Why China Needs Korea more than Taiwan

Why China Needs Korea more than Taiwan


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Bernard Delcasso
Bernard Delcasso - 13.10.2023 13:34


BOE - 12.10.2023 20:56


Qingyang Zhang
Qingyang Zhang - 12.10.2023 19:00

Northeastern China (i.e. former Manchukuo) accounted for 80% of PRC's industrial output during the Korean War. Now, it is the southeastern provinces opposite Taiwan that accounts for that much. And since the 1960s Sino-Soviet split, China has invested significant resources on projects preparing for a potential evacuation of Beijing, in the case of nuclear war.

Of course, millions of North Koreans refugees alien to the capitalist way of life will probably make a bigger headache than Taiwan and South Korea combined.

mr.J - 12.10.2023 17:08

Korea:Please leave me alone!

0002 Lin
0002 Lin - 12.10.2023 09:20

Don't the world ever forget the only mutual defense treaty China (PRC) has ever signed is with North Korea (DPRK). If a second Korea War ever occur never doubt whether China (PRC) will support North Korea or not and for this time there won't be a UN deployed army to support South Korea (ROK) because China (PRC) will veto it.

trinity - 12.10.2023 06:09

I am a Korean. South Korea will surely be armed with nuclear weapons, and if China invades the Korean Peninsula again, it will completely wipe China from the face of the earth even if Korea is wiped out. China's ultimate goal is to get Korea and Japan into China's hands. China cannot achieve its dream.

金说经 - 11.10.2023 18:38

China which Korea wants is Taiwan

알맹이 - 11.10.2023 14:08

Why didn't add 'North' next to 'Korea' in the title?

하냥냥 - 11.10.2023 08:11

As a South Korean, I hope that North Korea will continue to act as a buffer zone between China and South Korea. If unified, Seoul and Beijing are only 800 kilometers apart. And there are nearly 30,000 US troops stationed in South Korea. This situation is a big threat to Chinese leaders, which is likely to cause them to be aggressive toward South Korea.

d1phia - 11.10.2023 04:10

All the questions asked to China at the beginning, ask yourself once US lol

Reynard Park
Reynard Park - 11.10.2023 03:01

Would like to recover lost and against china and russia.

yini ssie
yini ssie - 11.10.2023 00:29

Korea also needs china

하이웨이익스프레션 - 10.10.2023 22:23

Chinese history are all "fake " Their goverment made a fantasy 😂😂Learn real history Chinese ~ Ur DNA is " SLAVE "

하이웨이익스프레션 - 10.10.2023 22:17

Hahahahaha its kind of idiot video Ya ~ we koreans also need a china China is mine ~

qwe rt
qwe rt - 10.10.2023 22:02

Koreans are very good at fabricating history. For example, Yi Sun-shin, whom Koreans boast about, is rarely mentioned in Chinese and Japanese history books. Many celebrities' praise of Yi Sun-Shin was fabricated by Koreans.
Because in the war at that time, the main forces were Chinese and Japanese troops. The Koreans said that they drove away the Japanese, but
The Japanese Museum has the imperial edict given by the Chinese Emperor to Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Chinese official uniforms. Ancient Korean books also record the gratitude of the Korean king to the Chinese Emperor.
The role of the Koreans in that war was to lie about military information and ask for help, which led to unnecessary deaths of the Ming Empire's troops. Just like during the Korean War in 1953, the most senior American general who died, Walton Harris Walker, was killed by the Koreans. (Korean coward soldier accidentally hit him with a car while running away). Koreans stop lying.

qwe rt
qwe rt - 10.10.2023 21:35

Korea was a vassal state of China for more than a thousand years (Japanese people often laugh at Koreans about this matter). Goguryeo, which Koreans are proud of, actually has nothing to do with Korea. Goguryeo was destroyed by China during the Tang Dynasty.
During the Ming Dynasty, China sent troops to help Korea resist the Japanese.
Korea has long paid tribute to China in terms of women and items. The King of Korea during the Ming Dynasty said that China was the father of Korea. This is recorded in Korean historical documents. The first president of the Republic of China President Yuan Shikai was sent to Korea to manage Korea. The four counties of Han during the Han Dynasty had nothing to do with the Koreans.
The name of Korea (朝鲜) was given by the Chinese emperor. Even the national flag of South Korea was created by the Chinese, using Chinese Tai Chi and Bagua. The official uniforms of Koreans(hanbok) were also given by the Chinese emperor in the Ming Dynasty.

In ancient times, Koreans did not have their own writing. They used Chinese characters. Koreans abolished Chinese characters and therefore could not understand ancient books and cultural relics of their own country. In the past few months, Koreans even regarded porcelain from Japanese companies as Korean cultural relics(The name of the Japanese company is written in Chinese characters on the bottom of the Japanese porcelain, but Koreans cannot understand it).

