The Mario Movie: Criticism NOT Welcome

The Mario Movie: Criticism NOT Welcome

Cartoonshi シ

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M.G. Michael
M.G. Michael - 16.09.2023 18:29

Funny how no one whined that The Lego Movie was "just a lil kids movie about bricks", almost as if this movie was a genuine masterpiece and not just a corporate moneymaking oppurtunity. I too like to have my cake and also eat it.

Oh No
Oh No - 13.09.2023 09:24

Imagine getting upset that even though a majority of movie critics liked an animated video game adaptation, the majority wasn't large enough to meet some website's arbitrary standard.

Nathaniel Foster
Nathaniel Foster - 10.09.2023 14:44

Im just upset we didn't get Waluigi dude-

Vicangelo Wilson
Vicangelo Wilson - 01.09.2023 22:04

Nintendo is literally one of the game companies that care about there fans the least i mean look at pokemon uranium why are people so eager to protect them.

Aquafrost - 01.09.2023 05:39

I am one that uses reviews as a reference, but still watches the thing or plays the game, but i dont treat them as gospel.

smokinnplatez - 29.08.2023 14:37

The movie wasn't great

But Why Though?
But Why Though? - 22.08.2023 18:35

This is probably my favorite video when it comes to the whole Mario movie debacle. It’s a shame that most people can’t think of feedback or criticism as more than just “Positive = good, Negative = bad.”

And I know that people try to argue “it goes both ways. People who liked the movie also get bashed.” The thing is though is that cynical people, especially the political folks like Geeks and Gamers, are already bad apples to begin with and are way more niche than those who project toxic positivity because the former are purposefully looking for a reaction.

Don’t get me wrong, toxicity will always be wrong but you can’t argue with me that both are even remotely equal, and especially not just in the Nintendo fanspace.

I want to see Nintendo and Illumination improve in a sequel while also seeing Miyamoto being more open to the prospect of Mario having more substantial stories like the RPG titles. However, that likely won’t be possible with this discourse.

Messy Joy
Messy Joy - 19.08.2023 20:20

Honestly all those toxic Mario movie fans who defend it and bully others for a having diffrent opinion only made me dislike the movie itself. The movie is fine for what it is but at the same time that doesn't mean they couldn't at least try a bit more . I don't think that others would care about it if wasn't about Mario.

camstile program
camstile program - 11.08.2023 22:44

you censoring the word woke makes me happy, keep it up

Rymaja123 - 11.08.2023 11:21

Just waiting for the inevitable war over the fnaf movie being good or not, That’s gonna be even worse…

Someone Noone Tomatoes
Someone Noone Tomatoes - 08.08.2023 06:36

It kinda hurt me since I went in expecting a damn good story using the Mario cast. Most of the games have a pretty bare bones plot so I thought in the movie the writers were going to pull out a creative story with the wackiness that is the Mario universe. Now to sound condescending but the part I was looking forward to just wasn’t there. It also didn’t help that I had dropped out of the hardcore fan faze a year prior.

werter the impostor
werter the impostor - 07.08.2023 01:14

in short the movie is good people yust overhype it

Delta - 07.08.2023 00:49

Sonic Movie 2 had a decent amount of story to work with already. S3&K had a minimalist but still really good story, and it was incredible to see that in movie form. The writers just had to incorporate the movie characters and fill in the gaps.

Mario movie would have to work harder to have a good story, and I was looking forward to it, but it feels like they didn't even try.

pandabanaan - 02.08.2023 23:16

This is a bit different but I was having a discussion with a friend who usually has good media takes but during our discussion he said I was expecting too much of an illumination mario movie, like he wasn't saying that it was good but it bothers me he would so blatantly except this type of junkfood no effort stories(though maybe the mcu has made him accept this type of slog)

Gochachep Gocha
Gochachep Gocha - 02.08.2023 13:02

I really wanted to watch the movie even tho i always loved sonic but i gave it a chance and it was a nothing burger its basically the pizza lunchables yes the media about nintendo is good but this part of it is bland yes it was fun to watch but there was no plot and it just was feeding me bright colors and references when it ended i thought like what actually happened immediately i thought about how it sucked for me and how the negatives outweigh the positives

Black beast
Black beast - 31.07.2023 23:32

even as a mario fan, love mario 64 and the hat game and have so many hours in mario maker, the fact they need to call the movie "super mario MOVIE" shows that they know this isnt a good movie, just like the emoji movie. if you need to mention that a movie is a movie, it probably sucks. its literally like date movie, epic movie and disaster movie. its just refrences and nothing else and it has to remind you that its a movie. if i want refrences, i would play the games . this is blatant nostalgia baiting and deserves no money, dont make a movie if it has no plot, this is yet another bad videogame movie

the visuals are beatiful and the animations feels very alive (bowser felt weird tho), probably fun if you take some mushrooms or acid, but thats it. its like new COD games or most triple A. sure the visuals / graphics are good but thats not a substitute for other stuff

its like they recorded gameplay with OSB and then animated it with CGI. And yes the movie looks beatiful, but thats it

Super Mario Noobs
Super Mario Noobs - 29.07.2023 23:20

In terms of criticism, I don't care if you don't like something... as long as you express that without shaming people for liking it.

