The Legacy of Vanilla WoW - PVP

The Legacy of Vanilla WoW - PVP

Preach Gaming

11 лет назад

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@EVISCERATECHUCK - 09.04.2023 07:42

World PVP was fun imo, Tarren mill was a classic spot and as was STV camp, STV arena, Ungoro Crater and all the world bosses that generated a lot of PVP.

AV had the major problem of poor map planning, it was very imbalanced in regard of distance, pathing and choke-points.

Thanks to the lack of BGs in early Vanilla you'd find people EVERYWHERE at all times. Once BG's were introduced world PVP centered around world bosses, instance entrances and BG entrances.

BGs was fine imo, the problem was arena as well as flying (in TBC); those were the final nails in the coffin. After TBC flying/arena the game world died immediately. I rarely ever saw anyone out in the world unless 5 people dropped from the sky to insta-gib me and fly away. If they saw me in a group, they'd just fly away to another path.

I also enjoyed the vanilla damage scaling. It made the game much more dynamic, by having GREAT gear in a BG you immediately became a primary target in BGs. Sure you could one-shot people every now and then but you had to have a tight group with dedicated healers to stay live. This lead to much better immersion and competition.

PVP gear was ALWAYS fine because of how many people couldn't get into AQ40/Naxx guilds. They could then rely on rank 12-13 gear to have a decent competetive chance agains the few top tier PVE characters.

Til this day I play on a private Vanilla server because I love the original.

@sidamakidtinman814 - 08.01.2022 04:39

What was the disturbed called? It sounds good.

@randomdragon8245 - 06.11.2021 09:35

To think the game used to be incredible. I wish I could’ve joined in Vanilla but at the time I was just starting school.

@TheSphongleface - 08.10.2021 17:07

It was good. Nobody fuck**g plays wow anymore

@Freestyle80 - 12.03.2021 03:06

I can see that the salty bad players are all disliking this video rofl

@janah6473 - 30.03.2020 00:14

Hearing that now after i finally understood the pvp system is silly

@dustyice3110 - 15.01.2020 13:16

I am actually the 1 millionth view, Congratz preach! :)

@thenerdbeast7375 - 06.10.2019 02:29

PvP still isn't a realistic second path of the game 15 years later.

@twinky7304 - 26.09.2019 01:14

Ha ha this is still hilarious

@mikehunt4607 - 23.09.2019 04:30

whatever happened to way of the warrior 2?

@Jesus-bs5fl - 08.06.2019 22:08

We love you Preach. Nerd.

@tripelthreattv5351 - 05.06.2019 08:45

As im drunk and watching this for the hundreth time. I just noticed u have hair here. Man we are both old now LOL

@joshgomez7522 - 31.05.2019 19:50

Too bad the bis gear wasn't even r14 gear, it was pve gear XD

@pterodon1990 - 17.05.2019 00:42

hahaha so old the vid xDDDDD

@peasant8162 - 06.05.2019 20:43

people so mad lmao

@ChairmanMeow1 - 20.04.2019 02:12

Hillsbrand and STV are going to be literal warzones in Classic

@Evravon - 27.01.2019 18:07

Started playing Vanilla WoW a few months after release. I remember the early days of no battlegrounds pvp. That big dead tree outside Crossroads. I remember being level 49 with a friend and we would 2v1 this Undead Shadow Priest named Ilovelamp for hours every single day. We'd meet up, wave, then fight this guy over and over and over. BGs came out and I lost myself in them. I was alliance back then, and I only made it up to Marshall, but holy hell it felt like it took forever and was a grind.

@Aaron-ic5ld - 24.01.2019 20:22

PvP back then was epic and awesome. This noob wasn't there.

