A Warning In The Last Stages Of Lyme Disease

A Warning In The Last Stages Of Lyme Disease

WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7

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@lyssvee - 14.01.2024 03:17

Seriously... hard to diagnose? I found borrelia on my first attempt with a microscope, when I examined my friend's blood who had been experiencing symptoms of Lyme disease for over 15 years. The symptoms matched perfectly, but no doctor had ever examined the blood under a microscopy in all those years!

@nealbyron9842 - 04.01.2024 03:15

In the video, the reporter stated, experts say if you are feeling ill, get a second opinion. I went to numerous doctors for nine years. It's not a medical profession anymore. It's a medical industry. It's just a big money machine. I found one doctor in December of 2015 who cared enough to spend the time to find out what was wrong with me. He is the only one I have any regard for or trust in. The rest of them could have cared less. They just want to throw pills out a problem. It has now been 18 years and I'm on the tail end of life's journey. The Lyme disease is winning, and like this unfortunate lady, it's just a matter of time as everyday gets a little worse. I would like to thank my government for making and out of carelessness, releasing this biological weapon. Funny thing is, usually if they create a biological weapon, they create an antidote for it. Of course, had they come forth with the antidote back in the 70's when most of Lyme, Connecticut was getting sick, they probably could have stopped it, but then they would have to have admitted they created it and took responsibility for it. It's sad when you can't trust your government to protect their own people, which is their main job. Just look at the border disaster mess and then they look in the camera and lie right to our faces like we are idiots.

@brotherebenezer449 - 26.12.2023 01:59

It’s curable🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

@candygarfield1479 - 28.11.2023 00:14

I think lyme, fibro ,chtonic fatigue, lupus, ms, and probably aids are the result of chem watfare expriment from the 50s to the 80s.
Ive found research papers and reports in the 90s with my first home computer.
What i gound us the PREQUEL to Robert FKennedy jrs book THE REAL ANTHONY FOUCI.
i want to give him the sites . I wont even look them up gor feat they will disappear. I habd copied them eith notes then my husband riped the computer when randomly an Fbi site popped up that he said shouldnt have been seen by us. Was supposed to be "invisable" but mu hubby was an early havker and put a program that finds that stuff.
I never owned a home computer since till i got this phone.

@BruceSimons-xh9ze - 10.11.2023 15:40

Hey Lyme fakers conspiracy theorists all in your head complainers.. What do you think about adolph Hitler? Do you like him. I want to tell you many people consider him god until this day. I also want to tell you the first words were joking. Cause you real. Anybody who don’t talk about Lyme is fake, ignorant or evil. So Lymies you are officially the good guys and you are officially getting off soon. While the others are not getting off

@m.o.m.basiclifeskills2986 - 08.11.2023 01:00

My Igg came back positive. I am out of remission. Please any doctor out there in southern Michigan please help me! I've seen 2 medical practitioners and they think it a fake disease!

@deborahkish5411 - 03.11.2023 03:32

I've had Lyme disease for 35 years. It took 27 years to get diagnosed even with the bull's eye rash. It attacked my jaw joint and mandible. I've had 3 major jaw surgeries. One was a 9 hr surgery with 2 surgeon's. They had to totally reconstruct my jaw joint and mandible. My mouth was wired shut for 3 and a half months. I am now in late stage.

@ines-mu7ub - 29.10.2023 03:20

hello morgellons are in our environment as well as in medical equipment intended for patients. I am type 1 diabetic with continuous glucose sensors I noticed by chance after the installation of the hard sensor the skin after 30 to 45 minutes morgellons came out all around the blood glucose sensors. I am looking for an independent laboratory to analyze the sensors thank you for those who can help me

@DeirdreMFox - 21.10.2023 06:55

The tick bite is only the stress trigger for Lyme which I have been healing from since 2007. The cause of Lyme which is only a tag name for a group pf symptoms is actually caused by prior infection with EBV and Zoster virus feeding off of high levels of heavy metals in the system. Medical Medium protocol got me out of the wheelchair. Anything can be a stress trigger.

@lefthookouchmcarm4520 - 20.10.2023 01:07

No shit doc

@user-dt7kh9hl5i - 15.10.2023 08:32

Most lyme infections actually come from mosquitoes. If you think you may have it and it's going undiagnosed, please go to a holistic or integrative facility, or a lyme specialist. Most doctors of western medicine are clueless about lyme.

@user-pq4dt2rd1z - 10.10.2023 08:28

Lyme Disease and 2 co-infections have turned my life upside down. I'm not the same person I was anymore. I want me back so much!

@Terri330 - 06.10.2023 02:17

Its hell to live w

@stayfocused1041 - 17.09.2023 22:17

Lyme disease is not only transmitted by ticks, but also by mosquitoes, spiders, lice, flies, blood transfusion.

@Tinyteacher1111 - 07.09.2023 02:28

I live in MI and have Lyme infections including a LIVE Babesia Mycroti that two Lyme doctors have never seen before. I’m scared.

