Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia

Gay Travel Guide: Moscow + [St. Petersburg], Russia


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@anthonya910 - 17.04.2015 19:19

Thank you so much for taking the time to make these videos! Nice job.

@spiritsoul5060 - 17.04.2015 20:33

I may never have the opportunity to travel here, but it's cool to see the buildings and hear what it's like there. Thank you :-)

@gypsykatcher30 - 18.04.2015 01:43

Can you do a video on bad neighbours? And what you think about it?

@chrisjarvis3552 - 18.04.2015 06:34

Why haven't you come to Canada yet!? British Columbia is unparalleled in its beauty and recognition of Native Americans and their culture (though we call them the first nations), Québec has a HUGE beautiful culture with TONS of old churches, the east coast is about as folky as north America gets (one might find it difficult to talk to them though, their accent often makes one think they neglect to teach punctuation in school) and not to mention the entire country is quite liberal. In fact largely socialist (with the exceptions of Alberta and some Ontario). Seriously man get your ass over here!

@Sean.A.M - 18.04.2015 09:36

I don't know if I ever want to visit Russia. Like scary. Id be scared. Im sure some stuff is pretty or nice but NOPE

@Sean.A.M - 18.04.2015 09:47

I don't think they are thinking ha ha you look different its more like they probably think you look stupid or ugly or bad cause its not the "norm". You look so alternative lol jk. Don't speak English wtf  hells no. Lol not visiting there lol

@Sean.A.M - 18.04.2015 10:10

Some old churches look like something made of nightmares or evil lol

@Sean.A.M - 18.04.2015 10:13

Why Travel when you just show me all the pretty places lol good enough for me. I hate the snow isn't it like always cold there lol

@Sean.A.M - 18.04.2015 10:15

I'm a tourist and I'm not like that at all. I'm like all plz and thank you and if your good lookin I might offer you sexual favours lol jk I don't do that :P. Im a good tourist.

@Sean.A.M - 18.04.2015 10:20

Id say some of the buildings are pretty maybe beautiful and some are just interesting but gorgeous as a hole is a bit of a stretch lol. I guess I just find nature to be way more gorgeous then buildings could ever be. Im spoiled I live in Canada haha.

@Sean.A.M - 18.04.2015 10:21

I travel in huge groups.. its called a guided tour or a tour group its safer and you don't have to worry about where to go lol.

@priceandpride - 05.05.2015 08:33

3 positives for every negative, lol

@georgebrown936 - 23.06.2015 20:29

You seem to have entirely missed the point of travelling to a different country. You wanted to experience a different culture? Then experience it without judging it. It is what it is. Russians are under no obligation to speak English. Westerners and Americans in particular always bitch about Russians not smiling. Well, before you go to Russia, take pains to read up on the local culture, traditions, mannerisms, and what is considered a good or a bad thing to do. When Russians go to America, they make sure they smell like soap and refrain from violating one's personal space that Americans are so big on. You should have done the same. Smiling for no reason in Russia is considered to be not only bad manners, but also a sign of being fake, shallow, superficial, insincere. Russians only smile and laugh when there is good reason to do so: they hear a good joke, they are happy to see an old friend, etc. Americans wear a smile 24/7 and to Russians it looks extremely insincere and fake. For the most part, Russians are very warm-hearted, kind, sincere and caring people who will give you their last shirt if they see that you need it. Do you know a lot of Americans who will do the same for you? As far as diversity or lack thereof is concerned, you really don't seem to be able to see further than the tip of your own nose. There are more than 200 nationalities and ethnic groups living in Russia, They all speak their own languages, adhere to their own traditions, customs and religions. There are whole peoples living in Russia who are still PAGANS. Yet they drive modern cars and watch MTV. There are 60 million Muslims living in Russia - that's a third of the country's population. You'd think this factor would have some bearing on the overall culture, would you not? Dreads are looked down upon in Russia because they are considered to be a sign of being a small-town low-lifer - not cool. Russians - as in the citizens of Russia because not everyone living in Russia is an ethnic Russian - are as diverse as Americans are, if not more. Just because they don't look, act, or smell like Americans doesn't make them BAD. So, stop bitching about what you think is bad and do your homework properly before you venture out to a different country with your own baggage and your own measuring tools. Cheers.

@Nikitnsz - 11.07.2015 00:24

Yep, you're correct. st. petersburg is awesome and Moscow kinda boring. For cool nature (lakes and forests Finland style), also check out Petrozavodsk which is nearby st petersburg.

