StarCraft 2: SUPER HIGH APM - Serral's First Person Camera vs GuMiho!

StarCraft 2: SUPER HIGH APM - Serral's First Person Camera vs GuMiho!


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Иван Куприянов
Иван Куприянов - 14.09.2023 02:08

Ну да Ковальски... Все как ты и сказал я на лавке спал это как бред прозвучит у меня есть брат но я его выдумал йонна тренируйся... Время наигрывать и все Ну и ты про щварца был прав... Кампанию как орешек щелкаю тактически я никого небоюсь мне нужно микро вытащить... Пианино каждая клавиша знает свое место

Mathieu Lefebvre
Mathieu Lefebvre - 25.08.2023 19:29

ah man its easy 600 apm just do coke with redbull with speed and you can do it ! XD just kidding

KNUCKLEHEADPUNX - 18.08.2023 16:54

I think the most important thing to note for this game is how serral got rid of his lurkers and did not remake them.
I think so many of us lower level players will just always remake lurkers when we have the tech.
Same thing when serral stopped making roaches and transitioned to hydras…it was like magic

clean goblin
clean goblin - 27.05.2023 05:12

Though i barely played sc2 online, it makes me happy that my favorite race is being played by the best in the world.

Tiago D'Agostini
Tiago D'Agostini - 04.05.2023 19:33

That is one of the reasond I dislike SC.. too much focus on APM. I prefer games like SD2 where positioning (los) and type of weapons and moral state of an unit are more important, so making the correct decision is far more important than making a lot of corrections very fast.

WhiskeytangoTV - 20.04.2023 23:25

Gee thanks @Lowko I threw up on my phone, had a seizure and shit myself... Lmao j/k 😂

WhitePum4 - 10.04.2023 06:58

I wish I had serrals skill, i'm sad that at my level strategy is just irrelevant and sc2 is the closest thing to pure logical strategy that could be relevant.

whoami - 04.04.2023 08:53

This was pretty fun to watch. The only change I'd like to see if possible is to be able to see their mouse cursor, bounding boxes, building outlines, ect. I liked seeing what he was looking at but without easily being able to see his mouse output it was sometimes difficult to tell what he was doing.

Overall a very interesting watch and I would like to see more. I'm honestly shocked how little of his opponent he saw. With normal casts it seems like players always know what their opponent is doing and I'm surprised how much of that is actually guesswork going off of very limited information.

Arcane - 23.03.2023 07:48

This was really interesting as I've always wanted to know what the gameplay from a Pro Player looked like, one of these once in a while I think would be really cool for us and you as well Lowko, but you may have to do a few to get into the groove like you do with the normal casts.
I really enjoy it

Black Knight
Black Knight - 11.03.2023 16:53

How is it Serreals overlord arent rallying to his roach army? how do you prevent that?

doctor gami
doctor gami - 24.02.2023 17:19

why he never use ultralisk

Watermen Plumbing Inc.
Watermen Plumbing Inc. - 13.02.2023 23:54

Nice to see from this perspective.

EXXTSON - 09.02.2023 10:51

Yes, keep doing these kind of videos

Nairda - 06.02.2023 14:12

It kinda sucks his mouse pointer is not visible :/ I'd love to see it during micro

Rock Steady
Rock Steady - 05.02.2023 00:49

This was awesome, I would say do it once a week.

Lukas Bratcher
Lukas Bratcher - 03.02.2023 20:09

This was a cool way to watch. I’d enjoy it regularly, but would probably prefer the more standard way as the default.

Chris Klugh
Chris Klugh - 02.02.2023 11:01

^ This old man decided to see what his APM is. Mind you its been awhile and I never did play a lot of this sort of SC. 30 APM. I spend more time thinking what my next Action will be that usually I have fat bank doing nothing with like 5 Marines guarding my base vs Easy AI...

I respect and enjoy seeing the Pros play. Makes Chess look like Tix Tax Toe. Their brains completely wired to this game. Maybe its unhealthy. But it sure is Super Human. Too bad most people wont even know.

Alican Kocabeyoglu
Alican Kocabeyoglu - 31.01.2023 11:02

Can you make one for Maru as well sometime

Binh Nguyen
Binh Nguyen - 31.01.2023 06:04

Nope nope nope