Koreans regard the myths and stories created by Koreans a thousand years ago as real history to brag about their five thousand years of civilization.Koreans need to use Chinese history books to find their own history. Koreans look for passages in Chinese history books that are beneficial to Korea, over-interpret them, and fabricate history. For example, Chinese history books only say that Korean clothing was popular in China for a while,Then Koreans began to say that Chinese clothing was copied from South Korea.

How could the suzerain country use the clothes of an inferior vassal country?

To this day, Koreans continue to steal Chinese culture to gain their own national self-esteem. Koreans are good at transforming the culture of other countries, and then adding the word "Korean style" in front of it to make it their own.

There are so few cultural relics in Korean museums that Koreans went to China to steal cultural relics. The Koreans even made this into a movie (Collectors) and were proud of it. On the contrary, the cultural relics in China Countless, every piece of traditional Chinese Hanfu has been proven by real cultural relics. But Koreans keep stealing culture from China.

Norg1 - 10.10.2023 19:55

i wonder what usa nuke policy is in south korea esp when north korea attacks south korea again only with Conventional weapons

like China with Tawain they need to have a lighting war and secure there objectives fast like within a week or less IMO

逍遥 - 10.10.2023 16:20


PZ - 10.10.2023 09:03

Unified Korea is coming whether you like it or not. Get ready

Beau Moon
Beau Moon - 10.10.2023 08:04

No matter what if china invades Korean peninsular again, it will be end of the regime like it happened multiple times before.

Chao Chen
Chao Chen - 10.10.2023 07:57

your perspective about peninsula is far beyond normal Chinese

Tao sir
Tao sir - 10.10.2023 07:03

The strategic value of the Korean Peninsula to China is extremely important. Looking back at the 500 year history of modern times, the instability of the Korean Peninsula will affect the fate of the Chinese dynasty. China's geographical weakness lies in the north, unlike the large population in the mountainous and hilly areas of the south, where the land is flat, wide, and sparsely populated. Moreover, the Korean Peninsula is the gateway to the capital city. For thousands of years, the Great Wall of China has only been built in the north, without an inch of city walls in the south

Leo Yang
Leo Yang - 10.10.2023 05:11

Great video with apparently a lot of research details. But I kind of doubt the conclusion. For China, Taiwan is still more important than Korea Peninsula. Its geopolitical weight has been exaggerated. and actually way more vulnerable than it looks like. If another war comes, I don't think China will pick Korea first to land her military.

real mad
real mad - 10.10.2023 03:17

If they build a high-speed railway between Beijing and Seoul
They can go in 6hours
It is very bad for security that such areas are hostile

Joon Kim
Joon Kim - 09.10.2023 22:59

뱅모 박성현님의 관점과 정확히 일치하네요.

Joe - 09.10.2023 21:51

The current Chinese people are just like the Japanese during World War II; they have become fascists and Nazis. It's irrational.
The Chinese should rather be grateful that the U.S. military is in South Korea.
South Korea and Japan are fully prepared for nuclear armament.
If the Chinese drive the United States out of East Asia, Korea and Japan will immediately arm themselves with nuclear weapons.

Life Extension
Life Extension - 09.10.2023 20:38

If there is unification and Korea becomes one, it will be worth seeing. If we overcome various problems and mix North Korea's resources and cheap labor with South Korea's cutting-edge technology, another superpower with a population of 100 million will be born. I might need some time.
Then, the world will see a rare scene in Northeast Asia where the world's most powerful countries, excluding the United States, including Russia, China, a unified Korea, and Japan, become neighbors. Except for the United States, this would be a region where it would be difficult to breathe. If a unified Korea does not stand on the side of the United States like it does now, it could become a disaster for United States.

ordo - 09.10.2023 18:21

동아시아의 평화를 원합니다.

Tokkun Kim
Tokkun Kim - 09.10.2023 16:17

Honestly, Korea doesn't have the potential to invade China alone. The only reason the Korean military(if not already nuked) would be marching into Chinese territory would be being dragged into war because of their allies, and that is not likely to happen unless China screws up big time. So for god's sake Xi, won't you just come to your senses and just friggin' get along, you're making things so complicated😩

Great video by the way😁👍

Tao Ren Te
Tao Ren Te - 09.10.2023 15:48

Creed of the Communist Party of China:
Deception is a means, the purpose is to win you to death, the agreement is bullshit, and the believers are fools!
In order to protect the political power, even parents and children can be betrayed!

nohmoig jplhjpol
nohmoig jplhjpol - 09.10.2023 08:46

China has contradictions regarding North Korea. First, China needs North Korea to keep the United States and South Korea in check, but it does not want North Korea to become powerful. Second, it needs friendly diplomacy with South Korea, but is helping North Korea economically and militarily. The contradiction is what created Korea's deployment of THAAD. Nevertheless, China always criticizes Korea. What would Xi Jinping say if Korea helps Taiwan militarily and economically? Even North Korea's Kim Jong-un is aware of China's contradictions and lies and is taking advantage of them.

sung jane
sung jane - 09.10.2023 04:41

Taiwan is just a small island nation, not connected to the People's Republic of China.

bootsaremadeforwalking - 09.10.2023 02:44

The biggest threats for South Korea is the animals of communists inside South Korea not China.

