Workplace bullying. What to do if it happens to you | HR Advice & Tips

Workplace bullying. What to do if it happens to you | HR Advice & Tips


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@marydelossantos4914 - 10.02.2024 13:11

I was told if others are being bullied too, it wasn’t bullying.

@user-jt7rj3ye8w - 27.01.2024 13:10

Why do some people bully other people even though they know they wouldn't like it if somebody bullied tbem and even though they know that all of the religions in the world teach everybody to always be very kind to everybody else and to treat everybody else the same way they would want to be treated?!😮😮

@user-jt7rj3ye8w - 27.01.2024 13:04

It is very wrong to bully anybody for any reason. Everybody is equal to everybody else.😢😢

@misunderstood2121 - 25.01.2024 04:05

Agreed HR is a joke and they are not going to help u 😊

@fionalightspontaneous1924 - 24.01.2024 05:32

The HR lady is in cahoots with the bully. Then what?

@Naturalnlvnit - 17.01.2024 01:23

I work in public service. Been subjected to workplace bullying for years by coworkers and targeted harassment from supervision all under systemic racism by upper management. Found that out after getting another job and being moved to upper management office.I agree with another post. Accusers tend to suddenly leave or retire, while accused just keep getting moved around to same or sometimes better positions I finally got a job with people who were not in that group, but still remember the pain.

@JazzGaming26 - 09.01.2024 02:17

Do you think that it would be better to document by carrying a recording device with you? I'm thinking about putting a small recording device in my pocket just in case something happens.

@robertovazquez1731 - 06.01.2024 04:51

B.s. , i tried that , lost my job nothing happens bullies still working thats why i quit the american workforce , hr was useless , it made life at work worst , never go to hr , there complicit

@nodramamomma2777 - 24.12.2023 00:13

HR was the bully. Who pulled me into their office and started asking intrusive questions about my religious affiliation . I spoke up over and over how inappropriate it was... It went on for 20 minutes ending with her holding up the employee manual saying none of her questions were mentioned in it. Yes thats how inappropriate it was.. I got up and left shaking. I now screen shot my timesheet and document everything. Will not be alone with tgrm again.

@artilidi - 16.12.2023 23:35

Thank you for this video. I had trouble verbalizing my statement that I’m trying to report. Upon my situation.

@callalys - 15.12.2023 10:14

Thanks. that was helpful. Need an advice: my colleagues complained to the boss and portrayed me in a bad light. How do I behave now? I currently have a stomach ache and would prefer not to go to work at all. However, the boss said that if I don't work on myself and implement the demands of my colleagues, I can change my direction! They haven't even been honest about their own paleness and aren't helping me even though they should!

@2ch.thenazaritelifestyle - 27.11.2023 08:51

A shift manager made a maladministration
Against me and later when I sat in my car a coworker drove in his car around towards me and just sat there until I left. He left right after I left and skid off.

@user-xz7oz7ck9t - 18.11.2023 21:44

Question: what if the mom & Popps's place does not have an Hr. Department, that does not have a employee book? How else could you report them to a Laber board?
Also, the owner says to take it up with G-M, but G-M is bullying.

@laurainrevison1162 - 04.11.2023 02:58

Yeah.. they dont care. They want me to quit. I did reprot to HR...told me it wasnt an hr issue.

@H.A.-zr2wc - 02.11.2023 21:06

In my case the HR manager was the bully.......

@kristydavis7894 - 28.10.2023 03:10

I been there many times at my job for of and on for years

@didih9736 - 25.10.2023 04:32

What if you work in a small business?! And they don’t have rules ?

@andreapatane4204 - 15.10.2023 05:18

Thank you for your tips and advice about workplace bullying. It's similar to traditional bullying in school settings. Don't worry, NO ONE does that to me at work somewhere in the Bay Area. I'm so glad that I'm in a place with nice employees who aren't bullies at all.

@samantha6670 - 08.10.2023 09:57

The worst when you report to HR is when they say " maybe you take details to seriously" or " you should take it with detachment "... ! While there's evidence of questionnable behaviour.

@pinkysaroha5231 - 22.09.2023 03:20

Thank you sis

@jonnuanez7183 - 15.09.2023 13:49

I filed a complaint against my coworker 2 weeks into my last job over constant harassment, bullying, etc. Nothing was done. For the year and a half I was there (I stayed for the check, mainly; plus there was maybe 5-10 minutes a day of interaction), I walked on eggshells with this guy. Our manager at the time even saw him in action against me...nothing. What happened to this coworker? He became our site manager. I left not shortly after.

@MrGhostBoxer - 08.09.2023 00:02

HR are despicable.

@BodaciousWickerman - 05.09.2023 23:15

HR can't be trusted most of the time though unfortunately

@krissifadwa - 04.09.2023 06:22

When it comes to this topic, you are really on your own. Having a strong relationship with your spiritual ancestors is what can help you for sure. Because, if you think for a second that you are the first one to talk to HR about how you're being treated by that specific person... think again!

@tammycaldwell968 - 01.09.2023 06:41

I wasn't able to do anything about it. Mine was sever, and when I complained they sent the postmaster a copy of my complaints. My only option was to quit. I was bullied, harrassed retaliated against, so severely I was even recorded followed and video recorded while delivering the mail.

@davidjepson4376 - 27.08.2023 08:01

hi my name is David have my boss the owner recorded on my cell verbally abusing me witch but me in the hospital anxiety and panic attack

@houndmother2398 - 07.08.2023 00:38

Thank you. I've been going through this for over 2 1⁄2 years with a former coworker who was promoted over me. She is done nothing but kick my butt since day 1. I've already taken her to HR once for verbal I've already taken her to HR once for verbal harassment and that didn't seem to really register with her so I'm in the process of doing it again. Basically but I wanna do is file and EEOC claim and just leave. I'm just I'm done with the situation it is made me mentally sick.