@chadbrochill19 - 25.12.2018 00:14

I had winter week off of school. I played for 24 hours straight. I went to sleep for 8 hours and came back and it was the exact same game. What was the cause? Snowballs, first implemented. Amazing. -- Also Vanilla world pvp was pretty awesome... the reason is that it felt like it mattered... there was no objective. It felt like an army was invading your city and you defended it or vice versa. 1-3 guilds on each side (yes, guilds) often happened in these places such as the Barrens, Southshore/Tarren Mill and the other major cities (and competing over world bosses). It was awesome. I hate arenas, battlegrounds are pretty weak because everyone seems to AFK. I can't agree with what you said in the video.

@mfranks4731 - 13.12.2018 16:58

Unbreakable was a Warlord never went for hwl since he had hand of rag.

@Grubiantoll - 15.11.2018 15:16

sounds a like a great reason to move to that server which at most had 400 players

@Lambda.Function - 13.11.2018 08:29

Here Preach is in 2013 saying "all these conveniences are good." They killed the game. Good job.

@jblock2490 - 13.11.2018 01:36

I was always a fan of small scale world pvp while questing in Vanilla. Or in Silithus or STV at 60.

@Mystrym - 28.10.2018 17:28

I'm sorry, but you're WRONG - Southshore was one of the prized gems in Vanilla WoW/

Maybe you sucked at it, but flat out saying it sucked is just wrong

@poffo954 - 27.05.2018 19:32

AV ruled big time

@heftymagic4814 - 27.04.2018 00:24

is that runescape music?? lmao

@stephenracesmith5149 - 14.04.2018 19:28

omg finally.. someone who isn't caught up in the nostalgia of vanilla. World pvp sucked ass.. and anyone who says otherwise is either someone who just tries to brag about playing vanilla.. or someone who pretends he played vanilla.

@MusicIsTheJoyOfLife - 09.04.2018 12:45

My buddy had some wealthy folks and offered to pay my rent ($200/month for a for a couch in my guildleader's apartment), gave me a $90/week stipend for fuel, food and weed. I helped rank his rouge up from rank 11 to High Warlord while he was in college. I basically abandoned my rank 11 Orc Shaman for the duration and played an undead rogue for a minimum of 15 hours (on days he would play) and sometimes up to 22 hours a day, for a month and a half. I was living on Pizza Pockets and Mountain Dew. Warsong gulch all day, Arathi Basin all night, when more people were online. And this was before cross server Battlegrounds so we saw the same people all day long on the other side. Sometimes other premades would enter the game and see us and just leave. We mostly steamrolled the Alliance, but there were a few teams rolling in occasionally with Naxx gear and sometimes we just didn't have a chance if we didn't have enough guys on our side with Tier 3 armor. There was a pretty real divide between the hardcore PVP and PVE players and they didn't seem to mix too often with one another. My favorite day was when I had 9 shadowpriests join me in Warsong Gulch. We were all on teamspeak and they were focus firing down targets with mind flay as we all literally walked across the field. I can't explain the bond I formed with some of those people, during that run. I wonder where they are now, I wish I'd stayed in touch with more of them. Only a literal few people on my squad knew who I really was as it happened; we had to pretend my buddy's microphone was broken, or that his parents (who he lived with) didn't want him to make noise talking all day on teamspeak, so he'd only be on occasionally. The day the boards went up and that undead rogue character sat at High Warlord remains, to this day, my most cherished memory in gaming. It is an unforgettable moment and feeling. Afterwards, my buddy let me use his rogue occasionally for world pvp. Having those high warlord daggers and running around Stormwind and Ironforge ganking all the poor flagged Alliance with another rogue buddy who was on our team provided the best 2 months of my gaming life. And then BC was released. I don't regret a damn minute of what it took to get there, though. Once in a lifetime experience. I am humbled in this life to have had the opportunity.

