We need more research for this not just limited sample.
ОтветитьFemale sexual desire = masculine man
ОтветитьWomen, fragile.
ОтветитьGuys - just get a plushie...or a silicone doll....
ОтветитьFeels like this video dances around the point
ОтветитьStill hard to understand women 😵
ОтветитьThis would be better with a female narrator
ОтветитьThe only job a female do is the oldest job, but they ruin it by having choice influx
ОтветитьThis confirms what I say all along. Female sexual desire is largely a myth. Sure, they might get excited during the act, but that's it. The "in" thing nowadays is to say that females have the same sex drive, but that is a politically convenient myth being perpetrated serve those with an agenda.
ОтветитьThen explain why bad boys are so desirable to women.
Also it's a blatant falsehood that women's sexual desire increases with age. Ask any married man whose been married for more than 15 years.😅
Can any women confirm?
ОтветитьCan any women confirm?
Ответитьwy the #### am i so horny lol
ОтветитьIn short it's complicated
ОтветитьThat first minute sounds like I got to take a college course on how to get a woman in the mood....
Gots to get married first, then take course? Forgetta bout' it!
This was ultimately bullshit.
ОтветитьSo the short answer is Hypergamy?
ОтветитьBe kind, be polite, and practice this, there's no way to cheat it, this is why is men have no right to be jealous.
ОтветитьSo women are hard to understand. Such a new information.😂
ОтветитьAll lies ! Simply go to the local watering hole and watch absolutely beautiful young women find abusive biker thug
Cocaine dealers to be completely irresistible and ride off into the night with them sometimes never to be seen again. So this post is a crock !!
I feel like this is me (I'm a girl, don't mine the profile) because I kind of have a boyfriend who wants sex like in the weekend when his not working and it kind of turns me off when he's too greedy about it.
ОтветитьIs that Yi Sang
ОтветитьI wonder what is ideal men, that women can fall for. I know that women are really diverse, but I wonder how much myself can I be to be attractive. I know all this "just be yourself" narrative, but for me being myself is getting completelly rid of traditional masculinity and i don't know how many women would find this attractive. Sure, macho men are unattractive for most women, but I feel like I have to play a role of a "real man", at least partly
ОтветитьI didn't understand a single thing
ОтветитьThis video seems very much like males talking about female desire without actually asking females.
ОтветитьWoman is harder to understand than math
ОтветитьWomen are crazy, simple as.
ОтветитьGod forbid women take responsibility for something for once...
ОтветитьGod forbid women take responsibility for something for once...
ОтветитьGod forbid women take responsibility for something for once...
ОтветитьThis is rubbish... Most women in reality have very perverted fantasies which have nothing to do with romance and just twisted as mens fantasies.. ranging from group sex, r*pe fantasies, facial humilation by multiple men etc etc.. the myth that womens fantasies are rooted in romance and emotioin is nonsense. If anything womens fantasies are even more perverse then mens.
ОтветитьAstrology describe it MUCH better .. our calendar is BS .. not scientific at all
ОтветитьMen sexual desire based on a hole and an object somehow resembling a female. Because for millions years we don't have much time for thinking about this - you come, eat, bang with as much of them as you can, sleep, and you gone hunting with the bros next day till the very dark. Then you die in 20, if you are lucky.
Women sexual desire is based on social engineering and eugenics. Survival of a tribe were not only based on men, who fed it, protected, migrated it, pushed science/art/craft, made all the decisions, etc., but also on women, who were responsible to multiply them, keeping the population, or to stop doing so, when the population gone too big for the current food and other resources availability. New people also should be strong, energetic, optimistic and social, since every deadbeat will eat up food and will not benefit for getting it, making the whole tribe survival harder. Produce too much trash, and you will kill the whole tribe (including yourself).
And that's the point where all the complications starting.
First of all, how women will know, who is good and who is not? Simple. They don't. Their brain is focused on other things, compared to men, they mostly never know a thing about anything crucial for a society, even less about practical stuff (like, who are the better hunter, what it takes to hunt good). So they just watch what things MEN values, and what things other WOMEN values. With men it's simple - they just know all those things from experience, or later, from a passing knowledge also. With women part, it saves time, because it's highly suboptimal to invent a wheel every time. When 90% other women already know what is good (it's "popular"), you don't need to research it from zero and to spend valuable time, resources, etc.