Qarl Johnson
Qarl Johnson - 08.10.2023 23:58

Yes! Why do YOU refuse to listen to China's question?!?
Even though the whole peninsula had been liberated by the Soviets with the DPRK guerilla forces.
because the US bullied the Soviets to surrender the southern half of the Korean Peninsula, so the US thought it could support the Nationalist Chinese gov't, as led by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.
The same Nationalist leader who fled with his gov't to Taiwan in 1949 when Mao's CPC won the Mainland.
ANd whose political inheritors also demand that Taiwan is part of China and they also make land claims against India, and are for seizing the South China Sea (the 9 or 11 "dash line") too.

Hope clipre
Hope clipre - 08.10.2023 23:14

과거부터 중국인 불법체류,북한 문제 등등이 존재해도 한국은 2000년대 초반까지 중국에 대한 인식이 나쁘지 않았었다. 나 또한 중국의 삼국지,초한지 같은 역사를 좋아했고 꽤 많은 한국인도 호의적인 편이였다. 그때까지 파트너로 생각하며 같이 성장하는 미래지향적인 앞날을 꿈꾸는 그런 상황이 많았다. 중국과의 관계는 서로 나쁘지 않았고 중국의 싸드보복 한한령을 시행한 10년대까지도 수차례 대통령이 방문해서 중국과 호의적인 관계를 지속,중국의 중요한 행석에도 항상 참여하는등의 시도에도 중국은 이기적이고 무례한 태도였지만 그래도 한국은 중요한 파트너라고 생각했던 사람들이 많았었다. 그게 마지막 기회였다. 결과적으로 중국의 외교적 실패라고 밖에 볼수 없다. 한국은 과거를 포함해도 웬만해서 중국에 대해 호의적이였으나 대외적인 태도와 전랑외교로 중국이 걷어차버린 셈이다.

말한대로 중국이 외교적 태도에서 호의적으로 대했다면 또 인터넷 선동과 왜곡으로 한국을 트롤링 하지 않았다면 한국은 현재도 중국과 미국 사이에서 중립적인 태도를 취할것이고 교류는 계속 증진되어 미국이 아닌 중국이 대상이 되었을지도 모르며, 중국이 아닌 일본과 아직도 적대를 할 가능성이 있었다. 이 흐름은 아이러니하게도 중국의 현재 야망에 근접한 상황이 연출되었을 것이다.

한국도 경제,인구 침체기에 접어들어 서서히 미래지향적인 것과는 동떨어진 자세를 취하는 와중에 점점 내부적으로 불만이 많아지고 그 대상은 중국이 차지하게 되었다.

단도직입적으로 말해, 현재의 젊은 세대중 일본을 싫어하는 사람은 없고 대부분이(10명중 9명)은 중국을 혐오한다. 오히려 과거 반일감정때 보다 훨씬 중국을 혐오하는 여론이 일상이 되었다. 이는 훗날 중국의 각종 인터넷 트롤링이 재조명되어 불법체류,미세먼지,외교문제,산업스파이,과거문제와 더불어 연속적으로 반응이 터진 결과다. 중국은 이를 충분히 막을 수 있었지만 나라의 크기에 비해 소인배스러운 태도로 마지막 기회를 잃고 말았다.

알다시피 한국에게 중국같은 야망은 애초에 없고 현재 한국은 침체기에 접어들어 점점 내부의 불만은 많아지며 서서히 잃을게 없었는데 때마침 중국이 역린을 건드리게되어 알을 까고보니 중국의 뒤통수와 행동들에 완전한 증오가 되어버렸다. 쉽게말해 한국은 중국과 전면전으로 대적하면 본인들도 나라가 망하게 되는것을 충분히 알고 있지만 상관없이 적어도 중국이 영구적으로 팔 한쪽이 잘려버리는 불구가 된다면 충분하다는 사람들이 많다. 실제 전력상 한국은 그 정도가 가능한 국가다. 중국몽이 아닌 향후 100년 이상 야망을 꿈꿀수 없거나 혹은 분열되게 만들고 가겠다는 태도일 뿐이다.

아시아의 우두머리,중국몽 같은 헛소리가 다시는 입밖으로 내뱉지 못하게된다.

