How to Make a 3rd Person Character in UE5

How to Make a 3rd Person Character in UE5

Evans Bohl

1 год назад

69,232 Просмотров

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Negative Zero Media
Negative Zero Media - 12.03.2023 00:53

This is an amazing tutorial Evans. Fantastic stuff as usual! One thing to note about your implementation: you have it set up to transition to the jump animation every time you leave the ground. This works when jumping, but is a problem if you fall off a ledge without jumping, in which case you'd want to transition directly to the fall loop. In your current setup it first plays the jump animation even though you haven't jumped!

It's an easy fix though -- I looked at the Third Person template anim graph and they way they do it is to check if the Z velocity is greater than 100. If yes, transition to jump. If no, transition to falling. Tested in my own project and works great.

Manith Paranawitana
Manith Paranawitana - 31.10.2023 14:21

great video .Keep it up

RDD87z - 25.10.2023 06:15

i love your guides because you're one of the few who explain every step,.... whats doing and whats for. AMAZING! thank you so much.

thebee - 22.10.2023 11:54

Super tuto, super accent, merci pour ta vidéo !

Caramelo25 - 20.10.2023 10:21

Can we do that with a metahuman?

Atom - 20.10.2023 10:03

Great video man thanks a lot

Spamkromite - 14.10.2023 04:02

My left stick has some mild 0,00n drifting on the Y axis. Do you know any way I can make that it detects the movement when the left stick is over that small fraction so that it doesn't pick up that drifting or any drifting at all? To make a dead-zone of some sort for the gamepad? My drifting makes the character to forever slide, even if slowly, it's enough strong to make it face in the direction of the drifting and all 😭
EDIT: I finally found that out. In the Input Mapping Context there is a modifier you can add to any of the sticks of your gamepad (I added both) that is called Dead Zone. Using its default settings fixed my drifting problem, and I hope it will fix the drifting of anybody else's gamepads while playing my game (or at least I hope so that it will work in yours too 😅).

Akash Gupta
Akash Gupta - 13.10.2023 09:55

Awesome Tutorial! Keep working bro.. 💖💖

Rizzlord - 12.10.2023 01:14

Do i have something wrong, or why is no one using "property access" for the animation Blueprint? You just cast to your character in the initialize and then you can get EVERYTHING from property acces you need.

REAPER_202307 - 11.10.2023 01:15

A little tidbit, for those like myself who want to utilize multiple camera styles, when you go to set up the movement input, instead of using 'get control rotation', use 'get player camera manager' and plug it into 'get camera rotation'. That way when you switch cameras, your character's movement will still be based on the rotation of the active camera!

•NEW WAVE REC0RDS• - 08.10.2023 17:58

Hi everytime I follow your steps exactly I get to the part where you right click and select input , but the input option is not there for me , usually under the gameplay option but mine is not there please help I have tried 4-5 times

The Dan
The Dan - 30.09.2023 20:19

I really love how happy you are in the video teahing us this such a great tutorial.
Thanks for this video, it helped a lot.

DerelictEarth - 29.09.2023 20:13

Merci infiniment pour ce tutorial !

aaron prince
aaron prince - 29.09.2023 10:01

This was very refreshing, I felt that I was not just copying someone else's blueprints and I was actually understanding the why behind what I was doing. I even added a couple extra tweaks based on some other things I have learned such as a blend animation for walk, run, and sprint. thank you so much for your outstanding contribution to this community!

Rajesh kotaru
Rajesh kotaru - 28.09.2023 16:38

amazing tutorial and your teaching is also good sir, please make more tutorials on game development.

f chong
f chong - 27.09.2023 15:33

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! <3!!!!!

death Race
death Race - 24.09.2023 15:21

Hello, thanks for this wonderful content. I want to buy a PC to develop 3D open world games using the Unreal Engine. Can you give me suitable specifications for this purpose?

Tenacious Studios
Tenacious Studios - 24.09.2023 13:24

Just curious, could this also work in Unreal 4?

Helloimvic - 20.09.2023 08:20

during this trying time, thanks again for the tutorial

Robert Chrzanowski
Robert Chrzanowski - 19.09.2023 01:48

the best tutor, please more, its extremely helpful