@martiux0916 - 23.08.2023 09:23

I went to seven stupid doctors that call it delusional parasitosis, and took me 3 years to find the right one.

@ambersheaerb5315 - 22.07.2023 16:33

I was just diagnosed with lyne disease 2 days ago. I have bells palsey, horrible joint pain and stiffness, I was sick asf with what I thought was the flu or covid, which was neg. I developed a uti. It was so horrible. I started to have memory fogging which I still suffer from but when ilthe bells palsy started i went to er because i was scared FINALLY tested for lymes. And low and behold.... it came back positive. Dr is doing another test but I was told I am in the late stage of lymes. This isn't talked about enuff I feel.

@marcchaffee7751 - 10.07.2023 16:31

Ive been fighting this for 5 years now . Im now feeling sleepy most of the time , wanting to fall asleep while driving , or other activities . Anybody else having this too with lyme ?

@Stephen-kw5lx - 10.06.2023 16:25

someone already tried Hygromycin A originally from one company FANDACHEM located in China. feedbacks are very positive.

@lahodnet - 06.06.2023 04:36

How is Catherine now?

@montenorton7688 - 04.05.2023 04:39

You can't get a positive test in late stage. And somehow you know that's what it is

@yourstonersensei1907 - 30.04.2023 09:24

I just figured out I had it last night and I haven't been walking straight and I've been in pain for 2 months definitely calling my doctor

@MRatna - 16.04.2023 02:07

'Late Stages' would be a better title. ´Last Stages' means something very different.

@FourHuskyHomestead - 13.04.2023 22:46

My 20 years of sickness psoriatic arthritis pain fatigue and suffering could all be from a tick bite Lyme disease. I’m so disappointed at all the rheumatologist and dermatologist and GI doctor and even my general practice doctors who never suggested a Lyme disease test, It was a nurse practitioner who ran the test , I’m waiting to hear back now. I pray I can have quality of life again.

@stevearnold100 - 03.04.2023 08:34

I have an elderly neighbor across the hall from me that suffers from Lyme disease. I don't know all the details but her apartment is BARE! If you didn't know better you would think it was just staged for renting. She is very pale and very weak. The first time I saw her place I thought it was a religous thing. There is literally nothing on the walls, and all she has is a bed and a nightstand.

@colonelradec5956 - 26.03.2023 17:53

All the more reason to stay in doors and play video games lol.

@kristinethacker9670 - 21.03.2023 03:39

What test was done to get a diagnosis???

@shirlp6046 - 20.03.2023 04:59

A new study, a year ago, shows Stevia (the whole leaf) can kill the pathogen causing Lyme disease.

@fokkenhotz1 - 13.03.2023 15:50

Lyme disease was created by military at Ruth Island NY 1950's and administered over Ukraine during WW2. then they just left the lab to grow over and the ticks did not die off as supposed they thrived and spread globally

@suzque63 - 11.03.2023 23:25

Lymes is misdiagnosed because it’s a bioweapon that’s programmed into chemtrails…Morgellons fibers are the real culprit

@devinpatterson2185 - 09.03.2023 04:57

Useless doctors.

@JosedeJezeus - 01.03.2023 02:27

This is why humans do not belong on earth.

@anythinggoes1127 - 26.02.2023 02:08

I’m right here with you all. Mines starting to affect my knees, I wake up feeling like there broken:(

@lindaalice891 - 10.02.2023 16:30

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in October 2011, at the age of 44. I woke up one morning with numbness in my lower back and legs, I couldn’t feel my feet touching the floor and I also suffered from Anosmia & Tinnitus. I saw my doctor and had an MRI to see if I had a disc problem, it was negative and she told me she feared MS. I was sent to a neurologist, had two more MRIs, and was told that night that I have four lesions on my spine MS. I tried every shot available but nothing worked. I later find out about Dr Madida herbal medicine which I used and it got me cured completely....

@cygnusrays - 08.02.2023 08:32

Last stages, really? My bite tick in 1975, have been misdiagnosed ever since. Self medicating now, doctors can't consider parasites or their symbiotic bacterium. This is an insult and a disgusting crime against humanity perpetrated by a greedy pharmaceutical industry and lazy closed-minded doctors.

