SwiftUI vs UIKit - What Should iOS Development Beginners Learn First?

SwiftUI vs UIKit - What Should iOS Development Beginners Learn First?

The Green Developer

3 года назад

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The Brotherhood
The Brotherhood - 07.02.2022 16:03

is what u said still relevant today?

Leggo MuhEggo
Leggo MuhEggo - 27.08.2021 17:23

what he says at 5 and a half is true, Ive seen a guy go from meat counter to Mercedes in 2 years because he demonstrated an ability to learn things quickly.

ike o
ike o - 23.07.2021 20:02

This question was answered a long time ago. Should you learn objectiveC or swift? you know..

Paul Crompton
Paul Crompton - 25.05.2021 20:15

I just introduced SwiftUI to my company’s app and loved it. We had a very simple page that needed to be added and I thought it would be a good opportunity to introduce SwiftUI. Was a bit of a struggle to get the build settings right for the preview to work but was well worth it in my opinion. Now I’m probably going to start the (very long) process of transitioning the app to SwiftUI as the primary UI framework.

Tarun Reddy
Tarun Reddy - 29.03.2021 08:46

Live the channel!!Great video, I just started learning swift for my first language. Just hypothetically speaking, if I were to spend 4-5 hours everyday learning how long would it take me to be able to build relatively complex apps?

Pro Gmr
Pro Gmr - 03.03.2021 17:02

Hi, I have good knowledge of Android development but now I am interested in IOS development. Should I stick with Android or should I learn both?

Lunar - 03.12.2020 01:59

Hello, Im currently studying and working to get my CS degree and recently started looking into ios development and even though Im just starting my degree, I already found Swift UI easy to understand and read. just imo

Andrew Mejia
Andrew Mejia - 01.12.2020 01:07

Gr8 info! Thank you!!

TheDALLADER - 29.11.2020 15:15

This video has to get a ton of attention so it will always show up for new swift programmers

Teach Myself CS
Teach Myself CS - 28.11.2020 04:05

I did SwiftUI for about a month and ended up switching to UIKit. The primary reason is because I'm not good enough at coding. So I spend half my time on stack overflow finding out how to do something (and copying the code :P). If you're like me, the amount of StackOverflow questions out there on SwiftUI is maybe 20% of UIKit. So it's just a lot harder to troubleshoot things.

That being said, SwiftUI is a much cleaner and more efficient way of doing things. I'm excited to personally make the transition when the amount of resources catches up.

Landon Hughes
Landon Hughes - 28.11.2020 01:08

Great video as usual man!
Personally, I've been focusing on UIKit because:
1. Most jobs are still using it.
2. It helps you understand the core fundamental concepts better.
3. It's been around longer and I still feel SwiftUI is in its infancy stage.

Once the next version of SwiftUI is released I will most likely hop on board then. For now, I think UIKit is the way to go if someone wants to find an iOS development job.
