First Look | Linux Mint 18 "Sarah"

First Look | Linux Mint 18 "Sarah"

Joe Collins

8 лет назад

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@grady7443 - 20.05.2018 22:14

I have an X60 IBM on its way to me. In excellent shape (so they say). Win 7 home prem. x64, 4 ram, core 2. It doesn't look like I should try to install Sarah, maybe the older version. What do YOU think? I'm a real beginner. Thanks.

@tankionline2939 - 09.04.2018 18:56

Nice men

@MrBobWareham - 14.02.2018 14:26

Yes love Linux Mint 18 and love it best yet 14-11-18

@lucky13sansan - 23.08.2017 14:53

upgrade to Sonya!! :p

@josefernandez-hq8fg - 17.04.2017 17:28

hola Linux menta Petra. el
16 es el mejor versión 32 y 64 bits. para procesadores. AMD. tiene un Kit. de. herramientas y oficina muy completos lo recomiendo!! saludos, grillo009.

@aqvaman8484 - 11.04.2017 12:17

firefox in 2016 lol? :DDDDDDDDDD

@devs9979 - 18.03.2017 23:45

I down vote loud graphic intros this waste my time...

@beerzerker6890 - 02.01.2017 01:30

What about people with AMD GPU ? ????

@valeriehuber1204 - 28.12.2016 10:06

Peeps, handful Does anybody know smarter this result?# wvf

@TanishqIsHere - 22.12.2016 20:47

are you thenewboston?

@manel3076 - 20.12.2016 07:37

I liked , but one of my main problems i could not see , that task bar down , change the resolutions was hard , i could one made the bar biger , but became wierd , rest was ok

@wearenip - 07.12.2016 06:24

Why does Cinnamon have those ugly black marks on the bottom bar (for instance, where the time is) when you run it on a virtual machine? I see it in your video, and when I do it too. Looks terrible.

@willtabacchi1408 - 07.11.2016 21:12

Sure would like to be able to access MS word with Mint

@Matias8888 - 15.10.2016 23:24

Linux is worst thing what

@davanimusic994 - 26.09.2016 04:09

yeaaaaaaa i think ill pass

@gorchanjitsingh8068 - 25.09.2016 13:28

Linux Mint 18 is great except you cannot install some microsoft fonts in WPS Office & LIbreOffice no matter how you try and all linux experts are looking up at the sky, whistling and keeping mum on this issue cos they themselves don't know what to do about it

@ibizenco - 24.09.2016 12:27

Running Mint (17.3 Maté right now) here since Canonical started their god-awful Unity (Gnome 3) UI. I love Mint (although I'm still finding Ubuntu 10.03 the nicest OS I have ever used). I think I'll stick with 17 until it's no longer supported.

@androidtest152 - 23.09.2016 21:21

please help me how you can install sarah in usb .. i try for all the ways and i still fail ...

@erroneouscode3060 - 05.09.2016 17:16

Lol. I'm still on Mint 17.1 KDE and have been since the get go. Wow time goes by quick. Used every day and has been rock solid, hence I haven't been tempted to update to newer versions and frankly didn't know they were in 18beta till now.

@dizphreak5677 - 25.08.2016 09:25

so, this OS is free? I don't have to use crappy windows anymore? Can I install Steam on Linux and play my games? I'm thinking of getting a new pc, I want to try linux. Can I reformat hardrive and install lixux. thanx

@HellishPunch - 17.08.2016 15:46

Is automatic update available? I mean upgrading to a new version without formatting and reinstalling. I'd like to try it just for fun (I love mint) but I don't want to format at every version

@6a5sd6 - 12.08.2016 01:45

Just spent 2 hours on the phone with Microsoft trying to get them to support a CoA that had "refurb" on it, purchased from a company that went out of the sky.

After 2 hours, got sick of it and stated "You understand that I can go to the dumpster of any Best Buy, take of picture of a sticker from an HP system I find back there, install using that CoA, and even one better, then upgrade to Windows 10 by claiming I have disabilities, effectively getting your flagship OS for free, and technically legal by all your standards? It would be more difficult to catch a Charizard." (I don't play Go.)

I'm not sure if that would all actually work, with the new updates to the way product IDs are managed in relation to OEM keys, but before I hung up the phone I stated "I'm going to Alibaba to buy 200 flash drives, putting Linux Mint on every single one, and the next time someone I know asks me for help on a Microsoft platform, I'm going to hand them the jump drive and tell them I retired."

Should probably start a Kick Starter and make it in the millions for the flash drives. Just mail them to people. Random people. Complete saturation.

So anyway, after hanging up the phone, I realized I was trying to get a copy of Windows, so I ate a snickers and download Linux Mint 18.

@MyurrDurr - 10.08.2016 09:30

VLC is the only media music player?

