She saw a Ghost in Hospice? #shorts #paranormal

She saw a Ghost in Hospice? #shorts #paranormal

DarkMoose Shorts

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JMW - 26.10.2023 01:11

When my dad was in hospice, I slept on a cot next to him. We were sleeping, and his room door flew open and woke me up. No biggee. The wind, the a/c coming on, faulty latch, whatever. I get up to close it but look in the hall to see if it was a nurse or someone, but the hallway is quiet. I lay back down. The door flings open again, and before I can even get up again I feel a hand pass over my face, then my dad starts talking to.....NOBODY. And at this point my dad had been unable to speak for about 4 days. I ran into the adjoining room where my sister was sleeping and told her to scoot over I'm not going back in there. 😂 He died later that day. Miss you pops.

EverGlow - 25.10.2023 16:19


l😅 ⃤l
l😅 ⃤l - 25.10.2023 15:13

Nha just let the ghost cill why do you want to not let gost cill

JC CJ - 24.10.2023 02:34

She definitely has alzheimers or dementia having’s not uncommon because of medication and changes of environment

Jo Cook
Jo Cook - 24.10.2023 02:06

There kid actually passed away a few months ago rest and peace 😭😭🕊️

emma_mc🌈 - 23.10.2023 19:02

X my heart breaks my grandfather who brought me up xxx miss you and granny so much 😢 while he was going he started to see my granny that had past they past a year after each other he died of a broken heart but it was horses he would see like granda were and it probably was a horse he always loved the bookies oh a miss family gone to soon xxx
Rest in peace sleep on brother Ryan MC xxx gran and granda xxx

Kourtney - 23.10.2023 14:06

Happened to my grandmother 😢

Greg Hunt
Greg Hunt - 23.10.2023 10:05

I used to work in a nursing home. There was one patient I had that couldn't seem to get rest. I had gone to help him rest. All of a sudden he said "mama, I her ya...I'm coming!!!" He looked at me and said don't you hear her calling me? I told him no. Next morning when I came into work he had died.

Carson Farist
Carson Farist - 23.10.2023 03:36

GOD bless

Marc Keegan
Marc Keegan - 22.10.2023 14:42

Sorry nothing but the meds my great grandad swore he saw pink elephants like the dumbo cartoon….;I myself have been under morphine and it makes you do say and see some crazy shit

Thomas Wilson
Thomas Wilson - 22.10.2023 14:34

It’s called delirium

Deborah Matos
Deborah Matos - 22.10.2023 13:31

They know and they see things before they die my mother was one of them she saw heaven and I told her that she was ready to go and that night she gave away she had a smile on face. I know in my heart that she's in heaven.

Rob Rob
Rob Rob - 21.10.2023 03:53

That is not a ghost.

That is hallucinations.

That is extremely common when people are about to die

Kimberly Gillean
Kimberly Gillean - 18.10.2023 21:55

Awww maybe it was telling her it was going to be like a celebration in heaven

TheKMA - 18.10.2023 03:26

A lot of people report seeing a little girl in pink... I wonder if the grim reaper is a little girl

Silly - 18.10.2023 02:23

My great grandma died of cancer she 93 years old she wasn’t in pain but she said she could see her mom

Johnny curiel
Johnny curiel - 17.10.2023 02:49

My boyfriends great Great Grandma 🌺❤️🌸🔮 is doing the same thing and she sees the lady in red and I don’t know why I think it’s her almost time

RaynS - 16.10.2023 20:14

My grandmother saw things before her death. She would get so frustrated because her daughters (and everyone else) were trying to tell her nothing was there. I told my grandmother I believe you. She was so relieved and calm. I asked her to tell me about it. Her anxiety went away. She was relieved, she was content that someone listened to her and didn’t tell her otherwise. I am glad it was me.

caren sheckles
caren sheckles - 16.10.2023 13:35

I'm sure she does. I've spent most of my life in the hospital. Last time I was in the hospital, wasn't that long ago. I was having a tumor removed from my chest. It was the size of my hand. I was laying in my bed and the RN walked I withanother lady that worked with her. I looked over there way and I saw her keys lift up from her waist and there was a little girl that lifted her keys up. I kinda laughed and ask3d her do you know you have a little girl that follows you around? The lady that worked with my RN said YES. I said ok I just thought I'd tell you. I said she's a beautiful soul. She will never hurt you I told her. Her helper said Ishe knows. I told them I can't see her, that she was beautiful.

Squiddy - 16.10.2023 02:59

Before my mom passed away she saw a little boy seating on her bed, also she kept asking for a priest to come and give her the anointing of the sick but we couldn't get in touch with one, one day she told my dad to get money from a drawer and give it to the priest that just came to visit her. 😔😔😔

Joe - 15.10.2023 19:28

Very common close to death. Lord, send your angels to welcome her into your kingdom.

Blair Nicole
Blair Nicole - 15.10.2023 13:47

God bless her sweet soul 96 wow she lived a long beautiful life... least her son knew she was seeing angels and going to heaven she seems like she was so sweet...beautiful

miggs80 - 15.10.2023 06:23

It’s called sundowning. Elderly people constantly hallucinate and talk nonsense when they’re in the hospital.

Tambert - 14.10.2023 19:48

She saw an angel. She was there to take her home.

AQWorlds PvP
AQWorlds PvP - 14.10.2023 04:40

If you can see them, they’re demons. You can’t see god, you can only feel god.

janae linder
janae linder - 13.10.2023 20:22

It's called visual hallucinations for a good reason.

