Happy Endings - Max looks for his gay identity

Happy Endings - Max looks for his gay identity

Happy Endings

11 лет назад

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@wintersoldier2006 - 19.12.2022 13:23

I need this song on itunes

@33corsaire - 15.10.2022 17:28

There’s actually a couple of bars in chicago called Rock Bottom 😂

@firouz4296 - 11.01.2022 12:14

Don't let anyone reduce you to your looks!
Gay or straight. This is the worst type pf disrespect you could show to yourself.
I would gladly date a hottie like Max who doesn't fit any category

@abcelu - 22.12.2020 22:11

max is a gaybro, he will find out in later ep

@bluefur1975 - 14.08.2020 03:19

My only issue with this otherwise perfect episode is that it purposely avoided the existence of the Bear Community, of which he would be eagerly welcomed as either a cub or bear, depending on how chubby he was at the time

@joseribamarjr5164 - 31.07.2020 15:25

that fake winnie song is catchy af

@Earth098 - 09.04.2020 11:01

I'm glad that they make a good fun of all the craziness withing the so called 'gay culture'. Homosexuality is not a culture, it's ONLY defined by your sexual attraction towards the people of the same sex. Gay people are different individuals, just like regular heterosexuals. You cannot fit people into groups and subcategories. Just think why heterosexuals are not grouped into sub cultures.

@blurdreamer - 13.11.2019 17:34

in reality, Max is the catch

@janepatrick97 - 07.10.2019 02:39

Guess his divergent

@Actionfan19 - 09.04.2017 18:35

These days there's probably a chimera culture of gay people, Gays lesbians and bi-sexual people who are a mixture of any number of these sub-categories.