@dsti-xi7dl - 29.07.2015 04:38

Not trying to be snarky here, but.... it might be best to prepare before visiting a new city. Even I had heard of Novodevichy Monastery. It also has an a very famous cemetery, sort of like a Russian Pere LaChaise ( Paris ). A LOT of very famous Russians are buried there. I can't believe anybody would find the Kremlin "meh". Even that idiot Reagan thought it was gorgeous. I'd hit the subway. I'd be fascinated to see how Russians really live - like go to a grocery store. A sense of curiosity goes a long way. If you have none, why travel ? You went to Moscow during the end of winter, and it looked awful, still.... I really think you're missing a lot. And the English thing... over the top. PLEASE.. TRY to speak the native language. Your comments about English were really offensive - and yes, I'm American. As for me, I won't go to Russia until the gay scene settles down, and that is not likely any time soon. I guess my point is this - try to open your mind, make the extra effort to experience a place, and for god's sake speak at least SOME of the native language. They will love you for it.I speak French, and in Paris everybody loved me. Really. Even Paris.

@maxangst - 03.09.2015 02:27

I think it's important for everyone in the world to speak MY language. Lol

@tally1604 - 22.11.2015 13:05

russia is just not a gay destination nowadays, period. in the 90's early 00's, there used to be busloads - literally - of gay tourists from the west coming to moscow and saint pete to pick up young servicemen who were being sold for the night by their officers for a pittance. but now that this practice is gone, there's nothing for gays to come to russia anymore for

@lenariuse - 13.02.2016 03:07

nice gay

@scorpiogirl6932 - 14.02.2016 21:14


@moscowtravelguide - 14.03.2016 23:22

Amazing video, my dear friend 🎼🎸🎼☺ ** I like it! Warm greetings ! my best regards to you. If you want - you may see our video footage too.. See you !!

@krzysztofromaniewski671 - 21.04.2016 16:20

Very interesting video...I have to say I was especially interested to see what your experience of Russia was like vs other countries of which I've seen your vids. The whole gay thing is really depressing and yeah Russians come off cold and hard, I think that's kind of an Eastern European thing in general, being from Poland I get what you're saying with that. The thing with Russia in particular though is that they still have a communist mentality and it's such a shady and corrupt country..people are afraid of people.. They don't trust each other and unfortunately I think it will take a few generations before that mentality is more or less filtered out, if ever it actually will be. By the way, I find it shocking that St.Petersburg has so much less gay spots than Moscow lol like how can that be?!

@sim23patico - 24.04.2016 16:32

I'm going to Moscow in October so this was very useful. Regarding boycotts, I tend to think that they backfire and end up hurting the people they purport to help. I plan to support the local scene with my roubles any way that I can. I'd love to learn more about connecting with local gays without running afoul of the law and/or hooligans (uniformed or otherwise). The anti-propaganda law seems to have driven it further underground.

I feel that smiling is overdone to the point of insincerity here in the states. I'm looking forward to a week in a city where people reserve the custom for their friends and family. I also have three years of college Russian under my belt so I'm looking forward to dusting that off.

@Papa-Bear - 20.06.2016 02:33

I've noticed the Top/Bottom thing also in my travels. Even in the USA! :D LOL I think it would be a nice thing to add since it would give the designated traveler a heads up. ;)

@coisalinda2424 - 06.02.2017 03:10


@Earth098 - 22.08.2017 11:04

I'm tired of this "Top-Bottom" stereotype. Seriously

@raynebo1763 - 24.01.2018 14:18

you are cute, but ramble and it was hard to follow your narration

@johnboler486 - 12.07.2018 05:38

So stuck on himself with little reason for it! A real "Ugly American"!

@jmudikun - 13.10.2018 22:03

Oh girlfriend, you need to plan what you're going to say... write some kind of outline to help you organize your thoughts AND THEN open your mouth. THIS, believe, will keep you from rambling like a damn parrot making people not want to listen to you

@cecetraveldiary - 02.05.2019 15:34

I am going to russia in a few months. I have long hair too. I dont dress up very flamboyant. Any advice?

@sevsabril - 13.10.2019 10:46

packing my bags for that tops without bottoms to cherish

@nnnnnnnnnnnnmmm - 12.06.2020 05:46

This was very useful