@aggilos9650 - 20.03.2018 13:04

Are you kidding vanilla pvp required more skill than any other expansion. Especially cc rotation with do’s rotations. A skilled player could take on 3-5 button smashers.
As for battlegrounds they released eight months after game launched and only 70% of players had even hit max level yet. The majority of players took 5-6 months to hit max level. It was a slow leveling grind in first form. So by the time battlegrounds released most players had only been max level for a month or two and still hadn’t ran all the max level five man dungeons much less raiding. World pvp took place in south shore, red ridge, black rock mountain, west fall, highlands. Basically major hour long pvp fights popped up anywhere both factions had quest locations and someone got ganked and announced it in world chat.
World pvp was Hey a level thirty got ganked post in world chat then some other show up to gank back and before long there was 50on50 or 80on80. It was a two to five hour brawl fest as some people left to keep leveling as new people logging on saw it in world chat and ran over to jump in. Most of that early world pvp had less than five max level players out of fifty or sixty per side. And ten to fifteen level four ties could drop a sixty so they where by no means gods in world fights.
Plus the battlegrounds had no timers no care bear crap. My longest AV I started on a Sat did about eight hours before wife made me get off. On Sun we had a family bbq didn’t get home until around 4pm. When I got on I clicked AV and it said in que for previous battle, about two minutes later I rejoined that same AV from Sat with my stats still saved kills, etc. I played for another eight hours both sides continuously summoning crap and pushing back and forth. I went to work Mon when I got home around 5pm I logged on back in previous bag que, got back in same game after ten minutes of questing. But my guild a pvp guild started logging on. And I looked at my AV que it was called AV 3. I told guild members and they qued for that AV (you could specifically que to join a friends bg and that would be the only one that popped guaranteed) within half an hour we had eleven guild members joined my AV. We played it together for about six hours. On Tuesday we got sixteen guild members on and nine hours later when we finally killed the horde commander and won. That’s four days and like thrity-one hours in one bag! They fights, team fights, two on two and three on threes, one on ones was epic. A feud could start with just two guys in field of strife and three hours later you would see like a horde guild and an alliance guild eight on eight in a corner of field of strife with others watching from outside the main fight. With light skirmishes taking place between the faction people watching the main event. Then the guardian comes stomping in and that’s that back to fourth on fourth again. Had a war song gulch that lasted five hours both sides got two caps in the first hour then went on hard core defense and three hours of fighting. Winning came down to the side to make the first mistake. If you got tired being there you had been getting honor rank the entire time you could leave and there was no penalty for leaving. You literally had these awesome conversations with other people talking about all the different fights and strategies used. People actually remembered names of the opposing faction. You fought a guy on day one and it was hours of epic 1on1 pvp against an opposing faction member then three days later you see each other on field of strife and just stop and dismount. You exchange a few emote greetings then square off for round two. Or in world pvp you run into each other again and you risk death fighting past enemies just to get at each other again weeks later. This is why WoW was so social friendly back then epic things happen people couldn’t help learning who each other was after weeks or months of world and bg confrontations you finally make characters on same server and ten years later still friends in real life playing all kinds of games together.
There was no cookie cutter specs so either you learned how to play your class or you sucked. Rogues would catch a warrior or paladin alone and they can’t win pure dps so it was cheap shots dps then a 4.5 sec gouge and run took seven seconds to leave combat and stealth. If the other guy was skilled he would finds ways to catch you if not rogue gets another round to try and finish you off. One on one fights could take several minutes with two skilled players. The unskilled got owned. Because there was no cookie cutter builds and dps was slow so you had to think about what ability to use based on what the other guy used and save other stuff for what they might use. Healing was good but mana would run out. So you might have to hit a healer for five min til their mana ran dry but their dps was slower than yours healers on beat noobs. Against a skilled opponent healers had to heal and run to a dps for help. Which is how it should have always been. Long fights made pvp more fun. AB your teammates call for help and you are fighting at a different node. You win your fight four or five minutes later and your teammates are still in that same fight so it was first team that could resolve one fight and run to help another. Vanilla and expansion two was the best versions of WoW pvp.

