BIG Island Sanctuary Rank 10 ROADBLOCK! How to pass! [FFXIV 6.2]

BIG Island Sanctuary Rank 10 ROADBLOCK! How to pass! [FFXIV 6.2]

Cole Evyx

1 год назад

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@Tailionis - 26.08.2022 22:05

Ths island feels too small for flying

@ranaku603 - 26.08.2022 22:27

I am at the same roadblock AND it is our own fault. xD We flew to close to the sun and now we get burned, this was meant to be relaxing content but well we didn't listen.

@godsplayingfield - 26.08.2022 22:32

like others have said, i feel,like the intended loop of this was, log in, collect profits from workshops. set up the shops for the day, feed animals and water the farm, then collect items needed for whatever you need at the time or to hedge fund later workshop items, then do other things. you werent meant to get to 10 in 3 days.rather a few weeks i am sure. by which time you would have enough resources for everything you need. complaining about not having the resources after speed running to the end is like speed running a rpg and complaining about not having the hp to survive an aoe when you’re under leveled.

@Red-fg9qr - 26.08.2022 22:40

Cole, just take it slow xD everyone's trying to max everything so fast omg lol, when this is intended to be taken with no pressure.

I found myself at level 6, with everything maxed and my backpack, got to rank 7, and am required 4,500 cowries to upgrade the farm, the crops and unlock the new zone. Since I did upgrade my stuff to get exp, I didn't find myself with the red markers, already built the tools, just need to get more cowries which are coming every day since I have my 3 workshops working.

I'm testing different combination of items as I tried the potion/sand thingy but found out necklace + the wood weapon had a way better return in the 24hrs marker. So it seems to optimize cowries, you do need to pay attention to the demand and supply. Returns were x2-3 basically. Now I'm gonna test necklace (wood) -> chair (wood/furniture + bonus) -> brick (furniture + idk what else) -> copper helmet thing (8hrs) so just sacrificed the first necklace and chained everything under, chair has high demand and not enough supply, brick has very high demand and no supply, the copper helmet thing has non existant supply and very high demand. I do think it's intended to work like this, we'll see tomorrow how the returns reflect.

As for rank 3 upgrades: You need 3 garnet per workshop and 3 spruce log per granary to upgrade, you get these from the granary explorations. It is worth it, since cowries are coming from the workshop, 50 per day is not that much if you have optimized the returns from workshops, you can get around 1k cowries per day if you have the 3 workshops going. Plus the extras if you end up selling the animal's stuff, which I'm not conviced of since those are rare mats that don't come often.

So do the granary as soon as you get it, send them our to get garnet first, on my first one I got 3 :) so already have enough for 1 workshop, which I can't upgrade since that's rank 8 stuff ahaha! So yeah! It evens out.

@RealWildWitch - 26.08.2022 22:48

Thank you so much for all your hard work!!!!

@SilverSkyway - 26.08.2022 22:56

I wasn't min-maxing but I'm disappointing about Islands grind and rewards. Really shouldn't been made and focus on other content in the game.

@starvm24 - 26.08.2022 23:07

Apparently playing it slowly isn’t all that relaxing seeing that y’all are running to these types of videos to talk shit. How do y’all find a way to get mad about something that has nothing to do with y’all?

@NagatoFan1 - 26.08.2022 23:10

Is it just me or is the volume nonexistent.

@derekstapleton3396 - 26.08.2022 23:28

I'm not sure what you expected. Yoshi-P has mentioned repeatedly that this is NOT content meant to be power-grinding or blitzed through. This is completely casual content to take slowly and leisurely. Hitting a roadblock seems entirely natural for content that is designed to be taken slowly.

@jaeleighxxx7829 - 26.08.2022 23:45

Damn, I was hoping to see the rest of the map unlocked. I guess it's going to be a waiting game, granary for rare mats to upgrade to tier 3 on the buildings then the 3k dude you clicked who is still an angry red to me at level 8, then workshops til Christmas. At least for people with less time than me, they won't be behind which is nice.

@wavypavy4059 - 27.08.2022 00:58

My island is only rank 5, but I'm glad to see these tips videos so I can make sure I have workshops going continuously as a slowly work through the gathering required for upgrades and hopefully not get as blocked by currency.

@J_Mirae - 27.08.2022 04:36

It's been what, 3 days? And I'm already tired of Island sanctuary. Specifically the gathering aspect. I wasn't a fan of diadem and this is very much that. Taking a break the next two days.

@ryooneko - 27.08.2022 04:41

i can confirm that tools which you made to unlock the last area are unlocked at rank 9 as i had both crops and animal areas fully upgraded at rank 8 and the item didnt turn up till rank 9

@treesuschrist1782 - 27.08.2022 05:16

I love how the 14 community loves to say it accepts people playing the game how they want to play, until its in a way they just so happen to disagree with. Alota people in the comments trying to tell you your just wrong. For anyone pulling that, bright idea, maybe take a moment to realize the dev team, even for how much you love them, are not gods. They can, amazingly, make mistakes. Players should be able to enjoy the content how they want, especially when said content has NO effect on anyone else besides them. If he wants to spend 18hrs grinding to rank 10 and getting everything done, he should be able to. That has no negative effect on you, anyone else, or anyone on the dev team. Yall need to stop with the worshiping of anyone attached to 14. YOU are the reason we get called a cult.