Fluffigefledermaus - 29.07.2023 22:16

Y'know what has story? Kirby! Man I hope they'll make a Kirby movie one day, that could be the mythical peak of both criterias you mentioned in the first third

Sodor Pro
Sodor Pro - 20.07.2023 19:35

I'm "anti woke" to an extent, be even I'll fully agree with what you said regarding the talk weather or not this film was "woke" or not. The takes these people make are some of the stupidest things I've had the displeasure of seeing. These people A. never watch the content, B. watched it, but charry picked what they thought they could use to further their agenda, or C. basically what you said. That rings true not just with this movie, but for nearly every TV show and film that has been released for last few years. These people no nothing outside of politics (both left and right) and are, as you said grifters. That seem incapable of enjoying something for what it is, or accepting that a product is bad, because it's bad. Instead they have to have some conspiracy rational, like saying "oh they were too focused on being woke, that's why the film sucked", case in point some of the criticism of 'Into the Spiderverse', 'Elemental', and 'Lightyear'. These people don't care weather or not the film is good or not, they claim to, but don't. All they really care about at the end of the day is furthering their agenda, and while some of the stuff they say, from a general political and cultural standpoint, I do admittedly agree on, when it comes to pop culture (movies, TV, etc) everything that comes out of their mouths, make go "WTH are you talking about?" But then again these are the same people who think 'Minions Rise of Gru' is better then 'Lightyear'. Now I don't like 'Lightyear', but there's nothing that'll convince me that 'Minions' or basically anything that 'Illumination' has made since the original 'Despicable Me' is better then 'Lightyear' or any of Disney and Pixar's recent releases, be it good or bad. Good video really like you videos.

DEV Official Channel
DEV Official Channel - 05.07.2023 13:29

Also, if I really want a good film with a very basic plot and nothing complex, Bumblebee is way better than Mario since not only does it have high scores for both critics and audiences, but the movie manages to make its characters endearing.

unreal life
unreal life - 05.07.2023 09:07

One of the absolute worst most shallow boring movies i've seen.

Definitive Dubs
Definitive Dubs - 04.07.2023 20:14

Here's the thing: I am a Mario fan. Galaxy is my favorite game of all time. Odyssey's probably in my top 10. I liked Lost Levels, I consider NSMBU the best 2D game, I love the RPGs, the sports titles are some of the only sports games I've ever played, I like Party, I like Kart, and in 2014 I did the most autistic thing ever and wrote a chronological timeline theory for the series. If the movie is full of fanservice, then why did I, as a fan, not feel like he was being serviced? It's almost like a movie needs to be more than eye candy. It needs to tell a fucking story. But the problem isn't that the plot was paper-thin. Everyone says that, but that's not the real issue. The issue is that even the paper-thin plot they were trying to tell wasn't told very well. It sucked at what it was trying to be.

ACCEPTYOURSELF - 04.07.2023 00:27

Great Animation and Music, but the dialogues, story and the jokes are more than negative, compared
to one of the best animated movies about videogames I saw: Wreck It Ralph.

Mamodokod - 02.07.2023 09:48

I still liked the Mario movie.

TJ436 - 02.07.2023 03:44

Was pretty good, I’m just glad it wasn’t bad. I’m a kinda mario fan and found a lot of enjoyment from it. My parents did as-well, and barely know much about mario. It was just a fun, enjoyable movie. But it 100% has problems.

The reason why me and my family enjoyed it is because we just like watching stupid dumb fun, and while we enjoy a good story, we are fine with something just being kinda empty story-wise.

Also the same people who say it is fine for being bland story-wise for being a “kid movie” also praise kids shows and movies for being deep with a great dark story.

… and is 60% really that bad? People really need to calm down, people can have different opinions.

Why is this comment all over the place, why does this comment exist, why do I exist.

Chel CM
Chel CM - 28.06.2023 21:17

Its kinda funny that out of all the recent animated movies released in theaters this year, the MARIO MOVIE had the most controversy. Critical thinking online is dead. People dont seem to understand that criticism =/= hate.

Lynara S.
Lynara S. - 27.06.2023 01:44

Hello. I love how you tackle this. You're much more mature and balance when it comes to criticing.

