The UGLY truth about working in a toxic work environment

The UGLY truth about working in a toxic work environment

Leadership with Mike

2 года назад

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@laurenfitzgerald4254 - 28.01.2024 20:59

Crazy how much this video describes my life. I do so much now that my boss knows he depends on me, so he is a lot nicer to me but all this stuff in the video still applies regardless.

@andyn6053 - 25.01.2024 14:45

Sounds just like H&M

@Jimiki485 - 21.01.2024 06:22

My manager was were micromanaging and continuously critical to me. Very arrogant and bossy manager. Example sometimes when I raise a concern or opinion he will ignore it. If I don’t speak up at all, he will bully me as am not speaking at all. This is jerk was giving me nightmares. It was unbearable to work for me. I filed a complaint to HR, they ignored all my complaints. In the end, I have to quit.

@jcrazeful - 14.01.2024 03:56

I just left a job that had great benefits and PTO but the pay were low and the raise were low aswell. My supervisor spent his time stalking me and micromanaging me. He always took his lunch with his wife there who worked in another department. And she always knew all my business. HR will hear a lot bc they want an exit out interview from me

@BipolArteMusic - 12.01.2024 21:31

I had a feminazi boss who hated males (specially successful ones), the company had to pay for my therapy sessions, I lost sleep, went into depression, got laid off, 10 months later I'm still healing. Thanks God I found a better job and I start in 2 weeks. VALUE your Mental Health!!! - The phone company was A*&T.

@tiffany3319 - 10.01.2024 10:31

Most corporate workplaces are toxic. The new thing I’m seeing is cult office cultures where they want to control your personality, values, and even your money. I had a manager get offended because I didn’t want to hug another employee who went to hug me. I also had just come back from having Covid. That showed me that he was certainly crazy and an authoritarian nut. Also a red flag in a manager or team lead is narcissistic traits like overemphasizing their role, saying things like they are a mother or father figure, and claiming people are scared of them. It’s easier to say people are scared of you than people don’t like you. They will blame it on others and never take accountability for their own actions. The cult side is they have inappropriate social expectations and get offended when you don’t conform. It’s disgusting and childish and that’s what I’m dealing with at my current job so I’ve planned my exit strap to leave within the 6 mos following my year anniversary. Getting too old to humor these nutcases.

@XSkimmilkmanX - 09.01.2024 16:02

When you voice your opinion, but it gets shot down every time. It’s like talking to a wall at that point. A narcissist boss who is never wrong. To the point where you just don’t talk and do the work. Having to walk on eggshells, and the constant verbal abuse and threatening of termination. You can’t bottle it up either, because it slowly drains you mentally.

@viewer3147 - 08.01.2024 05:52

Bayshore Health in Canada...only interested in making $2 billion this year

@aclem8246 - 29.12.2023 20:50

I have been working as a patient care tech for awhile now. It is a very abusive job. You get abuse from the patients and the nurses and whether they do it on purpose or not even management makes you feel that you and your job is of little importance. I am about to start a different job in January.

@izamalcadosa2951 - 29.12.2023 00:09

I just found your channel, Mike!! You have great advice, recommendations and suggestions!! I've been though all of the shit you've described on here!! I had to leave ASAP!!

@karladuncan4026 - 26.12.2023 18:08

Gosh been through that! I got fired last of November. Didn't give us hours and I kept getting wrote up for their mistakes. Yes company has a huge turnover.

@alexmckinley79 - 24.12.2023 21:26

I'm trying to leave a really toxic workplace, so this video has really helped. Big thanks! Also you really look like Tom Segura.

@kazkikongokiller6447 - 21.12.2023 11:12

military in a nutshell lol

@mikehess4494 - 21.12.2023 02:41

Thank you

@licksnkicks1166 - 20.12.2023 06:55

TOXICITY runs rampant in my work place. I had to take a 4 month sick leave. And now I am having seizures. Had one a work yesterday. They will find a way to can me but I don’t care because I am out of here June 30 2024. Need my benefits for expensive meds.The turnover rate is sky high!
I lost so much weight, hair started falling out. My boss is the devil straight from hell!

@solidcatink - 20.12.2023 01:45

I think from now on I will only accept a boss whom I admire. The rest don't deserve me.

@user-vq6ir6ul2b - 19.12.2023 23:12

Another red flag…throwing up in the office bathroom from all the stress sitting in your stomache…..