Josefina Gutierrez
Josefina Gutierrez - 13.10.2023 11:53


albert dean castillo
albert dean castillo - 13.10.2023 03:06

That’s fucked up ,Chinese girl damn

Amylou - 13.10.2023 01:37

My 99 year-old Grandmother would talk about the people in her closet. One day she says to my mom, “Will you tell those people to be quiet, I can’t sleep.” Mama asked her what people, as she couldn’t hear anyone and Grandmother was rather hard of hearing. She said, “The people in the closet!” Mama said there’s nobody in the closet. Grandmothers says, “Yes, they are in there waiting for me?”

“They? They who?”

“Daddy (mom’s dad), Grandmother and Granddaddy (Grandmother’s parents). They want to know what’s taking so long?”

Brie 🇺🇦
Brie 🇺🇦 - 12.10.2023 22:39

My grandfather did the same thing. He saw people in the upper corner of the room. Happened multiple times actually, as he’d come so close to death, got better, got ill again. Etc. to be fair, he also saw little ants with white tennis shoes walking all over his shelf. There were no ants.. so..

Blake Snowe
Blake Snowe - 12.10.2023 09:43

It's not in any hospital but in my old house, decades ago, and at the time, i got a really high fever and stricken in bed. I don't know if it's because of the sickness which cause the hallucination or what, but i saw a blonde foreigner man in black suit sitting on my bedside, talking gently/calmly to me that one night. I still don't know what that was or what the conversation about but that whole memory still stuck with me till this day 😅

Assumed that was the Grim Reapper appeared in that form about to take me away because i might not make it. But after that night, i got better and haven't seen him since. Still wonder if that was actually the Grim Reaper or my Guardian Angel/Spirit appearing at the time 😂😇🙏

J Powell
J Powell - 12.10.2023 04:22

It must be the morphine. I saw people, as well as food, while on that stuff

Smith Kennedy
Smith Kennedy - 12.10.2023 01:35

When I was a kid in the ‘70s my grandma told me she was with her grandma when she was dying. She’d been comatose about a week, but then opened her eyes, held up her arms and exclaimed, “Charlie!” Then died.

Savyyyyy - 11.10.2023 07:21

When I was younger, me and my brother were being baby sitter by my uncle, I had my iPod and we thought our house was haunted(true story btw) so I set my iPod in a tripod in the living room no one else was at the house except me my uncle and my brother. So we were upstairs and we heard a fall, btw tripod was set up like really still and stable, we went downstairs and it had fallen , this happened a few times before it literally flew in the air , I know there wasn’t a person as it showed the floor when flying up and there were no legs , then it showed the painting and we saw a woman silhouette and then it fell like camera first lol. It’s so crazy as it was only us and no was downstairs we were all upstairs.

Bloodshine 151
Bloodshine 151 - 10.10.2023 22:55

its not strange at all. Its people she knew coming to escort her to eternity. Bless her soul

Shawn Thompson
Shawn Thompson - 10.10.2023 04:09

I was in the hospital for 2 weeks and had some crazy paranormal experiences

Nock_gamer - 09.10.2023 11:33

Jay mahakal Maharaj Ji 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

Caleb Round
Caleb Round - 08.10.2023 12:20

I have worked in aged care and palliative care for five years. This COULD be a side effect of the medication she is taking (possibly morphine ) which is known to create hallucinations especially in much older patients, the patient may also have underlying issues, such as lewy bodies dementia. I have sat whith many people who were on the brink of death, trying to understand what they might be seeing of feeling as they start taking their final breaths, trying to make them comfortable as possible.

Sam Sth
Sam Sth - 08.10.2023 00:13

My grandma used to halucinate, once she thought everything was burning around her because she thought she dropped a cigarette on the floor. She never smoked in her life

Robert of the family Gordon
Robert of the family Gordon - 07.10.2023 17:04

My wee granny said the same thing. When she was in hospital, I told her its not real, children running up and down the ward everyday I went up she would tell me, I ended up taking her home with me to get better

Just a channel
Just a channel - 07.10.2023 16:13

My mother used to work in hospice and every last one of her patients reported seeing passed loved ones.

CHAEWON - 07.10.2023 06:37

thats what happened to my grandma who passed away a few days ago

thecrow - 07.10.2023 03:02

bro - she old - she lost it

Michael Hickerson
Michael Hickerson - 07.10.2023 02:41

That's so awesome 😎 😂

Gia Gee
Gia Gee - 07.10.2023 00:25

My mother saw many of our family members that had passed. Only days before she passed herself.

MsSkittles - 06.10.2023 10:14

This happened when they start transitioning to pass

Ally Hanson
Ally Hanson - 06.10.2023 07:19

I love that she asked if she could see him and when he asked a pink girl she already knew he couldnt.

Gordon Franklin Terry, Sr. M.Ed.
Gordon Franklin Terry, Sr. M.Ed. - 06.10.2023 06:33

Where are my Atheists? Its all All Drugs. Atheists are disappearing like Trump supporters. We need some good debunker-Atheists

Jessper Kush
Jessper Kush - 05.10.2023 08:27

That dope 😮😮😮😮😮 ouu

runurrace - 05.10.2023 05:53

Apparently it happens sometimes before someone passes. A hospice nurse on YT says this sometimes happens or they will start reaching out to the ceiling or start seeing lived ones.
