I HIT ROCK BOTTOM in Pattaya Thailand

I HIT ROCK BOTTOM in Pattaya Thailand

Mac TV Travel Learn Inspire

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@ucbikecop - 09.03.2025 07:41

It's hard to live and work in the same location no matter what you do

@keshavsinghania9678 - 09.03.2025 06:57

Mate you are not annoying anyone what you are actually doing is a very good thing don’t lower your standards by indulging in conversations with people who are below your standards

@qtec3538 - 09.03.2025 02:10

Do a Dayley update

@qtec3538 - 09.03.2025 02:09

Good on you mate keep it up 👍

@Frozenchalice123 - 09.03.2025 01:12

Can't make everyone happy mac . I enjoy watching your videos from a Information point of view for new people coming to Thailand etc all the best with a new venture away from pattaya ! Keep your head up and sod the haters ! 💯

@FreeVortex-py4oo - 08.03.2025 17:58

Yeah man sometimes you jeed to kice to another location bro.

Fuvk the haters Bro. Life your life and keep growing. You are growing as a oerson each time you post you are learning, fuvk.keeping everyone happy

@eljaysworldchannel7253 - 08.03.2025 06:03

I admire you bro I'm 47 and even though I'm older I look very young and going thur a divorce and thought I'd save a few thousand get a plan together and move there you truly have inspire that .Srry things aren't going your way

@PixieThaiGirl - 08.03.2025 01:20

Good job i felt the same way i thought pattaya was the jackpot place for contemt creating until you realize your in a little box in a big world 👍👍👍🙌🏽

@brianboyer6801 - 07.03.2025 19:45

So you really didn't tell us what your rock bottom is bro?

@JarredAinsworth - 07.03.2025 14:36

Bro I am living in Thailand i absolutely love your videos i would love to meet you seriously

@enorth15 - 07.03.2025 13:34

no worries Mac, just be yourself, that is why we watch your videos. Cheers!

@GordonMcCartney-i5v - 07.03.2025 04:44

Mac your advice has been of a great help. I've been to Pattaya twice now and the amount of old men (Brits) who sit in a bar all day everyday is amazing. It's not what to do. Stay strong Mate.

@jessemrk - 06.03.2025 14:31

Three rules for Pattaya expats -
*Don’t drink alcohol.
*Stay single.
*Don’t let expats befriend you (keep to yourself).

If you do ALL of these 3 things, you most likely won’t last long 😉.

@Markoo1016 - 06.03.2025 14:22

Ahh Mac so sorry to hear you are leaving. I have just arrived to Phuket and planning to go all around Thailand in the next 45days, would he nice to catch up with you for a drink in case we are in same town. Where are you heading? I really appreciate all your advices and your help man 🙏

@vincentmcgarry3598 - 06.03.2025 13:51

Get to Hua Hin and chill.

@dor1505 - 06.03.2025 10:06

You are an honest person in that you warn others not to fall into Pattaya's trap and that makes you a good person. Continue on your good path and don't pay attention to what bad people say.

@jamesscreven6591 - 06.03.2025 09:46

Dude say it aint so. I live on your videos and its actually inspired me to retire and move there. Hope that you are back soon or maybe can do what you do in Bangkok which is a bigger city and maybe easier to just blend in and not see the same bar owners who recognize you.

@jelle-d1m - 06.03.2025 06:16

You are a good man my friend
I hope you are ok. 🎉

@MrJacksprice - 06.03.2025 05:36


@ellisbradley3141 - 06.03.2025 04:31

Hang in there bro, even the biggest content creators like Mr. Beast have people that hate his charity videos he admitted on an interview. But as someone that plans to move to Thailand we need to see the unvarnished truth, keep out of danger.

@sjornlim2147 - 06.03.2025 02:55

you do what you got to do. you trying to make and meet, unlike alot of us out in the big city working hard and paying debts. i wish one day i could be as free as you. i would rather trying making end meet than having to pay debts and trying to make end meet.

@chuckjohnston6186 - 06.03.2025 02:42

As a 60 year old Thai vet I think your content is superb, ignore the bitter losers and crack on ✊

@5150TJT - 06.03.2025 02:41

Go up North, avoid the big cities, meet the real Thai people..

