Be More Productive – Improve Your Productivity Levels 432 Hz (Subliminal)

Be More Productive – Improve Your Productivity Levels 432 Hz (Subliminal)

Vortex Success

54 года назад

14,848 Просмотров

Boost your productivity and become a highly efficient person. Embrace new habits to become more productive and complete your most important tasks on time.

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*Headphones are recommended to maximize results.

Affirmations ("you" and "I" statements):

I am committed to becoming a productive person that gets things done
I am determined to accomplish the things I want to in life
I am a productive and efficient person in my work life and personal life
I make it a habit to wake up early and gain a head start on my day
I enjoy being an early riser; I feel more productive and fulfilled
I start my day refreshed and energized
I keep my energy high throughout the day and uplift my mood regularly
I take care of myself physically and mentally and stay strong, sharp, and focused
I cultivate healthy lifestyle habits like exercising and eating nourishing foods
I make sure I get enough sleep every night
I ensure I take time to decompress, relax and enjoy life
I find the right balance between work and play
I manage my time effectively and prioritize the critical tasks
I break tasks down into small, manageable milestones and keep the momentum going
I feel comfortable asking for help
I delegate tasks to others that are suited to their skills
I keep distractions away and remain focused on the tasks I perform
I find effective ways to get more done in less time
I take small breaks to refresh my mind and return energized and motivated
I schedule my daily tasks for the times I am most productive
I am thoughtful about how I spend my time and use it in the best way possible
I create a clear plan of what I need to do in a specific timeframe
I know exactly what I have to do and the timeframe I want to complete it in
I create a reasonable schedule that I can stick with
I find tools and resources that help me stay organized and productive
I automate everything I can within my means
I consistently follow through on my plans and goals and choose to be flexible when needed

Related videos:
Daily habits for success:
Motivation booster:
Achieve your goals:
Finding solutions:


Royalty-Free Music: Pond5

*This channel provides positive subliminal messages and brainwave entrainment embedded in relaxing background music. I put my best energy into creating these videos with the intention to bring you high value and inspire you to find the path of joy, positivity, and empowerment.

*Each recording on this channel contains different affirmations that match the subject of the specific video. All of the embedded hidden affirmations and most of the brainwave entrainment are created uniquely by me.

*What are subliminal messages? These are hidden commands that are perceived by our minds, below our level of awareness. Meaning, we process them, but without being aware of doing so.

Disclaimer: Do not drive or operate machinery while listening to these videos. If you feel uncomfortable while listening, simply listen at low to barely audible levels. In the very unlikely event that you experience discomfort, please discontinue use. This recording along with any other recordings on my channel should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment. This audio/video does not diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, see a doctor. The information on Vortex Success YouTube channel is provided solely for informational purposes on an “as is“ basis and “as available” basis at user's sole risk. Vortex Success shall not be responsible or liable for any results of listening to these recordings and makes no guarantees as to the accurateness, quality, or completeness of the information and, errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the information or for any user's reliance on the information.


#Productive #Productivity #Be_more_productive #be_efficient #Efficient_Person #complete_Tasks #productive_at_work #productive_person #Time_Management #Subliminal_Messages #sleep_sounds #meditation_relaxation #Increase_productivity #Improve_productivity #Accomplish_tasks #Work_Life #Productivity_levels #productive_Habits #High_efficiency #Get_things_done #Prioratize_tasks #ignore_Distractions #Delegate_tasks #Completing_tasks #morning_life #wake_up_Early #Schedule #Timeframe
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