@MrPetpet111 - 27.08.2022 06:21

Rank 9 since 3 hours ago and have to collected about 2.2k Seafarer's cowrie.
But does anyone knoe what groove means in the workshop's agenda as I saw it being at 25/25 when I last went to finish shipping the items.

@petergorgioski2043 - 27.08.2022 07:19

I don't like the excuse of "its casual content" casual content should still be able to do at a reasonable pace, but they on purposely left road blocks and time gated areas to stop people from progressing. They could have added fates or something in the world to give you extra currency or let us turn in special items depending on the time or weather to give us more of the currency needed.

So there is no excuse for the whole "its a casual thing" they had plenty of ways to make it so it can be much more enjoyable. Making it casual was there way of basically saying "we know we made it grindy and time gated but we won't actually say it"

@Kitkat5335 - 27.08.2022 09:11

I've been working on optimizing what I have my workshops doing, but that is cause I've been upgrading everything as I go along. I had the mammet show up as early as rank 7, but I currently can't make the tools for them to unlock the last part yet.

@Eiensakura - 27.08.2022 10:02

About half way through Rank 7 so far, got all buildings up, running and renovated, 3 workshop lines running full time, granaries on 7 day expeditions. Just expanded farm and pasture. Life is good.

@KaryuuTheBlade - 27.08.2022 11:06

I was stuck there aswell, I thought: okay maybe I need to upgrade everything else before it shows available and I was right.
Thanks so much for confirming that rotten idea of mine - very cool explanation too <3

@Catzillator - 27.08.2022 12:45

after lv 10 is slow burn...

@x101xghost - 27.08.2022 16:22

not sure what you thought was going to happen anyway, the whole process was the exact same from the tutorial lol. you mashed your head against the wall only to find out the wall is still going to be there anyway Despairge

@jarack3256 - 27.08.2022 16:23

In your next video. Remember to mention that the island sanctuary is passive progression. You won't hit rank 10 any time soon, unless you want to spend about 2 whole days grinding. I hit rank 5 when I realized it. It's a daily check thing. Go in check your animals, workshop and granary. Since your gardens, yeah, everything I see there is every two days. So the only thing you need to worry about grinding out is your workshop schedule, and you can set what they make 4 days at a time.

Pasture - Daily
Gardens - 2 days - Read your seeds to see how long they take to grow.
Granary - 1-7 days.
Workshop - 4+ Hours. Can be set for a week, or more.

I mean, I hit rank 6 not long after I realized it. And after that, all I had to go do was grind out some mats for building upgrades. I made sure I had the mats to set my workshop to work for two days previously.

@tehownrer286 - 27.08.2022 20:57

I noticed your farm is just full of Aurochs. I'm curious why that is? Is this (in your opinion) the optimal farm?

@Wuking93 - 27.08.2022 21:09

Not everyone wants to min max on the island sanctuary. Some people just want to have fun and do what they want. No hate. I'm just saying

@irisheartt - 27.08.2022 22:19

I really hope there is another upgrade to the pen, I want to collect one of each animal and 20 spaces isn't enough to do that.

@relogos - 28.08.2022 02:25

Oh noes, I can't max out the new casual content in a week. Shame. Doing doma restoration must have been unberable.

@pumpkinpantsu4811 - 28.08.2022 20:39

I’ve not fallen short of cowries yet I’m level 8 and I am on the third workshop/granary upgrades at the minute, I’m just waiting for some rare items from the granary to complete them but I’m all out of blue anyway so idm if it takes a few days as I’ll need the time to save up. Challenge log resets soon though so that will help

@Fidel_Cashflow - 28.08.2022 23:47

Buying both expansions is 3000 cowries, which is about how much you get from workshops in a day. I don't think they designed this content with the intent that you'd be leveling up by gathering one item at a time and selling random junk for 20 cowries a pop. You get thousands just by feeding your pets, setting your workshop schedules, and letting the timers run. You get a big chink of exp by doing those quests too.

@randomdude8544 - 29.08.2022 00:45

wait... I had everything maxed at rank 9.. I even have like 2k leftover seafarers

@RuffioLostBoy - 29.08.2022 20:56

I think the biggest miss in Island Sanctuary is that when you unlock the vendor, it doesn't feel like they'll be hard to come by yet, so I - like many others - fell for the trap and I bought a minion. And now I'm in the same place you are, waiting to upgrade the farm/pasture and clear more land. Thankfully, I have all 3 workshops going right now, and the Challenge Logs for shipping handicrafts/gathering items will be ready to hit again tomorrow.

@arithelrosethorne524 - 30.08.2022 08:54

it's called a pasture not a pokemon center 🙄

@danielwells1734 - 30.08.2022 15:18

Sidenote: I miss being a Hrothgar. I should never have bought that phantasia.

