The Unfair Advantage That Introverts Have

The Unfair Advantage That Introverts Have


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Kerryleigh - 23.09.2023 04:44

I remember when I went to Thailand. The sound of silence in those Wats were so peaceful. I worked in a company and these loud men were so irritating for me. I realized I was an introvert. I have nothing to prove to anyone. I don’t like attention seekers. Thanks for this great video. Namaste

Mr_Whitehair - 23.09.2023 00:26

I've noticed this myself over the past year actually.

I used to try and take advantage of My happy moods when they would come up. Trying to be productive or have fun. However I would burn out essentially and then kind of be left bankrupt for lack of a better word.

I learned to sit with my positive moods and just be grateful for them instead of trying to use it as fuel and now they last longer

Raj Modi
Raj Modi - 22.09.2023 05:52


Creature OfLegend
Creature OfLegend - 20.09.2023 17:22

You can make your own mantra: write down your goal in positive language (don’t use negation) and in past or present tense ex: “I wrote a book.” Cross out repeating letters: “IWREBK”, re-arrange if it’s too close to original and break up into smaller words: “BRI KEW” & if it still doesn’t sound pronounceable, add vowels: “BRI KEWA”

Now you have a mantra specific to your goal.

harry kim
harry kim - 20.09.2023 03:10

Oh lord so funny and honest. GET TO WORK, don't just fantasize about it. And don't wait until tomorrow to start. Today is TODAY! TODAY comes before tomorrow! I gotta drink my own medicine. Make it Ginseng.

ttrev007 - 20.09.2023 02:31

I don't know if talkers and doers are mutually exclusive al the time. Elon Musk is a big dower and has a big mouth.

Denis So
Denis So - 19.09.2023 21:08

You're saying, extrovert is, "ALL TALK, NO ACTION!!!"

clemintine orgasmface
clemintine orgasmface - 18.09.2023 16:04


Roy NAYR - 18.09.2023 05:39

😅 I thought he said "Mumra" the first 2 times. Thundercats '85 kid here 🖐🏿

Vextrove - 17.09.2023 15:50

Masahiro Sakurai recently posted a short video about the same concept, but he calls it Internal Pressure instead

Boom - 17.09.2023 09:54

I like talking about what I have already done or has already occured that way I have energy for tasks while not draining my motivation. Rejection of a truth that has been proven in my eyes is fuel for the tank

Danny - 17.09.2023 09:06

This is something I’ve noticed and have been doing for a while now. I keep my hobbies and future a secret from absolutely everyone even family and I go out of my way to hide evidence of those hobbies and goals. It’s lowkey tedious but I still think it’s the right decision in the long run

DermannX - 17.09.2023 06:17

Awesome video to sleep to
Didn't even listen at all what he said but pretty good for sleeping. Cheers mate

Mr Huey Freeman
Mr Huey Freeman - 17.09.2023 00:41

This is why women love guys who say "I love you" instead of the guys who actually take care of them.

AdroitBit - 16.09.2023 05:44

Damn that's deep and I love it.

Dazzle3 B
Dazzle3 B - 16.09.2023 00:14

It is insane that I’ve been noticing this case a lot lately. Sharing what you’ll do diminishes the motivation of actually doing it. As an outgoing Introvert (Ambivert) I have experienced this countless of times in mostly art domains since sharing with others your creative ideas is key. But on multiple occasions I would start a project, work on it for a while, and then deem it worthy of judging. I get positive feedback, incredible support, heck even excitement for the final product. What happens right after? Bam, my motivation straight up vanishes. It took me a while to connect the dots but oh it is so real and now I’m keeping as much to myself as possible. It sucks, yeah, but I have gotten all the proof I need and as much as I love sharing my work in progress with my friends, I prefer saving that energy to actually complete whatever I’m trying to do in the first place.

As soon as you talked about venting out negative thoughts I understood that it goes the same for positive thoughts.

Anna Zann
Anna Zann - 15.09.2023 18:40

Fascinating! Suddenly I'm happy to be an introvert. Thank you for freeing me from the social pressure to become more 'open' :)

McDudes - 15.09.2023 17:30

Introverts: focus on the task at hand, might get side tracked by themselves in-between projects.
Exptroverts: talks about the weather for 8 hours and then realize they haven't done any work for the day.

Can't tell me I'm wrong.

Event Horizon
Event Horizon - 15.09.2023 16:42

There are some people who feel the strong need to please others or to fulfill their expectations, in which case telling others their plans makes them feel pressured into pulling through, in case questions be asked the next time meeting them. Now, I phrased this a bit negatively due to my belief that this is rather unhealthy, but for the folks for whom this is the pathway to following through, this is a positive, a tool. A weakness they use to get ahead. It isn't exactly rare as far as I can tell.
It's worth considering speaking on this topic imo.

I've personally always felt as though speaking about such stuff rewards me prematurely without having done the deed, so hearing this actually be a thing, and it finally being spread by Dr. K. makes me quite glad :)

julian.chocklad Andersson
julian.chocklad Andersson - 14.09.2023 22:57

If I have talked alot will it disapere if I stop and will my goal energy come back?