Emmanuel Mondésir
Emmanuel Mondésir - 26.06.2023 19:52

I don’t like this movie. Carried by references. Beautiful animation tho.

KoolAid - 26.06.2023 04:36

I loved this movie, but I understand the criticism it gets. The thing is that I am a fan of Nintendo, & am definitely an active fan of Mario, which obviously would change my opinion on the film. However, the other night I re-watched it & noticed that there were some pretty dumb decisions in terms of story, & in terms of more fan-based things like characters. For example, Cranky Kong is paper thin, kind of mean but a loving father & a leader of the kongs? Roll that back, he's of royalty????? His character was always a cocky asshole, going as far to bully his own son in his sons game by claiming he could've 100%ed it in under an hour, & that Donkey Kong was slow as shit. Now he's proud of him? I guess it is difficult to make a cocky & arrogant character interesting in a movie, but it's inaccurate & idk my OCD is triggered. Aside from things that don't matter to the general public, the story was a little lackluster, plot points aren't explained, like how tf did Peach get washed through a sewer & tightrope across a metal pipe as an infant, or why she's the princess & not the queen, etc. etc.

Even with these problems I'd still say it was a good movie, with flaws I think they could fix. Just like what I thought with the Sonic films: good movies, with flaws. I'm an active fan of Sonic too, so the somehow LACK of fan service is interesting. I think the only hidden fan service there was really the Mean Bean coffee shop, & that was pretty obvious still. Regardless, good video!

PapaE - 21.06.2023 01:50

For a movie I really enjoyed criticizing is needed to hopefully help for the sequel if there is one

Evellium - 20.06.2023 23:57

I am a Mario fan, and I was unable to connect with the movie at all. I personally think they completely ruined most of the characters, I couldn't stand the licensed songs in the soundtrack, and the voice acting was abysmal. Unironically a 1/10 movie.

ShadyPaperclips - 18.06.2023 22:11

This movie wasn't great and imo even the rabid defenders know that, them attacking any slight criticism towards the film is just their coping mechanism

Maya Fey Plushie
Maya Fey Plushie - 17.06.2023 00:23

Ngl, it's funny when people say, "It really sticks it to Hollywood" and its a movie that was made by a big Hollywood Studio

Matty - 16.06.2023 09:46

people not knowing the difference between criticism and hate/complaining is tiring

Dadadadead girl
Dadadadead girl - 16.06.2023 00:18

Just to nitpick about that person praising illumination for "caring about the money" as if it's a good thing, they are stupid. Your praising an animation studio who have the most lackluster and mediocre filmography in the whole world compared to other animation studios. Hell, them caring more about money is WHY their films are mid because they don't bother to try since they already know their generic products will give them lots of money. That is not a good mindset. 💀

Isomer Mashups
Isomer Mashups - 14.06.2023 17:46

My biggest issue with a lot of the criticism is that it basically reviews a hammer on its merits as a shovel. This movie isn't plot-based or character-based. It's a visual spectacle intended to do nothing else but impress Mario fans. It's isn't even a "kids' movie." It's hardly a movie.

Frankly, any audience that isn't "Mario fans" shouldn't have been asked to review it in the first place. If someone is a shovel critic, they should review shovels - not hammers.

Anyhow, "the critics are wrong" is fairly accurate in this case, with the caveat that it's not their fault - they were asked to review something that was totally out of their league.

Final Froggit Approaches
Final Froggit Approaches - 14.06.2023 00:28

The Mario Movie was a great time, not a great movie. I absolutely loved it, because I love the Mario franchise. If I had my mother- who couldn’t point to Luigi in a room full of Toads -watch the same movie, she’d give a far less positive review. The movie is objectively okay at best, but subjectively amazing if you like and know Mario.

Carrie Romberger
Carrie Romberger - 14.06.2023 00:09

I don’t think people realize that the critic reviews and audience reviews are meant to show people what movies are worth watching, not to offend the people that like the movie… 😅

Peter Parker
Peter Parker - 13.06.2023 02:55

animation is for anyone.

Peter Parker
Peter Parker - 13.06.2023 02:53

like with anything trendy. tears of the kingdom breath of the wild spiderverse breaking bad seinfeld

Peter Parker
Peter Parker - 13.06.2023 02:45

a "kid" show can be great. Hey Arnold is excellent.

Catch - 12.06.2023 08:34

Good movie. Seth Rogen was a terrible Donkey Kong his laugh made DK so cringey

SuperCyrus - 11.06.2023 22:48

The only reviews that ticked me off were the ones like “It is the laziest possible version of a Mario movie, and for most viewers, young and old, that’ll be totally acceptable.” These reviews felt like a jab at my opinion. Like god sorry for liking a movie that you think sucks sorry for my crimes

Sams - 09.06.2023 02:15

Llpoop film>
