The Post-Reaper War Reimagined | Mass Effect

The Post-Reaper War Reimagined | Mass Effect

The Templin Institute

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@TemplinInstitute - 07.11.2021 23:01

Shepard bless us, everyone!

@mikefarristhegamebunny - 27.12.2023 21:44

Shepard ruined everything.

@corylee88 - 24.12.2023 10:42

It's fascinating that the next villains could not be the Reapers but possibly an almost cult-like new species who became indoctrinated by Reaper corpses

@5SK.RoyaltyTV - 02.11.2023 08:10

I think humanity would be a little more ruthless and cutthroat. Seeing how a human was the one that ended the reaper war. Great video bye the way.

@feralprocessor9853 - 17.10.2023 21:56

In destroy the Reapers ending, I wonder if indoctrinated races that were exposed to reaper artifacts would still try and attempt to continue the cycle or they become the new masters since there is no one over them.

@feralprocessor9853 - 17.10.2023 21:52

The Reaper war was so devastating.

@feralprocessor9853 - 17.10.2023 21:50

There will a huge mess to clean up in the milky way galaxy.

@tyrannosaurus_wex - 04.10.2023 21:55

Starting to think control was the better option.

@colemiller6043 - 22.09.2023 10:25

I really dislike the concept of destruction being the one used because it goes against the themes and point of the trilogy. It feels good to stop the reapers but if you pay attention to the writing it’s both a badly written ending, and worse it’s a terrible thematic choice and ending the game on it would be a waste of 3 great games while also ruining the established characteristics of Shepard.

Anyway all logic points to Shepard being dead by ME5.

@Melody_Raventress - 16.08.2023 20:09

Oh, yay!
After listening: Oh, no! 😮

@DankaDoctor185 - 11.08.2023 15:28

You can be sure as hell convinced humanity would be making absolutely deviously huge railguns, lasers, and planet defense systems for any other reaper esque mf's doing drivebys.

@reniorjd - 14.07.2023 22:06

Considering how many aliens were on earth after the war I wouldn’t be surprised if the system alliance becomes a true collation of all species

@mukuro8033 - 06.06.2023 04:44

For me PERSONALLY, ME3 ending was BITTERsweet emphasize on the BITTER part.

@Shaftell - 31.05.2023 09:45

All I know for sure is that the salarian, the Turian and the krogan will be at war. The turians hid a freaking nuke on their planet and we all know what the salarian did with sabotaging the genophage cure.

@cielopachirisu929 - 22.05.2023 23:01

Imagine a spin-off Mass Effect game that’s an apocalyptic Space Western instead of a Space Opera

It can be that way in light of the anarchy left behind by the mass death and power vacuums, sort of like how The Mandalorian is for Star Wars, I want a game like that for Mass Effect!

It would be a great opportunity to show the ME galaxy from the POV of the common man too.

@GunnGuardian - 17.05.2023 10:00

I'd play that game

@robertbishop1651 - 25.04.2023 03:22

Post reaper’s war I imagine Shepard & tali kicked back on Ranoch chilling

@Davanthall - 12.04.2023 15:44

This seems….very vague and broad, I was sorta expecting..idk, a little more specific detail or something, I guess….

@omnifariousomicron7877 - 22.03.2023 20:47

I don't see a need to repeat humans being new in galactic geopolitics, but apart from that I think your pitch is great.

@aslysa2277 - 24.02.2023 11:08

Man I wish the synthetic or control ending was canon imagine a storyline where Shepard controls the galaxy and reapers shame BioWare went with the lamest and most boring ending as canon it’s bs

@TheIllusiveMan11 - 13.02.2023 16:55


@DrumToTheBassWoop - 17.01.2023 23:39

galaxy bickering

Humans emerge after 40 year hiatus

"What the fuck is going on, you don't want to see us when we're angry" 0,O

@jasonskeans3327 - 03.01.2023 01:44

i just realized humanity's territories are vary close together it would be vary easy for the alliance to protect it and become a veritable fortress

@EloquentTroll - 18.12.2022 16:56

This feels like it takes "Destroy" as a given, could we get alternative versions for "Control" and "Synthesis"?

@TheHowlingEye - 12.12.2022 01:18

It reminds me of Europe after the decline of Rome. (Actually, the fall of Citadel was more of a fall than the fall of Rome, which didn't really happen - the decline of Rome, which was slow, gradual and sometimes even unnoticed until things go really bad.) Peoples of Europe were so used to various systems that Rome introduced that nobody really know what to do without it, as at that point Rome was just kind of taken for granted - it was always there. Same with the Citadel and its infrastructure. Obviously the lack of working mass relay network played the biggest part, but even when they were working the Citadel commanded unusual respect and authority simply by existing. Indoctrination field maybe? Anyway, the chaotic, disconnected and disorganized galaxy after the reapers reminds me of the Star Wars universe, especially beyond the main movies. Newer stuff like Rogue One and Andor have that vibe of depressing alienation, when everyone is minding their own business and everything seems like its just barely holding together.

@snaggletooth4607 - 29.11.2022 05:49

I assume there would be some alien troops who'd be left behind or stayed behind on Earth after the battle. It'd be interesting to see the dynamic between humans and immigrant space-aliens. If this takes place a few decades later the Salarians would've had several generations of kids grow up and not know anything other home-world besides Earth.

@aiosquadron - 25.11.2022 17:48

(Romulan - Federation cold war flashbacks)

@aiosquadron - 25.11.2022 17:39

"Organised Convoys..."
Convoys... Convoys...

My mind: (BSG theme plays)

@KaterinaSerdyuk - 17.11.2022 16:46

This is why control Ending is best

@GM_LEONG - 14.11.2022 14:34

BioWare should just hire you guys!

