Angular For Beginners: 14. Services & Dependency Injection

Angular For Beginners: 14. Services & Dependency Injection

Teddy Smith

1 год назад

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@sfspmusic - 06.09.2023 11:24

Hey Teddy! 😄 First off, big thanks for the amazing Angular tutorial – I'm learning heaps from it! I noticed a small thing: after creating a service with providedIn: 'root', you also added it to the providers array in the module. I think Angular might handle this automatically with providedIn. But hey, maybe there's a reason I'm not aware of! Thanks again for all the knowledge you're sharing. Keep rocking! 🚀🌟

@lucasdamasceno7068 - 11.05.2023 17:18

thanks bro, services, observables and subscribe are the hardest part off angular for me

@yunusemre8116 - 15.12.2022 12:09

Service Classes and DI are meaning to me that they are similar the state management tools in React like context/reducer, redux, redux-toolkit. But this process is looking more fancy than react 🙃

@icaromendes1250 - 29.11.2022 15:36

Hey! nice course,
keep up the good job!

@oliverfavalli1746 - 04.08.2022 22:37

Hey Teddy. Great job man. Talking about the provider name in Angular is because of the idea that you can send to all the different component levels in you application (You made a drawing of this idea in your video). In a similar way, it happens for the React Context.

@nelsonrivers8546 - 26.07.2022 01:06

What about Authorization, CORS, and Swagger ?
