Top 10 Beginner Motorcyclist MISTAKES (Must Avoid)

Top 10 Beginner Motorcyclist MISTAKES (Must Avoid)

Yammie Noob

2 года назад

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Tom Kloster
Tom Kloster - 12.09.2023 02:55

Finally, someone mentioned turn signal cancelation. The easiest way to get pulled out in front of!

Jeannie Kanehl
Jeannie Kanehl - 12.09.2023 00:06

I’m 54 and I just learned how to ride. My husband got me a Honda rebel 250 and it was the perfect size. I graduated and bought myself an Eliminator 450 and that’s all I need. I don’t want the extra anxiety of too much power, weight and tip toeing the bike.

Lucas Suppes
Lucas Suppes - 04.09.2023 21:54

I've bought a bike because always liked it, however always wanted to cruise so I got myself a good deal on a street twin as a first one. I was between a cb500x and a st, and now kinda scared to be too much of a bike for me

Caitlyn Harlows
Caitlyn Harlows - 04.09.2023 21:36

We women don't need a tub of Vaseline 😂

M4R14N4 - 30.08.2023 18:49

hi, i love ur content btw
i want to buy a bike, but i don't know which helmet to buy, like the brand, and im not sure what bike i should buy

The Frog
The Frog - 27.08.2023 11:41

ok bro im forced to ride my dads old harly cause I'm in the works of saving so don't call me out like that

Swoll-Samurai - 20.08.2023 03:33

If u are new at bikes u will fall some day and it wont be pretty.. will u continue riding? fuk yea.

Parker - 12.08.2023 15:05

OMG, stop with the comedy and just teach!

3232myke - 02.08.2023 22:29

You must really care what ppl think of u bro , what a shame for u

Your moma
Your moma - 02.08.2023 18:45

In my country serbia its the law that before 18 you can only drive a bike to 125cc. I have been thinking a lot and my pick us yamaha r125, do you have anything that i should know why is it a good or a bad idea

xxstarfire - 18.07.2023 01:11

I refuse to start on a 300 simply for the fact I learned on my course I look like a clown on those mini motorcycles 😂

Jason Flynn
Jason Flynn - 16.07.2023 23:50

I’ve been nervous, buying my first bike 4 years after passing my test. Watching loads of videos on cornering and riding cos I’m so nervous and hear all these horror stories. Turns out American motorbike tests are entirely contained to parking lots. I did my test in Germany. I had 3 mandatory hours of highway, country roads and night riding each. Plus all the basic lessons. I’m a lot less nervous with my abilities now as it seems my experience straight from just learning to ride is significantly higher than most Americans. How is that legal America that you can just hop on a bike?

Ronald Shimkovichus
Ronald Shimkovichus - 05.07.2023 06:19

Some bikes show on what gear you are on , so there is the mistake of relying on it instead of looking ahead on the road.

Munchkin 🌻
Munchkin 🌻 - 05.07.2023 01:41

I am def buying used so if I drop it I will feel LESS sad, still will be sad though lmao

Kennedy McGovern
Kennedy McGovern - 03.07.2023 03:17

As to the "gear" thing...with all due respect...kiss my pink, Irish, old school Veteran ass with that bullsh__. Life is hard. Life is not safe. Deal with it.

I wear jeans and not shorts, because I burned my leg once when I was in my 20s riding that Ninja. I wear wrap around sunglasses because that is practical. But then I wear a T-shirt, and a barely legal half tip helmet because...I hate to break this to you kid, but if you fly off of the back of a bike at 80MPH, that bubble wrap helmet of yours aint gonna save you. If safety is what you are looking for, buy a Camry.

When I see you kids in your little pink riding jackets, this GenX rider sees a bunch of pansies. And YOU CAN DISAGREE with what I see. That's fine. But to tel the whole world that we are all one culture that holds your point of view...kid, that is just a lie.

That is all.

Kennedy McGovern
Kennedy McGovern - 03.07.2023 03:09

HEY! As a proud United States Navy Veteran, I am going to happen to demand that you stop using the insulting nickname "squid" on other people! That's OUR insult, and we take great pride in being insulted with that particular term.

Call others that you wish to insult something different. Thank you, and that is all.

dani Yuki
dani Yuki - 20.06.2023 01:04

I swear. This turning signal thing is a real issue I have. Everytime I forget it.

lewis Mackey
lewis Mackey - 16.06.2023 19:29

would a cb500x be to much bike for me? Doing CBT next month and im 6'5 n weigh alot lol

esco1208 - 31.05.2023 00:55

Is it me or is Yammie Chrisfixx ? Sounds a lot like him.

jarthur1369 - 28.05.2023 20:03

funniest noob move is in a parking lot in first gear when they do not tuck their knees in and instead use their hands to control foreword and aft momentum. and then they try to give it a little throttle, pulling them back and giving more throttle than they wanted to, so they try to back off the throttle, throwing their momentum forward, totally dumping the throttle, so they try to give it some throttle,... and over and over lol

I test stuff
I test stuff - 25.05.2023 00:25

When you mentioned getting all your work done at the shop I froze because I genuinely tried to work on my bike but I was so confused with the clutch😢

Cari Mar
Cari Mar - 23.05.2023 22:07

Watching this as a new rider, haven’t made any bike friends yet and no idea where to take my bike to for that rear tire screw I got yesterday 😅
Definitely feeling like a noob
Thanks for your videos yamm

gofyourself74 - 22.05.2023 16:47

Dumped mine in my driveway. Normally when I back out my garage and turn up hill. Something was in my way so I backed downhill. To fast backwards didn't end well.