PheonixAc - 14.09.2023 19:51


Shen - 14.09.2023 12:09

Another great piece. Completely agree with the point on 'fizzling motivation out' by engaging in any form out external communication. One could argue, this is in part due to partial reward we expect from peers due to commiting to a collectively respectable goal. This can in theory hamper the anticipatory reward amount. Kinda like, scooping into your desert before finishing your main course vs saving it for the end.

That being said, a counter also has merit for discussion. That is, declaring / talking about your goals externally has shown to help towards maximizing chances of success if only to save one's face/live upto your word or expectations of your peer which in turn feeds into your self-identity.

To resolve, the answer as always seems like "IT DEPENDS!". It depends 'to what END' you're engaging in external communication. If the goal is to sap micro-gratification / appreciation towards supposed respectable / lofty goals, it will hurt more than help while a healthy engagement to establish some version of external accountability can help more than hurt.

As always, thank you for the thought provoking content!

Emal Ali
Emal Ali - 14.09.2023 09:34

Keep your poker face strong and keep your cards to yourself. As a fellow introvert my mind constantly thinking. Think twice speak once. Listen twice talk once.

alalessia - 14.09.2023 07:17

As an introvert, I usually don't tell people about my goals because if I fail and they ask about it, they'll be disappointed. Instead if I told them a year later for example "yeah so I learned a language" the thing would already be done and I would skip that unbearable valley of 'I have to do the thing I told everyone I would do, now I'll fail and be so embarrassed'. This works for me. I do tell my husband usually because he's not easily impressed and knows what's up lol

Paramecium914 - 14.09.2023 06:51

I was in a college writing class a few years ago, and I would always get really frustrated spending a whole hour or so being on Zoom (this was during the height of the pandemic) talking about writing and writing strategy because I always felt that I could be using that time and energy more efficiently by actually writing. Now I know why I felt that way.

Allan Brusamarello
Allan Brusamarello - 13.09.2023 20:50

Well... At least life has given me something...

Dhruva Shah
Dhruva Shah - 13.09.2023 14:38

The people who took away the most from this video, did not stop to comment.

It's now kind of a paradox.

Hydrogenblonde - 13.09.2023 09:33

What great advice. Those tantric gurus must really know what they are on about.

This explains people like Elon Musk, who talk and BS about how they are going to do everything but never actually do it.
Eg: flying sight seeing trips around the moon by 2018 and having a base on Mars by 2025. Good luck with that.

Caelia Chapin
Caelia Chapin - 13.09.2023 06:21

This is great! Thanks!

BTW, verse 56 of the Tao Te Ching seems to have a very similar message.

AusBushman - 12.09.2023 06:16

Wonder what my problem is then... I rarely talk to anyone, especially about my goals... most days I still lack any form of motivation. 🤷‍♂️

L Hooper
L Hooper - 12.09.2023 05:43

I literally process everything by talking about it. And I actively barely do anything. This is wild. But how do I process negative thoughts and also still keep the good thoughts in

Emergent Form
Emergent Form - 12.09.2023 03:41

Wow super insightful, subbed so hard, cheers dude.

djmj1000 - 12.09.2023 00:29

Even better when you have both traits and can switch between them.

Meadow the Virgo
Meadow the Virgo - 11.09.2023 19:24

This would be so easy if people didn't give af about what I was doing with my life. Either in social gatherings or even just family, everyone always wants to know, "So what are you up to?"
Like I don't wanna talk about it, but of course telling them nothing means, "Oh so you've got nothing going for you."

nychold - 11.09.2023 16:55

Does this apply to talking to yourself as well? Sometimes, well very often in fact, I talk myself through what I need or want to do because hearing things outloud (at least for me) can help me find faults or problems in a plan.

MsterPatatas - 11.09.2023 06:28

This video reminds me of Houtarou Oreki. 😊

jongameaddict - 11.09.2023 06:17

I was expecting something more like "an easy out to any social situation or conversation" I am terrible at leaving when I need or want to

Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata - 11.09.2023 05:53

Save this unicorn at all costs!
As an introverted person drained with all this noise, "shut the hell up" was priceless!
Thanks Doc.

Johnny þe tæcan Uktena
Johnny þe tæcan Uktena - 11.09.2023 05:44

I have noticed that at times i have talked about something then suddenly i don't feel like doing it even if i was talking to myself yet if i think about it i don't lose motivation but instead i gain more motivation

Eventually the build up makes one spring into action and do what they were thinking about

GeorgeT - 11.09.2023 02:00

Wow, I noticed this too. Great video, I couldn’t agree more.

Phillip David
Phillip David - 11.09.2023 00:26

I talk about my goals because then it puts pressure on me to follow through so that I don't disappoint the people I just hyped up with my big dreams

Omario 482
Omario 482 - 10.09.2023 23:23

Whoever comfortably uses the words introvert or extrovert in their daily lives as if it's eating and breathing am here to find a hoby. There's nothin gratifying about any of this please find something to waste the rest of your life on

Ammar Abdullah
Ammar Abdullah - 10.09.2023 20:23

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم استعينوا على قضاء حوائجكم بالكتمان

“It is part of a Hadeeth (Prophit Mohammed’s saying): Literally, it means: Seek help to accomplish your demands (needs, requirements) through confidentiality. The meaning is that you can achieve your demands if you kept them confidential.”

Subhroneel Moitra
Subhroneel Moitra - 10.09.2023 16:21

My bhai explaining the science behind nazaar is real