@vincetravis70 - 03.03.2018 02:50

Preacher. I missed out on wow as a kid but i bought a pc and played wow in 2017 and given my vast video game knowledge i was putting 2 and 2 together and wound up with wow having mostly dead content with no actual reason to do said content all the way to level cap no info was given on anything , why should i level ?? litterally nothing but they would say " end game content" . Well wheres the pregame? Wheres the mid game? My rouge 73 night elf sits there to this day after lfg dungeons growing dusty. I spend my time on a vanilla private server it has brought me frustration, but above that its presented me with challenge, its given me a platform to brainstorm ideas for. vanilla is every bit i had hoped it was.. but not the current version of wow.. i will not be swayed when i seek for my epic mmo journey. Id love to hear a comment back on this because you said " you should feel bad for enjoying it" because im baffled how ppl (let alone noobies for god sakes) continue to shit on vanilla when legion is a cash shop accessed thru a paywall ffs. Yours truley -a longtime wow fan, new wow player. Ps when i play legion its alone and boring tbh, but on vanilla i constantly seek out other players for tons of reasons, food, enchants, quest help,information etc and when i get a good item or something i jump for joy, but on legion its like really*yawn* guess ill equipt this thenn

@ottowalter3825 - 11.02.2018 18:12

just now watching this, so many salty vanilla fanboys in the comments lmao, get over it

@mandurilravenous5324 - 17.12.2017 14:00

who the fuck are u to say pvp WAS bad, it almost like u think pvp IS good today haha horrible video

@hackingSORRY - 12.12.2017 16:53

Dont listen to preach on this topic for PVP. please Urban Dictionary "Kuroma" he was a solo player DRUID who was GM for over 1 year on Daggerspine US. We had the best pvp server for a long time.

@jimmyjameslee7189 - 07.12.2017 22:31

I cant wait for this I didn't start playing wow til like 1 month before bc came out

@MrSkeezymak - 02.12.2017 22:47

The honor reward system was awful. If they dont change it at all for the classic server release, then everyone will be pigeon holed into PVE raids to gear up just to be able to compete.

@Maglouk - 29.11.2017 15:29

between raiding and fooling around in dungeons in vanilla,. we did some world pvp, and later AV, and about the rewards for pvp wasn't even on our minds, did a lot of stuff in vanilla purely becouse of the fun factor especially with guildies,. now I havent played WoW rescently but I did try legion briefly, and tried WoD aswell for a tiny amount so idk to much but, I feel like it's to much focus on getting rewards 24/7 atm, feels like im rushed into doing stuff only becouse of a random piece of equipment or gold nonstop, so whenever a activity gives less or nothing these days you won't do them,. and you forget whats actually fun to do for you, and just focus on the rewards

@jippy33 - 27.11.2017 13:22

The game today should be called something else to be honest, it is a completely different game.

@Roachehh - 20.11.2017 19:51

I actually despise vanilla players who constantly go on about how it was better simply because you know they are just ultra no life nerds that think time put into game equates to skill. They no longer feel like special snowflakes because they utterly no life wow. Fucking plebs.

@shotdoctor5869 - 18.11.2017 00:49

So much S keying.

@searcey - 16.11.2017 23:16

I remember being invited to join a world pvp raid on the barrens as a lvl 41 dwarf hunter. Two full raid groups invaded after a long ass haul across the world. Still my favorite WoW memory of all time and have been hooked since.

@DiscoFinalBoss - 16.11.2017 02:18

I loved world PVP, I'll take it over battlegrounds and especially arenas any day of the week. It's a shame it doesn't happen much these days.

@skeliskull - 14.11.2017 05:40

It's interesting how the music you used to associate with gamers/gaming used to be all metal/punk/heavy and now its all edm/trap/electronic-whatever.

@Nintendopilot - 14.11.2017 05:39

Too biased and bitchy.

@MozqMachinima - 13.11.2017 07:05

This video is so incorrect, when people talk about wpvp, it was tyrs hand, searing gorge flightmaster and so fourth. Thumbs down.

@Tenshin66 - 09.11.2017 17:53

A lot of stupid comments on this video

@Pvt-Lenny - 04.11.2017 23:20

World pvp didnt suck. It was just not rewarding enough in terms of Honor points compared to BG's. World pvp was still the funniest thing to do.