@GabeHernandez-k1n - 05.03.2025 23:25

We love you Mac. 💯

@blakepriv1 - 05.03.2025 18:27

You’re doing a good job. I shook hands with you briefly in maybe October or November I think. I have to say I think it’s always a mistake to run from your “problems”. Whatever they are. You have to face them head on. Those bar managers pissed at you for doing the right thing and giving guys good info should be exposed for being the scammers they are. Just my opinion.

@allenbrooksoffical - 05.03.2025 14:50

Wishing you the best in whatever you decide to do next... 💯

@neverstoppulling5169 - 05.03.2025 13:16

Keep doing what youre doing. You are a good guy

@justice753 - 05.03.2025 13:04

Stay strong, people always like to be negative or got envy. I know it's easy to say, but you have to stay positive. Don't let them bring you into their vibe. Maybe see you soon over there... Greetings from the Netherlands

@chrisjones6351 - 05.03.2025 12:52

Why you let these people get to you? You’re a content creator, sort of comes with the job. Just stick your middle finger at them and continue what you’re doing. It’s just pure jealousy and nothing else. Bit disappointed as well as was hoping to see you around Pattaya. My first time and your content has been great mate. I’m here only 1 week so needed a quick guide so I don’t fuck up and lose all my money. Thanks bro for the content!

@colin-c7z - 05.03.2025 12:40

Mac, have you left Pattaya yet? I will be there monday. By you a drink?

@bijanbayne3259 - 05.03.2025 12:12

Sounds like the reason I moved from Jomtien to Hua Hin. Also sounds like the reason the royal family vacations in Hua Hin.

@shhindig - 05.03.2025 11:17

Shit, dude. There will always be haters. If the bar managers can't make money then they are doing their job wrong. They need to take an economics class. Lower the prices and more people will come. Instead of buying 3 beers they will buy 6 or more. This will increase profit patronage and visibility,etc.t The owners need to focus on long term growth. And fuck those fat bald men who are LBH. (White​Lotus Refence) A reset will be good

@benjaminhoward5848 - 05.03.2025 10:07

Hey Mac, keep up the good work but more Important take good care of your Spiritual and Mental Health. Nothing is more Important be Save and God bless 🙏🏽

@kentaylor2416 - 05.03.2025 08:52

Everyone's got a point of view.
Yours is as valid as any.
I remember being swallowed up by Bangkok and feeling the same way.

@IMOZfilms - 05.03.2025 08:08

Hey Mac, I'm about to hit 55 and leaving Justin Trudeau's expensive hell hole called Canada (it wasn't like that before he showed up) and your videos are a true guide to what to really expect in Thailand. Thanks bro and keep up the good work.

@michaeltemple8803 - 05.03.2025 07:26

Well done mate. Its hard to take action on whats best for you.

I was in pattaya 2weeks ago and was not a fan.

@Yehaw22 - 05.03.2025 06:45

All British people i assume?

@MisplacedTrust - 05.03.2025 05:18

Good luck bro. Refresh and reboot. I for one will be here for your superior content when you resume.

@brettpinion4233 - 05.03.2025 01:40

Know Jesus, know peace. Never find contentment in the world.

@markwinn1964 - 04.03.2025 23:45

What soi is your bar situated? I am planning to come over later this year ,I will pop in and have a drink.

@ryanhamer-cz6cw - 04.03.2025 22:30

Bit of real truth here mate… compared to Israel and Ukrainian… I reckon you’re ok. Drama lol you’re in a bubble.

@peterbampton2574 - 04.03.2025 22:02

Mac, I watch for your good advice. Looking back at a hard party night is part of growing up. If I were able to visit I would pay for you to keep me outa trouble. Keep that in mind.

@Samesameyou - 04.03.2025 21:16

Mate just be yourself , and never care about what other people think , you answer to yourself , just take good care of yourself ❤

@sambobrooklyn316 - 04.03.2025 21:09

They are vaccinated and bitter, I've noticed it too.

@hullprince4779 - 04.03.2025 20:17

Mac. In life some people like you some don’t. It’s simple. Don’t change for anyone. You’ll never change peoples opinions

@simoninglis8119 - 04.03.2025 20:13

You're a good egg. Enjoy time away!
