10 Revolutionary Ways to Enhance Your Pleasure and Sexual Performance

10 Revolutionary Ways to Enhance Your Pleasure and Sexual Performance

Rena Malik, M.D.

1 год назад

845,895 Просмотров

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UCVCHSGnbVeJT1rn4GYwsAsg - 11.09.2023 18:01

Doctor your are partly Mad.

Samuel Rolle
Samuel Rolle - 05.09.2023 01:32

Awesome!!!! I needed this,Dr.Rena Malik...

Hector Razo
Hector Razo - 02.09.2023 11:00

Doc Rena,
I thought that masturbation is not good, both physically & psychology...?

I've heard both sides. In order to masturbate, you have to imagine stuff... in turn, it makes one lack sensitivity towards a real partner. Porn stars have testified about that. They now can't have or hard to have a normal relationship

Mario Fromadistance
Mario Fromadistance - 29.08.2023 02:12

You always give excellent information Doctor Malik! Thank you for being there for Men & Women.

Mark Gadsby
Mark Gadsby - 26.08.2023 21:12

“Revolutionary ways… number 1: talk about it”. wow, how revolutionary …
All 10 were just basic common sense.

Ducaysane - 24.08.2023 17:13

Hello Rena? I am in love with you honey!

Bennie - 22.08.2023 18:32

Mmmmm I’m pretty sure it’s 1 for pleasure and 2 to have children. I mean mathematically speaking

IVAN MARDEN - 22.08.2023 16:58

Thank you so much for your kind words and great suggestions and information

Tina Marie Mee
Tina Marie Mee - 21.08.2023 23:00

Unfortunately, my husband is disabled and refuses to ask for help to ease his mind and help him to breathe better during sex the few times we tried. He's afraid and is in his head about his condition now, I knowthis, but he chooses to allow me to be the one to feel as though I'm the reason things have changed. I've communicated all truths and have waited for over 5 years, telling him my needs. He's done nothing to make things better, literally nothing. Sadly, I feel as though sex is all I want to do, like I'm in my prime! I have truly remained loyal and committed, but at this point, I'm hurt, feel betrayed, sad, depressed, and deserve to matter. I've tried. There's nothing more I can do. Has anyone else here had to deal with something similar? I'm 52, husband us 54. Both too young to not be happy in sex! Smh...

Daniel Pearson
Daniel Pearson - 17.08.2023 17:19

Been 12 years had or tried to, what is sex it must what I was told from from parents many years ago that is only to have babies.

hilmskel - 16.08.2023 03:31

Dr' you are very very beautiful and attractive lady!!!

larry wiley
larry wiley - 10.08.2023 22:00

Dr. What is retrograde ejaculation and how to repair it?

Geno - 08.08.2023 15:17

I exercise everyday walking.lifting weights.

Steve 59
Steve 59 - 07.08.2023 23:05

I feel anger and sadness in equal measure listening to Rena. I won’t make this 10000 words, but sex has passed me by, now 64, zero sex and pretty much zero intimacy for 20 years, I’m married and have an 18 year old daughter (a result of my last sexual encounter and the only thing which keeps me going)wife has problems, total inability to talk about sex is one of them. I would love to discuss but bound to end in accusations and conflict . I hope I die young, the perpetual sadness and feeling of failure is overwhelming sometimes, don’t want much a meaningful cuddle from a female who likes and and has feelings for me would be beyond wonderful.

Michael Wescott
Michael Wescott - 28.07.2023 17:52

Hi everybody, getting swallowed is the best. Thaks!!!

Josiah - 25.07.2023 22:17

What you are covering in this video is so good, people really need to hear stuff like this. You'd be surprised how clueless ppl are irl.

Anderson C
Anderson C - 24.07.2023 19:28

....the TALKS about trying new things...anotgher way it can beviewed is...if one partner suggest soemthing th other finds disgusting ...this partner might lok at the other as a pervert. ...have to know your partner well enough to kow when to "tread lightly". :) e.g. suggestig they try anal sex...when one partner might b "inexperienced" or forn a "sexually conservative family/culture"...

e.g. most don't understand "anal sex"A...logically assume it's done when the one "receivig' is dirty...that it's part of that "fun"? I doubt the average person has an idea what anal sex is about and that there has to be preparation....as even in "anal porn" they give misleading portrayals...always leave out the fact that there was preparation...

terrific points...

zhou Tai
zhou Tai - 22.07.2023 02:57


Doc Watson
Doc Watson - 20.07.2023 06:31

On the topic of water based lubes, rather then adding more lube, add water. A small spray bottle of warm water misted on the genitals during sex works great!

CheeTrec - 19.07.2023 19:00

The first 4 words are a violation.

Blessings Thomson
Blessings Thomson - 15.07.2023 00:08


elldr - 12.07.2023 04:08

still one of your best, rena!

Bruce McKay
Bruce McKay - 07.07.2023 23:34

The Brain is the great sex organ....communication is paramount.

Ibrahim Karemera
Ibrahim Karemera - 06.07.2023 14:11

There is medication helping stay long doing sex

Ibrahim Karemera
Ibrahim Karemera - 06.07.2023 14:09

How can I do

Alani - 05.07.2023 20:17

Nowadays, there's so much tips techniques and tricks that it's sometimes hard to know where to start. But it's not rocket science to get your man shivering with ecstasy just by changing the way you talk. As simple as this sounds, maybe try escalating it a step at a time, go’ogle something like Words od Desire by Celestine Dessike to sneakily crawl into his mind and let it build on from that.

gstlb - 05.07.2023 15:21

I wish I had seen your videos 50 years ago…

David Bender
David Bender - 02.07.2023 06:33

Step ONE
Have someone who cares enough to share it with you.