@khuongle877 - 18.12.2023 09:34

I planed my early retirement with my new work place, as I understand well years down the road it will hit me again, like my past work experience

@cinzabeary5226 - 18.12.2023 07:29

The beginning gave me chills. I left a very toxic company just over a year ago. An old coworker, friend of mine is also not working there anymore, but she still follows most of the people from that company. 3 of them died in the past year, who were still working at this company. They were not that old, near retirement age, or just a bit older. Over the decades of working there I heard of other middle agers who died suddenly. I'm glad I tapped out before it got to that point.

@michaelgangarosa8260 - 17.12.2023 10:02

Yer describing SRS 😂

@paulinetayen9559 - 17.12.2023 07:22

Yes, I am in a toxic workplace environment. My teaching staff is out everyday and the office staff is out at least two days a week. I have not missed a day at work but I have so many sick days. It’s time to miss. How am I to do everyone’s work? Time to retire. Thank you for this video.

@user-sp5sl8vw6l - 16.12.2023 23:06

How easy is to leave a toxic environment of public sector, understaffed but with job stability for Private Sector?

@califmike2003 - 13.12.2023 09:47

No clear direction here in this video, you all over the map on toxic, but I'm not saying it is toxic

@veronicahamed8065 - 13.12.2023 02:41

I thought it was me and then coming across this post there are many people who are or went through this same situation. I was in an office where the wife/husband and her children including mother worked there and it was extremely stressful and difficult. I was going into severe depression. I had to make the decision to resign from my position.

@katafuka160 - 12.12.2023 16:44

Narcissistic boss ✅. She think that's she's the only thing that's right. She keeps making me do the work outside my scope and my salary is lesser than minimum wage. You can't even give suggestions cause she's the rule. I'm even bringing my job at home and the only rest I have is my sleep. It's almost like 24/7. It's not 8hrs of duty but 9. Plus the work from home. There are no other benefits. I'm damage mentally, physically, and emotionally.

@noemisolano4748 - 12.12.2023 05:35

I was in one toxic work environment where my coworker was aggressive and narcissistic!! This coworker would argue in the workplace for absolutely no reason!! Then this coworker put me and another coworker down!! Plus this coworker was the Supervisor's favorite. I left this work environment.

Within the same company, I took a transfer to another office. Big big mistake!! I found out the person who had the job before me stood for only one year!!! I was thinking 🤔 why would this person stay for one year. Well I found out several months later the reason why. My coworker who was the Supervisor and higher management's favorite, showed there true colors and was narcissistic!! I couldn't believe this is my second toxic work environment.

In the new office, my coworker, the Supervisor, says that I always do things wrong, has no time for me, gives me the silent treatment, does not talk to me and has a nasty attitude. My anxiety has now come back. I noticed that my Supervisor is always miserable. But when the Supervisor is around management, the Supervisor is smiling, laughing, talking and joking with higher management. I'm like what the?!

Oh yes there's definitely cliques where I work. It's not fun at all!! Second time this happened to me that there's cliques in the work place.

Yes I got a plan, time for me to go. Because I dealt with 2 narcissists in the work place and 2 toxic work environments, I want to work remotely. I'm done! I'm getting older and I refuse to deal with a third toxic work environment.

@mrx4022 - 11.12.2023 16:14

I just recently left my job as a cleaner in a care home; the upper management was toxic. The cleaners were always treated like they were somehow beneath everyone else. We were always understaffed because the company always drove workers to quit from the amount of stress we were always under.
We were always blamed for everything that went wrong; even if it was something the Carers did, it was OUR fault according to them.

I don't even know how many panic attacks I've had just from the stress they put on us alone. There were some days where I was working 10 hour shifts back to back with no break, and then I was so stressed and exhausted I broke down into tears in my living room when I got home.

I handed in my notice, and I've never looked back.

@zizoh3993 - 10.12.2023 15:06

Its my way or the high way. I asked cant we change or xome up with new ways of doing things. They said well, u must master our process. Nothing will be changed. U wont succeed here if u dont. I felt there were time consuming tasks that can be be improved but well, they just got frustrated with my questions and suggesstions. I got paralised n decided to go

@petermaasz - 09.12.2023 12:29

It's interesting that These kinds of videos always talk out of the perspective of an employee but I am in a situation where most of my staff doesn't like each other and doesn't want to work or even talk with each other. And unfortunately, all I can do ist doch endure this situation because my employer doesn't care and doesn't act no matter how hard I try to make him understand the situation.

