "WARNING: Running setxkbmap against an XWayland server"

AMVids - 07.12.2022 15:23

i want to remap my caps to backspace and i do the xkbmap thing and it works but the problem is that it doesnt let me make more than 1 backspace movement when i hold down the key, i have to keep pressing caps for every backspace, any idea how to fix this?

Amaan Mohammed
Amaan Mohammed - 30.11.2022 10:44

I do not have the 00.-keyboard.conf file
any alternate ways to do this ?

A Axen
A Axen - 21.11.2022 20:55

Yay, I hate that key, why the heck to they put it in that spot, thanks for the vid

Rikki Nevers
Rikki Nevers - 03.11.2022 00:06


Diuran - 12.10.2022 22:30

On Windows I'm using very easy app to swap Capslock to F13 and using this f13 to push to speak button on Discord. But I don't know how to change to any button or this f13 on linux Mint. I want to change caps to buttons that exist in Linux, but doing nothing that I can use on discord.

Haters gonna hate
Haters gonna hate - 12.10.2022 19:39

What color scheme do you use?

Lobaluna - 12.10.2022 04:42

I remapped my Caps Lock key to Compose key, since a long time ago. It's super useful to me in this way, to access those symbols not present directly in my keyboard

Anshik Singh
Anshik Singh - 11.10.2022 13:57

Finally vim can be more fast

Nicholas Ng
Nicholas Ng - 11.10.2022 05:31

The ONLY key I hate most is the Super Key (which has the Win Logo) and every True Linux i3 Laptop I have, I just use a Labeller and Print "Mod4", and stick it there, to Block the Logo. Then, I assigned my Mod key to Mod1. I have no hate for Caps Lock. They are innocent, unless MS has another Logo there. Peace :-)
