The subtle thing that fuels anxiety - Avoidance - Break the Anxiety Cycle in 30 Days 4/30

The subtle thing that fuels anxiety - Avoidance - Break the Anxiety Cycle in 30 Days 4/30

Therapy in a Nutshell

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@sk_s_w - 24.01.2024 02:30

This video is gold to me! The way you put our modern problems into words blew me away! Thank you very very very much! ❤️

@DavidRockvoice - 16.01.2024 16:00

Not always what someone wants to hear, but that's how it is. One exceptation maybe: If you're suffering from physical or addiction-related health issues, it can be hard to get rid of the anxiety by acting it out. Even then it's worth to try out moving your body to some extent, though. But don't expect that it does wonders right away. Take good care in that cases by balancing action, relaxation, reading about solutions and taking breaks (doing whatever individuality calms you down).

@johannes3174 - 14.01.2024 21:35

So I have a problem with this video. It is confusing me. I often feel anxious without a certain reason. So I sit in my office and suddenly I feel uncomfortable but I do not know why. Then as you said I Analyse the situation. But then my brain starts to searchs for random reasons and then I start ruminate. So I stop thinking and concentrate on the work accepting this feeling. But that means I avoid it. And do not process it. But how to process it if I can not define it?

Can I just try to think maybe the piles of work making that feeling and process it by working it away....please give me advise on this.

@aasiyadookhy7401 - 11.01.2024 21:11

You are very sincere and very generous dear Emma

@XZoZoX2020X - 10.01.2024 15:55

What about being anxious about real threats like being in poverty but u can’t do anything about it?

@Eharrison6 - 10.01.2024 04:44

I really really appreciate that you went over different scenarios. I find that even thinking about not studying for a hypothetical test makes me anxious. I'm definitely an all or nothing kind of person, so when I'm studying, I tend to overdo it. I see it as if I stop studying, that automatically equals failure. Thank you so much for adding a scenario where you can overdo it, and make yourself more anxious in the long run. It opened my eyes.

@umangkhanna8087 - 06.01.2024 15:10

Never had a person explain so well 🎉

@mwngw - 05.01.2024 09:38

Implanted in me out of childhood trauma was uncertainty, daily chaos in the home caused a fear of what could happen next...divorce, moving, death.

@kimcreate1 - 27.12.2023 02:52

This was extremely helpful, it reminds me how much I avoid, which is upsetting me but the first step is acceptance. I am facing a surgery which I’m afraid of, for months I just said I wouldn’t have the surgery and now it can’t be avoided. I see how my avoidance isn’t helpful. Ugh.

@anjelicadabrowski451 - 25.12.2023 07:09

This was so incredibly helpful, thank you thank you !!

@resplandece2corintios464 - 22.12.2023 19:14

Thanks. Was really helpful. This brilliant mind🙏

@Villmeister86 - 22.12.2023 13:40

Strange one here, stems from a derealised spell I had years ago I think, but I desperately need advice. What's happened is I started having intrusive thoughts about planets and it just freaked me out (the idea that we live on a rock called Earth and the nature of it all) so I started avoiding tv shows and things that which talked about it, even using Twitter differently because it says location ‘Earth’ when people send tweets now. Then I went out for a cigarette one night and saw the moon and got panicky, so I started putting my hood up when I went outside so I couldn’t see the sky, and now I have panic attacks as soon as it gets dark because the moon is ‘out there’ and I just hide away having panic attacks all night, and I don’t know how to get out of it. If go and purposely just stare at it to challenge it, I know what will happen and it will make a bigger deal of it, so I just don’t know what to do… god that’s embarrassing, it’s so silly, but it's destroying me.

@duceofspades - 07.12.2023 23:52

When will your workbook be in stock again?

@kevinninyaks51 - 03.12.2023 17:13

anxiety is more frantic as a youth and going through puberty then as an adult it becomes more of an autonomous reaction to your reality . 😢

@ElectrifyedBeats - 27.11.2023 12:01

“Everytime you avoid something and don’t die…” that made me laugh so hard I don’t even know if I have anxiety anymore. 😂 I really love your videos I’m glad to know I’m not alone. 😊

@bystandersarah - 25.11.2023 15:35

Anxiety “these days”? It’s always been a thing for me, for my mom…I’ve never known a day in my life without crippling anxiety and avoidance.

@Kainem - 21.11.2023 01:29

I am so thankfull you are putting all this content here, you truly are a heartfelt person <3

@DON-lt5yx - 16.11.2023 01:02

I limit my exposure to narcissists, and it's helped with anxiety.

@westingband - 12.11.2023 09:43

So helpful.

@hunt9999 - 10.11.2023 08:00

I just looked up videos about anxiety tonight because I’ve been having a really tough time and cycle of it. Find it so calming and relieving to just better understand how the mind works regarding anxiety, and simple behaviors like avoidance which actually make it worse. I’m gonna work to actively stop avoiding things in the future lol.

@Trainyourbrain9792 - 07.11.2023 17:29

Great examples and very relatable. Thank you for setting us up for success by doing what you do. It's great 😊

@quantafitness6088 - 03.11.2023 17:37

EFT (tapping) is really helpful for me to close the loop. However for me it is necessary to adapt the positive messages into saying: "there is a possibility that..." softening the message makes it less threatening. Gardening is another loop closing activity. I have known for a long time how it works for me, but you really explained why. My busy brain gets a problem it absolutely can solve. Plus it is outside and physical.