@22dab95 - 04.08.2016 05:04

My laptop is pretty weak. 2GB of ram and it has windows 10. I may be wrong, but I think the heavy memory usage of windows 10 is slowing down my computer. I have used windows for all of my life but I want to switch to linux. Will linux mint help speed up my laptop, and is it a good OS for a first time linux user? If not, what would be a good and light alternative?

@RobertGossCreator - 26.07.2016 18:26

Hi Joe what is the menu you're using at the top of your desktop

@mrkagami-sensei7528 - 22.07.2016 02:37

well somehow I tried elementary OS (eOS would sound a lot better) and I love it :D

@maireni6607 - 17.07.2016 05:46

I just installed Mint 18 and I have the same problem I had with MInt 17 " no sound." Nothing things to work. Mint has lost its magic, little polish, little eye-candy, old software and on top of that hardware issues after installing. It is a pity for a distro that was all about stability. I was forced by Mint itself to try other distros, just installed PepperMint and it works like a charm out of the box.

@lorrewatkins5925 - 13.07.2016 11:47

Hi just a question, what is xed ?You make great vids by the way, keep up the good work :)

@Potchekansky - 13.07.2016 03:26

I've played that "don't hit me, I'm stoopid" part about 18 times already :D

@Alex-rn7gf - 08.07.2016 20:02

i never tried Linux mint i am excited to use it for the first time ! i am still downloading Linux mint cinnamon edition 18

@panduwobbles2419 - 05.07.2016 03:31

Thinking of finally getting into a Linux system and mint seems to be the way go for for me.

Does it have some type of cache configuration like ramdisk for windows?

@gepettobellucci8418 - 04.07.2016 08:16

Hi! Nice reviews here. Would you take a look to Makulu Linux 11 "LinDoz" and maybe making a evaluation for it too? It is a interesting customized Cinnamon.

@brancho74 - 02.07.2016 09:45

Hi Mr. Collins, first i wan't to thank you, for the videos that you have made, they have been helpful:-) I have been using unity DE now for a couple of years and my experience with the new 16.04, is that the computer now is runing a bit slower, i have now istalled a partion, with "sarah". and the comptuer runs much faster with mate DE. But I miss the unity feel, with all my major programs on the left side. I see that ubuntu mate 16.04 have made it possible make it look like unity easy. My question : what do you think is best of "sarah" or ubuntu mate? And can I make "sarah" look like unity as well?

@azimuth73 - 01.07.2016 21:12

+Joe Collins How to do compare it to Ubuntu Maté? better or not? (I mean the Maté edition)

@anshumanray1826 - 30.06.2016 22:03

Nothing impressive about this release

@Banjodave2011 - 26.06.2016 05:23

I have 17.3. What kernels should have loaded?

@edsonsilva7912 - 25.06.2016 17:10

Hello! Where did you get that beautiful picture of the record player on 11,23? Have you got the link? T.Y.

@lohitakshtrehan6379 - 20.06.2016 09:36

what are minimum hardware requirements particularly ram and when will the alpha version come?

@nealw5284 - 19.06.2016 09:52

Been running beta 18. Worked well out of the box. Similar to 17.3. Like it.

@CommodoreFan64 - 19.06.2016 07:34

Nice video, but I'm waiting for the XFCE variant, but good to hear it's becoming more of a rolling release cycle, and will be much easier when doing all the upgrades for my families computers.

@brucecox5884 - 19.06.2016 03:19

well I have 17.3 running and very pleased with it, I will hold off on 18 until a few weeks have passed in case there are issues, I am using xfce desktop. still configuring and adjusting it to my liking.  watching videos on how to customize the desktop, want to add things like a large date and time on upper corner. and adjust font/icon sized. running on a 42 inch tv. and I have a bit of a vision problem, my eyes not the Avenger  ;-)

@PhillipSmithstargazer - 17.06.2016 03:59

I have loaded 18 and replaced 17.3 on my main computer, I know it is beta but so far so good, love it.

@alandean2 - 14.06.2016 00:23

Linux Mint very slow on their releases. 18 "Sarah" BETA looks a bit 'last week' to me

@Cotswolds1913 - 13.06.2016 04:59

How did you change the taskbar icons (your Mint 17), it looks much better.

@makrand1584 - 12.06.2016 21:10

Hi Joe/all,

did u get backup working ? I tried both from live CD and full install. I can't get software backed up. it's not simply displaying list of apps

@ernestlane - 12.06.2016 20:05

how does bluetooth work?

@olbluelips - 12.06.2016 00:35

I cannot wait for this to come out!

@axelarthuro123 - 11.06.2016 00:41

You said it's based on Ubuntu 16.04... Does that mean it has wi-fi and display driver problems just like Ubuntu? Or are those fixed in mint 18?
