Youtube REFUSES To Remove MASSIVE Influx Of Scam Ads Featuring Elon Musk Putting Every User At Risk

Youtube REFUSES To Remove MASSIVE Influx Of Scam Ads Featuring Elon Musk Putting Every User At Risk


6 месяцев назад

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@jmg4208 - 29.01.2024 20:29

Cant believe there isnt a social or politic mouvement that step in to stop this.
Those adds are clearly scam, misleading & violations of civils rights.
Finger shouldn't be just point at groups who make them, but at who's promoting them aswell !
*not streamer, but the actual platform

It's a serious issues.

@casper56g - 28.01.2024 22:05

Solar panel scams

@BlueLineofthesky - 26.01.2024 16:02

Maybe this will destroy Google and YT and a new internet power will arise.

@VibeFox12 - 24.01.2024 19:11

Im getting sick and fucking tired of seeing these fake cbc ads.

@natest2101 - 24.01.2024 02:38

Just a few years ago you could get banned by saying Ivermectin but this is fine

@Bog8686 - 18.01.2024 20:05

I'm getting hit nonstop with the Elon deep fake ads, literally minutes of each other. I'm not wealthy, i just follow cybertruck which is a joke, but I'm guessing that's the keyword that's linking these ads to us.

@8989griff - 18.01.2024 19:01

Lmao right after this video another Elon Musk scam ad came on. That’s ALL I’ve seen this week. It’s a joke!

@aMartianSpy - 18.01.2024 15:17

Got a fake musk quantum ai right now watching this. lol

@inmatejason - 17.01.2024 01:54

all i ever get is scam ads, im getting so frustrated. There ok with letting us get scammed but they will take down your video in a second if you brake a rule. So running scams on here is not braking a rule?

@mmmproductions1247 - 16.01.2024 21:15

I'm still getting these ads.

@thabomahlaba5193 - 15.01.2024 14:15

Four times I have reported these ads. I am in South Africa. These ads are narrated by known newscasters in the country with fake voice overs. Very irritating.

@SO_DIGITAL - 12.01.2024 15:02

Instructions: In the bottom left corner of an ad is a tiny "i" with a circle around it. Click on it, select "Report Ad" and fill out the report.

@maxhamilton4636 - 09.01.2024 09:14

I’ve been seeing scam crypto ads for several weeks now. The ads have have a real person with a fake AI voice, and a QR code pops up on the screen. If you scan the code you are taken to a fake site where you put your personal info in to supposedly win crypto. In reality the fake site is doing something with your personal info that isn’t good, like stealing your crypto. The one I’ve been seeing a lot is the CEO of XRP/Ripple. If you look closely at the mouth on the person in the ad you can tell it’s fake. I wonder how many victims there are so far.

@Ibuse123 - 06.01.2024 14:28

It's happening for any crypto related content as well. They use the crypto big names and founders to push scams

@askquestionsplz - 04.01.2024 21:42

do their terms and conditions even matter when its fraud, impersonation and scamming? Why would their own policy matter? They are aiding and abetting crime.

@Manuqtix.Manuqtix - 03.01.2024 11:34

A news channel is there to inform you of what is happening all around you.

If they start telling you what to do then it’s a scam a genuine news channel will never tell you what to do

@Canoga_Knuckles - 02.01.2024 16:41

Don’t even get me going about how many different ads where “two engineers got tired” or “were fired” cause the big ugly company was ripping people off, so they went out on their own and decided to blah blah blah “two engineers” scam ads ! Now another social Security scam ad “flex card” to help seniors buy groceries.... YT is king when it comes to media manipulation, and misinformation

@MrDhartz - 01.01.2024 16:35

I've been spammed for months with these fake Elon ads on my mobile.

@Rockerrobin - 27.12.2023 23:13

What free ad blockers are best

@Rockerrobin - 27.12.2023 23:12

I have a theory they are allowing these scams to run rampant so the public demands censorship to stop it and in turn they use it to censor all the people exposing the NWO.

@miguelarribas9990 - 26.12.2023 18:31

Google is a pile of s**t, the biggest scam after Tik Tok (which is the chinese revenge on the West for the opium wars).

@Mantikal - 26.12.2023 17:24

YT is totally against this - if its done against a figure head they favor.

@RevSquatchFultz - 24.12.2023 23:25

He needs to sue for 1trillion dollars

@timtrainage - 24.12.2023 21:57

They are doing the same thing with Joe Rogan fake A.I. scams

@23killquick - 24.12.2023 18:34

i use AdGuard AdBlock and it works fine! do not have any warmings, i can watch whatever video i want, i can watch Free with Ads MOVIES without ads, and i do not at all have any issues anywhere on the web

@clutchboi4038 - 23.12.2023 23:29

Funny that they will demonitize creators because of what advertisers want but on the other hand advertisers can do whatever the hell they want m

@wombatillo - 23.12.2023 19:57

I reported this ~3 weeks ago and google just flat out told me that it's not against their policies. I think that's a bit rich considering the add has deepfaked video and audio and is clearly selling some rather shady investment product.

@drivenhome3257 - 21.12.2023 19:08

What about them selling cigarettes' too?

@lmojol9673 - 21.12.2023 08:10

There's a Joe Rogan one I keep seeing where his voice is AI generated but it tries to make it appear as if he's talking on his podcast by showing a 2 second clip of him talking. Words don't match his mouth and he's "saying" there's a $6400 subsidy we can all get if we just click a link.

@UndrAttack - 19.12.2023 23:38

I report damn near every ad just to make it go away. Since when do they e-mail with their 'findings.'