@MrElegos - 14.11.2022 11:52

how did humanity end up so isolated when every major fleet in the galaxy post battle of earth when they were all at earth? Also didn't Dekuuna get glassed to the point where the elcor are barely able to survive as a species? How on earth are they a political faction?

@madbats7325 - 12.11.2022 10:50

There is a third option for humanity to follow : "Submit or be destroyed", Time for the imperium of Man

@daka3785 - 12.11.2022 00:29


@DontTripChocolateDrip - 11.11.2022 15:32

I wish this was just a little bit longer.

@edge_ucation - 08.11.2022 14:35

It's hard to come up with an ending that's universal. There are three different endings after all.

@sadiqahmed4143 - 08.10.2022 16:09

For some reason I just got an idea
A game or series set in one of the convoys as Pirates ,Reaper Cultists,Yahg , Other Convoy fleets who want to Have dominance over all trade the convoy in a extremely bad Condition by the time they reach thier port or a new home
Like Battlestar Galacticus

@SpaceGrunt - 04.10.2022 08:46

I think that possibly their could be a possible very lose confederation of the Systems Alliance and the Baterian Hegimony. Just by location Alliance and Batarian space are right next to each other and seeing as the baterians are extremly weakened after the post-reaper war as they were the first species to be hit. They could establish contact with the allaince by accident and come to rely on the alliance during an time of rebuilding for them.
I wouldn't be suprised If the volus were torn between the two political blocks as well. They Pushed for a seat on the citadel council and was refused over and over again. But at the same time they were basically a protectorate of the Turian Hierarchy which would mean they depended much on the turians for protection. Also If I'm not mistaken they were close to the turian home system.
The Hanar could possibly go through an entire religious revolution as they saw how the protheans were wiped out. The drell were under their control in the original trilogy so it could cause many to defect back to the old beliefs like thane. Also both of these combined could cause internal strife in the illuminated Primacy.
The Vorcha would be interesting to say the least. They are just cockroaches. It could cause a larger population seeing as how they are extremley adaptable. Possible warbands and the like.
Don't know what the Elcor would do, The Quarians would finally have a homeworld but I wouldn't even think of what they would also do.

@stevenbaumann5911 - 26.09.2022 15:15

I definitely think the Civil War would be likely. People are not going to want to comply with a government that failed them miserably. I could see new governments coming to power. They probably use the fact that Shepard had warned the Council about the Reapers and did nothing about it . Many us saw what the Turians were able to accomplish with 6 months. Imagine what they could have done with 3 years. Then the Asari had a beacon that had proof of the Reapers. They could have given the galaxy decades if not centuries to prepare if they were not so selfish. The Alliance could also be blamed because that they had the archive on Mars for 30+ years. I could see a group of soldiers finding this out and getting pissed of enough to go rogue.

@JuanCarlos-zv6kt - 21.09.2022 07:24

war cold human - aliens

@guardsmanagainstthechaos9047 - 15.09.2022 21:23

Well now I'm going to be disappointed when the new game comes out and the milky-way isn't as exciting as this one.

@silentwarrior3 - 15.09.2022 10:15

Meanwhile the Synthesjs Ending: So yeah….the reapers are helping us rebuild….and are sharing the knowledge of every civilization before even the Protheans 👁👄👁

@Diva2011Girl - 05.09.2022 02:55

I do love the synthesis ending in mass effect 3 but I bet the destroy will be the canon ending for the new was effect game from the game trailers with the dead reapers, so excited mass effect trilogy has the best lore and world building ever. so excited for when we can pre order.

@user-zt4gq3kw1s - 30.08.2022 10:14

Control ending would've been a better option than destruction

@scottwest2069 - 23.08.2022 04:35

I would love to see this world in the next mass effect game.

@laabitres - 05.07.2022 18:25

It would be cool if the new Mass Effect game explores this era

@marginbuu212 - 10.06.2022 06:30

In Stellaris terms, the endgame crisis has just been defeated and now we're all back to fighting each other for dominance.

@slightlyfavored4528 - 02.06.2022 10:35

Shepard needs to proclaim the Imperium of Man and himself as the Emperor. Then start a greate crusade to conquer the galaxy.

@returrnfire9634 - 29.05.2022 16:04

this would be the best mass effect ever made

@VallornDeathblade - 15.05.2022 09:54

This is a great way of taking the established factions and shaking them up while adding enough spice of new factions, pirates, Indoctrination Cults, etc. I'd be curious to see how the Systems Alliance has changed in its isolation since much of the reaper war took place on Earth and Humanity have all that Reaper tech laying about as a result (for good or ill). I imagine a more advanced, but colder Humanity since they were almost brought to extinction and have built themselves up back to where they were in isolation and without aid. They both know little of the rest of the galaxy's affairs, and are likely somewhat prideful and mistrusting of outsiders after generations alone.

@crimsonsamuraiftw - 06.05.2022 19:07

The Cold War Bloc is lazy storytelling.. like I said in your other video.

Post credits - Well now that the Reapers have been handled, there is only one way it can go. The Leviathan attempt to re-take their rightful place as the apex species. However, on a second front - I do like the idea of a detective thriller involving player choice of spectre agent - that affects gameplay and dialogue.

However there is also a great potential for pre-quel action. 1) Playing as David Anderson during the time of the First Contact War. 2) Playing as the Quarians/Geth during the Morning War. 3) Playing as Zaeed Massani and building up the Blue Suns mercenary group. 4) Building up Cerberus until pre-Shepard. 5) Play as Marauder Shields and lead his investigation to ultimately discover the 4th wall and die trying to attempt to save your past self from the ME3 ending.