중국이 아직 회복하지 못했을때 미국이나 일본이 유효타격을 날릴지 그것은 모른다. 아마 그렇게 되는 상황이면 전술핵 사용을 이때 최초로 중국이나 북한이 사용 하게 되지 않을까 생각하지만 결국 이것도 중국이 끝까지 자초하게 된 나비효과다. 북한은 항상 중국을 경계하는것은 중국도 알고 있을것이다. 북한의 김정일 조차 사망전 중국을 경계하라는 김정은에게 유언을 남길정도로 북한조차 중국을 항상 경계하며 북한내의 친중파 세력은 김씨일가 세력과 서로 긴장상태다. 그래서 장성택이 사망한것이고 김정은은 내부결속과 독재 시스템을 더욱 강화시켰다. 이는 북한의 장기 경제침체의 내부적 혼란과 중국을 경계하기 때문이다. 북한은 야망이 있는것 처럼 보여도 사실상 한반도 전체의 경영과 운영 능력은 없으며 곧 자신의 정권에 붕괴가 올수 있다는 것을 본인도 알고 있기 때문에 체제 정권의 존속유지만 되면 충분히 납득할 나라다. 그래서 확정지을 수는 없지만 수많은 북한의 행동은 뉘앙스뿐인 경우가 많다. 재래식 무기는 단기전을 각오해도 한국에게 전력 상대가 되지 않고 전술핵 밖에 없는것을 본인도 알고 있다. 그리고 중국을 위해서 오늘 하루도 살아가기 힘겨운 북한이 그런 희생을 치루지 않는다. 또한 중국을 경계하기 때문에 신용하지도 않는다. 오히려 북한은 한국에 미군이 주둔하는 것을 어느정도 다행으로도 여길정도다.

한국이나 북한은 서로 굉장한 적대처럼 보여도 외교적 위치에서 서로를 방파제라 인식하며 뉘앙스만 취하는 경우가 많다. 사실상 두 국가, 북한은 미국과 일본보다는 한국이 낫다고 한국은 중국보다는 북한이 낫다고 생각하는 경우가 많다.

실제로 일본과 한국은 미국과 국제적 제약이 없다면 3주~ 한달 안에 핵무장이 가능하다. 나라가 망할것을 각오하는데 무엇이 두려울까? 현재 중국의 경제가 예전같지 않고 저출산에 침체기에 접어드며 취업난과 세대적 격차와 남녀 인구불균형 저출산을 제외한 이 모든것이 한국보다 훨씬 심각한 상황이다.

다시 말하지만 한국은 애초에 야망은 없고 같은 저출산 경제 침체기에 사람들의 태도는 받아드리고 있다. 하지만 중국은 한국과 동등하다 스스로 인정하고 있으니 똑같이 받아드리면 된다. 그렇지? 이 모든것은 중국이 초래한 결과다.

Teresa Cha
Teresa Cha - 08.10.2023 23:05

Please understand that Korea has NEVER invaded China or other countries. However, China has invaded many many times in the last few thousand

Teresa Cha
Teresa Cha - 08.10.2023 23:02

China, has always been the biggest problem for Koreans from the beginning. The Korean Peninsula is divided bc of China
and it’s still deluded bc of China. This is a fact!!

Nathan Hu
Nathan Hu - 08.10.2023 21:24

Interesting and knowledgeable discussion 👍

Huge Loan
Huge Loan - 08.10.2023 21:13

China needs N.Kor. Then S.Kor is even more essential to USA, Japan, Nato, EU, Asean... S Korea is the only piece of land to connect to East Asia from the pacific, Japan is an Island.

CG S - 08.10.2023 20:59


DetectiveRackham - 08.10.2023 20:03

Nice to see the East Sea labeled correctly. I am quite certain that the French will not entirely appreciate the North Sea being labeled ‘Sea of England’; same thing for Ukrainians should Russia start calling the Black Sea as ‘Sea of Russia’. I assume Koreans feel the same way.

Joe Qi
Joe Qi - 08.10.2023 18:59

It's obvious. Korea is at doorstep of China's population centre. How would Americans feel if China or Russia had military bases in Canada??? Americans should think twice when blaming China is provoking militarily. The US has been provoking since WW2, encircling China with Korean, Vietnam and Taiwan even before China was powerful enough to be a threat.

Peter Wang
Peter Wang - 08.10.2023 17:26

Taiwan is only a province of PRC and ROC both claimed. Taiwan is not a country. Stop comparing Taiwan to any other UN members. Do not imply that Taiwan is a country. Take the red pill.

Destiny - 08.10.2023 16:40


leqiaop1 - 08.10.2023 16:03

Taiwan is much more important than korean peninsular. Japan empire did oft invade the korean peninsular as its first target. China empire (Ming & Qing Dynasty) could tolerate such japanese invasion sometimes. But to invade or take Taiwan without defeating China directly has never been possible.

나중에 볼 동영상
나중에 볼 동영상 - 08.10.2023 14:37

어림도없다 중국아