C B - 15.05.2023 21:54

Lol, enjoyed your video and your comedy. So many little funnies tucked in here. Subscribed!

Victor Lofeudo
Victor Lofeudo - 12.05.2023 23:18

In south america 125/150 is king of the road

Flyboy207 - 07.05.2023 22:27

Any advice for someone trying to transition from dirt to street? I can ride a bike pretty well from the mechanical perspective, it’s the rest of the traffic that scares me.

BaBa Gaming
BaBa Gaming - 05.05.2023 19:28

Just ride in India for 3 months and you are good to go

Matthew - 28.04.2023 02:29

Re: buying too little bike: consider your environment. I never take the highway where I live, and the fastest roads I'm ever on for my commute is about 40 mph. A 125 cc bike is completely feasible for me if my goal is commuting (it is). If I ever wanted to just take a long ride down the coast or anything, I'd look into getting a 300-400 cc bike, but that's not a concern for at least a year or so.

If you're in Texas where the speed limit is 80 and no one is going slower than 90 and the cops will actually ticket you for "not keeping up with traffic" (not kidding, sister-in-law got a ticket going 85 in an 80 because all the traffic around her was going 100 even though she was in the right lane), you might need a 600-750 to take the highway....

Menno - 27.04.2023 19:48

Kickstand turn, didn't hear about that before yet, going to try that some time. Seems faster than walking the bike back into a parking spot.

King Prickard
King Prickard - 21.04.2023 16:51

I'm a UK squid. Stuck with a 125cc limit, so I bought a Yamaha MT125.

Thomas Branson
Thomas Branson - 14.04.2023 21:50

Better to dump it in a parking lot than on the highway. I been riding over 40 years and once I pulled into a store parking lot, picked up my foot to drop kickstand, was watching my foot. Stupidly I put my foot back down on asphalt. Leaned my bike over to rest it on kickstand, yeah I did not put kickstand down. I stood there looking the fool. Do not worry, you will drop your bike, whether you want to or not. Just be ready.

Jedadiah Tucker
Jedadiah Tucker - 31.03.2023 21:07

im getting older but finally want to pull the trigger and get a bike. the only one that dose it for me looks wise is the cbr, i know i should get the smaller one, but my ears bleed every time i hear it. love the sound of the inline 4. can someone just make a smaller 500,450 something with a inline 4. who cares if it makes it more pricy, or would have a better this or that if it was a twin or tripple.

Heather Radewan
Heather Radewan - 24.03.2023 03:54

I just started riding a few years ago I love it ! Who's I could have gotten a bike sooner and yah mines old and slow but it's mine and it's a classic sport bike

whammo11224 - 24.03.2023 03:18

Number 8 is my biggest problem!

MayhemDirrty - 22.03.2023 09:01

so how can i get a bike from you... what i gotta do to win something i can ride with my lil bro who got his first bike and is now trying to learn , today was the first day he actually went on the rd and he freaked out and pulled over i had to go hang with em in a parking lot as he made circles to get comfy then followed him home.... a whole 200 yards or so from where he pulled over.....i need a bike to be able to cruise around with em in case something happens and its been awhile for me to so i want a newbie bike... 400 or what i gotta do man?

Matt Conley
Matt Conley - 20.03.2023 10:14

For a beginner bike is the nc700 too much ? After your first point I found a used one for cheaper than a ninja 400… should I just pay the extra buck for the 400?

50dimensions - 20.03.2023 10:00

I’m a beginner on a xy7r 😂 I be stallin n shi 😅

Christian Ornelas
Christian Ornelas - 19.03.2023 09:02

Dang my wife just bought me a 2022 grom because she heard me talking about wanting one. I’m glad I got it as a beginner bike it’s so fun to ride around town and easy to learn on

travis clarkin
travis clarkin - 16.03.2023 00:08

I think one of the biggest mistakes a new rider can make is listening to some of your advice. The best way to learn how to ride a motorcycle is on a dirt bike in the dirt. Period. Anyone who started on a dirt bike will hop on a street bike and within 6 months be out riding guys who have been on the street for 5+ years. You will learn every aspect of control on the dirt and it easily translates onto the street..

Bracci - 11.03.2023 13:26

Just started riding a 125cc Chinese-Austrian bike. 125cc because here you can drive it with a car licence. It is kinda scary learning to ride in live traffic :D

Zradreak - 07.03.2023 13:59

i made the mistake of getting an 05 buell xb12r firebolt and rode it only 4 times and tried to go fast and rolled it at 100

Cedric Lenners
Cedric Lenners - 28.02.2023 23:25

I"m watching this waiting for my first bike's driving plates. In a week I should be upon it😏💪💪

kubi11 - 26.02.2023 20:24

Only bike ill buy is r6 😋 going to jump from 125cc scooter to it 😋

semc007 - 26.02.2023 02:57

The bike u ride in ur vid is the bike I JUST bought as my first bike

Shea - 24.02.2023 08:34

Oh fuck off with all the doubt you cast on me. My first bike will be a CBR1000RR.

Just playing, that is the goal though. I want a Fireblade.
For now though im looking at the CBR500R, but if i can't find that id take a 650, of any brand, i even look at cruiser bikes too, like a sportster 883 would also be awesome... theres just so many options...

But hey im not trying to start on a literbike.. i would if i HAD to but thats what im gonna work towards. Starter bike first, liter bike later. Maybe ill get a 600 inbetween.. who knows. I might end up on a Harley

M9A1MAN - 24.02.2023 01:24

15 years ago I learned to ride on a Kawasaki 500. Perfect beginner bike for me. Currently riding a VTX1800F. Love it

Korey Crouse
Korey Crouse - 22.02.2023 19:01

im a cruiser boy!