@SoultyBoiBeats - 07.12.2023 19:39

I was sick so many days i left the company, never been so happy with current company even going in when not 100% well, i learned it was not me but the environment was toxic, the boss was just in denial, racist and micromanaging, narcissistic as well

@DEARTETE - 06.12.2023 11:40

I love your content

@abranisdz34 - 03.12.2023 01:37

I once told a coworker to not rush since the company didn't give us a raise despite we doing good job,guess what? Son of b told the manager and rhe next day the latter told me that i talked behind his back.but i am not the one who holds his tongue,i confronted both of them.i got a raise and i quit.

@rb5325 - 01.12.2023 00:06

I think the number 1 cause of toxic work environments is the loss of autonomy of the workers due to constant interuptions & unnecessary changes from incompetent managers.

@BrandynAF - 28.11.2023 02:27

Or when the boss has close friends working under them, they will get away with anything and don’t have to attend meetings and have their own email and password for the work comp. while the “newbies’ are constantly indirectly micromanaged, but I see them looking at the corner of their eye even though I proved myself over and over and work hard…

@Bob-jv2st - 28.11.2023 01:35

I work in an abusive environment

@julioglez99 - 25.11.2023 00:36

my boss wanted me to make up for some hoursa day a asked off then monday or tuesday of next week that he needed to finish an order told me that I neede tostay and make up the time

@eviekesteeno - 23.11.2023 23:52

My job is actually ideal, especially for aging like me. It requires your body to be on the move, it requires you the decision making, counting etc.. the higher bosses are considerate but.. some coleagues and some teamleaders are energy vampires.

@user-fl9gn6hp8s - 22.11.2023 00:59

So sorry I'm in the wrong place I had toxic as far as chemically toxic That's what I was referring to And I do have something that can counter that Right now is not the time to talk about it you're talking about Psychological aspect. Actually I do have a peptide that does speak about that too but right now it's not the time to talk about it

@kimberlybenjamin-thevoice5333 - 21.11.2023 01:10

Oh boy. The point about new faces and only a couple of us sticking around really hit home. Added responsibility, oh yea 😏

@iwirnawilda - 19.11.2023 14:55

I resigned because I never voice out my idea safely to my colleague, she always stress out, always busy and always make me feel small, she control everything, she want to know everything, yet she make me sound not important base on her response.

@MongIAMTauYah - 16.11.2023 10:28

I never missed a day, am early in the break room before clocking in everyday, very versatile under different rules under different managers, yet my hours cut from 30 hours to 15 versus the lady who leaves early by an hour or whenever she needs to go home whenever she feels, the lady who comes in late an hour, but she gets more hours, and I get belittled, and so I accepted my new job offer on Monday. 😂 I was the fastest and most accurate hardest worker!!!!
Bye bye! Have fun sabotaging the shit show to a hellish show! 😂😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉

@user-fm5fc8ig4l - 13.11.2023 18:37

Also unless you recently work at these servers positions many do not have to give lunch breaks or any breaks by law and are expected to stand for 8-9 hour shifts They will allow you to take a 5 minute breather 2-3 times which I think is dehumanizing. We are people too we work just as hard as any other profession and deal with difficult bosses and customers and deserve breaks too. Also many do not earn paid time off like vacation time and wonder why employers have huge turnover rates and always looking for help

@user-fm5fc8ig4l - 13.11.2023 18:28

The workers that provide service to people in retail go through a lot of this. My issue is being paid for the task assigned to the position hired for at rate per hour is normal but gets me when they ask you to train new employees and do not compensate you for the extra work task or they keep changing the work task load

@Rennette-td2mq - 13.11.2023 09:28

Owner of the company hires new girlfriends , which he changes every couple months, and puts them in charge because he is never there. We all quit after a year of this crap. His company went under, and guess what ? His newest conquest left him more money you see. What a fool

@victoriag4951 - 12.11.2023 18:33

Please raise awareness of retail pharmacies. The workers are all abused by the indescribable toxic working environment. We really need to do something about this!!! 🙏

@tomino5201 - 10.11.2023 21:13

toxik work dont exists toxic humans are in ewery job.If you dont want to work in toxic job you must stop working because in ewery job There are more assholes than normal people

@huiledenoix8014 - 09.11.2023 14:42

The boss is crucial factor for toxicity management. Very often, toxicity emanates from subordinates. Not necessarily managers, sometimes from the very bottom of the ladder. And if the hierarchy let them be more toxic they will end up terrorizing everyone, even people that should be above them or unrelated to them. Sometimes, bosses use them as sheepdogs to prevent employees with intellectual skills to become too confident.

@SuperQdaddy - 09.11.2023 05:55

I need happy people around me