Then, how do women actually are starting to "like" someone? Strongly the opposite of how men doing that. Men starting it from instincts, emotions, then they push their mind to oblige it. E.g., woman's big calibers both from her front and back sides means she will generate a lot of milk, and will have an easier child delivery, which are both mean higher survival rate for babies; men see it, they don't know why but they like it (it is written into an instinct by the evolution process), then they already slaves to it and start to wrap their head around it, starting seeking other qualities to "base" their decision, starting gaslighting themselves about love, their own free will and choose, etc. But women, no. They evaluate a man first, primitive, but very cold and logical, THEN they activate instincts and emotions, to gaslight themself that they love this man. And it's also pretty easy for them, since they have of lot of chemistry going on to support this. At some point, the girl will not even remember why she loves this dude, or the fact that she evaluated him at all. Her mind will also be bent by chemistry and self hypnosis, and she will seek positive qualities in her partner, ignoring or justifying the negative ones.
Women sexuality have a lot more going on, than a men sexuality. E.g., they crave to be touched, since it helps the sexual process on a physical level (a lot of things in their body, chemical too, are linked to touching). Also touching helps to evaluate, is a partner who is doing her now proper or not, damaging her psychologically if the partner is not "allowed", making her actively resist, etc. They have a lot of sensitive zones, many of those also shows them what is going on so how she needs to act both inside and outside (the situation that is surrounding the act, e.g. mb the tribe or the partner is in hurry, should she be aware of surroundings or not, etc.). For men tho, it mostly just their d and nothing really more. Stimulate it enough - it's hard, stimulate it more - it came.
So basically, women sexuality is based on whatever is valued now in a society. Can be more or less global, it's all very messed up today. Want to be desired - be popular, easy as that.
Also, both men and women having a lot of social mechanisms surrounding this principles, to lower or push a certain person "attractiveness". E.g., friends of some male could make fun of him in a party in-front of his gf a little too much and boom, soon his gf starting to secretly cheat on him, and can even break up with him later. No one will know why, even her and those "friends", who just did it naturally, because they did not have enough respect for him.
Also do not forget of other women mechanisms, like a mechanism of striving to be always "at least" on a level with other women. For a woman her other woman friend can be an insane influence, especially if they know each other for a very long time. E.g. a girl can ignore marriage and kids, but her besties got it at some point and now she is suddenly very jealous and wants it horribly bad. They also depend on their elders a lot, and ofc depend a lot on more successful women.
Women collective generally is much more tight and competitive than men collectives. Women also a lot more "whole" as a collective, it's like a one big mass, an overmind. Men are way more separated both individually and as collective. It's all based on our past too - when men were mostly brothers in arms, and everything outside of it immediately separated them (it it's not a social activity), but women were always together in a cave or in other safe place, never separated.
Well, that's already too much, I guess.
Right, but what about one night stands? This chick who went with me home this one time?
ОтветитьWhy do you show lesbian couples? Stop promoting such stuff
ОтветитьI lost count how many videos i've seen... totally useless, no relevant data, no usable information. Still no idea what the heck they want.
its very frustrating
I saw a meme once where a woman said
"married women don't want to give their man pu$$ie but yet get mad at me when I do it!
Let that sink in for a second 😒🙄🤔
I'm a single man who will die single. Why am I even watching this lol
ОтветитьIt’s gone for most women when menopause creeps in
ОтветитьWho came here from male desires video. im gonna consume every knowledge here and improve myself.
Edit:*With the voice of teamfortress 2 medic" interesting
Not Psych2Go making me question if I’m a woman 😂
ОтветитьOh yeah? Then why do they have flings.
ОтветитьSo Namibia / SA?
ОтветитьCan anyone talk about sexual anhedonia and if there is a treatment no one talks about it at all anywhere
Ответитьsteroeotypes exist for a reason, because they are true otherwise they wouldnt become stereotypes. If I said people with green eyes cant cook, that wouldnt become a stereotypre because there is no truth in it
ОтветитьLong story short: women don't know what they want
ОтветитьWe are working on the male version soon. What do you guys want us to cover about it?