@MushadX - 30.08.2022 19:41

I hit 7 and upgraded everything and ran out of the blue currency and I can’t progress I got my workshops going granery going I have a bathhouse and 2 windmills I wanted to put my canon and treehouse and boathouse all in the same area like a proper resort but I don’t think you can do that I got my garden and animal pin going 4 blck sheep but the butter isn’t as profitable as I thought it’s not even in demand 😂 nor is the milk trading well 🤷🏿‍♂️ I max inventory so I really don’t know what else to do except wait for the money to come in to progress

@zoraprime886 - 31.08.2022 00:17

stuck at rank 10 all buildings renovated 3 times what am I missing?

@greylight5 - 31.08.2022 12:08

I am rank 9 and already expanded that place, but all it leads to is a new landmark (from here on it looks like you need to use expeditions for rare items in order to build, so I haven't built my lighthouse yet) and nothing after that. Unless something else unlocks once the lighthouse is finished and all five facilities are fully renovated?

@kakarrot5115 - 31.08.2022 13:26

Ty for this video it saved me a headache and frustration

@garethaustin1671 - 31.08.2022 20:00

Please take what I am about to say as constructive criticism as it come from a place that loves and appreciates your content.

To label this as a "Roadblock" is very wrong. It is more of a self imposed roadblock as you chose to skip content that was available from level 7 (the mammet you found that unlocks the last piece of land moves there after you complete the level 7 quest he gives). Added the fact you promoted skipping of said content as a CC is shameful, misleading and reckless.

All of the content in the Sanctuary is designed to make your progression easier. Unlocking the larger pasture and crop land means you can get more island xp every time you harvest crops and leavings. More crops means more premium feed for your animals. More animals in your pasture means more leavings, happier animals (due to premium feed) means even more leavings. More leaving leads to a larger diversity and amount of items you can sell through the workshop which means more Seafarer's Cowries. Crafting tools gives you island xp. The two tools required for automation each give 997 xp for example. That's 200 gathering nodes you didn't have to grind through. If you had done all the available content as it became available you would know this.

By playing the content through, instead of rushing to 10 and expecting to be given free stuff, and doing the two weekly challenges you will have enough Blue Cowries for all the land expansions. I have grinded through parts of my island to make it faster but by not skipping any of it's content I have not experienced any roadblocks. The amount of misleading information going about from CC's regarding Island Sanctuary is ridiculous. I just watched some else tell people they unlock flying when completing the final path expansion. This is completely inaccurate. Flying is unlocked at level 10 if you've unlocked all previous content but because they rushed through they have misinformed their viewers.

Again, please take this as constructive criticism. Much love and respect to you.

@renji2187 - 31.08.2022 20:14

idk if you'll see this. but I'm Rank 9 and I already am able to unlock the final expansion location. So you might want to let everyone know that's able to be done then.

@driumissimo - 01.09.2022 00:16

All of the things you're talking about in this video are available at rank 8 & 9, not 10. BTW, you can EASILY make 2.5k to 3k of the blue currency per day with 3 workshops and a good efficient queue.

@Plantasea - 02.09.2022 19:18

Is this clickbait? There’s nothing here on HOW TO PASS except you griping about the fact that there’s nothing to do for you rn except run around the island and whine… CLICKBAIT DUDE. wack.

@katykat1354 - 02.09.2022 19:43

how did you get the pastureworkers tools?

@headus70 - 04.09.2022 00:53

so you need all building on level 3 to unlock everything, right? Just reached lvl 10 and the last quest stays on red and I can't get any further, can't fly etc

@MAKExEVIL - 05.09.2022 01:10

Don't feel bad for spending cowries on upgrades. You often get more back upon completion.

@BearyLynn7 - 05.09.2022 08:28

See...My issue is that I'm rank 9, all areas unlocked, all buildings built and upgraded, and still 20k exp down from rank 10 ...

@opheliasinclair3635 - 06.09.2022 23:18

For anyone reading the comments, the Island is meant for easy, casual leveling, not to push through it fast tracked. Upgrading the croplands and the animal pen early is *key*, because you have more options available to you in the Workshop, which is how you get extra Seafarer Cowries - by hitting high request items, and crafting things that are in the same category :)

@sirfatbear4068 - 13.09.2022 02:49

You talk too much bro. Just get to the point.

@karmaspcs - 01.11.2022 19:07

i don't understand anything you say. WTF you mean by pokemon center? thats ffxiv

@TheBenzooh - 26.06.2023 16:54

i dont understand what u mean by pokemon center. i dont like pokemon and i have never liked it.

@ColeEvyx - 26.08.2022 20:09

i WAS GENUINELY SALTY WHEN I HIT RANK 9 AND SAW NO WAYS TO PROGRESS, THEN RANK 10 NO WAYS TO PROGRESS. I WAS LIKE... WHAT? Well, ends up those ranks DO have rewards! BUT THEY ARE AGAIN ROADBLOCKED REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