Skinthemalive - 28.06.2023 23:59

Always intelligent and informative.

Grimlock's cousin
Grimlock's cousin - 25.06.2023 05:16

Thanks doc very helpful 👍 😀

Mark Dismang
Mark Dismang - 16.06.2023 04:51

Masturbation teaches selfish gratification. Your partners pleasure should come first or primary before yours.

icysnow57 cold
icysnow57 cold - 13.06.2023 15:18

I have a question.

Why do people still have sex? Sex is very gross, nasty, messy, and disgusting! I don't see how sex is a good thing. Why don't humans just remove sex from this world? Women can still get pregnant without sex (there's a lot of ways women can get pregnant without sex including artificial insemination). Sex does cause a lot of problems, so the world might be a much better place without it.

Chuck Allen
Chuck Allen - 12.06.2023 07:12

What can I do to keep up right and harder longer during sex

Diana Marie
Diana Marie - 10.06.2023 11:18

Masturbation, may help with the high libido but it doesn’t replace the emotional & physical connection a woman needs from her man. Staring into each others eyes. Caressing each other. Being one together. Yes, they may be highly horny. But it’s more than sex. It’s the deep connection during that sexual state. That solo masturbation simply does not provide. To masturbate solo a few times between sex is ok but it’s when there is no sex at all that makes masturbation alone not as satisfying. For me it’s the journey not just the end. I would say that exploring together by other means such as him masturbating her etc… would be even better than solo play. And if a healthy man that can’t last long enough he may have to teach himself how to edge to prolong his performance. That is if it’s not a medical or psychological issue. Porn & solo masturbation for a long period of time makes them dependent on that quick ejaculation. so they need to learn edging to retrain their mind & body. Once they achieve that & have open communication they will have a soul leaving the body experience. The same goes for women. We have internal & external orgasms. If you’re not having one tell your partner & practice different ways to have one. I truly believe it is learned. And if you’re not having one now doesn’t mean you never will. Some women don’t orgasm until they are older. Practice is the fun part. Read. Send each other articles about what you like or don’t like. Figure it all out together. I always say, if sex isn’t amazing then you’re doing it wrong. Keep trying. Throw in some tantra & boom. Magic! ❤

Diana Marie
Diana Marie - 10.06.2023 11:09

No one taught me. But it’s common sense just like anything else in life. When I first became sexual, all I did was read about it to learn. And ask questions. I told my partner what I liked & asked him to tell me what he liked. If you can be sexually intimate with someone, how can people not feel comfortable about talking about intimacy? I mean you’re sleeping with this person. If you’re at that point you should already trust each other & know what each other wants. Or at least this is how it was years ago. Communication, education, honesty, love, trust & loyalty make a beautiful happy relationship. And the sex is just mind blowing. ❤

Grumpy Uke
Grumpy Uke - 10.06.2023 01:08

Exercise to exercise 😂

alick ak
alick ak - 09.06.2023 11:44

This was extraordinary information.. it works well for me..

Brian Freel
Brian Freel - 04.06.2023 06:47


Brian Freel
Brian Freel - 04.06.2023 06:47

What do you do on Wednesday?

Lakshman Karunaratne
Lakshman Karunaratne - 02.06.2023 11:41

Dr. You are a great blessing to the human race.

Ben W
Ben W - 02.06.2023 03:18

The opening Line is a lie.

White Mouse
White Mouse - 30.05.2023 17:05

.....people who don't have unbiased ability to consider and speak human sexuality accepted as natural and essential part of our common life really need to work on themselves instead of prude egoistic blaming others with ideology that sex is filthy sin and erotics act of a devil obession ....

Allan {a.k.a. RocKITEman}
Allan {a.k.a. RocKITEman} - 30.05.2023 05:28

@RenaMalikMD >>> 👍👍

gerialana - 30.05.2023 02:58

why are all your couples shown in this video under 30 years, old, show older people too,

A.S.G - 25.05.2023 12:56


Dave R
Dave R - 25.05.2023 06:34

Good video Rena, I really enjoyed it I just wish I was in a situation where my wife and I would have sex as it has not happened in years and now I am 64 and it may not ever happen, at least with her.

Matt Diamand
Matt Diamand - 23.05.2023 18:49

I didn't see number 11. Involve a partner or 12. Your tears of loneliness make fantastic lubricant

Donna Arsenault
Donna Arsenault - 21.05.2023 06:06

In our 60 is it ok too buy toys that we both like?

The Clitoris and Christianity
The Clitoris and Christianity - 18.05.2023 21:07

In Leviticus 12 and Leviticus 15 there are some special and wonderful friendly guidelines for being very real about the flow of the man and the flow of the woman...

In Song of Solomon chapter 2, chapter 3, and chapter eight, there is a lovely, kind exhortation... "You're not awaken the sexual love and the arousal until it is time.. SINCE THAT IS TRUE IS IT IS EXTRA WISE TO TALK ABOUT THE TWO BODIES THAT FIT TOGETHER LIKE A PUZZLE... It feels so good so wonderful...!! Just like at an amusement park we would spend time looking at a ride before spending our tickets, so also it makes a lot of sense to have a happy conversations about all the wonderful parts of the feel-good... BEFORE YOU ARE READY TO TRY IT... !


These are practices that people in simple natural cultures teach their children when they are 8 to 10 years old.

In essence when we learn the kegel exercises, we are learning how to say no to ourselves... With potentially wonderful assistance to each other during intimacy!
