Playstation Portal Vs Nintendo Switch | Which One Should You Buy?

Playstation Portal Vs Nintendo Switch | Which One Should You Buy?

Best Choice Review

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@danielturchan4092 - 02.02.2024 10:19

The switch is an actual console for pretty much the same price, u can actually play it on the go… I feel second hand embarrassment for Sony and anyone dumb enough to buy their so called “on the go” single use stream screen, pathetic.

Also, like I mentioned, the switch is an ACTUAL CONSOLE, so I’m confused what u r comparing here…u can’t compare these, bc u have to actually HAVE a PS5 already, which we know is far superior to the switch, but overall, this device itself is garbage and useless if u were to compare it to the switch. Just bc it’s capable of doing something, doesn’t mean it’s going to live up to that, the display is always grainy bc it’s not running games, it’s streaming them over wifi. This video has no purpose bc ur not comparing like devices, they serve 2 completely different functions, ur comparing apples to toenails here. I’m not hating ur video just confused as to what it’s purpose is.

@iOxideAUS - 01.02.2024 14:03

what a stupid discussion point, trying to farm trending terms

@geraldherndon660 - 01.02.2024 12:32

I don't play when im out i want to hear and see what's around me ps5 at home

@onmywayto974 - 01.02.2024 11:43

People that say you can't compare are bugging. Yes, there is an audience. If you only have a little over $200 on hand and looking for a handheld, this video is for them. And he's just giving reasoning for the options. I would pick the switch because you get a whole separate library, but if their 1st person isn't intriguing then the Portal would make sense.

@pt4005 - 01.02.2024 11:28

They have completely different purposes and functions. So you can’t compare

@Avaragepeashooter420 - 01.02.2024 10:54

2023 vs 2017 😑

@termfiy6256 - 01.02.2024 06:48

This Is a dumb comparison.
One is uses remote play.
The other uses litteral hardware power. 🤷

@andreyivanov5447 - 01.02.2024 00:16

It doesn't makes sence to discuss what better.
Because for ps portal you should have ps5.
Ps portal is not "independent" console.
