Why FAVONIUS Weapons Are SECRETLY OP! Build Guide & Meta Analysis | Genshin Impact

Why FAVONIUS Weapons Are SECRETLY OP! Build Guide & Meta Analysis | Genshin Impact


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@aizensosuke6989 - 14.10.2023 04:14

If u want favnious weapon here is a short trick - Teleport to dauge ropa then run to the x structure and go on the left side u can use or click investigate their .Click investigate and use all element skill of all 4 party members and than do a single pull on standard banner

@eduardosantos2477 - 21.09.2023 04:17

The passive is kinda weird i think, for example i hav a mika with fav lance with 16% crit rate, it aways procs when not on cooldown soo i imo u dont even need to gave high crit rate to the char using then

@oldhyenajotoro1376 - 09.04.2023 18:43

So the only way to get Favonius is wishing? Not actually going to a vendor somewhere to build it?

@0rganic0live0il2 - 29.01.2023 05:56

took me a year to get a fav sword man! i was so happy when i finally got one 😭

@VonSutho - 16.01.2023 02:32

Hi, I have a bunch of characters that have Favonius weapons and I am currently building Sayu and once again I keep trying to figure out if the passive crit energy occurs if the crit is from the skill or burst. Or... does that crit need to come from a normal or charged attack from the weapon itself? I have a couple of characters carrying these weapons that I never use normal attacks' on (Yun Jin, Goryu, Sayu)

@martin144gameplays4 - 14.01.2023 12:01

Thank you 💙👍

@Sergmanny46 - 16.12.2022 11:36

Alternatively, have Raiden on your team. All energy issues solved.

@ninjawolfcoon1839 - 23.11.2022 08:23

This did not answer my question... does it work on co-op team members?

@DiamonDust - 13.10.2022 19:50

The Fav Sword is literally my most competed for weapon, I’m debating whether to refine it to R4 or to fully level another Fav Sword lol. Leaning towards leveling another Fav, it’s so damn good.

@coolman5242 - 01.10.2022 19:51

Eh I prefer sacraficial weapons. While favonius weapons are technically better, they're tedious to micromanage the energy particles.

@Mythic_2 - 28.09.2022 02:57

I hate these builds favonius sword energy recharge in it just build me and iron sting goes on god tier

@speedwag0n_foundation - 17.08.2022 15:24

Me who DO have Favonius Clamore and Sword of Favonius:Ez win

@wyvernmounir530 - 04.08.2022 18:33

If they give no dmg is bad ahhaha the favonuis weapon are good only for those character who deals no dmg like thoma diona yunjin kuki goru..

@OC_ - 19.07.2022 18:03

When a Kokomi main triggers the favonius codex passive o_o

@nazzkyoria2758 - 13.07.2022 03:01

This is a thorough review of every weapon, I say at some points of playing the game the ER became much more valuable than any other stats.
Irregardless of the high damage hero can have if that hero can't cast it again on another rotation could be a huge draw back.
I take for example my Nigguang, while built her with high attack with crit subs stats, I made sure every artifacts I have came with ER. With just her second skill she can already fill and cast her burst again. I'm pretty sure I don't have a high damage compared to other players but I say I have a consistent damage application overtime and that's all it matters especially when you're playing the Abyss.

@lordaragon901 - 11.07.2022 08:49

Having Favonius on most characters basically makes their rotation as smooth as Zhongli’s, just having your burst available so often so easily that you can even use it just to beat peons without actually wasting it.

@Gravity_cat - 10.07.2022 15:35

I'm glad to see another person who places importance on Energy generation over min-maxing a stat a character benefits from. Burst uptime, a lot of the time, is important.

A character I really like playing is Noelle, but her energy generation issues - or rather complete lack of energy generation - can make her cumbersome to use over an extended period of time. Favonius Claymore completely solves that. My Noelle has an R5 Fav Claymore and a decent crit rate, which means she's more often than not able to Burst again off cooldown off her own efforts. She is at her strongest when Bursted up. Due to this I've invested a fair bit into 4pc Husk with Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Defense (as she is C6), and Energy Recharge into her. She's very fun to use in co-op.

I gave Xinyan similar treatment, but rather than Favonius gave her the Inazuma Claymore for the Energy-loss-and-gain gimmick. She's able to Burst off cooldown with it, making her much more fun to use. She's also viable with the Sacrificial Greatsword, as for some reason her Burst can proc the Skill CD passive of the sword.