@cleveland216.. - 20.07.2023 19:13

A person was reported to HR by the supervisor and and few employees on several occasions Nothin is being done … What should be the next step

@linglagace3281 - 19.07.2023 06:43

The old employees will bully new ones always. I almost report them. But that’s my first job. God! I should report them.

@flobarcelos1279 - 03.07.2023 07:43

What if it’s a government job

@jenniferdavis2323 - 16.06.2023 19:38

I've been on my current job since January of this year. Every time I've had a concern about other issues, I've addressed it to my building supervisor. But, I've also noticed from day 1, my supervisor gossips and complains about employees and issues. I don't really feel comfortable going to my supervisor now because I feel like she's part of the problem.

@KjustC - 13.06.2023 07:04

What if you work in HR as an HRM and the bully is the HR Director who is related to the president of the company. She'll ask me a question and once I answer it, she includes 5 other people to make sure everyone knows I made a mistake, instead of walking 5 steps to my office to help me. Smh

@gingerisevil02 - 08.06.2023 03:48

I’m so codependent and seriously, this was the only helpful video I found.

I have a someone on work harassing me over how much water I drink/ telling me I need to drink less water because I’m “wasting their time.” (I take one minute.) now they’re hiding the toilet paper… I work on call as a teacher’s aid.

I really needed to just had that I have the right to ask for it to stop.

@aliahatchett-tabron9139 - 02.06.2023 11:42

Teacher here going through this as we speak. Documentation is very key. And I’m learning that I have to do this for change to happen. I have been excluded continuously as the teacher in my class by veteran teacher assistants who have been allowed to do whatever they want for years. They do not respect my authority. Praying for corrective action because this all is draining and mentally taxing. I totally agree with you that documentation from day 1 is important because if you wait too late to report bullying then sometimes supervisors try to shift blame and say they are just being made aware. Thank you for this video. I have to keep watching these videos bc I need all the support I can get. This is hard for someone who has never experienced this. So again thanks for helping those of us who have no idea what to do.

@Tigerdreama. - 24.05.2023 20:56

They want to break down your character …. They keep u alone ….. and stare and mock u and make fun of u ….. there all cowards tho inside …. There scared of the alone .

@allkindsamusicchick - 14.05.2023 18:50

I sat there and took it....hoping...that it would stop. Also....I never had to go to HR from any of my other jobs in the feared....what else...would happen...should I take that step. Honestly though...I was the odd man out. Aside from the pros that worked there...who were on their way out..and just one, maybe two other co-workers...who were desperate to keep their jobs and stay out of the fray of the wicked. I was in the middle of the diddle....of a group of ill-mannered whack jobs. Rough...tough...degenerates. It was a blessing in disguise. I liked my job and the particulars around it....but I did not truly fit in...with that hoodlum crowd. Honestly, though....they do not deserve to retain their jobs...but...if the company is okay...with that caliber of be it??!!

@NikkiNacole-yj1xv - 03.05.2023 07:57

Pick on the One being stalked and publicly exploited....join in with the defaming

@NikkiNacole-yj1xv - 03.05.2023 07:54

What do you do when your being stalked hacked and exploited by your ex and your boss is using it against you

@user-tk7ph2tl7o - 26.04.2023 18:09

I'm looking to file a lawsuit for work place bullying didn't know about the rules when coming to it not wanting to engage and just do my work I let them treat me like that... in having enough I am ready to do something about it but only have a few witnesses to back me up what should I do 😔

@user-tk7ph2tl7o - 26.04.2023 18:06

What if I have not documented any of the bullying

@curious_7525 - 26.04.2023 05:38

Sooooo, if you manager is being a bully to everyone there is nothing you can do, that sounds odd?

@Mosdefinitelyable - 25.04.2023 04:09

Hey. Thanks so much. I know being honest with an abuser/violator/bully is so hard. It has been really hard for me, but I am letting go each day and finding the strength to tell them how I feel. It is acknowledging the hurt that was caused and telling them how I feel. It started with identifying my feelings, writing them down, and accepting them. I think the denial of feelings is what caused me to endure so much of the bullying. Thanks, Ann Marie. I hope my bully stops.

@Atalanta3204 - 22.04.2023 13:01

What if your company has no human resources

@kristinaharris9609 - 20.04.2023 20:58

It's good to stand up to the bully, but unfortunately you will lose your job and they will still be there bullying people. Everyone in the workplace knows the bullying is going, but they will come together and get you fired by lying on you and make it look like you are the problem

@UnderRatedBeauty88 - 26.03.2023 02:51

Great topic but unfortunately management or HR don’t really care until it affects their contracts or business.

@leonroberts01 - 14.03.2023 20:50

What happens if HR and upper management and executives support the bullying behaviors and some of them also are bullies? Documenting is wise, but who is going to read and study all your notes and take you serious.

Companies need to have a strong zero tolerance policy in place to combat bullying and harassment. If you give a bully a inch, they will rule over others without consequences or any accountability. Very few bullies change their behaviors or see the need to change.

Statistics show that most targets of workplace bullying often leave their jobs because they know nothing gets done within the company to stop bullying behavior.

A company who tolerate workplace bullying isn't a company that you want to work for. They are plenty of companies out there who will treat employees who respect, honor and dignity.

@soioioioioioio34 - 08.02.2023 11:14

Is there a phone number that can be called for a report?

@kathinaconley7657 - 07.02.2023 00:43

What do you do once you’ve done all this and are awaiting a response or action from HR but have not received one in over two weeks regarding the matter? I have followed up with my boss and have been told action is coming but have seen none.

@corysakata6300 - 04.01.2023 02:21

What if HR is goes drinking and traveling with the bully?
