Volume Control (MP3 Player | Part 8) - Python Tkinter GUI Tutorial #94

Volume Control (MP3 Player | Part 8) - Python Tkinter GUI Tutorial #94


3 года назад

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@dimitriosdesmos4699 - 13.07.2020 20:26

how would you put in the volume slider, lines indicating high volume low volume middle etc...like a grading

@miducareca - 14.07.2020 03:29

How would you turn this into an .exe file? I've tried it with pyinstaller, but it always says pygame.error when running the executable. Awesome videos btw!

@sainarasimha2451 - 14.07.2020 04:56

After finishing song how to auto Play next song... Can u add this feature as well John holder sir

@chrisray1567 - 14.07.2020 07:13

I think you said you liked the look as is, but you could demonstrate how to use rowspan and columnspan of the grid function. You could either have the volume slider fill the entire column or have the control buttons fill the bottom row completely.

@bharaths1396 - 14.07.2020 10:42

Sir can you please start a tutorial of kivy
You teach perfectly

@aparnasharma2873 - 14.07.2020 19:42

Nice videos! Would you be working on a translator app....? It would be a great help.

@ClusterSeries - 15.07.2020 08:29

Sir can you please make tutorial on pyautogui module
I understand your teaching very easily :-)

@Osaretinosaretin - 15.07.2020 18:07

Can you make a pygame tutorial please and when

@srivyshnavikoduri8652 - 16.07.2020 12:33

Is it possible change direction of the slider I mean if it is in top to have full volume and bottom as low?

@srivyshnavikoduri8652 - 16.07.2020 15:36

How to do it?

@yanalashivaprasadreddy3010 - 16.07.2020 17:46

how can i add beautiful sliders which look like the one which are present in todays music players?

@johngiangrande2996 - 17.10.2020 06:29

Great job John!

For your audience: If you exchange the "from" and "to" values for the slider parameters, it inverts the volume control so that all the way down is 0% volume and all the way up is 100% volume:
volume_slider = ttk.Scale(volume_frame, from_=1, to=0,...)

Smashing the "like" button, JohnG

@arpitthanoch7968 - 24.10.2020 12:49

The subscribe though is literally , insanely cheap !!

@SquidGN - 11.11.2020 01:11

Thanks for the tutorial! This was super helpful and I am teaching myself python at the moment. I went ahead and added a quit option. I also remove the - - - - - from the top of the menu.

For the quit option I used main_menu.add_command(label = "Quit Squidster", command = root.destroy)

Now notice mine is called main_menu because I did it all in one menu.

To remove the - - - - at the top I used

main_menu = Menu(my_menu, tearoff = False)

@logesh9490 - 08.01.2021 15:03

Your are awesom!! dude

@learnwithnawf246 - 15.01.2021 19:26

Thank you sir it was really helpful.
How to play videos with python and tkinter

@skondolf - 26.02.2021 19:02

When I move the position slider the song still plays so I get a "jumping" sound as you speed through the music. How can I "turn off" the sound while moving the slider and then turn it back on when I'm done?

@karl1321 - 07.05.2021 16:30

Thank you so much for this tutorial. I really appreciate it. I hope you keep doing more :)

@nquanta1548 - 23.07.2021 16:01

Thank you sir , series ,It is really useful for me❤️😁👍

@abeltibebu2524 - 30.07.2021 07:22

Very interesting 10q. Please add a search box that search music from the playlist(song_box)

@kusalrai9905 - 12.09.2021 20:51

Thank you so much for this video.

@RyanDanielG - 16.09.2021 02:13

Smash that like button guys n gals! its free! great python tkinter tutorial, Codemy. Thanks

@lacuevitadeltejon5688 - 27.11.2021 18:22

can i chance "bg" of the volume control on black??

@hansxchop1315 - 09.12.2021 02:46

When i try to put the things on the master frame they don't show, any hint?

@siddhantv1 - 15.12.2021 11:34

Hello John, Great video!
can you please explain how to autoplay the next song when one song ends in this music player ? It would be great help!

@Zhisaoka - 16.03.2022 18:27

Thanks for the tutorial! But I ran into 1 problem, with the sliders, tkk. Scale errors for me so I just put Scale by its-self. And when I do so "value" is nonexistent? Any help?

@Daniel-sh2cl - 18.07.2022 13:21

Hi John,
I have a question.
If you press play and slide the slider to like the middle and then pause it and then unpause it, the seconds go really fast and so does the slider.

@XII-B-KAUSHIKKUMBHATU - 10.01.2023 14:49

for some reason my volume is not changing even after following all your steps properly

@kontranorth6159 - 22.03.2024 21:51

Thank you! I definitely learned a lot.

@reef2005 - 23.05.2024 21:47

Great stuff thanks. I have a question: Clicking on the volume slider takes it to 0 or 1 which is not convenient. Is it possible to make the volume increase/decrease in small intervals when clicking with the mouse?
