Human Trafficking Survivor-Kat

Human Trafficking Survivor-Kat

Soft White Underbelly

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Emotional Support Bae
Emotional Support Bae - 19.12.2022 23:11

Thank you for watching & for your supportive comments. Emotional Support Co. is my 🛍️ and emotional support bae is my 👀 G

quedeo - 21.11.2023 10:58

Why didn´t she leave after the first time he assaulted her? I will never understand the physiology behind this.

Olivia Fogarty
Olivia Fogarty - 19.11.2023 11:02

This made me feel so emotional and I just think to myself how none of this is your fault and I hate to hear how you carry that with you and into new relationships how you blame yourself. I really hope you find a good therapist , if I could give you a hug I would. I can tell you would be a great mother … I am so proud

Facing FND | functional neurological disorder
Facing FND | functional neurological disorder - 19.11.2023 00:26

She is searching for that love and protection that come from healthy parents and also the love and acceptance that comes from God. She has been preyed on and failed by so many adults in her life.

Cyn - 18.11.2023 23:06

A child desperately looking for love and being seen. That's what she's been looking for -- emotionally absent mother, physically and emotionally absent father. Sadly, a lot of blame is weighing on her. Her clothing, the pedophiles, her mother being scolded by the police. I only wish that she manages to find therapy, with a good, trustworthy and empathetic professional. Nobody deserves to live through something so horrific, yet many still do at the moment.

FRANCESCO MUSCOLO - 18.11.2023 09:13

We are all seeking the true love of the Heavenly Father We are created by God and so we need this connection back to Him for Wholeness

J T - 18.11.2023 07:56

No more marriages. No more boyfriends. Too much trauma for the children. Too many random men around your kids. Idc if the rest of the world agrees or disagrees. Handle you and your kids. Leave men alone and away from your daughter(s).

TheMilimanatary1 - 18.11.2023 06:25

Loving your kids and showing affection is always the answer. It’s not an intellectual fight. It’s not force against behavior. Although I do believe in standards. Giving your kids the love and care that they need is always the foundation.

lorena m vasquez
lorena m vasquez - 17.11.2023 20:36

oh sweetie. I hurt for you when you claim responsibility for choices you made as a child. you were neglected is why you ran away. It s not your fault!!!! you did what you needed to do for survival. Love, nurture, and non-sexual physical touch is essential for all animals to thrive. of course you went out looking. you are loved and I'm rooting for you. I hope you realize that the choice you're making to love your children the way you were entitled to be loved and cared for is so powerful; it's breaking the cycle that Many people choose to continue.
What we've learned to do is easier to continue than doing something different. Whe you feel alone, read these comments.

Step Collazo
Step Collazo - 17.11.2023 20:32

Shes a beautiful young lady..I hope she had therapy..

BLDscape - 17.11.2023 17:53

Does anyone know her clothing brand name?

MB & BeauTEA!!
MB & BeauTEA!! - 17.11.2023 05:25

I have a husband & we argue. He lacks motivation. Whatever but he’s a GOOD MAN & a good dad. Not everyone is gross & horrible. God bless you with your trauma. I can’t imagine how hard it must be. You’re beautiful

Rajko Milosevich Guera
Rajko Milosevich Guera - 16.11.2023 23:06

heavy, heavy stuff... and I think I'm gonna vomit if I hear word "like" one more time...

wexter wexter (wexter)
wexter wexter (wexter) - 16.11.2023 21:04

Crazy wrld we live in at 11 is wild

socialprecipitant - 16.11.2023 07:51

No one is gonna comment how sick and fucked up the cops behaved on this ?
They literally showing their true nature and priorities when it comes to situations like that compared to other minor incidents

Laura Lannister
Laura Lannister - 16.11.2023 01:08

Not her fault. These grown men knowingly took advantage of her. These men with wedding rings and kids of their own ae able to push aside all logic and out their disgusting needs first on actual children. What is wrong with men????

Cyclegenix - 15.11.2023 18:29

Why do people do this to themselves? Not trying to blame the victim or anything. You also wonder why a person would jump into a cage with a wild lion. No one questions the lion for eating the idiot that fed themselves to the lions.

Mitch - 15.11.2023 14:47

Lesson of the story. Stay away from black guys.

Chikanini - 15.11.2023 03:21

Shes acting like she didn't know whats up. She knew. Very very sad either way. It's heart breaking!! All she knows is sex sells. And there's reasons these ex husband's leave. It's a sad story but she can change at her age now


L Lo
L Lo - 14.11.2023 18:16

My trafficker’s were also married. It’s so strange to me that they are okay with that. The wives know what’s going on.

Tonya Boggs
Tonya Boggs - 14.11.2023 10:25

Please get counseling. Dont give it up. Cry if you need to. Talk only when u want but please get counseling girl you deserve it!!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ Toure stiry really touched my heart.

Tonya Boggs
Tonya Boggs - 14.11.2023 10:23

Youre an amazing stong women youre a SURVIVOR!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤

Tonya Boggs
Tonya Boggs - 14.11.2023 10:17

You are a very smart beautiful women that has been through so much! ITS NOT your fault any of that happened to you. The adults around you ahould have watched out for u. U were a you g child. So its NOT your fault. I hope you get counseling because u deserve it. ❤❤❤❤ Thanks for shairing!!! Youre worth it and so amazing! Please keep your head up 💪💪❤❤

Jenae Brendle
Jenae Brendle - 14.11.2023 04:50

We all have an emptiness in our heart that can only be filled by God himself....... Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."