@ShanMichaelEscasio - 10.07.2022 10:53

I have my favonius bow on diona. I have 3 pcs fav lance and ome of them is with my Ei. Zhongli has black tassel sonce his only role for bow is a shield bot (but kinda hybrid since he has a crit circlet.

My main team consists of:
Childe-main(rust r3)
Zhongli(black tassel)
Xiangling(dragons bane)
Ei-fav lance

And i can do more than one rotation on domains. Maybe this is the contribution of the fav lance on ei who serves as team battery/support.

@leoventigo6811 - 09.07.2022 19:48

Im using my favonius lance on Shenhe idk why since i use her with ayaka and it create a lot of energy Lol

@TokyoQuaSaR - 07.07.2022 09:56

Nice video. One question, how much crit rate would you aim for on a support Gorou (C6) in triple geo team with an R5 Fav warbow ? I currently have 26% CR but I can't really afford farming more for him. I have started playing only 8 months ago in nov 2021 and I can't afford more than a dozen condensed resin per char for their artifacts (I have just completed my desired line up of 18 built up chars, 3 per element).

@zeromailss - 07.07.2022 08:16

R5 Fav is one of the best weapons any support could have, heck I even use it on my main DPS sometimes just cuz how comfortable they are, the freedom of being able to use any character in any team is also definitely a huge plus since sometimes I just want to use my fav character (heh) and not a meta team

I wish I could get more fav weapons, I might try weapon banner if they have a full fav set. I fortunately have all fav weapons but some are still R2 while others are at 5, and even got 2 fav swords but one is only at R2, need MOAR!!

@tardyfleetfoot - 06.07.2022 14:45

Does my raiden count as a Favonious? Haha jk

@user-ht7pl6go1v - 06.07.2022 04:28

i remember when i first build kaeya i gave him 4p the exile + r3 favonius sword and i keep spamming his burst everywhere lol xD

@ZeroSurvivalRate - 05.07.2022 19:56

Favonius codex on Mona has an additional benefit from Mona's passive skill; increasing her hydro dmg % based a percentage of her ER. This coupled with the 4p emblem set means that ER increases hydro dmg, her burst dmg, and her burst up-time. My Mona started to make some real team dps contributions once I switched her to this set up.

@uncaringbear - 04.07.2022 02:18

I use Fav sword on Kazuha, Fav Great Sword on Sayu, Fav lance on Shenhe and Yunjin, Fav Bow on Yelan and Gorou. I think another wespon set that deserves a mention is the Sacrificial set. I would say that its overall utility is almost as good as the Favonius line, although there's fewer units that make the best use of it.

@tallestgrass93 - 01.07.2022 22:40

I wanted ER swords (sac or favonius) but hoyo only ever gave me 2 copies of sac and 1 copy of favonius in my entire genshin life… I’m ar59……I was in desperate need of er eventually I found a way to supplement it with artifacts substats and main stats and sacrifice atk%…it was a tough road without er swords. I got the fav sword at ar58 when I no longer really need it lol 😂

@d-godfather - 29.06.2022 15:47

Equipped a Favonius Lance at R5 with Rosaria as battery for Ayaka, very effective energy management

@arbit0r_ - 28.06.2022 05:31

I play an itto team with gorou and zhongli with favonius weapons, bennett is on that team too but i was lucky enough to pull aquila favonia on standard banner a while back so that's just bennets weapon now for the base attack so his buff is higher.

@qazsurfer - 25.06.2022 21:52

I underestimated these weapons so hard for a while, and now I use them on almost every support lol

@MonkeBrain07 - 21.06.2022 10:57

Can confirm. Favonius Sword is insane on Xingqiu. I would prefer Sacrificial, but so far, Favonius has been good enough.

@spoofymedia2865 - 19.06.2022 23:23

favonius dinoa...always. She's so fricken good with it. Rosaria is also stupid awesome with the lance. I cant go without them lol

@crackers2695 - 19.06.2022 18:12

I use my R4 Fav sword on C6 XQ since I haven't ever got a copy of the sac sword but it works just as well and maybe even better. The ability procs off field as well which allows my national team to have it's energy topped at all times which is dope. I don't even have to put much ER onto his artifacts since I get so much energy passively!

