Linux Touchpad Gestures Like Macbooks!

Linux Touchpad Gestures Like Macbooks!

Nicco Loves Linux

1 год назад

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Marcelo Zoel
Marcelo Zoel - 16.09.2023 23:52


João Gabriel Furlan
João Gabriel Furlan - 31.08.2023 20:41

Can I get this gestures in Arch Linux?

Abdi_Pie - 13.07.2023 16:04

this video is insane🔥🔥

Paul G
Paul G - 29.04.2023 14:07

I have watched 3-4 of your videoes, I still don't understand if the software is out yet.

erikbyt - 18.04.2023 10:48

Every gesture should work on almost every app. Why doesn't it? You gesture, it sends an event, and apps implement the event handlers. For the app it doesn't matter if you executed the gesture with a key combination, some kind of mouse magic, a joystick, or a touchpad gesture.

Nuerotic092 - 31.03.2023 07:42

I still dislike kde gestures. they are inconsistent in touch screen and touch pad

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson - 25.02.2023 05:29

First time linux user here on the steamdeck. Would any of these gestures work on steamdeck os?

Lorenzo Bettini
Lorenzo Bettini - 10.02.2023 14:00

touchegg, with the corresponding Gnome extension, allows you to have one-to-one gestures on Gnome X11...

cmaxz - 02.02.2023 01:14

To me, KDE's touchpad support seems clunkier than Gnome's support. Like swiping up 3 (or 4? cmiiw) fingers to bring up overview and also swipe up to close the overview? Really? It feels awkward to pull such move.

Also, you may want to consolidate the overview and virtual desktop switching into a single function just like Gnome. Because most of the time, people run apps and organize them in different virtual desktops at the same time. Right after that, people will start their productivity.

p7272 - 31.01.2023 15:45

Touchpad... My wife's macbook pro from 2012 touchpad is so good, I never miss using a mouse!

Default Cube
Default Cube - 28.01.2023 06:58

I use 3 finger tap to emulate middle mouse button
Other than that, I just use the standard touch pad stuff that can be easily done with a mouse

But I would like to have the ability to switch desktops with 3 finger swipe

SwH (Sadness with Hope / Смуток з Надією)
SwH (Sadness with Hope / Смуток з Надією) - 20.01.2023 09:26

For me the most important is the ability to use 3 fingers left/right for window switching (like Windows 10/11), 3 fingers up for maximize and 3 fingers down for minimize or unmaximize.

Braelin Michelus
Braelin Michelus - 20.01.2023 08:50

So... I've been having this stupid and annoying issue with my Plasma panel.

There's a couple layers to this, so first of all I have to mention that I have a
custom shell script that changes my wallpaper and Plasma shell theme
for night and day... called Dynamic Theme.

I also have two custom launchers on my panel,
for Krunner and Overview, respectively.

And last of all, I have modified versions of Breeze and Breeze-dark.
The settings are all the same, save for accent color on window decorations.
Icons are set to Breeze and Breeze-dark respectively,
for themes Breeze Colorful and Breeze Colorful Dark.

When my Dynamic Theme script sets the night theme,
all icons everywhere are their correct variants.

But, when Dynamic Theme sets the day theme,
all icons, except the Overview get set correctly.
For some reason it gets stuck in the light icon.

I have the icon (in both light and dark folders) in breeze/actions/symbolic
and symlinked the svg to all the different sizes, like the rest of the icons.

I have no idea what's causing this issue,
but it's been bothering me since 5.20!
(which is when I added the custom launchers)

Mr. Sahab
Mr. Sahab - 20.01.2023 05:21

Linux users: No one takes us seriously.
Also Linux users: My gimp stops responding to 2 finger pinch when I try touchegg with gnome.

Deinorius - 20.01.2023 02:48

It seems there are more gestures possibilities than I thought of. Myself I am using libinput-gestures and I have scrolling with inertia!
I still have to do some configuring...

Dexter Man
Dexter Man - 20.01.2023 01:58

Customization of gestures lmao pls haha
Thank you for bringing attention to this!

Guiodic - 20.01.2023 00:26

on Gnome you can have 1:1 gestures on X11 with touchegg and an extension for gnome shell by the same author.

ISITMIDNITE - 19.01.2023 22:55

I touchpad love gestures!

But man, there just isn't anything out there for desktop PCs. If anyone knows of a good USB/BT touchpad pls let me know.

יובל הרמן
יובל הרמן - 19.01.2023 22:38

Firefox two finger swipe works for me in KDE neon x11 from the touchpad

WitheRosE - 19.01.2023 19:02

3-finger swipe to change workspaces has been my absolute STAPLE.

3-finger swipe up to bring up the overview(GNOME) was also really cool. Holy cow.

I might never use KDE because I like my GNOME configuration a lot these days, but would really appreciate 1-to-1 gestures done right(or completely customizable)