Praying that God reveals himself to you Kat💙 he loves you more than you can ever imagine!!!

Colleen F
Colleen F - 13.11.2023 22:45

You are an amazing woman. None of those things were your fault. You were a CHILD. Anytime you feel like blaming yourself...picture your own child saying it was their fault if those same things happened to them. You will realize how wrong you are to say that with a different perspective. You are clearly a good mother with love and empathy ❤️ 💜 Give that to YOU also.
I wish you only beautiful things in life.

Also..what is the clothing line so I can support you!!!!

motoko834 - 13.11.2023 18:33

You are a beautiful person. Please love yourself 💛

Karmine Jumaz
Karmine Jumaz - 13.11.2023 07:11

That's not true even if she was black no one would have helped her even if a black girl screams they just look at it like nothing it doesn't matter if you're black and white in the hood anywhere and even in white areas they won't even help you it's the same everywhere all colors

Chee Cheechee
Chee Cheechee - 12.11.2023 23:38

honestly how can she stand the smell of another race skin close? i1m not being racist but it is a thing... how?? i tried it too but I just can't

Its Katerini
Its Katerini - 12.11.2023 20:57

I wish I could hug her

Mr. Majestic XIII
Mr. Majestic XIII - 12.11.2023 20:40

She is a very beautiful woman.

Hecto Chango
Hecto Chango - 12.11.2023 02:01

She needs to write a book. Holy fuck.

Codie Kennedy
Codie Kennedy - 11.11.2023 15:13

This girls love life and trust with males will be bad from this trauma. Hopefully she gets past it. Beautiful woman

Brie Hopkins
Brie Hopkins - 11.11.2023 03:02

Rock on girl!! Thank you for sharing your story, I can imagine it was really hard. Thank you. You’re amazing keep up the good healing work. Love ya!!!

Hilda Ortiz
Hilda Ortiz - 10.11.2023 23:44

Shes still dealing with it. And of is only making it worse, she isn't mentally okay.

Marilyn Smith
Marilyn Smith - 10.11.2023 23:24

Its so painful to listen to her blame herself just because she kept running away... the reason she ran away is because she had no love at home

Gae Bitch
Gae Bitch - 10.11.2023 05:29

we’re the cops black?

H Clark
H Clark - 10.11.2023 00:24

We are born with a neverending fount that can only be filled with Jesus. I spent the majority of my life trying to fill it with everything else. It sounds so insane and woo woo and baseless, and I can’t even explain it, but through hard lessons, I’ve learned it’s true. My first few therapy sessions, I cried the whole time, couldn’t get a word out. After you release that trauma, you eventually get a few words, then a few more, and it helps. I am sending you so much love no matter what you do from here, know that a stranger is proud of your strong heart and I believe in you.

SAMO_MARV - 09.11.2023 05:08

praying that she will hear the gospel and believes on Jesus Christ and will be saved

Lea Burns
Lea Burns - 09.11.2023 03:25

* 💘 * This beautiful 😍 ❤ young woman 👧 will recover ♥ * 😊 from all the indecency that was bestowed upon her. She was just too young 😢 💔 😔 😭 to be 'taken advantage of' & the perpetrators of all the crimes done against her * in her underage years really ought to be brought to justice ⚖. I wish her all the very best kinds of happiness 😊 ❤ 💕 ☺ to come her ❤ way * for her future.

Erin Petersen
Erin Petersen - 08.11.2023 18:39

I hate the term "Daddy Issues". In my experience, it's when the mother doesn't accept/show affection/validate, that we tend to constantly yearn for and seek that out. Whether that be sexually, religiously, or from everyone around us. Girls who have strong connections with their mothers, and whose mothers are loving toward them, tend to have healthy self-esteems.

Many people failed her, it's heart-breaking. Sending this courageous woman so much love. May she find what she is looking for and may she remain safe xx

Diane Armstrong
Diane Armstrong - 08.11.2023 06:54

So sad!! Im so sorry this happened to you xo

Killian Rieder
Killian Rieder - 08.11.2023 05:10

How do we find her Clothing Line to buy some of her designs. Would like to support her through my pocket book. If you can let me know.

Vintage Soul
Vintage Soul - 08.11.2023 02:15

Birth control at 10 years old surprisingly seemed to surprise Mark.

selina shaffer
selina shaffer - 07.11.2023 22:45

Oh baby girl your soo much more worth what you give yourself credit for! Your beautiful inside and out but you deserve soo much better then what you let yourself believe and either way you keep saying it's all your fault but yet your mother could have been there to mother you more then she really was too! But you can break this cycle stop beating yourself and only accepting what you think you deserve and find some who'll love you for you! Don't attract all these pieces of shit there will come a time when someone will come across you that will sweep you off your feet don't run away baby girl take it all in for what it's worth!! Your deserving of it your children are too!! ❤💯🙏💕 my thoughts and prayers go out to you 🙏

pafsrh - 07.11.2023 20:15

what a backward system, life is the teacher,and the wisdom

Kristina Ryan
Kristina Ryan - 07.11.2023 10:57

Ugh I just want to give this girl a hug so bad ♥️ she’s the epitome of a SURVIVOR

Earth - 07.11.2023 04:01

It’s sad that instead of fixing our country we spend all our money on wars and helping other countries 🤦🏻‍♂️

Trish156 - 07.11.2023 03:53

I"m sorry you went through what you did. You were just a kid. i think your beautiful inside and out. Oh and know it's your mothers fault not yours. it's her responsibility to make sure you as a CHILD are making the correct decisions. Please it's not your fault