@thelaw_00 - 19.06.2022 16:04

The most underrated weapon series? I thought the Dragonspine, Blackcliff and Amethyst are more underrated

@samubertolotto - 19.06.2022 14:50

I've used favonious weapons from like the first month, glad to see that I'm not the only one using them in every single team

@ayushsoni146 - 19.06.2022 13:32

I don't know why people find Favonious underrated. Here all my supports use Favonious (Diona, Xingqui, Bennett, Yelan and even Raiden) instead of sacrificial. I find it easier to restore energy with them.

@MrMonklad - 19.06.2022 09:41

i use Favonius Greatsword on my Noelle all the time, thanks to Noelle's def scaling offensive abilities I don't lose much damage but with it i actually am able to get 100% uptime on her burst. Seriously its awesome because I can have my burst ready before my previous burst even runs out and thats been a godsend in domains that have a bunch of enemies like the opulent and ocean hued domain. and honestly Favonius Greatsword just LOOKS best on Noelle compared to the whiteblind or serpent spine even. its what she wields in her character art some my headcannon is that the Favonius Greatsword is her Canonical weapon.

@HuanYinKoh1995 - 18.06.2022 19:23

You should also do a comparison of Favonius vs Sacrificial series. Like which characters are better suited to which series. For example, Xingqiu its better to have a sacrificial sword than a fav sword cause of its skill cd and the weapon cd (it prrovides more energy as well imo). Then for Bennett based on similar reasoning, its better to have a fav sword if you're using him as a pyro battery

@sukhnidhansingh9970 - 18.06.2022 02:53

If only I had favonius weapons 😭

@erwandywijaya9965 - 17.06.2022 06:17

Favonius indeed very good!
Its rotation of burst in a team vs more damage i found unique in my case. Like:
I notice a significant difference in rotation when yelan using favonius vs simulacra.
W favonius she's easily filling the burst for herself and entire party, albeit "lower" 4,6k to 6k damage from burst. So u can safely using her burst even if you dont fight big crowds, heck even enemies thats alone.
While simulacra w burst can hit 8k to 10k quite consistently, but cant always get a burst up if i only fight fewer enemies.

@symartin45 - 17.06.2022 06:07

I just need the Favonius Greatsword and the collection is complete.

@DylanDavidVindasLopez - 16.06.2022 22:35

you dont need ER if everyting is dead on the 1st rotation (joke)

@Vimora-1626 - 16.06.2022 22:00

So this video leaves me baffled. I never understood why people recommended Favonius over Sacrificial for Yelan. Basically, I thought it was because Yelan's off-field damage (Q) must also trigger the weapon passive. But it does not?! Yelan should never waste a second being on-field so the question remains... why should I use Favo instead of Sac?

@willpickering5829 - 16.06.2022 21:50

I pulled on the mist splitter banner and still haven't got a single favonius sword:( even tho I now have r5 of the codex, lance, and bow

@Insig385 - 16.06.2022 21:08

i really need a fav sword n spear, but sadly i keep getting dragon's bane instead orz

@markeeecmarkoni2855 - 16.06.2022 13:39

I don't even think they are so underrated......I think players knows how good they are for supports.....but more ref on Favonius seriies are big plus. I use a lot sword and spear. ......And they are better than some 5 * support weapons

@m_v334 - 16.06.2022 06:27

Another thing is that it is really good on characters who deal a lot of hits. An example is Diona, who has five hits on her Hold E. For example, let's say that she has 35% crit rate - so 30% crit rate from substats - and a Refinement 3 Favonius Warbow, she would have an 81% chance of proccing it.

@Ottobon - 16.06.2022 06:18

Many ages ago i noticed and claimed similarly but wasn't sure if i was just crazy. I first really started getting into this when i did runs trying and eventually getting (my first) 8k for Vegabond, and i found any team with Xiangling at the time ran better with her on Favonius then my R1 Homa, which i was struggling to make actually work despite its far superior reputation. The team in question being built and played as a style of Fischl DPS (DPS as in enabler/on field), but more commonly known as "Beidou Overload" by most.

Since then i have repeatedly ran into situations where fitting as many as do not hinder my own teams DPS the better, in some teams essentially a Favonius weapon on everybody but the on field even, and those teams although sounding strange run absolutely beautifully.

@animeholictops1225 - 15.06.2022 20:00

The only thing i personally dont really like about the Favonius weapons, is that it forces you to build crit rate in order to proc the passive consistently. Which with some characters like Thoma, you want to build him on HP but if you run Favonius your gonna have to put him on an Crit Rate circlet instead of HP and also your gonna have to prioritize crit rate in artifacts, which makes building them harder than it would be normally.
