Phew i though it was messed up when my niece gave me a bj 🫢
ОтветитьWhat a coincidence, the Rothschilds did the same thing since they migrated from Khazaria.
ОтветитьI like how this is told like it's actual history from a particular culture in the past. This whole world is made up, which means whoever made up the storyline decided this twisted part of it. Coming from someone in real life who had an incestuous pedophile as a grandfather
ОтветитьAnd why today ALL royal families must be removed as they are all inbred.
ОтветитьWell medically, the children would turn out to be RETARRDS OR WEAK, OR SLOW
ОтветитьRelaciones endogámicas generan malformaciones y/o retrasos madurativos...... sinó échenle un vistazo a las familias reales desde el 1200.......menos mal que ahora la endogamia es objetada....
ОтветитьIts more than obvious now that they participated in incest because blood magic was somehow involved in not only how they hatched dragon eggs but also how the Targaryen's bound themselves to the dragons.
Probably has something to do with how they mingled dragon blood with their own so that a particular Targaryen wound up being immune to fire, who would then be the figure responsible for blowing the Dragon Binder horn; the dragon blood being the thing that protected them from bring burned from the inside out.
Hence the Targaryen house words, "Fire and Blood."
You don't need a house full of inbreds
ОтветитьOnly in Game of Thrones can it be written that incest was normal.
ОтветитьSure. Cuz without the Faith, Westeros would have been much more embracing of mentally stunted flipper babies.
ОтветитьSo, they were like the ancient Egyptian royal family
ОтветитьSounds like the Rothschilds
ОтветитьDid you know that certain medieval European dynasties also practiced incest? Hapsburgs are the prime example. Also, in Egypt royal siblings married each other and other family members. The result: King Tut. Also, same for the Aztecs. Incest is a human practice, it's not relegated to fiction.
ОтветитьI did not know that. I do know however that, whoever dreamed all this stuff up had one heck of an imagination.
ОтветитьSame thing happened in all of the Royal families in real life history. Most European royalty married Cousins but others like the Spanish Hapsburgs who the men all looked alike and same for the females. They still did not marry siblings. The Egyptians did until the end With Cleopatria being married to two different brothers YUCK!!!!
ОтветитьSo, inbred as a sandwich... yeah that's about right
ОтветитьThat's why the Targaryens are cray cray.
ОтветитьIts make believe. Fiction. Not real. Characters in a fictional story.
ОтветитьBut…Incest makes their children turn out uglier and uglier every single time..😂
ОтветитьPagan stories corrupting society.... incest is never cool
ОтветитьSweet home Alabama 😂and
ОтветитьSweet home Alabama 😂😂
ОтветитьThat's so hot
ОтветитьOr later house Lannister.
ОтветитьAlabama 😂😂😂
ОтветитьNo i didn't know.
ОтветитьVery weird custom
Ответитьthis is why they went to madness because they started breeding with non dragons and it made inbreeding bad
ОтветитьAll of the others houses were jealous of the targaryans
ОтветитьTbh, the incest doesn’t make sense in Old Valyria when there were dozens of dragon lord families. The ancient Targaryen family wouldn’t have needed to intermarry because there would have been other high born, dragon families who had the blood of dragons within them.
ОтветитьYeah they didnt take Westeros by being fan favorites. They burned anyone down who opposed them.
ОтветитьThe Hollywood propaganda cuts deep in you peasants I see. Good Good very good.
ОтветитьAnd this is true when most cases you can trust a cousin or an uncle not to secretly murder you in an overthrow the kingdom like what’s being today today
ОтветитьTagarthå Eyemm ryte Hær🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьSo the realistically there would have been a lot of deformed children born in this family like the Habsburgs.
ОтветитьAnd that kids is how I met your mother 😂😂😂
ОтветитьJK that's pretty messed up FR
ОтветитьI think this is also supposed to be why there were so many miscarriages among the Targaryens. It's also why so many of their bloodline have ... issues. (E.g Mad King, Aegon II, Halena, Daemon, Viserys II, etc ... )
ОтветитьOMG it's the Uchiha Clan all Over Again 😂
ОтветитьWhatever the reasons 🤮. GRRM is a sick F*ck.
ОтветитьSounds like a lot of white people shit
ОтветитьIts gross
ОтветитьWondered if the deterioration of their maddness came from incest. I guess the males didn't have to have this applied since the had bastards all the time.
ОтветитьThis incest ruin the enter show/novel
ОтветитьTywin was married to his cousin which is legal in the seven kingdoms, while not for purity it was for wealth and to not split a families lands to much with heirs and marriages.
ОтветитьTo people who thinks this is Real, this all came from the Head of Mr. George R.R. Martin. This is fiction. Not real.
ОтветитьAncient Egypt(kemet), ptolemaic Egypt(cleopatra's family..and they were crazy with the incest), achaemenid empire of persia had half sibling marriage. Habsburgs took it to extreme and the uk queen Victoria had a bunch of grandkids marrying each other and spreading hemophilia
ОтветитьId like to imagine the weird babies and proneness to insanity magic trait is also contributed to by incest
ОтветитьIt's disgusting but at least they never went for the parent/child combo