@jompk7402 - 31.10.2023 14:20

Thank you

@NikoleBufford-bz4uc - 30.10.2023 01:06

I’ve been going through panic attacks , anxiety and depression due to a traumatic event that I was abuse by a man that took place 4 months ago I’m struggling I constantly worry and fear of dying every day. Every little thing that I hear or feel on my body sends me into that flight or fight response I don’t take any medications I felt like I been on a lot and they don’t work I feel like this a mind over matter thing so I’m trying to do it myself but your videos are awesome

@saffloweroyl3663 - 24.10.2023 19:25


@soniasamivillin743 - 24.10.2023 11:32

Yesterday, I was anixous about going home because something shameful and embarrassing happened in the weekend. I faced it. I cried and screamed when I remembered things, but now I feel safe-ish again in my own home.
I've realized that I've been avoiding everything my whole life and it has cost me everything. I avoided making friends. I stopped dating from the fear of heartbreak. I avoided so many "scary places", so thank you for helping me start to break this self-destructive cycle.

@hrenee7685 - 19.10.2023 06:00

I have anxiety about having anxiety. How do i stop it?

@sharonhepburn7003 - 18.10.2023 19:04

Thank you so much for this ….very helpful and clear. 💚

@phildendron4702 - 17.10.2023 04:00

Thank you so much

@davidk349 - 14.10.2023 17:49

Connections are when we know about each other's lives. Connections are our safety net. It's about survival. The more know where we are, what we might be doing, if we could be in trouble, the more secure we are. If we are missing they will look for us. If we are sad, they will want to know why. Anxiety is the mind's way to urge us to make connections. What goes wrong in our society is too few will connect with those around them who are really in need of that. So the only thing to do is try to find some way to compensate. Anxiety is not bad.

@user-yc3ty9xe1z - 10.10.2023 18:33

عندما يظهر عليك القلق لا تتجنبه ولا تشت نفسك ، لتجنب ذلك اسمح لقلقك بالتواجد
اجلس مع مشاعرك واختر افعالك .
اذا كان لديك مهمه اعمل بها لا تصرف انتباهك بالقيل والقال واي امور ملهمي ابدء
و الحياة مستمره لن تتوقف على اي امر .
قلقك ناتج من خوفك ايام الصغر أن هناك خطر الأن أنت تصطيع معرفة الامور الخطيره من عدمه اذا لم يكن هذا الامر لن تتوقف الحياة ، بإمكانك إتخاذ قراراتك و انت المسئول عنها وانت الذي يتحمل نتائجها لن يوبخك أحد على تصرفك و أفعالك اتجاه نفسك .

@LordsMinstrel - 06.10.2023 16:39


@jillstillrocks8923 - 05.10.2023 05:11

Do you have any videos or suggestions that address, anxiety related insomnia due to stress? I’ve had so much trouble sleeping that I now have a phobia and massive anxiety around insomnia that is creating insomnia ahead of important events and things that should be fun. Thank you so much and I really enjoy your videos.

@babycakes8434 - 03.10.2023 20:27

I got rid of my TV maybe 5 years ago. News only show depressing and catastrophic information from all around the world. It was depressing me first thing in the morning. I am happy that I did it. My own life gives me enough anxiety, I don't need extras.

@laurasnyder1076 - 02.10.2023 18:29

You are such a blessing Emma! Thank you for putting so much time and effort into these insightful videos. They truly are very helpful! ❤

@cr-nd8qh - 28.09.2023 03:19

Im so paranoid and anxious just sitting in my apartment. I feel like everyone is spying on me snd and talking about me.

@cr-nd8qh - 28.09.2023 03:11

You just described me sitting in my apartment. This suckss

@samvitsaroj4757 - 27.09.2023 23:59

Can anxiety lead to weird kind of dizziness and lightheadedness?

@clarkrobertson7982 - 27.09.2023 22:47

This is very informative. What can be done about climate events and mass shootings? These are real threats that we cannot control unless extreme action is taken. Of course, we can take personal action, but we need governmental support. Also
there is a large increase in homelessness in this country. I witness this every day, and help in small ways.
Spiritual awareness is helpful.
I'm not seeing solutions to cultural issues on any scale. Just some thoughts here.

@nefabularious6552 - 25.09.2023 17:54

Looking at the comments for too long increases my anxiety.

@lauraschmuck5565 - 25.09.2023 17:40

Oh my goodness. This is so me!!!

@coltonworkman7292 - 24.09.2023 00:43

Love your hair so sexy

@Kane.Griffin - 23.09.2023 23:24

The main reason is the lack of Jesus :(. He died for us all to have salvation. Hope this helps and doesn't anger.

@sorelvv - 22.09.2023 13:30

What are examples of physical tasks to do If you are anxious?

@hollyl4425 - 22.09.2023 03:06

Journaling and talking about it to God has been a game changer for me. Jesus is my Prince of Peace.

@pkendlers - 21.09.2023 02:34

Government and taxes win for me...

@nowandthennn - 20.09.2023 20:39

When I go somewhere I feel anxious about I get physical symptoms, like being off balance, heavy feeling in my body and a host of other symptoms that can make me feel sick for hours . Should I face my fears even though it makes me feel sick ???

@kosarsoleimanii6312 - 20.09.2023 15:02


@williamkittrell9123 - 19.09.2023 13:19

You said living in the dumpster fire we call America wrong