@christinapadron7549 - 21.01.2023 18:59

Are dog ticks the same or the carpet ticks hmmm 🤔

@christinapadron7549 - 21.01.2023 18:58

Drs will only put a bandaid on it until it's to late

@jlt2693 - 16.01.2023 01:31

Test may be negative very late in the disease as well. You may get a rash may not be a bull's eye. You can get 10 second opinions and these doctors just back each other up. That's what they do. Even if you treat and think you're cured, you're not. This disease has been weaponized. The best you can hope for is remission. Beware flu can cause a relapse, even the vax for the flu can cause a relapse which is what happened to me, and 2nd rounds of antibiotic treatment aren't as effective for some. Surgery will bring it out as well epidural injections which people may need if it enters their CNS through the spine. Them spirochetes love the spine and the joints. Lyme sucks. Oh they create brain lesions so a neuro might say you have MS because neuro symptoms can be the same. It's horrible. Lame stream medicine will do diddly squat for you after initial infection and then you have to find a lyme literate doctor and those scheisters don't take insurance for good reason but they charge, and A LOT. They take advantage of patient's desperation as well. You will end up disabled and unable to work but don't file and use lyme, use the damage it causes. You won't get approved using lyme disease. Oh you will go through all your savings, 401K etc while you wait. meanwhile there is actual proof our government dropped infected ticks on us and even aerolized it. So yeah but hey you know we are nothing but guinea pigs. I wish I had the energy to sue. I really do.

@avm2071 - 31.12.2022 19:21

i love my spooky2 rife generator xpro for lyme morgellons protocol and I have a private qualified ilads dr who recognizes morgellons and lyme disease. you cant rely on tests alone. my first one was negative... 10 years later insisted on another came back positive. I had no bulls eye rashes.

@johnmachter40 - 21.12.2022 04:04

people, disulfiram/antabuse is the only real solution for lyme. any antibiotic wont help if you dont catch it early. every facebook selfhelp group and lyme doctors in germany know about antabuse right now and it is very promising. do your research on it.

@ritefinds - 20.12.2022 05:40

I dont know which comment to reply to first, After almost 2yrs of acute symptoms, physically bed ridden and psychologically disassociated, i remained a medical mystery until psychiatric dr saw what the gallons of blood the ivy league medcal pros did not. i was 12 comig to terms with mortality and whether or not any of tis was actually real at all. I am 40 now and since then had another 3yr bout a flare up of sorts exactly ten years later during my senior year at college. I must admit, as horrific all of these stories about us indeed are, it is an enormous relief that other human beings can actually comprehemd this lifelong illness. i am not comforted because im not alone, just that this disease cannot be described in conventional language.

I was searching for ore info in the lab in which our own government created our kryptonite located on plum island. apparently it was not meant to be used speifically for bio warefare, but to test arious methods of carrying a disease by studying ow it gets transfered from specific animals. Birds in pariicular. Plum Island is the site , a lab responsible for many other dreadful concoctions. i spent a portion of my childhood very close to Lyme connecticut, outdoors every day.

@davidmcclellan9495 - 13.12.2022 01:25

Fuc government made it wake up people

@wendyjomendy - 01.12.2022 18:49

Doctors wont even test me they are possessed by a devil!

@wendyjomendy - 01.12.2022 18:45

I believe i havenlyme i have every symptom andniDONT THINK LIFE IF PRECIOUS

@The_Joy_Of_Jesus - 01.12.2022 06:09

Lyme is the reason people get MS, parkinsons etc. This is why they don’t recognize lyme, because it’s such a brutal disease that causes the rest.

@marcwalenciak4422 - 12.10.2022 20:51

I have it also. I think I truthfully got it from cocaine. Dead serious. In new York city, Manhattan. People that "shop" in upper Manhattan experience same exact stuff. Black and white dots. Itching and crawling. Burning. Hair growing infront of my eyes(not hallucinations, i video taped it). Also the worst-case.... both sides of my neck within 15 seconds Sprouted hairs,and then you heard what sounded like i was being electrocuted. I have documented pictures and stuff. The VA HOSPITAL is so useless. After 7 hours gave me anti bacterial cream I could have bought at CVS. It did help it heal. But the problem is there. My veins are literally occasionally turning a blueish tint. My family thinks I'm crazy, wife assumes delusional. Etc. I have no idea what to do. At this point I wil take the anti psychotic just to rule it out . Plus GABAPENTIN is a good nerve damage drug. It could potentially help it. We need to spread our own ideas.. BINAURAL beats help also. Truthfully. If yoy listen 3 times a day for a few days. Numerous people have stated to add that to a medicine. I'm just concerned It's progressing and if we don't take something it will continue. The Brain is mad powerful. In ww2 they ran out if morphine and gave ppl water/saline mixture. It made pain stop. If you(also i) go take a anti psychotic or whatever. And you want it to go away. I'm pretty confident it will go away. Just meditate. Less stress. . Do literally everything. Fuck these doctors. But I'm at the point I'm in so much pain the anti psychotic idea is fine. Worst comes to worse I gain weight and maybe it will relax you. But radicalism produces results. They ain't going do stuff until more ppl and more noise. Lmk if you got any ideas. I'll literally try jumping jacks

@fxllenluc.2955 - 29.09.2022 15:41

Absolutely terrifying disease 😢

@gina2190 - 18.09.2022 05:29

Test is crap in uk , they bought test 9 , out of ten tests , 1 being good , 2 ok, 9 and 10 false negatives ! Joke. Msny of us have Lyme.
